Bitcoin, EOS & Ethereum SURGE! Are The Days of Altcoin 10x Returns Back?

in steem •  5 years ago 

what's going on guys crypto dunker here,welcome back to the channel so in, we have a lot of exciting,things to discuss over the weekend as,many of you saw Bitcoin briefly breached,the key psychological resistance point,of 10,000 u.s. dollars and it looks to,be in the start of a new cycle right now,not only Bitcoin but the all coins as,well so perhaps the days of the Bulls,the ridiculous price prediction the,euphoria are back guys so we're gonna be,doing a lot of technical analysis in,today's article is about not only Bitcoin but,all the important all coins as well to,keep your eye on back to the days of the,10x 100x returns really exciting stuff,guys let's not push it off any further,let's dive right into it let's first,start by taking a look per usual at the,

Bitcoin charts and we see here it's too,soon to call a breakout just yeah let's,not get way too far ahead of ourselves,yes the coronavirus helped us that,sounds really bad I know but you guys,get my point,and yes various other geopolitical,factors are working in our favor right,now they always work in favor for,Bitcoin but we still haven't had a,confirmed breakout above 10,000 this is,why a big part of technical analysis you,wait for a confirmed breakout for a,close above 10,000 before you really get,eager and before you really set your buy,orders and as you guys can see if you,bought here you got kind of wrecked at,least in the short term because it,appears this may have been a fake out,but if we look at the longer-term,pattern here it's really nothing out of,the ordinary,this entire climb here has been Rises,followed by a minor pullback another,rise a minor pull back and another rise,and it looks to be so far a minor,pullback now of course no one knows what,could happen it could correct down even,further,but so far it just looks like a minor,pullback and this up trend is continuing,on now that's how things look for,Bitcoin at the moment let's take a look,

at some Alkaline place cuz I know it's,been so long guys so long since we have,had a legit altcoin cycle and many of us,are holding backs I've been waiting a,long time for this so let's take a look,at some players so let's take a look at,aetherium first very important one the,theory I'm like,however unfortunately we're at a key,level of resistance once again so we've,seen here many times in the past and,around this zone it's often encountered,resistance it couldn't get past it here,here here and it looks so far as it's,gonna get rejected let's say at two,hundred and twenty dollars right now the,good thing here though is the market,fundamentals look good,obviously the geopolitical factors are,working in our favor and it appears the,altcoins are starting to outpace Bitcoin,as well I mean if we go back here and,look at coin market cap we see that the,usual pattern is starting to appear as,Bitcoin goes down the alts go down more,but the last few days as Bitcoin goes up,the all coins go up even more so that's,the usual sign of an all coin cycle guys,and we also see you know Bitcoin,dominance finally starting to fade a bit,we're back down to sixty three point six,percent at one point it was all the way,up near 70 percent so early signs of an,altcoin cycle could mean a theory and,breaks past this of course it depends on,

what Bitcoin does to but it should a,theory and break past this point right,here well there's really not much,resistance for a long time guys because,it had such a steep significant drop we,could see just the opposite going back,up this is crypto things change in a,heartbeat so all we can really say about,aetherium so far is keep an eye on this,level of resistance now let's move over,to our favor on this channel which is e,o s-- a couple things i want to point,out on eels on both the USD chart and,the BTC chart on the BTC chart we're at,a pretty steep level of resistance,although we've kind of broken past this,guys if I redraw this line here we're,gonna see that we are we're past this,point right here and then it just,depends I think if we can come down,garner support but again you know we're,at another point of resistance which is,the big even of 5,000 Satoshi so the,lots going to depend on if we can break,past this kind of zone right here,heõs tells the same story as aetherium,basically on the USD chart guys for a,

long time a very long time $5 to $5,range was a key level for us a key level,of support and a key level of resistance,we pull up the candle from yesterday we,see we briefly did get above five,dollars five dollars and three cents was,our high but then we had a short it was,short-lived we had a steep correction,after that now I want to zoom out a bit,and show you guys basically the,longer-term chart for us as you guys can,see here this five dollar range right,let's say between four dollars and fifty,cents and five dollars and fifty cents,this range has been a very very key,level for us for a very very long time,now I'm just gonna pull up this right,here and we see for much of its history,you know it got support right here it's,bent like a good let's say from August,all the way to on November it's been a,good at least three months there and,then on our way back up you know we,didn't stay out like you know the lower,amounts for very long we briefly got,above we didn't stay at the higher,amounts for very long either,we keep hovering in this five dollar,range and if we go above it or below it,we seem to always come back here now one,thing to keep your eye on for ego so,that the other off points don't have the,launch of voice it's coming soon in just,four days now four short days we're,gonna have to launch a voice however you,feel about it,it is promising in the sense that we've,had all this hype around it for such a,long time and it's finally going to get,launched,and according to block one there's,already tens of thousands of users,signed up for the beta now what's even,better though is once we if let's say,voice takes us past this and personally,guys I don't think voice has been priced,in just yeah I don't think there's that,much hype or exuberance about voice that,this rally right here was due to it I,think this was just due to the general,market going up in general but if a,voice launches a success you know we,could very well break past a very key,level of resistance and then head on,towards new highs so yoson aetherium,

we're telling us very similar story guys,we're just at key pivotal points right,now,Bitcoin aetherium NGOs are all telling,us this let's briefly take a look at,some others let's take a look at X RP,will do it just the x RP big,when comparative right here um there's,uh okay we see the same story with XRP,guys it's stuck between two moving,averages right now it's looking for a,breakout if you can get this much need,to breakout well let's see that would be,the first time since since all the way,back in January of 2019 that we've been,above these moving averages so even that,would be major for XRP um a couple of,really is smaller ones I want to take a,look at before we wrap up this video,let's take a look at Tasos nassos for,whatever reason guys if any of you out,there knows is familiar with tasers or,the tasers community for some reason,hazel's has been on absolute fire I,don't know if the fundamentals just look,really good I don't know if you know,they announced a new partnership look at,what Tasos is doing against bitcoin guys,um and it's broken past the resistance,it could definitely get to all-time,highs very soon so this is really,exciting stuff to see um so uh that's,

pretty much basically all the all coins,I wanted to cover for today's video,there are obviously a lot more pics a,lot more players so if you guys would,like to me to cover any other ones,definitely let me know in the comments,but the main point I want to leave you,with guys is that we're just on the,verge here and we've spent a long crypto,winner,obviously Bitcoin had a decent year last,year but if you're an all coin holder,it's been especially brutal the last,couple years for those of you who didn't,sell for those of you who huddled on and,believed this whole time perhaps we'll,finally see our reward and not for every,all coin unfortunately but for those,that have true fundamental value you,know the EOS is the theory UM's the,Tasos is you know the V Chains right and,there's many others so you know don't,get personal if I didn't name your,Parrish personal personal favorite one,however for those of you who held on who,believed in this technology I think,we're about to get rewarded here and,it's not financial advice but you know I,truly believe this is the start of the,new four-year cycle we just saw,

coronavirus is obviously having a,positive effect on the market however,don't forget we also have the halving,coming up it's just less than three,months away guys so there's a lot of,exciting things coming and even for me,personally on this channel while we were,in that brutal bear market I spent a lot,of time just trying to make videos about,the technology about all the other,exciting developments in the crypto,space but of course it's always fun,always nice to see the price go up as,well let's not deny that and so let's,enjoy this ride guys so that's it for,

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