I introduce SharkSchool - How to Take Over Trending Page With Being A Savage That Cold Blood Haus

in steem •  7 years ago 


 Alright people, so I'm not going to rehash the same shit I've gone over a million times. Okay, maybe just a little:

  1. The Steemit system rewards users who purchase paid upvotes
  2. Your content doesn't need to be good to hit the Trending page
  3. Most content on the Trending page is shit
  4. Most content that's NOT on the Trending page is also shit
  5. New people don't put enough effort into their work here because they assume they will be rewarded with STEEM anyway because that's just how the platform is designed
  6. They eventually get frustrated once they learn that virtually all exposure on here is purchased
  7. Furthermore, there is a learning curve with the vote bots and most people will lose money while they learn
  8. Meanwhile, the Trending page is full of poorly written posts that nobody reads
  9. The common "wisdom" on this platform is that if you just try hard enough, someday you'll make it
  10. People are encouraged to leave comments and "engage" with other users, which leads to 75% of comments being of the generic "great post" variety
  11. Users who hit the Trending page don't put effort into their postsbecause they know they don't need to
  12. Users who don't have enough money/balls to use voting bots don't put effort into their posts because they can't afford it

The result? A lot of shitty, low effort posts and comments that nobody is reading. Meanwhile, some whales are getting richer by super circle-jerking each other and self-voting their own posts. Nobody's happy.

Hail to the king, baby

So what's the solution? Simple: better content. Content is, and will always be, king of the internet.Why do people use Facebook, Reddit, Tumblr or 4chan? Because they find those sites informative, entertaining or both. The difference between those platforms and Steemit is that they are sharing sites that [mostly] aggregate content, while Steemit is a blogging platform with an emphasis on original content.The problem is that most of the content here is poorly formatted, uninteresting and full of spelling and grammar mistakes. People are assuming that the posts that earn big bucks on here do so because they're good. That's not the case. They make money because they're upvoted by powerful accounts.Is this sustainable? I dunno. Seems to be working well so far.However, I personally don't want to settle for "sustainable." I'd rather see this platform grow. More users means more eyes on my content, which means more upvotes, more business opportunities and ultimately more money - the reason we all have chosen this platform instead of another one.I believe that if Steemit had an additional 20 high quality content creators who consistently made content that had the potential to go viral, this platform would get blown off the map. People would be sharing links on more established social media platforms that would point back here.In addition to building the Google Juice of the site, it would also give users more direct traffic from massive social media sites like Reddit which aggregate content. That's good for everyone.

Drowning in a sea of unrealistic expectations

The problem with this site is that people come here with the wrong expectations. I know I did.I came here and thought I'd make money just by posting whatever I wanted. It wasn't until later that I realized that the only way to get noticed was to pay for exposure. Now that people know who I am, it's a little easier. But you better believe that if I didn't promote this post, very few people would get the chance to read it.Any given platform is nothing more than its content. This is especially true for Steemit because "stealing content" is a big no-no over here. Everyone has to come up with their own shit.Statistically speaking, most people don't have any experience creating something designed to entertain. And when you can just buy some upvotes, what's your incentive to learn?By contrast, look at Medium. Nobody is getting paid to write over there, yet the articles are of much higher quality than what you see here. Why? Because over there, people only write when they're inspired.Now before you tell me that quality is subjective, let's define the term. For the purposes of this article, let's say that quality = well-written, properly formatted, grammar/spell-checked, entertaining/informative articles with clickbait headlines, a dash of copywriting, and a handful of paid upvotes.Any way you slice it, there are very few posts on here that fit that tick all of those boxes.We all want this platform to grow, don't we? How are we going to do that unless we venture outside the ecosystem? And we can't just promote some random Indonesian dude with bad grammar, writing about how happy he is to be on Steemit.Normal people will see through it right away if they even bother to read it. Chances are that few of them will, because compared to the million other things they could be doing on the internet, it's not worth their time.

How to write good (and do other things good too)

So what I want to do is teach people how to write entertaining content that is shareable across platforms. I want to teach you how to profitably use upvote bots to get exposure on the Trending page. I want to teach you how to market yourself on Reddit, Instagram, Facebook and whatever other platform can give you traffic. I want to teach you how to write something interesting. I want to teach you how to write so well, that you can make something uninteresting seem interesting.By doing this, not only do I establish myself as the leader of a group of increasingly talented writers, but I can effectively put people to work creating content that will help this platform grow. Not because I care about any of you or your well-being, but because what's good for @Steemit is good for @yallapapi.And once you learn how to do what I do, my lovely circle-jerkers, it will be good for you too. You can market your business, promote yourself to brands as an influencer, or just make a little money on the side from upvote bots. We'll all grow the platform together by writing quality content and linking to it from outside sources.If you're reading this, then I assume you want the same thing. Nobody is on here saying, "nah, fuck Steemit." No. You're here because you see the potential. Even if you don't understand how to make money yet, you see that some people are doing it and it gives you hope that it's at least possible.Most sales training talks about making things a "win-win" for both buyer and seller. But if you've ever been part of a sales organization with commission-only salespeople, you'll know that it's a very predatory profession. Salespeople talk about making sales like they're talking about going into battle. When we go talk to customers, we refer to it as being "in the field."Know who else says that? The military - another group of predators.That said, it is true that both the seller and buyer need to benefit from the deal. The seller's job is to convince the buyer that the seller's product or service is worth more than the buyer's money.Oftentimes, this requires advanced psychological tricks to remove the roadblocks in the buyer's mind. If the product or service is actually legitimate, most of the time it's in the buyer's best interest to purchase. That doesn't mean that they'll always choose to do so. It requires quick thinking and verbal finesse to convince them.The reason I bring this up is that the fight for the Trending page is going to be the same way. I have my own idea about what it should look like. I want at least 50% of the first 20 posts on there to be by people who I have coached. I know how to keep readers entertained enough to read a 3000 word article, even when their original intent was just to skim it and leave a low-effort comment.And I believe that if I can pass this knowledge onto other people on this platform, they can use it to create high value content that will be shared, hopefully go viral, and help the platform grow.

It's lonely at the top, but there's plenty of room

Right now, it's not hard for me to stand out on this platform because I can't think of a single person on here who writes like I do. It's easy for me to hog the spotlight now. And while it's a nice ego boost, I need to do what I always encourage other people to do: think bigger.Yeah, I can write 2 posts per week and put them on the Trending page. Shit, I can even write 1 per day if I wanted to. I'm averaging a profit of around 100 Steem per post from my last 3 posts.While that's tempting to think about, I'd rather think bigger than that. Writing a post every day and paying for upvotes is essentially the same as @haejin's short-sighted strategy. Quantity over quality.Or, I can coach a group of 20 potential new writers, grooming them to be the next batch of high quality content creators for this platform. I can directly influence a group of people who will be the Next Big Things on this platform. And by extension, other social platforms where our content will eventually spread as well.So let's talk a little about the details. Here's some of the topics I'm going to cover in #sharkschool:

  1. How to find your voice as a writer
  2. How to keep the reader entertained
  3. How to write long form articles even if you think you have nothing to say
  4. How to completely eliminate writers block
  5. How write a controversial post without alienating your readers
  6. Books/programs that will improve your writing
  7. How to format your posts so they "look pretty"
  8. How to properly use upvote bots so you don't lose money
  9. How to use resteem services to expose your post to everyone on Steemit
  10. How to hit the Trending page with every single post
  11. How to write something interesting even when you have nothing to talk about
  12. How to promote your content on other websites
  13. How to market yourself and build your brand
  14. How to integrate multiple social platforms so they build on each other
  15. How to improve your typing speed

That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Will come up with a proper curriculum when I have time. I need to go over to @dolphinschool and rip off some of what they did.

Time to sell one of your livers

Sound good so far? Well let me give you some bad news: you're going to need some money to make this happen.I'm not going to charge you, but you'll need money to upvote your posts. You'll need money for resteems. I would say about $100 SBD per post should do it. More if you can spare it. $150 would be better. $250 to be safe. So around $200 - $500 US. Keep in mind that this is money that you will get back in the form of SBD and SP after 7 days.If you don't have that, I don't know what to tell you. You'll never hit the Trending page without your post getting those high value upvotes. Shit, maybe I'm wrong, but I've never seen anything on there worth less than triple digits. I don't have the Steemit algorithm in front of me, but I doubt there's a way to circumvent that.I suppose you can still tag along for the ride anyway, but that's only going to get you so far. There are millions of good writers out there. Can you name them? No. Know why? Because they don't know how to promote themselves. That's probably the most important part of what I'll teach you.Not because you're going to make a lot of money from Steemit. Get that out of your mind right now, because it's not gonna happen.In fact, let me make it very clear: you're never going to make a full-time income from your author rewards. It will never, ever, ever, EVER in a billion years happen just by producing content.Sure, you may get lucky here and there with a few upvotes from some high value accounts in addition to what you earn from the vote bots. But unless you're happy to eat hardboiled eggs and oatmeal for every meal, then it's not enough to live on.

No more livers? You can also pay with souls

If you want to participate, you have to look past the short term rewards that you'll get from your posts. The real value here comes from being a part of a group that will dominate the Trending page of the biggest blockchain-based content platform in the world. Do you realize how powerful that is?You'll be building a rep on a platform that will someday be extremely attractive for advertisers. Make a name for yourself now, learn how to hold someone's attention for 10 minutes, and familiarize yourself with cost-effective marketing strategies - then you'll be in a good place when this platform goes mainstream.If you want to sign up, leave me a comment and tell me what you're most interested in learning. I'll post the first lesson tomorrow.Good luck.

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PROMOTEsteemitbloglifewritingsharkschool2 days ago by yallapapi (63)$599.23

1326 votes

Reply 435 4,936

Sort Order:  Trending[-]nonameslefttouse (71)  ·  yesterday

No, dude.

You're doing it wrong.This post is an infomercial. It's paid programming. It's the shit we'd see on late night television and it's sitting here in the primetime slot because you're exploiting a flaw in the design of this platform.Regardless of the content, if there are twenty more people following your sales pitch here, this page will only get worse. Twenty more infomercials in the primetime slots only appeal to the people who do not understand the fact they are reading unmarked advertisements and being misled. Twenty more assholes bumping the actual regular content that typically drives these markets towards success down so they can replace it with misleading advertisements and low quality posts like this one of yours will be detrimental to the platform.Many people who worked hard to gain traction here, who produce great stuff, are now being bumped down and replaced by assholes like you.Do people share the advertisement that comes BEFORE the Youtube video or do they share the actual video? The answer to that is so goddamn obvious yet you're sitting here telling people that content consumers will start doing the opposite.The moment this platform starts taking advertising like this seriously and starts doing it properly is the moment we will see a trending page that appeals to a much wider audience.If you go look at Youtube, you will see a trending page. Now, just imagine what would happen to that platform if all of those content producers who worked hard to get where they're at got bumped down and replaced with paid programming and other forms of advertising like this post of yours. Those content producers would quit and not because they're weak failures who lack balls like you say. People quit so they can go find something better. That outcome is what you're encouraging here, yet you say you want the place to thrive. That doesn't make sense.You do not know what you're talking about but because you paid for this primetime slot, people listen. False advertising like this post of yours is the devil, little waterboy, and you should know better.This post should be thrown into the promotion pile and I will not be voting for this trash for the same reasons I do not pay Walmart for leaving a flyer in my mailbox.Do you really think what you're doing will go viral simply because you "write this way?" This post and many more of yours only appeal to a select few on Steemit and the information you're presenting will be irrelevant within months if not weeks.Let's look at the entertainment industry again. Do people collect Walmart flyers and advertisements or do they collect comic books?Again, you have no idea what you're talking about. This post is junk and I burn flyers when I feel like starting a fire.$5.83

53 votes

Reply·[-]yallapapi (63)  ·  yesterdayI think you may be judging me based on some of my previous posts. I see you mentioned elsewhere that you didn't read the entire thing. Let me give you the TLDR:I want to help people become better content creators/marketers so there will be better content on Steemit and attract more users to this platform.That's all. I never said I would turn people into little @yallapapi clones. I want to help them find their own style.Not taking anything away from anyone who has put effort into building themselves up here, but the fact is that relying on the generosity of high value accounts to sift through mountains of trash and upvote content that they feel is good is inefficient.Why? Because not only are users not going to make any significant amount of money, but it doesn't encourage people to actually improve their content. When you are rewarded for "just being yourself" and not putting in the extra hours to make your content shine, then you have no incentive to improve.I'm not standing on the corner with a megaphone and screaming, "GUYS JUST UPVOTE YOUR POSTS FUCK IT LOL," although I see how some people who just skimmed the post would think that.I'm telling people that the majority of content here needs to improve in order for this platform to be seen as anything other than quick money.The Trending page is the most visible page on this site. Again, not trying to take away anything from people who have "worked hard to get traction here," but when you have a culture of false encouragement, a lack of tough love, and literally ZERO emphasis on making something that would potentially be interesting to users on other platforms, then the platform stagnates.Why do you think I call this place a circle-jerk? Because people expect to be rewarded for very little effort as long as they hug each other and say "good job!" no matter how bad the piece is. This behavior is further encouraged by virtually 100% positive comments from users who control high value accounts. "Wow man great post! That was so inspiring! I hope to see more of this in the future!" Yawn.There is no controversy. There is no actual discussion taking place, except on posts like these that take an unpopular stance on a hot-button issue. Everyone wants to get rich with as little work as possible. Nobody is listening to what anyone else is saying, they all just wait their turn to speak so they can cash in on their upvotes.I'm not making a moral/ethical judgement. That's just human nature.The point I'm trying to make is that all of these things hinder Steemit. The monetary reward is too tempting for people to resist.And besides, everyone is already trying to "game the system." They game it by leaving 25 comments a day on different posts. They game it by being irrationally positive in all of their interactions on the platform. They game it by tagging high value users with @ in hopes that they'll get their attention. They game it by upvoting their comments to the top for improved visibility on Trending posts. It's all designed to get them more exposure, more upvotes and more money.So where do you draw the line? Paying for upvotes is virtually guaranteed to get you exposure. On top of that, it removes any need to be a fake person by sucking up to high value accounts and begging them to upvote your posts.Furthermore, when you actually post something entertaining that people enjoy reading, you gather more organic upvotes because there will be people who enjoyed your work and want to see more. Some of those are high value accounts as well.But to fully rely on whales, dolphins or whatever you want to call it to spend 12 hours a day on here reading low-effort trash posts with spelling and grammar mistakes, poor formatting and uninteresting content JUST to find the 2-3 good posts out of 100 that are worth an $8 upvote is inefficient and completely unrealistic.For one thing, there is very little incentive for them to do so. What do they gain? Maybe some good feelings from knowing that they helped someone "get exposure" for their content. Maybe five cents in curator rewards. Great. Meanwhile, these people have jobs, families and hobbies that are more rewarding on a visceral level, which will ultimately limit the amount of time they can spend curating content.I can tell by your comment that you're a good writer. I actually read a few of your posts the other day and I'd say they're some of the better ones on here.But I've never seen you on the Trending page. Why not? If we were to gather up all the whales and somehow force them to read every post on this site and pick 20 posts to put on the Trending page, they'd probably pick one of yours. So why do you only have ~$20 rewards per post?Because they have better things to do. Like I said, they have jobs, families, and hobbies. Not to mention the fact that there are 100s of other high quality content aggregation sites and blogging platforms where the stuff is just that much better. Why would anyone skim low quality trash on here when they could be watching professionally edited videos on YouTube, reading articles on Medium by professional writers, or watching cat videos on Reddit?The only answer is money. That's why people spend time here. They want money. They want the crypto. There are better platforms out there, but none of them reward you financially for participation.I'm sure you and everyone else already knows all this, so why am I explaining it? Because the point of this entire post - that you should probably go back and read - is that by teaching people how to make more entertaining content AND using modern internet marketing techniques, they can make this platform more popular and put some money in their pocket in the process.The system will never work the way you want it to. As long as there is money at stake, you will get min/maxers like me - much worse than me, actually - who come here and try to game the system. You think people don't game the system on Reddit? Facebook? Instagram? Medium? They all do. I know because I'm one of them. And I'm part of communities where I know literally 1000s of other people who wake up every day and think about how to do it.Maybe you think that's bad. But go on Instagram and look at the Explore page. What do you see? Pure garbage. Trash for people with .03 second attention spans who have never read anything longer than a Facebook status.Click on any account. Do you think you'll see a normal human being? No. You'll see either a celebrity or an internet marketer who is min/maxing the fuck out of their posts for maximum engagement.It's easy to get mad at that. I do every day yet I still manage around 70 accounts on IG. I hate the Explore page.But that's how it is. That's life, my friend. As long as people are rewarded for their work, there will be inequality. I can go cut a deal with a company right now and make $20k in less than a month. I know people who are cutting deals for $8m for some ridiculous shit that amounts to little more than a few phone calls and a round of golf. Does that make them better than us?No. They just chose the right strategy that maximizes the reward they receive in relation to how much time they spend on something. That's all I'm saying.I'm sorry, but the circle-jerk strategy is inefficient, stagnates progress, and is obviously not working. Not because you're bad people, but because it has never worked in the history of the human race except in matters of life and death.But in a real world economy, you can't expect people to do anything other than what will directly benefit them in the immediate future. I wish it was different and we could all make money just by posting whatever we wanted. I wouldn't have to spend hours writing thousands of words. I could just take selfies and make money.But that's not how it is. And it will never change. So you can either learn to play the game and win, or you can choose not to play and lose. Because like it or not, we're all playing.I can teach people how to win. People look at me and they're like, "Who the fuck is this guy? He's been here a week and already thinks he's hot shit?" I know that. Would be lying if I didn't say it's kind of what I'm going for. Would also be lying if I said that it hadn't gotten me fired from many jobs in the past.I probably should have just kept writing posts and been quiet about the "secret strategies." But why? Who does that help? I can easily change my strategy and create daily posts that are less offensive and make even more money. I'll just keep quiet about the vote bots and join the chorus of circle-jerkers. "I love all Steemians! This platform is amazing! Come on guys we can make Steemit great! BITCONNECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!"Honestly though I just don't feel like doing that. Despite what you or anyone else thinks about me from my previous posts, I actually believe that I can take this platform mainstream. And I believe the key to doing that is NOT by eliminating the free market system that is the inspiration of all blockchain platforms, but by teaching people how to create entertaining content and encouraging them to do it. Not because of money, but because of their pride in creating something that will literally be saved forever.If you don't like that... I don't know what to tell you. Best of luck.$15.58

12 votes

Reply··[-]nonameslefttouse (71)  ·  yesterday

My Random Thoughts While Reading This Essay

  • This is too fucking long.
  • If you want to help people, help people. Why announce that you're planning on helping people. Just fucking do it.
  • If you had a clone, you'd probably want to fuck yourself.
  • You damn right sifting through the trash is a waste of time. Now it's even harder because we can't even trust the value beside the post.
  • "No incentive to improve." This guy's posts all look the same.
  • I'm getting bored of scrolling up and down to write my thoughts out.
  • "Wow man great post! That was so inspiring! I hope to see more of this in the future!" Everyone hates those comments. Who believes that shit? Nobody. This guy is just stating the obvious. Is he so cut off from reality that he truly thinks people enjoy this shit? Who does this guy talk to? The people who leave those comments?
  • "There is no actual discussion taking place" ...this dude must only browse the trending page. No wonder he wants to be here so bad. It's his home.
  • "Everyone wants to get rich with as little work as possible." At least look at my goddamn blog before saying shit like that. "Everyone."
  • "everyone is already trying to "game the system." ...fuck sakes
  • I can't even read this shit anymore
  • I wonder what's on tv...
  • Why do I only have $20 per post? That's still more profit than most people who bought $50 to put beside their post.
  • This asshole is in no position to give me advice. I worked nearly everyday, earned everything in my wallet, half the shit he's saying I already know won't work. At least he knows I'm good at what I do. Is he just kissing my ass though? Hmmm
  • Why did he have to write such a long response...
  • You can't really teach people to be entertaining. I've been saying for months, "People do not want to follow a tree. Don't write about trees and only trees. The moment you add your personality into the post about trees, it becomes interesting, because it's now about YOU and the trees." Some people get it and I've seen them improve. Others don't. I was once called a bully for telling someone to use the funny tag because I thought their post was humorous. It turns out it wasn't self-deprecation humor. Oops.
  • "Honestly though I just don't feel like doing that. Despite what you or anyone else thinks about me from my previous posts, I actually believe that I can take this platform mainstream. And I believe the key to doing that is NOT by eliminating the free market system that is the inspiration of all blockchain platforms, but by teaching people how to create entertaining content and encouraging them to do it. Not because of money, but because of their pride in creating something that will literally be saved forever."Finally! I made it to the end!
  • Now I should read what I wrote just to see how much of a dickhead I've been.
  • I guess that wasn't too bad.
  • I feel like I just read one of those self help guru advertisements. I almost bought the book! So close!
  • Lead by example. If you think my posts are good, and they should be on trending, and you believe in buying votes, then go ahead and purchase those votes for me.
  • I write humor and produce art, for the most part. I don't know, in advance, which jokes are funny and which art is good. I've bombed jokes and made pieces of shit, literally, shit. Massive images of shit. Let's look back at my long history. Which one of those posts should I have promoted and how the fuck should I have known that in the first place? That's up to the people. Also, there are plenty of other artists here. I don't want to be the asshole who buys a vote and pushes their work down. As much as you think community is a waste of time here, I don't want to be the guy hogging the spotlight with 20000 SP in my account while I push everyone aside to get more. I didn't kiss any ass for this, I'm not guaranteed a payday. I watch my payouts go from $100 down to $10, maybe I'll hit a $40, whatever. I already know the people who haven't voted for my work in the past won't start voting for it just because I add money beside my post. That's not what makes a post good. Also, many of us will not vote for a post with paid votes because that tells us the member who paid for votes had it covered and didn't need our help. I'd prefer to give my votes to people who I've always enjoyed and help support as many new people who come my way as I can. I'm only one guy, I can only do so much. I don't mind voting for simple content, I don't mind voting for well written posts complete with fresh art like mine. I like what I like and I think many other people are the same.
  • Whatever man. No hard feelings. I think you're full of shit. So what. You're probably a nice guy. I can see you mean well. Good luck. I won't bother you. I hope you realize most of what I wrote here was humor. I get bored. That's what happens.
  • Next time, write less, say more. These essays are impossible to respond to and that's why I'm just messing around.
  • I do appreciate your sense of humor.

Update:This is why I think you're drunk:

I can teach people how to win. People look at me and they're like, "Who the fuck is this guy? He's been here a week and already thinks he's hot shit?" I know that. Would be lying if I didn't say it's kind of what I'm going for. Would also be lying if I said that it hadn't gotten me fired from many jobs in the past.

You sound like a loser when you say, "I can teach people how to win." You're just feeding everyone a line of bullshit. Like I said in another post of yours. You're both the best andworst bullshit artist I've ever come across.Why aren't people lining up to get your so called help? I just did a post the other day mocking what you're about to attempt with this:

How to find your voice as a writer
How to keep the reader entertained
How to write long form articles even if you think you have nothing to say
How to completely eliminate writers block
How write a controversial post without alienating your readers
Books/programs that will improve your writing
How to format your posts so they "look pretty"
How to properly use upvote bots so you don't lose money
How to use resteem services to expose your post to everyone on Steemit
How to hit the Trending page with every single post
How to write something interesting even when you have nothing to talk about
How to promote your content on other websites
How to market yourself and build your brand
How to integrate multiple social platforms so they build on each other
How to improve your typing speed

It seems like you just want to flood this trending page with generic bullshit lazy writer articles that we can see anywhere else wedged in between celebrity gossip ads. That's what this looks like and you're acting like it's the next big thing like we were all born yesterday and haven't been on the internet before.You can go on google now and search those things. You'll see hundreds of thousands of those articles. It's a waste of space and it doesn't help anyone. It's lazy writer bullshit. It's the garbage you can find thousands of times. The articles are five years old and they have 18 shares on facebook and that's it. It's junk and for some reason you're sitting here acting like you invented something amazing.I'm sorry(no I'm not) but the more I look at this and study your style, the more I'm convinced you have no fucking clue what you're doing. You're just attempting to dupe people with nonsense and teach tricks that have already been taught thousands of times and haven't worked for anyone.This is a sales pitch. This post is an advertisement. People aren't accustomed to seeing your writing style in ads(we don't have censors here) so you're using that to your advantage in the hopes of misleading people.That's my conclusion. That's how I feel about this.Also, this, to me, appears as if you slipped and revealed an ulterior motive:
Those who understand how this reward pool functions might see this as a bad thing.Spoiler alert!
After all this hype, rambling and this guy acting like he was going to teach people something; the first lesson is a long-drawn-out life story. Then, you learn:

"So, how do you find your voice as a writer? I don't know, maybe just fucking write a lot or something."

But the real lesson learned is how you all got duped.I'm done here.Case closed.$1.25

17 votes

Reply···[-]yallapapi (63)  ·  21 hours agoI give up. You win. Gg$0.00Reply····[-]nonameslefttouse (71)  ·  18 hours ago


Because this is a global platform that branches off into many other sites and apps now and into the future. That means, in order to be able to attract one billion or even two billion people to this blockchain; the playing field must at least be accessible to as many walks of life as possible. It'll never be fair and I can't stand participation awards but nearly everyone by now should know that pay to play and paywalls are a disaster. For this to be a disruptive technology we have to kick all of these old trashy methods of yours to the curb and try something new. You don't fucking lead by following.$0.60

3 votes

Reply·····[-]looftee (60)  ·  12 hours agoThat was moving for me.I tried once to promote my posts to the trending page by using paid bots.It worked a bit, but I knew that it would not work in the long run.You will get there when you deserve otherwise the deserving people will eventually kick you out of there.As you said nobody likes to watch advertisements on youtube, and it will be worse if their trending page is full of paid advertisements.Thanks for sharing a thoughtful comment, it made some difference for me.$0.00Reply·····[-]tibra (51)  ·  16 minutes ago``Because this is a global platform that branches off into many other sites and apps now and into the future. That means, in order to be able to attract one billion or even two billion people to this blockchain; the playing field must at least be accessible to as many walks of life as possible. It'll never be fair and I can't stand participation awards but nearly everyone by now should know that pay to play and paywalls are a disaster. For this to be a disruptive technology we have to kick all of these old trashy methods of yours to the curb and try something new. You don't fucking lead by following.'' Exactly. Agreed.Linked to in my post on this subject.$0.00Reply···[-]phoneinf (53)  ·  21 hours agoThis writing long tactic as a response can be a tactic to try to overpower the conversation and not take into consideration a response. It's not very respectful.That you can't succeed without being on trending page is so wrong. Hard work always pays off. I never seen someone that has truly worked hard not get rewarded for it.Build real connections with other people and they will give you value. Since everyone loves a personal genuine response.And yes you can't have discussions when people make 20 points in 1 comment it comes across as not having an understanding in how humans talk to eachother. It's a way of using power games. If we take some more time to try to understand eachother then we see that we all mostly have similar views in life.This tactic of always having to be on trending page is too much leech it also dehumanise us that we only care about money in life and not just regular talk and connections. It's a bit needy. I enjoyed the first start of this blog post but then it was like too many words was used without any real care behind it.$0.00Reply····[-]nonameslefttouse (71)  ·  18 hours agoI'm aware of these tricks. I sometimes take these long-drawn-out rambling responses as a sign of someone who isn't quite sure of themselves. That all depends on the situation though. I'll keep what I think about it to myself now.

Hard work always pays off. I never seen someone that has truly worked hard not get rewarded for it.
Build real connections with other people and they will give you value. Since everyone loves a personal genuine response.

I agree with all that. Teamwork, business partners; things like that exist in the real world. Good customer service as well. The basics. Buying the top slot only goes so far. People drive past billboards everyday. Most don't even go to those places being advertised and if they do, they expect a tight ship.$0.01

1 vote

Reply····[-]j3dy (60)  ·  10 hours agoI know one loooooong post done right, took me around 4-6 hours to read through it, I read the comments I read it 3 times ... great day, excitement lasted for a week, it will never repeat or happen again :| I'm happy :)
https://busy.org/@mojojo/hello-my-name-is-jo-ann-and-i-am-a-new-member-of-steemitNo worries, that guy is new and hes a market shitbag, with the facebook spammers and scammers, it's a step up, we are getting more and more mainstream :Dplus he has a point :D yeah this is by no means a conversation, it's more like endless

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