How to avoid drugs on our lives. Stop drug

in steem •  7 years ago 


Conscientious in rectifying the abuses of drugs (narcotics and substances addiktif) not only can be detrimental to health but also mental. People who are already addicted to drugs can not think or do anything other than consume illicit goods. Drug abuse such as marijuana, heroin, methamphetamine, etc. among adolescents, often starting from a trial-and-error. But when you're addiction will be very difficult to treat addiction. Therefore the teenagers as the younger generation of the nation should be able to abstain from drugs. How does teenagers avoid the drugs? Here are some tips to avoid a drug for your teen


1. Selective in the Association

Hang out with friends who have positive behavior. If you lot hang out with friends who have positive attitude then you will easily get carried away to think and be positive anyway. On the contrary, if you hang out with friends who behave negatively then you will be easy to get carried away to think and behave negative.

2. Avoid ' Night Out

Avoid ' night out is one way to stay away from drugs. Teenagers who are accustomed to come out and play very easily tempted to do bad habits because they feel they have free time without anyone watching. This causes them to dare to try things extreme such as drinking alcohol, gambling, using drugs, and so forth.

3. Don't Resist The Advice Of Parents

Basically every parent wants his child to be a child who has a noble character. Listen to and obey the advice of parents. When you are accustomed to against the advice of parents, you will tend to have a sense of confidence to do things that are not good. This allows you to be tempted to perform actions that violate norms, including using drugs.

4. Have Hobbies and Positive Activities

Please fill out the teenagers who are full of enthusiasm with the hobby that are positive for example with the sports, painting, writing, and so forth. This is in addition to improving skills, also limits the social environment on the people who have the ideas and creations that positive anyway. People who do not have busy days easier to be invited to do things that are negative including the use of drugs.

5. Don't Be Afraid To Lose A Friend

Teenagers often dared to do things to the extreme because invited by a friend. Don't blame others when you do wrong. Don't be afraid to lose a friend if he is likely to invite you to do things never commendable including drug abuse.


Let's healthy living without drugs. Care about your life. Care about your family and your best friend


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