The Steem Coin Design

in steem •  9 years ago  (edited)

We need to have a steem Symbol!

By having a Steem and Steem Dollar Coin Symbol, we can create more visibility and awareness for the big steps the Steem community made in its early stages. By co-creating a "Collectors item Symbol" Steem and Steem dollar coin we create a new symbol that resembles strength that Steem and Steem Dollar is showing at the moment. Currently Steem is growing in a steady pace towards $3,5 - 4 per Steem coin, and the Steem (backed) Dollar already shows in its early stages that it can fulfils its promises with backing the Dollar at a stable rate of 1:1.

Therefore Steem is at the moment on the 3rd position on behind two major other crypto currencies; Ethereum and Bitcoin. Like most of us know these two crypto coins do have there "own" or several different crypto coin designs that are used in blogs and posts around the world to emphasizes its power.

Next to that It would be nice for the steem community and Steem / Steem Dollar owners to have there own "collector items" of Steem and Steem Dollar coins to display there share in the community of Steemit.

Since we are a community I think it's a good idea to create a coin that resembles the strength like mentioned above together. So why not start a organised curated session where we as Steemit users can submit and curate the design (ideas). Together we can then use the Steemit system to come to a stunning final design that we can render out and use to promote Steemit and maybe even turn them in to real life collectors items that can be bought.

The Concept:

I started with the sketch design of the STEEM coin and gave it a nonagon shape (9 sides). I have done this with the idea in mind that Steem wants to encourage long-term growth, it is hardwired to allocate 9 STEEM to Steem Power (SP) stakeholders for every 1 STEEM it creates to fund growth through contribution incentives. The lines on the face of the coin are representing the network / community interacting with each other.

Detail of the render

So to say work in progress, but since it needs community input I decided to upload it in an early stage. Feedback and co-creation would therefore be a great since together we can achieve way more and create a big impact. Next to that I also want to make the first sketches of the Steem Dollar, using the old USD format and sizes with beautiful Steemit artwork on one of both sides, but also this can be included in to the

Feedback, ideas and discussion:

1.) How we can make a more awesome Steem and Steem Dollar Coin Symbol?
2.) Share your own design(s) in a response below.
3.) Giving your opinion and feedback matters, this so I can update the design.

Hopefully we are able to come to a final design soon!

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Keep it coming




Wow, well done man! Thanks for putting in the effort!

As long as it's not round. I absolutely love the geometric form it's taking at the moment. This is evolution on a monumental scale and speed.

Thanks I will keep the updates going.

Awesome cheers! Exciting to watch this all happening.

Oh one other thing. I'm not crazy about the symbol being on top of the lines. Perhaps the symbol should be inside a separate, smooth, inset polygon.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

I personally wouldn't give steem coin that classical "familiar" gold coin look that is made out of a "Earthly" ore, since steem represents for me a very special cryptocurrency and I see it differently. Anyways this is my take on the style of the coin.


I would go with this color scheme, a bit more technological, "cyber" like modern look of the coin that represents it as a cryptocurrency and not a "classical" currency.

Sorry for bad photoshop, I made this in like 5min's really qick just so that you can get a visual on how I think steem coin should look like. I would appreciate if you could do a render in this color scheme! I almost forgot to say Awesome work man keep it Up!!!

Wow Thanks! Not a problem at al you took the time to actually give me a different kind of look and feel. Maybe I should present this one together with other color schemes. This helps a lot! Once I get more feedback I will go back to the drawing table and see what I can do with your and the feedback of others.

Very nice!


I'm not a painter, so try to explain my design with words :-)
What do you think of octogon shape, eg like this:

with holes in the middle in the shape of Steem logo

Thanks! Could also be a good one to go with. Al designs and ideas are welcome I will see if I can combine them or make separate designs to later choose from if there is enough animo since designing the coin above took me already allot of hours to get. Never the less i think its worth it and needed as a good symbol.

Interesting symbology, but what would you put on the flipside? Most coins have a symbol on one side, and some form of royalty or important historic figure on the other. It would be weird for Steemers as cryptocurrencies are more about privacy than knowledge...

A reference to Satoshi Nakamoto perhaps?

Thanks. The flipside is open for suggestions I was thinking to aks other to come up with steem (vector) artwork that could be implemented on the back. For example using this awesome piece:

But like said I'm open for ideas, this is mainly to keep the steem going when it comes to a "final" Steem and Steem Dollar Coin Symbol.

Very good, I thought about the other side of the coin as well. And I think it should represent the opposite of the front: the organic, the dirty and assymetrical. Celtic knots, vines and old trees. Make it look as if it were coined in a medieval forge.


I'm more of a libertarian, but it seems appropriate :-)

Lol, I think if you want to find it there is a A like this to find somewhere in the coin face networking lines.

I like the concept, but i think all the diagonals make the design to busy. I think something more simplistic would look alot better....Also the gold takes it away from the base of it's perception. But i like the idea and i know if any improved designs went to market i would buy a few for sure. Just saw this i like that one ..awesome!

Thanks, and noted will take that info for the next round of designs.

you need to add the letter S, like Superman :))

hahah no S, like Steem ;)

S=steem :)


Thanks for your support!

Nice animation of a coin :)

dat pretty dope.. maybe one of the steem streams could have be a more of a metallic colored gold. U know, just a little more shiny.

Thanks, you mean one (or more) of the lines on the face of the coin could have a more shiny metallic Colored gold?

I'd like to see a round version if possible! :)

I'm currently working on a round version, but I want to use this for the Steem dollar. Since the shape of this coin comes from the concept:

"I started with the sketch design of the STEEM coin and gave it a nonagon shape (9 sides). I have done this with the idea in mind that Steem wants to encourage long-term growth, it is hardwired to allocate 9 STEEM to Steem Power (SP) stakeholders for every 1 STEEM it creates to fund growth through contribution incentives. "

Awesome, how much does it cost to mint them?

I do need to do more research to know exact prices, but what I could find was (in The Netherlands) is that it would cost 150 - 300 euro's per side (so 600 euro's for 2 sides) to make the mould that is used to press the coins. Then there is a fee per coin depending on your size and materials and shipping costs. Often there is a minimum of 100 - 250 coins per order.

  • 600 euro's for 2 sides
  • mint costs
  • silver, copper, bronze, plated... ?
  • how many steem on it
  • your gain
  • shipping costs & tax

final price?
Good luck with the project/sale

I'll not buy this, I don't consider steem good for collection as a physical coin like casascius, lealana, cryptoimperator ...

It is very necessary thing for the promotion of Steem.
We are waiting for the final result.

I thought so to! To bad it misses lots of attention on steemit.


Nice design concept


That's pretty blingy :) Personally, I'd like something simpler and more elegant. But really cool render!

Do you have some examples so I know what you would seem a good / better design for the steem coin. Maybe I can use this as a reference !

21st century gold , keep your hands clean your pocket full .

Gold fever!


Is there any physical coins on the market like cacasius yet?

I don't think there is any other, but as a "collectors item coin" and as a symbol coin / icon coin (even as a 3d render). It can have a lot of impact since you see them often being used next to articles or in posts, blogs symbolising the coin they are talking about. So even if it would be only a collectors icon with no real Steem value or a 3D rendered symbol that can be used for PR purposes. I think it would help the Steemit community ether way.

here are a some efforts on the same subject...

Thanks again. Hope this article also gets picked up, and that people will interact more on it like the link you provided. Thanks for your input!

\ (•◡•) /

Yes STEEM must have its own coin and coin logo as STEEM is in Top 04 Crypto currency and hop it will be in Top 03 after some time.

9 sided polygon though. That is PERFECT. It ties in so well with the 3 STEEM stripes, and it is extremely unique. I don't think I've ever seen a coin or logo with a 9 sided polygon. Love that aspect.

Will you please notify us here when the next version is coming? Or perhaps there is a unique hashtag for the project?

Thanks again for your hard work. This is gonna be epic!

For the coin to have value, it needs an individual ID directly onto each coins that relates to the steem blockchain. If not, it's only a casino chip...