RE: We are Making Good Progress

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We are Making Good Progress

in steem •  5 years ago 

Who are some of these "community" witnesses you speak of and how long have they been part of the "community"? Why would you trust them to run the blockchain in a decentralized way?

2 days
March 2020

2 days
March 2020

39 days
February 2020

In many ways they look very similar to the sock puppets you have in place.

Can you clarify who the world class team is since the Steemit, inc employees quit? How well does that team know the Steem codebase? What experience do they have with it?

violated the terms of condition of

Can you clarify what section was violated? I can only think maybe 14.1.1:

14.1.1. Use of our Services in any manner that could interfere with, disrupt, negatively affect, or inhibit other users from fully enjoying our Services, or that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the functioning of our Services in any manner;

But that seems like quite a stretch.

united we stand, divided we fall.

United we stand on the Hive blockchain. Divided you fall on the Steem blockchain which you yourself destroyed with your sybil attack.

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So Stinc asks " Would any commercial website support a post that encourages all users to migrate to another one? "

My response to Stinc "Like how you came to STEEM and told us we are moving to Tron" ?

Why is it okay if they do it but not anybody else?

Also Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Wordpress... Pretty much every social media I can think of, allow this completely.

So given they are asking a question, the answer is 'yes'

Why are you still here? Just leave if you're unhappy, easy solution.

Why are you still here?
Just leave if you're unhappy,
Easy solution.

                 - octalmage

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Ergo decedo much? Thanks to the internet, we now have Hive as an option, but that doesn't justify or excuse Justin's shenanigans here.

Well yes, that hit‘s the nail very good.

I think TRON has a confusion with the meaning of "Community Witness". A community witness is a independent witness who is voted by the community after showing he/she/they is/are trustworthy. A community witness is not a randomly picked witness from the community and voted up by an entity with a large wallet.

And @zzan.witnesses, to some extend account date does matter regardless of who is maintaining the actual witness server. If @ayogom is now maintaining the witness server for another group, this means his witness's philosophy and purpose would be different from the previous witness he was maintaining. So trusting his previous witness does not necessarily mean we have to trust the new one. We can only trust his technical ability to maintain the witness server but not necessarily trust the actual the new witness activities.

That's not even remotely true. Most of the consensus witnesses had their spot because of one dude, Freedom.

Who's still convinced JS places any value on the community or steem token at all?

My opinion: He's been trolling the community from day one. He thinks the STEEM community are nothing but squatters on a domain/platform he hopes to transition to Tron. He's getting exactly what he wants. The peasant revolt will continue post fork, and give him the premise he needs to finally detach from the steem blockchain, swap the steem tokens for tron tokens, and airdrop the ninjamine on his tronnics.

Sometimes, when you realize you are talking to a wall (to be polite), it is just much better to turn around and focus all your energy on new "hive" ventures.

14.1.1. Use of our Services in any manner that could interfere with, disrupt, negatively affect, or inhibit other users from fully enjoying our Services, or that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the functioning of our Services in any manner;

wouldnt this include?

  • an announcement of a token swap out of the blue
  • promising to meet with the Steemthat Was Witnesses, then voting them out instead...
  • ...and in order to vote them out, using an unethical alliance with exchanges, who were supposed to be holding user balances, not using the balances themselves
  • censoring posts that disagree with you, or that discuss forking the blockchain
  • being general dishonest thieves

because that seems exactly like what @justinccp and his carny huckster frontmen aredoing

[edit - self vote for visibility]

The date the account was created doesn't matter.
This account was created recently, but I, who manages this account, has already run a witness node for about a year. (@ayogom)

Thank you for commenting. I appreciate these new accounts may be run by people with experience on Steem. What was the highest rank you got as a witness? Were you a consensus witness? The point of my questions is to ascertain how much "community" token support you actually had prior to Tron taking over the chain.

Further, if you value blockchain technology and the decentralized consensus mechanisms that secure it, why would you put your support behind someone who is comfortable sybil attacking a blockchain? This goes against the very purpose of blockchain. Unless you can explain that to me, IMO, it invalidates you as being a witness anyone should ever vote for. It seems to me you don't understand what a blockchain is if you're okay with it being centralized.

If my memories are correct, my personal ranking has risen to 45th. I'm now a consensus witness.

Of course, I think blockchain should be decentralized.
So it's a pity for you to move to Hive. Through the separation of powers, we must check each other.
However, we tried to find a consensus on each other to narrow our position several times, but we couldn't find a conclusion.

Of course, I think blockchain should be decentralized.

Then why do you support Justin Sun who did the exact opposite to Steem and centralized it?

If regular token holders not using exchange stake or Steemit ninja-mined stake only supported you up to position 45, doesn't it seem a bit odd that you're now in consensus? Doesn't that seem like centralization if one person can do that?

I don't understand how you can come to consensus with someone who thinks it's perfectly okay to centralize and control, as a single individual, a blockchain.

I think we already have different opinions.

I don't want to persuade or explain you.

My support for Justun Sun was due to a funding freeze at 0.22.4444.
Because I also think that's not right with the blockchain spirit.

But I still love blockchain, and I can smile and cheer for you who are leaving.

Good luck!

Having one vote put you in the top 20 while the actual consensus witnesses move off site doesn't exactly make you a consensus witness, but if it makes you feel important, then good job. Who's a good boy?! You are!

If you Support Sun, you don't support decentralization. It's not just about Steemit, either. Meanwhile, on his own platform, he let his buddy CZ become NUMBER ONE SR by SEVERAL BILLION. Decentralized Internet, my ass. I'm supporting the little guy.

It's a pity you fail to see how unethical Justin is but hey, maybe one day you will realize you're shooting yourself in the foot. The best term I have for him is snake. He belongs in the scam section of bitcointalk

Unethical. Hes the biggest name in blockchain and does a tonne for the communities he's previously invested in. Tron runs great, BitTorrent is booming. Some of us actually like Justin and dont appreciate the unfounded accusations of scam for wanting to grow steemit from the dead shithole it had become.

I can see how you would be blind to his wrong doings because he's done a few good things. They are not unfounded accusations. He called existing witnesses hackers, and if you think the way in which he tried to take over top witness positions, using exchange funds and sock puppet accounts was ethical, then you are sadly mistaken. It's not unfounded that what he did was unethical. Nor is it unfounded that what he's doing is very scammy, shady, snakey stuff. Some of us don't appreciate the unfounded sybil attack that literally took place. Let's not forget that his shady business practices is what started this, regardless of what his intentions are/were. If you ask me, Bittorrent and tron are shitholes. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but a fact is that what he did was indeed unethical.

BitTorrent and tron have been steadily growing while steem sat stagnant. As someone participating in the tron community I see alot more progress. Dont be ignorant. Softforking his stake was unethical.

You are still blind to see the bigger picture here. Steem became stagnant because of bad ownership (Ned & Dan) but at least they understood what decentralized meant. The screen shot below screams red flags. You are being ignorant and closed minded. I don't care for Tron, and BitTorrent has always been shit in my opinion, but to change the ToS to state I am not allowed to promote third party websites OR eachother without justins permission? What kinda centralized censored north korean bullshit is that? While I realize it probably won't be strictly enforced, it's a massive red flag. Wake up. Justin is here to finish steem off once and for all.

It was always centralized though, that's just DPoS. As Aggroed said, he was the only consensus witness that got there without @freedom's vote. Justin or Freedom, either way, no witnesses were picked by the "community" but by a plutocracy of few very influential individuals that decide who is or isn't a witness. The little people might have had a smidge of an effect.

I'm not on Justin's side, but I get sick of the BS. All of this DPoS stuff is centralized. Its a step in the right direction, but if I am to have faith in Hive I need to see changes to how witnesses are selected and I need to see a change away from a plutocracy. I'm waiting to see that, until then, my faith in either chain is gone and I'm stuck believing in just BTC and ETH.

I hope the best for both chains. I hope Hive goes well, and I think it would be cool to see these two chains experiment with wildly different designs and see what the global population thinks about the two different paths.

BUT I will say, major props for being opposed to the blacklist. That shit is stupid. I actually defended the right of the devs to do it in a comment, because, well, no one has a right to have coins on a new network if the founders don't want them to have it. But I still think it is a bad PR move.

Yeah, bad PR move, but you're right, it's all voluntary and no one is entitled to anything.

I need to see changes to how witnesses are selected and I need to see a change away from a plutocracy.

Have any ideas? I've been working on blockchain governance stuff for a couple years now with eosDAC, EOS Foundation, and such. It's not an easy problem to solve. Easy to critique and complain about, difficult to make better. Most solutions not fully thought out fail due to sybil attack.

What I feel is the most fair thing to do is have network influence be based on stake length *stake amount. This allows for someone with 50k HIVE to have the same influence over the network as the person with 500K HIVE if the person with 50K HIVE is willing to stake for 10x the length of time.

The Polkadot blockchain is implementing this design for on-chain governance, and I think its a great way to do it. This allows people to have a larger share in decisions if they are willing to stick it out longer. I believe it would be good for the price too, because I bet you'd find a lot of people locking up their HIVE for years in order to have more influence.

Not a bad idea!

Your a real life traitor, that is actually the fitting word. One that can usually only be found in movies, but here you are.

Give 'em hell Luke!

lolzzzz, how does that feel :)

Freedom feels good. Tell us, how does slavish devotion to overlords feel?