Have courage to follow your heart and intuition. Recently i’ve been feeling exceptionally inspired, by my peers and surroundings. I feel anxious and excited at the same time, as I've come to a place of understanding, knowing that all of my efforts will lead me to a greater goal, than what I see for myself now
You see the trick is.. well really theres no trick. It’s more of a reality. The reality, is that without compromise and scarifies how can you truly expect to achieve your desired goal. Sacrificing one goal for the greater good of another, doesn't mean you’ve given up on your dreams. It simply means your thinking and working smarter. Putting one on hold whilst you vigorously work towards achieving your best in the other, to open up new doors, opportunities and possibilities.
I’ve learnt that sacrifices come in all shapes and sizes. Whether it's social, financial, personal or physical. The real compromise is your willingness to give these up.Ask yourself, is this so called goal really worthwhile? If you're not prepared to give up on daily pleasures, activities and other non related indulgences that lead you to distraction and procrastination then, you know thats not for you. But if it is, it’s time to understand the value of your time and energy.
As they say, time is precious and waits for no man. Be brave, be bold and be the best when it comes to following your dreams but also be open and humble to new opportunities. Following your heart and intuition will allow you to explore personal goals, whilst working smart and savvy will train you to exceed your potential. We’re all destined for greatness, all it takes is dedication and sacrifice.
Thank you for reading!