RE: Witnesses meeting with Tron Representative Roy Liu (Full Recording + Context)

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Witnesses meeting with Tron Representative Roy Liu (Full Recording + Context)

in steem •  5 years ago  (edited)

I've said this before but I'll say it again. This stalemate could last much longer than 13 weeks. What I'm seeing now (I have not listened to the entire broadcast yet) is stubbornness on behalf of Tron.

STEEM witnesses made a tough call, freezing funds and voting rights, as a temporary measure, while the community waited for REAL communication. Tron seems to think things like hype and half truths were enough to convince everyone this merger would be smooth sailing.

Instead of communicating, Tron fired back with a hostile takeover. They thought they outsmarted STEEM. They did not factor in the real power of this STEEM community. What's in that 22.5 code they're trying to protect? Why is that still so important after the ENTIRE community banded together in an effort to return things back to NORMAL.

At this point STEEM is not trying to make a power move. STEEM is basically saying, "What's yours is yours, Tron."

All those exchanges need to do is powerdown and go through the usual process. They made the CHOICE to power up, and it takes 13 weeks to powerdown.

Tron says they're not interested in governance. Their actions say the opposite. Again. What's in 22.5 that is so important? Why is that even necessary? Nobody is voting for 22.2.

The solution is as simple as everyone turning around and walking away from a fight. No need for flexing. Tron can carry on with their plans to "make Steemit great". They can act like any other app developer on STEEM, since that's what they want, according to them.

But it takes 13 weeks to powerdown, so deal with it. Or let's just let this drag on for 30 weeks? Not backing off, not removing the bogus sock puppet witness accounts, and not starting the powerdown is basically Tron saying they're not interested in resolving this conflict, they just want to 'win' an imaginary battle.

That's how I feel about it, at this point in time, yet there's still over an hour of this 'talking' I need to listen to.

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Random note to self: Mathematics. I'm surrounded by people who think in numbers and code. I assume Tron would approach these exchanges with numbers that can't be denied. Code is law. Math is fact. So it would have been easy decision for the exchanges to make, with an included promise to have liquid returned in mere days, since it was mathematically true and the code don't lie. Human nature wasn't accounted for, because one cannot predict how the individual will react. DPoS is one thing but DPoSS is totally new. The added 'S' stands for society. It cannot be coded and the outcome cannot be proven with mathematics. Next time someone attempts a hostile takeover, hire Dr. Phil.

Lol, so true. They hired some coders and did "the blockchain thing" without accounting for the response they would get. Now they're stuck between a wall and a sword and have to chat their way out of trouble.

Begging for a "favor" is hardly chatting. Tron is attempting to maintain their relationships with exchanges by scaring STEEM into thinking it is OUR reputation on the line, but STEEM did not tell Tron to execute this plan/hostile takeover. Tron made that decision independently. Tron made a promise they can't keep now, by the sounds of it. Purely speculation.

Well I used "chat their way out" in a very generalised way. I meant it basically the way conmen and scammers usually do when they're trapped. "Oh, look that way, there is treasure in my house, come with me"

They just keep repeating the same thing over and over again. I listened to the whole thing and you didn’t miss anything.

I think because which direction to go is so painfully obvious to anyone familiar with STEEM, it becomes frustrating. Its like saying the same thing a million different ways in an attempt to get through to someone (Tron) who either:
a) simply can't grasp it
b) has an ulterior motive

This. He seemed to either not understand or simply dodged the result that understanding would bring because it was not convenient.

I quit working in the corporate world for many reasons but one was going to work daily and always dealing with this kind of crap. Sitting back and watching all this unfold is like going back in time, for me.

Roy is a business guy. He doesn't understand the coding side very well and just wants to accomplish some goals and keeps saying stuff like "there must be a way to do X without waiting". He's extremely stubborn so it takes like 1 full hour for him to change from point to point.

Absolutely. Plus, as far as I've listened witnesses made it pretty clear they aren't interested in reinstating the freeze and are also willing to make public statements on the blockchain to that fact. So at this moment Justin has no risk of getting his funds freezed again and yet he is continuing to push for his witnesses in the top 20. The only reason I can see is to bail out the exchanges and as you said that talk could go on forever without getting anywhere.

They could have already been well into the first week of powerdown. A few more days and 1/13 of those tokens would already be made available to the public, PLUS those exchanges would have had a head start on returning to business as usual.

And those exchanges don't need permission from anyone to initiate this powerdown. They could be doing that on their own. I could start a full powerdown now, and doing so would take less time than the time it takes to complete this sentence.

Agreed, plus they could cancel the power down at any time as well. There's literally no reason not to do it.

And no risk. The code is already solid. It's such a ridiculous waste of resources to code a hardfork, test a hardfork, go through hell... just to do something that can already be done.

It's like sharpening the dull side of a knife, and dulling the sharp side of the same knife, because you disagree turning the knife over and using the sharp side to cut rather than the dull side is the way to go.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

after almost 2 hours of listening to this only thing i thought was "SAY EXCHANGES ONE MORE TIME, I DARE YOU, I DOUBLE DARE YOU, YOU MOTHER FUCKER, SAY EXCHANGES ONE MORE GODDAMN TIME" :D

Bitch ;)


are you going to update your witness votes? see this post and scroll to your name to better utilize your witness voting power

think that everyone that needs my huge vote is getting it :D

you have some votes on some witnesses way down the list. Perhaps you can vote on the rest of the witnesses that have a chance to break into the top 20 like Lukestokes, abit, stoodkev, & netuoso. Also, you are wasting a vote on Steemhunt which is innactive.

"What's in 22.5 that is so important?"

Returned full control to Sun of his SteemIt stake @nonameslefttouse. Which was then immediately voted in support of his slate of Witnesses ...

I'm aware. Could have simply reverted back to 22.1. There's no need for 22.5 to exist now, or even then. So I'm a touch curious as to what else might be in there. As soon as they pull the plug on this ridiculous and pointless hostile takeover sock puppet witness wannabe superhero look at me because I'm in charge now explosion of disastrous proportions, the chain reverts back to 22.1.

All these talks. Yet all one has to do is pull a plug out of the wall or flip a switch to get their way.
