Polo troll box and Steem

in steem •  8 years ago 

It may come as a surprise to many of you but a lot of people trading in polo don't know about steem even if it is shown high on coinmarket cap..Maybe it is worth dropping some lines there about steem..

I did my part so thank you for your upvotes :)

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btw: why pklo didn't add steem.

There needs to be a critical mass of 'token add' requests (https://poloniex.com/coinRequest)

Upvoting just because I know you are worth your word. But from now on screenshot or.it didnt happen!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

The best way to go about it is to post links relevant to coins traded there. Dan's DAO or Lisk posts, tuck-fheman's Qora thread, anything original in #crypto-news #cryptocurrency or #bitcoin. Don't make it obvious spam though.

These are good suggestions. It's tough, because polo mods take a keen view on not talking / discussing coins not traded on polo. So, if there are some relevant topics about coins that are on polo, and if there's a steem post ...

That's why you drop links to posts that are about coins that are traded there. They just happen to be links here. Promote it by not promoting it.

I have linked steem discussion to bts which is traded on Polo and referred people to coinmarket cap to link in steem so no problem there..
Also discussed about peerplays..People really don't know if peerplay and bitshares are the same thing..unbelievable..
We need to start talking about these things more often people and not between us but in troll boxes..

Will do, I used to be in that trollbox all the time