Below is a direct copy of the AMA from the Bittrex Slack on 17.04.2016.
bittrex-bill [6:49 PM]
joined #steem
bittrex-bill [6:49 PM]
set the channel purpose: STEEM question and answer session at April 17th, 2016 9pm PST
pr0m3theus [6:52 PM]
joined #steem. Also, @nextgencrypto joined, @wigitgetit joined, @clemahieu joined, @kushed joined.
kushed [7:50 PM]
xeldal [8:51 PM]
joined #steem. Also, @stoner19 joined, @virgil joined, @asiwish joined, @freetrade joined, @steemd joined.
----- Today April 17th, 2016 -----
wigitgetit [4:49 PM]
sup sup
wigitgetit [5:14 PM]
any chance we can get some questions answered now? Not everyone is on the west coast. @steemd (edited)
valzav [5:17 PM]
joined #steem. Also, @ned joined.
ned [5:25 PM]
Hey everyone :simple_smile: Look forward to the AMA at 9pm EST. In the meantime, feel free to check out the items pinned in the Steem slack (, including the alpha, the Steem Whitepaper and some sneak peaks at the website. :simple_smile:
steemd [5:40 PM]
@wigitgetit: im not in dev team, just fan :smile:
wigitgetit [5:40 PM]
I am reading the material @ned posted
steemd [5:41 PM]
make sure to join steem slack there is lots of valuable info there
ned [6:01 PM]
Hi there :simple_smile:
I am Ned Scott, co-founder of Steem, here for any questions about $STEEM
bittrex-bill [6:03 PM]
heh, people are probably not here yet because i announced the wrong time yesterday
@channel The STEEM team is here
clemahieu [6:04 PM]
What is this?
bittrex-bill [6:04 PM]
how about starting with the elevator pitch for STEEM and that may stir up questions.
ned [6:04 PM]
sounds good @bittrex-bill
For content creators who cannot make money online without using advertising ..
tcw123 [6:05 PM]
joined #steem. Also, @bittrex-richie joined.
ned [6:05 PM]
Steem is a social media platform .. where anyone can post content ..
kmillz0 [6:05 PM]
joined #steem
ned [6:06 PM]
and the more the content is appreicated (voted up) .. the more crpytocurrency the poster earns
and on the flip side ..
samsmith [6:06 PM]
joined #steem
samsmith [6:06 PM]
is it true that 80% was ninja mined?
if so please help me understand why?
"We have secured ~80% of the initial STEEM via mining. Our plan is to keep 20%, sell 20% to raise money, and give away 40% to attract users / referrers. "
ned [6:06 PM]
the earlier a voter up-votes a post that becomes popular .. the more STEEM the voter earns
Great question @samsmith
Steemit, Inc developed Steem with a specific business plan in mind
samsmith [6:07 PM]
hey @ned what your BCT username?
clemahieu [6:07 PM]
Can the dude talk?
samsmith [6:08 PM]
ned [6:08 PM]
much of our steem will go towards user acquistion .. through a very innovative method
ectopy [6:08 PM]
joined #steem
ned [6:08 PM]
when we transfer steem to new users .. we transfer it into vested form …..
…..which means no sell pressure :simple_smile:
samsmith [6:09 PM]
ok so it was planned to ninja mined 80% so this is part of your plan
ned [6:10 PM]
we would have pre-mined ….. but we had good reason not to. see my business partner, co-author and dev’s post:
How to Launch a Crypto Currency Legally while Raising Funds
Join me as I explore free market solutions to secure life, liberty, and property for all.
clemahieu [6:10 PM]
Does it have it's own coin or does it use existing ones?
complexring [6:10 PM]
joined #steem
clemahieu [6:10 PM]
Does tying the platform to a specific, new CC make it harder to launch?
bytemaster [6:10 PM]
joined #steem. Also, @silver joined.
complexring [6:11 PM]
hello @bytemaster
bytemaster [6:11 PM]
Hello everyone, this is Daniel Larimer, co-founder of Steem.
ned [6:11 PM]
@clemahieu: we believe it gives steem an advantage
@bytemaster: hello dan :simple_smile:
samsmith [6:11 PM]
ok so instead of calling it pre-mined you simply did a ninja mined.. I guess I could see why
bytemaster [6:11 PM]
Long term plan is to distribute tokens in a more beneficial manner
We will be giving people free accounts when they sign up on
clemahieu [6:12 PM]
@ned What would you say are some of the advantages? One disadvantage it seems is it limits the utility if it's centered around a specific platform.
ned [6:12 PM]
having much of the token is key to user acquisition .. increasing community size and participation
samsmith [6:12 PM]
ok I see where your going.. why trust them in the hands of miners
ned [6:12 PM]
ned [6:13 PM]
Pinned a message. See all pinned items in this channel.
ned scott ned
when we transfer steem to new users .. we transfer it into vested form …..
Today at 6:08 PM
ned [6:13 PM]
Pinned a message. See all pinned items in this channel.
ned scott ned
…..which means no sell pressure :simple_smile:
Today at 6:08 PM
ned [6:14 PM]
has everyone here seen the alpha release ?
samsmith [6:14 PM]
ok so I see you lock them up when you send them to a new user.. so this helps you have control over the ones unlocked
steemd [6:14 PM]
if i vote for a witness, whats my benefits ? to how many witnesses i can vote ?
clemahieu [6:14 PM]
@ned It seems the reason to do that would be to encourage new users though it raises two questions, how do you determine user uniqueness and what if you run out?
ned [6:14 PM]
email and phone number should get us most of the way there
bytemaster [6:14 PM]
When you vote for a witness you are voting for someone to maintain the network on your behalf.
freeman [6:15 PM]
joined #steem
ned [6:15 PM]
some would agree community size has the greatest correlation to market capitalization in cryptocurrencies
samsmith [6:16 PM]
well I have like the idea of deposits (locked up funds) ever since 2014 when XDN launched it
ned [6:16 PM]
as we on board new users .. we assume steem’s speculative community will grow ….. (edited)
richlie [6:16 PM]
joined #steem
complexring [6:16 PM]
i have a question: why would i have various miners that are constantly missing. i have 6 instances on AWS up and running and all of my miners that have been through the queues show blocks missing to be some positive value (near a multiple of 21)
richlie [6:16 PM]
how many steem in circulation?
steemd [6:16 PM]
@bytemaster: do i get a portion of the witness rewards ?
ned [6:17 PM]
another reason to have a large amount of steem .. is to .. create a referral program … :simple_smile:
bytemaster [6:17 PM]
that depends upon whether the witness pays those who vote for them and whether or not voters like witnesses who buy votes
clemahieu [6:18 PM]
@ned Are there bridges to existing social networks? I think one of the critical aspects of social media is critical mass adoption. While being paid for content sounds appealing, there would need to be a critical mass audience making those payments.
samsmith [6:18 PM]
o I think I'm seeing the picture.. you guys planned to ninjia mined.. to keep it out of the hands of silly miners.. to then send it to new users locked up so that your to only one with a large amount of unlocked coins?
nextgencrypto [6:18 PM]
How do you plan to market Steemit beyond the crypto community?
clemahieu [6:18 PM]
Is there a way to ignore people that ask dumb questions?
ned [6:18 PM]
There are three types of Steem
- Steem
clemahieu [6:18 PM]
Oh wait I see.
ned [6:18 PM]
- Steem Dollars
saintgermaine [6:18 PM]
joined #steem
ned [6:18 PM]
- Steem Power
The steem we give away is Steem Power
Steem Power allows users to earn …… to earn .. by voting up good content
nextgencrypto [6:19 PM]
Steem Power = VESTS?
samsmith [6:19 PM]
yeah this sounds way to centralized for me.. good luck
ned [6:19 PM]
Steem Power = VESTS
clemahieu [6:19 PM]
ned [6:20 PM]
great question
steem pays for content similar to how bitcoin pays for mining
new tokens are created to recognize individual’s work .. there is a set amount of new tokens created everyday at a specific rate ..
clemahieu [6:22 PM]
What's the way to determine bonafide content versus shill content?
smooth [6:22 PM]
joined #steem
ned [6:22 PM]
great question
it will depend entirely on how the community votes ..
votes .. however .. are stake weighted .. so users who wish to protect the integrity of the platform will downvote shills
steemd [6:24 PM]
@ned: is currently not working ? the Browse button on the corner is gone, and im not able to Post.
its just like i believe
ned [6:25 PM]
@steemd the link should definitely be avaialble through slack
clemahieu [6:25 PM]
How do those users determine shills or how do we know if they just don't like the content?
ned [6:25 PM]
@clemahieu: it’s possible they just don’t like it
the concept is simialr to
… where content must be appreciated by the community to rise to the top … content that is not found or appreciated … left at bottom (edited)
clemahieu [6:28 PM]
Agreed. The worry would be there's monetary incentive to game the vote versus Reddit where it's just for lulz, what have you planned around that?
onceuponatime [6:28 PM]
joined #steem
kushed [6:28 PM]
does every vote have the same weight or does it demand on voters stash/vests?
bittrex-bill [6:29 PM]
@ned how do you prevent vote rigging for content? bots do try to game reddit (edited)
embeddedthought [6:29 PM]
joined #steem
bytemaster [6:29 PM]
@ned, let me answer that one
embeddedthought [6:29 PM]
When is Bittrex going to support Peercoin trading?
ned [6:29 PM]
@bytemaster could speak more to some of the algorithms that level the playing field .. such as vote limiting .. one who votes too much … or too fast …… reduces …. or loses… their voting power temporarily ... (edited)
bytemaster [6:30 PM]
all voting is stake weighted
furthermore, voters have finanical incentive to downvote abuse.
third, there is no advantage to creating multiple accounts
kushed [6:30 PM]
it costs to vote?
clemahieu [6:30 PM]
How do we know if those with the highest stake are voting for their own content?
bytemaster [6:31 PM]
votes are free, but each account is rate limited.
if you vote for 1000 things, each vote counts for 1/1000
(more or less)
so someone voting for a lot dilutes their influence vs someone who votes for a little.
complexring [6:31 PM]
what EC is chosen? standard secp256k1?
clemahieu [6:31 PM]
Is creating account rates limited? How do you know if it's 1 person doing 1000/min on one account or 1 person doing 1/min on 1000 accounts?
bytemaster [6:31 PM]
standard secp256k1
votes are stake weighted
so they would have to divide their stake
they have more influence / rewards for concentrating their stake
clemahieu [6:32 PM]
Up until they get filtered, so they need to maximize their own return without being filtered.
bytemaster [6:33 PM]
To get maximum ROI you need to upvote yourself without others downvoting you.
but the payout for votes is order n^2
clemahieu [6:33 PM]
What's to stop high stake holders from downvoting adversarial content?
bytemaster [6:33 PM]
except their desire to maximize value of the platform
The analogy is that a CEO who fires everyone to maximize his pay only kills the company leaving him bankrupt
clemahieu [6:34 PM]
Right, or no one might join the company in the first place, that could be an issue.
embeddedthought [6:34 PM]
@bytemaster Any response to supporting Peercoin?
bunkerchainlabs [6:34 PM]
joined #steem
bytemaster [6:34 PM]
What does Peercoin have to do with this?
(I may have missed the question)
clemahieu [6:35 PM]
He's confused, he's in the wrong channel, this is about Steem
steemd [6:35 PM]
he is trolling..
clemahieu [6:35 PM]
Can we boot him?
complexring [6:36 PM]
you didn't. i think it's some overflow from #general.
embeddedthought [6:36 PM]
In all honesty I thought this was an open discussion and questions for bittrex
bittrex-richie [6:36 PM]
embeddedthought: come to general
i'll talk to you about general stuff :wink:
steemd [6:37 PM]
@bittrex-richie that wink looks like candy man
ned [6:38 PM]
we invite @all to check out the Steemit alpha release
and come to the steem slack too :simple_smile:
bittrex-richie [6:39 PM]
i have a question... can anyone be a witness node, or is it a voting process?
ned [6:40 PM]
steem is hybrid POW and DPOS
bytemaster [6:40 PM]
anyone can
how frequently you produce blocks depends upon how many votes you get
but even if you only vote for yourself, you can produce blocks periodically.
or you can dow POW
onceuponatime [6:41 PM]
If someone, not a miner, bought STEEM on Bittrex, where would she withdraw it to?
bytemaster [6:41 PM]
your options are:
- ask someone to register an account for you
- wait for free account creations
[6:42] should start signing up new users this week
onceuponatime [6:42 PM]
bytemaster [6:42 PM]
If you would like an account join
I or someone there can help register an account for non-miners
onceuponatime [6:44 PM]
I bought an account from someoneiwth VESTS already in it. But I have not taken "possession" because I don't know how. I guess all just wait and watch.
steemd [6:45 PM]
What is steemit marketing paln ?
bunkerchainlabs [6:45 PM]
what format should be used to create anchor text links in posts? Just standard
Additional link: Link
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Great to see the team taking the time to answer questions from the community! Thanks guys!
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons: