Dancing with a Bear - Thoughts on Steem's Future

in steem •  6 years ago 
I sincerely doubt I'm alone in this opinion. It seems to me that the content on Steem since the price has gone down, has also declined in quality lately. Of course the best authors, the committed ones are still producing good content, but the one offs, those posts that would make me say - "Oh, I should follow this guy" - those are gone.

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I can't really blame people for giving up, its how the brain is wired to work. Most of us run some internal calculations and decide if something is worth our efforts or not. Currently, a whole week of Steeming is making me less than 100 USD. If you live in America, you are well aware that the number is really not that impressive, but at the same time one Benjamin is nothing I would just dismiss.

Just yesterday on our weekly meeting of @helpie I wanted to tackle the subject of perspective. To me, being aware of the fact that as much as we might believe ourselves to be in a terrible position, our opinion, our observation is by default myopic and it takes a little more effort to zoom out and see the bigger picture.

I guess I'm attempting to not only be sympathetic to those who rely heavily on their Steem income, but also be realistic about my own situation, revise my expectations and get ready for the changes that are always around the corner. In other words, complaining about the $100 I'm going to make is a) useless and b) insensitive - so I'll flex some mental muscles and hold on to sincere gratitude.

My current Mantra

"It's pretty fantastic to make some income from writing my ideas onto a blog, when I shared them for years without ever getting a penny from it."

Anecdote Incoming - Bear with me

On of the silliest stories of my time I can think of involves a former Argentinian President, who coincidentally served seven years in prison many years after his tenure. Some say he was just a useful idiot, and I have a hard time disagreeing with that assessment of the man if I'm to be honest about it.

Carlos Menem used to travel the Country quite a bit. He would talk to his constituency as a good politician should do, with heavily prepared speeches. In one of those occasions he mixed up the speech papers, meaning he read the wrong paper and the wrong place and proceeded to talk for an extended time to children about a rocket train that was sure to boost commerce.

In order for you to grasp what happened, attempt to picture the following: The president of Argentina is talking to a very impoverished group of children, that have possibly never seen a train, don't understand commerce in the slightest and without a doubt have never traveled outside the country.

There he is, attempting to sell the children the idea of supporting his efforts of building a train that would take people to japan in under an hour. It would allow for commerce to flourish, Argentinians to practice tourism and of course the opposite would be true as well. The children just sat there, not understanding a single word the President spoke, until he realized he was reading from the wrong paper.

Without missing a beat, grabbed the right one, and restarted his speech.

Important side note.- the train never became a reality

What's that all about?

To me, some whales voicing their concerns of the platform, even some witnesses sound at times like Menem. And I'm not saying this because I'm of the idea that Steemian whales are evil or anything that dramatic. I'm just attempting to point out my observations.

The political aspect of the platform is very thick, very present, and If I'm to be honest about it, it's not pretty. In many ways it emulates all the things I happen to not appreciate about traditional politics, and this realization is making me look at things with a different lens.

I think some of them would do much better if they would focus their efforts on garnishing the support of the "common man" sort of speak. Having a private position and a public one, is not really doing anyone any good. Cognitive Dissonance aside, it's hard for people to rally behind ideas that benefit the few.


Maybe you've heard the word before, specially after our 2016 elections here in the US, and the ramifications of the results. The truth is that it seems idealistic at best, but it's not necessarily something we should dismiss as useless.

the common or ordinary people, especially as contrasted with the leadership or elite of a political party, social organization, etc.; the rank and file. the agricultural and rural areas of a country. the people inhabiting these areas, especially as a political, social, or economic group.

I'm attempting to wrap my head around the idea for some time now. What would it take for us to embrace the right behaviors. For Steem users to get really involved in our politics, vote for the right witnesses, call out those who are not doing right by the platform. For investors regardless of wallet size to see the potential behind this idea, and not the myopic stance built on just today.

And... there is where I am. Attempting to juggle these thoughts in an effort to see if there is anything there, or we are all just dancing with a bear.

Other posts by yours truly

• Helpienaut Meeting 6/25/2018
• Posts by Author - A tool I absolutely love
• Time to Dolphin up! - Selling right now is quite stupid
• Escape Goats and Other Mythical Creatures - Code is Law
• The Iphone is not Wheel Proof, I call BS on Apple

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Great post @meno! New to following you, but you always seem to write "from the heart" with passion and sincerity. You just "lay it out" ...👍

A big "divide" perhaps in all those in our Steem Community would seem to be those attempting to support themselves with their involvement and those just contributing, as time allows ...

Please keep posting and "fighting the good fight" against garbage content and useless (or worse) bots (parasites?)!

Another 100% upvote => ~$0.10 (all I've got!) => to this month's "Benjamin" and resteemed to my "legion of followers" ... 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you rob!

Great post @meno, love the comparison to the bumbling fool Menem :-) Just a thought here, one you've become used to from me by now:

In many ways it emulates all the things I happen to not appreciate about traditional politics...

That was to be expected because... it's not politics but plain and simple economics. I say it in almost all my posts and all my reactions, and I'll keep saying it until people realize that everything they hate about politics and politicians is born from the mis-use of economical power and not political power. How can one be against politics or dislike anything in politics if politicians are coming from the people, chosen by the people to work for the people? That's what politics should be about in a democracy, but capitalist economics always, always mutilates it into a plutocracy where dollars and not the people do the talking and voting.

I can only hope more people see this and follow your lead, by not looking after themselves, but looking after the community they're an integral part of. Really, the only way you can do better yourself is if that community does better. The happier the community, the happier you can be, and not the other way around. Saying this, or acting like this now has a giant risk of being labelled a Marxist or Communist or even a plain old loser, I know. But I also know it to be the truth, so I don't care ;-)

Speaking truth is never pleasant, but that's exactly why its more valuable.

For investors regardless of wallet size to see the potential behind this idea, and not the myopic stance built on just today.

This is what it's all about. This place is an incredible and unique experiment, although difficult to sift through sometimes to find the juicy posts. Steemit isn't dead, just malnourished. We need to feed it quality ingredients to sustain it :)

complaining about the $100 I'm going to make is a) useless and b) insensitive - so I'll flex some mental muscles and hold on to sincere gratitude.

I have been making silly cover videos and original music since I was twelve years old - when I got my first recording interface. Posting for free has just been a reality. Shit, free downloads for my stuff has always been my reality (who wants to pay for downloads? I'm old fashioned, I'll sell physicals). Now, thanks to the open mic (and curie being way too generous <3) I've actually made some dough from posting. It's still fucking insane to me. And being able to learn about blockchain + crypto along the way has been a trip.

I'm definitely here for the long haul, especially given that exciting things appear to be happening in development... slowly, but they appear to be happening now. There's not a huge reason to worry - if the price of Steem is low, just think of it as being on sale :)

that's the perfect attitude brother... perfect

Still trying my best... It feels there are not that many people reading... posts doing one or two dollars, not complaining.... but "bearing". Usually some random vote rescue the votes (like yesterday's Serena's cover was curied and happy because that's for her too). A fellow artist (not naming) told me that posting here gives me a bad "image" well unlikely if what I'm sharing is genuinely mine this is a window just like any other...
More than the numbers I'm concerned about the decline of engagement because if you combine a lack of rewards with a lack of visibility (apparently) then the effort seems more in vain. Honestly I'm not that concerned about the numbers part, reaching this point, the only thing I can do is to trust and wait... and move forward.

active accounts have dropped in half... its our current reality my friend, but it does not mean we should stop.

As to your friend saying that, I would take the advice with a grain of salt, you've been quite successful on here and there is no denying that Pris.

Now that's a great post! Perhaps because Steemit means a million different things to a million different people, its never going to make everyone happy, but at least if we can all use some empathy to understand others perspectives, we at least have a fighting chance to continue to propser.
I hadnt actually noticed a decline in post quality, but notice a decline in the number of posts, but on the flipside of this, see a drop in the amount of crap being posted.
As for politics, I see far too much both of the actual realworld type and the internal niggly type. Unavoidab!e I guess but I would love to see the platform understand its global reach and be a more borderless society.
Throw in some secularity and i'll be a happy bunny.....until I find something else to moan about.
Really enjoying following you fella and I send my warmest regards and best wishes to your continued success.

I would love to see the platform understand its global reach and be a more borderless society.

that to me would be the ultimate triumph...

Thanks dear for this wisdom, steemit is loosing it value because wrong people are in the position of authority just like the formal Argentina president reading wrong speech to the children, the steemit guiding rules has been misinterpreted.

Some witness needed to be called back as most of them are only getting paid without doing anything, the whales too have lost the credibility some of them once has to ensure steemit is achieving her purpose.

The introduction of bidbots has caused lot of damage than good as well.

I think, the witness and everyone involved in decision making need to sit round the table and make a decision that would promote steemit.

I've stopped bringing in people to steemit, because it's no longer favourable to the new comers, I'm beginning to look like a liar since they find something different to what I told them about steemit and I don't want that to continue at least for now.

People are leaving the platform on daily basis and nobody seems to care.

My problem isn't with the temporarily lowered profitability of Steem, it's my irregular business cash flow that keeps me chasing fiat. If I had had the sense to cash out even 25% of my holdings during the bull run, I could have had the financial insulation to be very active on this blockchain during the off season...

Instead, I'm having to pursue new client projects in the offline world. I got too complacent about the great prices of January and missed out BIG.

I'll see to it that I never miss another bull run again! :-/

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I'm of the same mindset, when the new bullrun comes, I'll be cashing out my SBD's and preparing for the next bear market. This is a pendulum, and right now we are ripe for a swing to the upside.

I appreciate your feedback. The last bull happened so unexpectedly - and I was traveling - so I missed the optimal cash out window. From there, it was apathy and vain hopes during the gradual slide :O

Lesson learned!!

If we allow the value of what we're making off our content, to determine the value of our content, then we'll only get good content when the value of what compensates us is high. Take Napster for instance, and how the illegal downloads drove down the value of artist content. In the long run, this forced artists to make better content because people would spend money on what they actually liked/wanted. Unfortunately, I don't see the creators of content on steem mirroring Napster, and I think it's because we aren't a bunch of rich musicians who could afford to lose a little dough on their music (in some cases a lot of dough). Well the steam whales could afford to lose some of their steemit and still be fine. I could also lose my steem, as I have a whole whopping 20.00 after creating content for almost a year. I guess that's part of the problem too, is that creating something, putting in some effort, and not getting paid for it are disheartening. But, your point about creating free content for ever is very apt. Just because I share a doodle, a drawing, or a song I made, does that really mean I deserve compensation for it? The simple answer, is No.

I think creators have an emotional need to create... at least I do, I've been sharings songs and thoughts for over a decade, making money or not never truly stopped me from doing so. Its for me, its because it feels right to work on understanding my own mind.

I suspect you would identify with that thought too.

I too feel an emotional need to create and express myself through different mediums and artistic endeavors. I have rhythms running through my head that are expressed by a daily barrage of beat boxing, guitar playing, doodles, and making goofy faces...all of which I do for free, and for the enjoyment of those around me.

I absolutely 100% agree! The idea of making any kind of income from sharing my photography and daily activities is just amazing to me!! To me this place isn’t about the money as much as seeing all the awesome art here!!! I like to look at today’s low prices as a way to power up!! I was here when Steem was .17 cents and hopefully I’ll be around when it’s worth $100!

me too bud... me too... today i crossed the dolphin mark, finally!! here is to the the next 5k SP!

Mannn i really thought dolphin status was at 4k... i guess i have another 1k to go :/

People will be people, no matter what. That's why masses psychology work that well.

Tell me who your friends are, and I will know who you are.

that saying will never grow old....

Ya bro its your amazing thinking