Lesson learned from movies

in steem •  7 years ago 

White-collar criminals are the most powerful criminals. From Wall Street to Bay Street, to international investors and politicians, people in high places of power can create more chaos and impact your family in a much more negative way than your average criminal. Thus, education and working your way up into the upper echelons of society is a life lesson that you must adhere to if you want to become successful and powerful. The average street criminal is not glorified in the grand scheme of things. “The lawyer with the briefcase can steal more money than the man with the gun.” Mario Puzo, The Godfather
Michael: My father is no different than any powerful man, any man with power, like a president or senator.
Kay Adams: Do you know how naive you sound, Michael? Presidents and senators don’t have men killed.
Michael: Oh. Who’s being naive, Kay?

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