Failure when producing block with no transactions - Not producing block because node didn't wake up within 500ms of the slot time.

in steem •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hi have configured my steem, based in the article:

To the config file I added the suggested configuration:

  witness = "initminer"

# WIF private key (may specify multiple times)
  private-key = 5JNHxxxxxxxx

# Endpoint for P2P node to listen on
  p2p-endpoint =

# Endpoint for websocket RPC to listen on
  rpc-endpoint =```

Also, the  miner configuration.
```# name of miner and its private key (e.g. ["account","WIF PRIVATE KEY"] )
miner = ["initminer","5JNHxxxxxxxx"]```

But, when I excecute the ./steemd with

```# ./steemd -d testnet --enable-stale-production 


initminer public key: TST6xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
initminer private key: 5JNHxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
chain id: 18dcfxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
3594863ms th_a       witness.cpp:101               plugin_initialize    ] _witnesses: ["initminer"] 
3594878ms th_a       thread.cpp:95                 thread               ] name:ntp tid:139692147705600
3594880ms th_a       thread.cpp:95                 thread               ] name:p2p tid:139691798034176
3594908ms ntp        ntp.cpp:177                   read_loop            ] ntp_delta_time updated to 25484061 us
3595000ms th_a       witness.cpp:283               block_production_loo ] Not producing block because node didn't wake up within 500ms of the slot time.

43517ms th_a       database.cpp:2681             _apply_block         ] 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception
active_witnesses.size() == STEEMIT_MAX_MINERS: number of active witnesses does not equal STEEMIT_MAX_MINERS
    th_a  database.cpp:1128 update_witness_schedule4
43517ms th_a       database.cpp:637              _push_block          ] Failed to push new block:
10 assert_exception: Assert Exception
active_witnesses.size() == STEEMIT_MAX_MINERS: number of active witnesses does not equal STEEMIT_MAX_MINERS
    th_a  database.cpp:1128 update_witness_schedule4
    th_a  database.cpp:2681 _apply_block
43517ms th_a       witness.cpp:385               maybe_produce_block  ] 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception
active_witnesses.size() == STEEMIT_MAX_MINERS: number of active witnesses does not equal STEEMIT_MAX_MINERS
    th_a  database.cpp:1128 update_witness_schedule4
    th_a  database.cpp:2681 _apply_block

    th_a  database.cpp:556 operator()

    th_a  database.cpp:712 operator()
43517ms th_a       witness.cpp:386               maybe_produce_block  ] Clearing pending transactions and attempting again
43519ms th_a       database.cpp:2681             _apply_block         ] 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception
active_witnesses.size() == STEEMIT_MAX_MINERS: number of active witnesses does not equal STEEMIT_MAX_MINERS
    th_a  database.cpp:1128 update_witness_schedule4
43519ms th_a       database.cpp:637              _push_block          ] Failed to push new block:
10 assert_exception: Assert Exception
active_witnesses.size() == STEEMIT_MAX_MINERS: number of active witnesses does not equal STEEMIT_MAX_MINERS
    th_a  database.cpp:1128 update_witness_schedule4
    th_a  database.cpp:2681 _apply_block
43519ms th_a       witness.cpp:385               maybe_produce_block  ] 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception
active_witnesses.size() == STEEMIT_MAX_MINERS: number of active witnesses does not equal STEEMIT_MAX_MINERS
    th_a  database.cpp:1128 update_witness_schedule4
    th_a  database.cpp:2681 _apply_block

    th_a  database.cpp:556 operator()

    th_a  database.cpp:712 operator()
43519ms th_a       witness.cpp:386               maybe_produce_block  ] Clearing pending transactions and attempting again
43519ms th_a       witness.cpp:289               block_production_loo ] Failure when producing block with no transactions
44516ms th_a       witness.cpp:283               block_production_loo ] Not producing block because node didn't wake up within 500ms of the slot time.
45516ms th_a       witness.cpp:283               block_production_loo ] Not producing block because node didn't wake up within 500ms of the slot time.
46516ms th_a       database.cpp:2681             _apply_block         ] 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception
active_witnesses.size() == STEEMIT_MAX_MINERS: number of active witnesses does not equal STEEMIT_MAX_MINERS
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I hope that's not your real private key. Otherwise you just gave away your account to anyone who wants to take it.

Thanks! I updated the post, also I generated new keys.
But, the problem is still there :/

I have the same problem... do you solve this problem?

Same problem. Not resolved? (

Curious to know if you ever resolved this...