It's Time To Democratize The Voting Slider To Help Retain New (And Valuable) Users

in steem •  7 years ago  (edited)

Whether people are generally aware or not, a great many minnows are dismayed that they are unable to interact as freely in the comments as they could with a voting slider.


I had to paste in the only character I remembered from the commercials...

This is a function that those of us with more SP take for granted, but there is absolutely no reason to keep this function locked at Doing so provably reduces engagement with the site, a critical problem as many users do not remain, and really serves no positive purpose that I can discern. Facebook surely would not limit your likes to 10 per day.


Exhibit A in the "not good" file.

There are exchanges like this all over the block-chain, and when I encounter them, I am forced to direct these minnows to

Currently, a minnow can use the voting slider at with no restrictions. It is also a much prettier and more robust tool, rendering the "Steemit More Info" tool unnecessary for determining your vote output total. This makes intelligently curating comments a much more user friendly affair.


Intuitive and obvious.

If the concern is that new users will be overwhelmed with too many options, or that users will be hurt by the "paralysis of choice" that a 100-integer voting option provides, then the solution is simple. Hide the option in the settings similar to NSFW posts, so that only intermediate or better users will find it. If that is not enough, make the function like delegation - downright user-unfriendly to activate, requiring a certain threshold of competency.

Or are we living in a self-perpetuating autocracy, in which the working classes...

Of course, that is assuming that the goal is not for me to direct people to use instead...

It isn't, is it?

I'm looking into mocking up functions that would allow this change at on Github. If anyone is familiar with the use and placement of the voting slider functions, please drop me a line in Discord at MSP/PAL.

If you have any additions or errata for this post, please let me know! I will see that they are voted to the top of the comments, and will make the appropriate edits (if possible).

Try SteemFollower today and get rewarded for every vote and follow!

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Almost 80% of Steemians do not vote! If you wish to make me your witness voting proxy, I will attempt to vote in Steem's best interest based on the information in my witness reports. You may set me as your proxy by clicking here and scrolling to the bottom of the Witness Voting page. Proxies are instantly revokable at any time.


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Special Thanks: @pandorasbox
Sources: Steemit, Github
Copyright: Sliders,, Steemit, Monty Python

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I think that's a very useful idea @lexiconical and I did my part to support you by upvoting this post on SteemFollower. We must do more to retain newer users sharing original content.

I was getting frustrated myself due to seeing the many copied and pasted articles doing so well on Steemit, while my work which I spent hours researching and writing them were pushed down under the flood of copycat fluff.

I'm glad we have the senior users and bots to try to stay on top of that. Let's let great original content shine!

"I was getting frustrated myself due to seeing the many copied and pasted articles doing so well on Steemit, while my work which I spent hours researching and writing them were pushed down under the flood of copycat fluff."

We all go through this phase. I've spent hours on a post that made 7 cents. You must remain persistent, network as much as possible, and continue producing quality if you wish to succeed.

Like anything else worthwhile, it's not easy.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I think you get the slide when you reach 500 steem power, at least that's when I got it.

To be honest up to about 500 sp, it's not like your vote is worth anything so I was never worried about it, I just upvoted anything I liked (symbolically) without caring much about my VP. It was always at around 10-20%... If I really liked something, I would just threw a Tip! to show my appreciation ;)

I think it's helpful to have the slider for new users. Seeing a lot of votes on a comment matters at least as much as it does on Reddit, where that is the main means of sorting content quality.

" I would just threw a Tip! to show my appreciation ;)"

Speaking of, thank you!

Wow...thanks for this post. I was not aware that the slider is available to those under 500 SP in busy. I, too, will direct people there to upvote. To me, this just makes sense...I dont know why the newer people are locked into having to upvote at 100% and drain their voting power. Sure it isnt worth much but at least if the reduce the VP, they can vote more.

And isnt that what is desired...upvotes for more people?

"And isnt that what is desired...upvotes for more people?"

I would have thought so, that and more engagement.

I've never been a fan of the argument that greater choice harms the chooser. Anyway, Steemit never listens to me. lol

Hah, yeah, but I guess we have to go on the record trying to ask, at least.

By using good-karma eSteem app even redfish can vote with slider.

Great point. And, you can get some nice votes too.

However, this only further highlights how much Steemit is lagging behind the other front-ends for Steem.

That makes absolute sense!

When I had less than 500 SP, i was really annoyed with steemit's limitation, until i once tried busy and to my surprise, slider was fully functional there!

Unfortunately I hadn't explored steemit's codebase to assist there.

And I LOVED your "Sliders series" reference, it was one of my favs !!

"And I LOVED your "Sliders series" reference, it was one of my favs !!"

I'm glad you got a kick out of it.

Are you aware it's one of the rare shows with a death on set? An interesting but unfortunate read on Wikipedia.

Yea it does bring out great memories, it was very futuristic, and i loved all those parallel universe ideas and mysteries back then, well, still do :P

And yea i kinda recall something on the news about an actor dying on set. Just looked it up again. Quite sad when such things happen on shows.

Very well said. I was talking about this in last post. Don't forget the minnows. Long live dude!

Thanks for the support!

I don't plan to use my slider for voting until my vote is worth something. voting that small leads to no rewards for either the voter or the publisher.

This is how I seem like a big fish here and get good curation rewards- my 12 cent vote shoots me to the top of many posts I vote for since everyone else dilutes their vote.

I do my comment votes at 50% though.

Thanks for a quick reply.

"voting that small leads to no rewards for either the voter or the publisher."

This argument is a mathematical non-sequitur. 1% of the vote = 1% of the rewards of a 100% vote.

You're selectively rounding down to make a non-point.

You're also ignoring the fact that placing many small votes shows others that you are reading and interacting with their posts, which is what many of these minnows want the slider for - not rewards. It's got nothing to do with rewards.

I'm not here to judge what they want it for, the fact is, many minnows want a slider and I did too when I had all my power delegated. I could no longer vote on people's comments to show them that I read, or mark them in my comment feed as "responded to" by voting 1%.

I tell people not to do that because they are diluting their impact - pick a more select group and reward them financially. I'm also sending this message to minnows who vote low on me now. I think I will get a good response.

Voting with 20% power on 50 sp is a waste of effort better placed elsewhere. This is one of the points on my long minnow tip post you saw earlier. Might as well be effective from day one.

My comments with no voting are appreciated more than votes with no financial value I think, so I focus there. We have less than 3 comments per post here so it's a good way to stand out.

"Voting with 20% power on 50 sp is a waste of effort better placed elsewhere. "

This is subjective. I consider the 100% vote rewards of even 500 SP trivial and worth ignoring, so this argument doesn't wash with me.

"We have less than 3 comments per post here so it's a good way to stand out."

When one gets 100s of comments a day, marking them with 1% votes (to also show minor appreciation for contribution) is my preferred method.

Furthermore, your method makes curating comment order impossible. Even 1% of 1 cent will order a comment below a 2% of 1 cent comment.

Well, you do not live in the 3rd world, so you have a different concept of relevant money than I do. I was raised by a scottish lady and learned to pinch the pennies to make the dollars count.

I hope I get 100's of comments one day! That would be a good problem to have. I was voting my comments at 65% but have now dropped to 50% because I get more, so I guess that is progress.

You're also ignoring the fact that placing many small votes shows others that you are reading and interacting with their posts

Hahahaha Look that you're hard to peel my steemed @lexiconical. I totally concur with @fitinfun here!!

The only way to show & prove that you are ACTUALLY READING an user post is by commenting. Commenting with meaningful, eloquent and coherent words close related to their content.

There is no way possible that a vote means or guarantee to anyone that you've actually READ their posts. Especially, when everyone and their cats here observe daily the increasingly awful and gross amount of blind & brainless votes casted & exercised by that same legion of illiterate Bots.

In my opinion, if you don't vote at full 100% of your VP at anything that you previously has read from top to bottom and you like what you've read. It's just a plain waste of everything!! }:)

"In my opinion, if you don't vote at full 100% of your VP at anything that you previously has read from top to bottom and you like what you've read."

This makes no rational sense whatsoever. Why should a user who reads 10 articles and a user who reads 100 be required to arbitrarily stick to the same number of votes per day?

So, what, you want to restrict what other users can do? You are against there being a vote slider for people who DO want to use it?

If so, you basically want centralized control over what others can do, and want to enforce that your way is the right way. That would mean you are in the wrong spot.

I notice that you like to use the word rationality very frequently and yet it looks like you find it very elusive. ;)

Why should a user who reads 10 articles and a user who reads 100 be required to arbitrarily stick to the same number of votes per day?

Please, Do not insist on confusing the word READ with voting. R-E-A-D is exactly what I DO!! And I READ way more than 100 articles daily. And only vote at full 100% all those that I like & support. And almost never I exhaust my voting power at all.

What you clearly must be doing is VOTE. And obviously through an army of Voting Bots behind you it is easier sprinkle atomized and insignificant votes to more than 1000 articles if you like. But the way you express yourself and approach this subject, there is no way you can convince me that you even read 10 articles thoroughly from top to bottom in a day. ¡No way! You clearly are busy engaged in other bizniz.

So, what, you want to restrict what other users can do?

No one wants restrict anyone from doing anything. With slider or without they can do whatever they please. But the MAIN THANG here is ¡R-E-A-D! before vote. And once they have done so, then consciously vote as they please. ¿Note the difference?

You are against there being a vote slider for people who DO want to use it?

I am against using tools BRAINLESSLY, UNCONSCIOUSLY, BLINDLY and without RESPONSIBILITY. And that's exactly what I observe every lazy-ass, illiterate bum with a few extra coins within their pockets, who clearly refuse to READ a damn in here, but even so, call themselves curators and always are quick to claim that they not have time to read but anyway they care the minnows and they always shows support to the community by simply rummaging that damn voting slider back and forth once they have obtained it.

If so, you basically want centralized control over what others can do, and want to enforce that your way is the right way. That would mean you are in the wrong spot.

There is ONLY one place to be in the wrong spot. And that is, when you are wandering around without have been turn on your brain once that you've gotten out of bed. }:)

I end up with about 10-16 votes a day and make them count as best I can - all the rest is commenting with no voting. I feel like people appreciate that and will continue this way for the time being. Once my vote is over $1 at 100% - I might think again.

I know people who vote many, many times a day - stay at 505 power maybe - and neither side gets a reward. I think the voter is wasting time and the author just shrugs when seeing the vote. No interaction at all.

Thanks for the boost. Loved your comment @por500bolos

"and neither side gets a reward."

The reward is mathematically proportional to your VP. Continuing to claim this is false and demonstrates a lack of understanding of the mathematical reality involved.

It is also 100% contradictory to the whole basis of your argument above of "monetary relativity":

"so you have a different concept of relevant money than I do."

Your argument is internally inconsistent.

You are very welcome my dear @fitinfun.

Yes! I guess that unless your full 100% vote gives at least $100.00 you won't need to think anything again. You are just using you VP as humanly & cleverly as it should be.

Smart comments, wise engagement and conscious interaction is the king here!! :)

great analysis thanks for haring your thoughts. I agree. But maybe they want people upvoting with all their power every time and not reduce it because that way people can vote on more stuff and it is better for quality that people vote with all their power on only the god stuff

"that way people can vote on more stuff "

I actually believe the slider would allow users to vote on more posts and comments, because they are (sort of) stuck doing 10 per day now (or else you lose your VP fast).

So, ¿what's the problem with losing their VP so fast? It's a total nonsense go spreading out there the double or triple of their daily voting capability with insignificant and ridiculous votes at less than 100% which not even reach $0.01 cents.

This is not a game to show recognition, appreciation and support distributing more votes without any monetary value. The only way to show the former, to a great author, is commenting. And voting when you have something of value to give them. And just like that, you as a curator will see your ROI increase both monetarily and in new followers who will potentially also vote you back with 100% of their human appreciation and monetary value. Capisci!! :)

"what's the problem with losing their VP so fast"

Simple, it restricts your options. You can no longer give a larger vote to a high quality post you come across.

"This is not a game to show recognition, appreciation and support distributing more votes without any monetary value."

Thanks for being the unelected arbiter of "what this is." What other insights do you have for us with no provided evidence?

"The only way to show the former, to a great author, is commenting."

I advocate this relentlessly.

" And voting when you have something of value to give them. "

Ah, so it is all about money for you, after all.

"And just like that, you as a curator will see your ROI increase"

If you believe this, you don't understand the basic curation formula. Weight of vote is a coefficient. 1x 100% vote is the same as 100x 1% vote, ceteris parabus. I spread a much larger net with my method, and whether you like it or not is irrelevant - you have no good reason to control my behavior, or in this case, the behavior of minnows who do not have a slider and explicitly are saying they want it.

Stop arguing against options for people. That's what statists do.

By chance, do you speak or understand Spanish? }:)

Yeah true, I don't understand the reason why they have a cap of minimum 450 SP to have a slider.

Arbitrary reason is probably "to avoid overloading new users".


Oh man they don't make shows like Sliders anymore :(

I'm not entirely sure that's a bad thing...though I too miss a cheesy sci-fi show or Quantum Leap.

If its available in other interface then why not on steemit? I'm not really rushing to have it but right now, im really low in voting power and I feel I could use that to upvote some real good posts.

I don't think there's any good reason that Busy has it and Steemit does not.

Thanks for looking out for us!!

I went to - How does one get the slider?

I agree with you that the slider would be a useful tool.....and I would definitely like to give a %age of an upvote to many more people.

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

- Mahatma Gandhi

It's hard to get anything started, otherwise.

Definitely worth an upvote and a resteem :)

Thank you!

To be honest it is require for a new user. Rest history will create

Great job my dear of luck.

This is a useful post! Thank you.

This post has received a 22.67 % upvote from @buildawhale thanks to: @lexiconical. Send at least 1 SBD to @buildawhale with a post link in the memo field for a portion of the next vote.

To support our daily curation initiative, please vote on my owner, @themarkymark, as a Steem Witness

Good job.resteemed

Good job! Thanks to @martin.mikes you have planted 0.05 tree to save Abongphen Highland Forest in Cameroon. Help me to plant 1,000,000 trees and share my Steem Power to the others. Selfvoting is prohibited, but that should be the reason to spread the world to protect our precious environment. Check out profile of our conservation association @kedjom-keku and the founder/coordinator @martin.mikes to get more information about our conservation program. My current SP is 14272.83. Help me to plant more trees with your delegated SP.

Thanks a lot,
your @treeplanter

I am not sure, how serious Steemit is about the improvement, but may soon take over Steemit looks like. They already published their new site. And even they have a bot, which rewards.

I’ve read through several of your articles now. You have identified some of the same gaps here that I have been noticing.

Personally, I considered putting up some posts about them, but I realize that a platform like Steemit is relatively new. There are some bugs and flaws, people posting poor content, bad bots, and such.

We can only hope the hard working, good content providers will prevail and this will become the community it was envisioned as. Until then let the free market weed out the abuses.

What the heck before this post I didn't even know about a vote slider and still am wondering what the hell have I been missing. I only get the option to upvote and thats it I am not great with computer talk or tech language and never tried so this idea of a vote slider is new to me and I feel like I have been ill informed I think this should be a part of for sure any info on how I can get this would be great.

I currently use The Steemit More Info Chrome Extension by @armandocat here
I wonder is this something that could be easily added to this extension?

I simply love your articles, what great content and quality of posting you offer the community here on Steemit and abroad.

Thanks a lot :)

Currently, a minnow can use the voting slider at with no restrictions.

Many thanks for taking the time to create this post!
I learned a few things!

While I like the slider, I’m not really sure how much of a difference it would make in the value of the up vote, if one’s power is worth a penny.

assuming that the goal is not for me to direct people to use instead...

Sometimes, I wonder how invested the developers are in this platform. I mean, their suggestion box runneth over.

Speaking of, it might be cool if a developer built an app for a suggestion box, doing a weekly update/post on community suggestions.

Help, Help I'm Being Repressed! Monty Python

It took me a while to remember these characters, even had to look at the credits to go, oh yeah…Monty Python, of course.

I'm looking into mocking up functions

Your efforts are not unnoticed. Know that the community is encouraged by the work you’re putting into making this platform better. For that, allow me to offer a token of gratitude with a tip! .05


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment