The Waiting Game

in steem •  4 years ago  (edited)

It's been very frustrating having to wait for y military service for many months now. It's been getting postponed for one reason or another, and it's very difficult seeing the time passing by and not having even started the 27-month program.
So I have turned to do some activities while waiting, one of them is just to bike and go places with my friend Navid and his brother Nima.

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Last Friday we went to a small stony mountain near our city called ''Ghaleh sang''(It means Stony Stronghold). Apparently many years a go our ancestors had used this mountain and made a stronghold around it.
The buildings are mostly ruined but the city hall has been trying to start rebuilding the place.

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The night before our ride, a very heavy rain had taken place and little we knew that a very muddy and sticky path was waiting for us right near to our destination. After biking for almost 90 mins on the road we started to find a way through all the mud and water before us!

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The mud was all over our bikes, to the extend that the wheels were not turning anymore and we had no choice but just carrying the bikes on our shoulders while walking in the mud. I'm not gonna lie but i was really enjoying it since I knew this would be a great story to tell. :D

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Once we got to the mountain we found a spot to just sit and chill for bit, and just to enjoy the clear beautiful weather after a heavy rain.
Then, our crazy Navid pitched the idea to do a head stand at the top where there's a solid chance of getting hurt by making a smallest mistake.
But, knowing my friend, I knew he's gonna do it no matter what.
So we found a spot where he can be safer and next thing you know this guy was on his head. I'm too much of a wus to do that on a mountain! :D

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After that, we chilled a bit more and did some biking on the rocky mountain and headed back home. I think I will need to do more adventures like this to just distract myself while waiting for my service. :)

Thank you for reading this.

Peace! <3

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