[BeyondBit Bounties] It's Time for Steem to have a Crypto-Friendly Bounty System! (Doubling the Orig Bounty Rewards with 8000SBD of Beyondbits for Each Winner!)

in steem •  7 years ago  (edited)

This Post has been Inspired by a past experience with Ned! But I'm doubling rewards to make sure it gets finished this time!

Most here already know I have been here since before Steem existed as a founding member of the BitShares community and so it is safe to say I was quite bullish when Steem was launched. But when I saw Ned in the earliest days of Steem leveraging his SBD to build I was more than bullish. No I was pure pumped. I thought to myself how amazing it was going to be to see all the development of tools and activities that would be funded to help engage and empower our community. And Ned had the vast majority of available steem funding to build...so I was (rightfully) really pumped.

When @ned started wanting to do bounties in his post labeled "It's Time for a Steem Bounty System I was so giddy I even donated 400SBD to ned for the cause! But sadly I was not a Kraken and had many plans to build ideas of my own so I was just happy to donate and let our leader see it through...but couldn't donate more unfortunately if I wanted to build my ideas. This however turned out to be a blessing in disguise because the project seemed to sputter and become abandoned before its potential could ever be realized...(well more of a silver lining).

To be honest I was somewhat saddened and frustrated that this idea had been given up on so easily when so many resources were available to leverage in ways that could easily build a bigger, better and more thriving community. Especially when the incentives are aligned to build value propositions that can create exponential returns on resources spent! But it couldnt be allowed to die! We only fail when we give up after all!

Beyondbitcoin has never been a community that likes to see beautiful things given up on when they can empower so many.

It is why I designed Whaleshares and beyondbits in addition to a service for all whales to make the value locked away in their SP Account Liquid with their own similarly designed tokens! And now that I have them...I have alot more value available to leverage for the Steem Community that was Launched on BeyondBitcoin's very own Hangouts!

After all, as Ned said in his original post:

"We have a big ecosystem to build and it's not going to get built unless we build it together" ~@ned

So, Obviously it was thrilling to be able to tell Ned about how the WhaleShares Platform could enable all the whales in steem to create vote tokens to fund amazing projects that come onto a Sharktank Style Event called "Whaletank".

Wow there it was. Ned liked it. Sure he didn't seem to like me talking about the whaleshares in steemslack, or bitchute collaboration or any of the other props I brought and considered them "offtopic" but at least he liked the whaletank idea!

And of course knowing what I always try to do with communities, it was was probably even more exciting to read the following than when I read the other messages posted above:

Answer: of course it will be! Nearly everything I do in crypto is!

But then he dropped the motherload on me saying it was better than Worker Proposals, better than Dash and Dao!

To which I obviously Agreed...

So it became obvious that I would be able to make the Whaletank community driven over time so even if something happened to any of its whale council members, the show would continue going on. I even have them edited in a community-driven fashion and use the earnings from my posts to continue building and improving the platform that supports it--Whaleshares!

Ironically, this is also where Bounties Reemerged and are paying out strongly with bonus payments based on the post payouts I receive in these individual posts!

So without further ado...I am proud to announce an expansion of the tools and ideas Ned told me he loved, I am now able to also help build an idea he loved but for some reason never got the chance to complete! A Bounty Forum for all the diverse members of steem must be born! And now I have the funds to support its development for as long as I can continue to build without fear or reprisal for my work!

Anyone is welcome to post bounties - be they for marketing, software development or any other domain impacting Steem and Steemians (especially whaleshares and whaletank!)

Please follow the form I have posted in the replies below:

Comment1: Task; Size of the Bounty; Milestones

As Ned says: "Let's Do This!"

During the Week you can find us in Our 24/7 WhaleShares Server! (preferably the Adult Swim VOIP)

And of Course you can join Our EOStalk Discord

How to Join the Beyond Bitcoin Mumble where BitShares and Steem were born!

Step 1: Download Mumble Here

Step 2: Watch Setup Instructions

Step 3:

Enter the following information:

Label: BeyondBitcoin om
Port: 64738
Username: Enter your username
Password: w0rldCh@NG3rsUN!t3

All BeyondBitcoin content is powered by the Steem blockchain so please join the new social media movement that enables Creative Commons content creators and Open Source developers to earn funding for participating in the community's growth and sustenance. Participate in Beyond Bitcoin initiatives to earn WhaleShares and BeyondBit tokens that pay you and make you trend all at once!

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
If you enjoyed what you read here, create your account today and start earning FREE STEEM!
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The first bounty is for .. you guessed it... a specially designed Bounty Management Forum (please use Jesta's ChainBB as the Base!) :)
Task: Design, Build, Operate an open-source, open-data, independent website (or system that can be integrated into Steemit.com) for managing bounties using ChainBB source code!
Milestone 1: Design the bounty system with UI/UX and full specs for the engineering required. Design must clearly demonstrate how bounty milestones will be rewarded; demonstrate how Steem and SBD will be integrated; show functional user experience; demonstrate the escrow process; demonstrate how tasks and updates will be recorded/monitored/and tracked.
Milestone 2: Engineer the website and system for bounty management.
Milestone 3: Launch, host, operate the website; get it linked from Steemit.com and other Steem-based website menus
Milestone 1 - NOW 2000 SBD of Beyondbit Whaletokens!
Milestone 2 - NOW 4000 SBD of Beyondbit Whaletokens!
Milestone 3 - NOW 2000 SBD of Beyondbit Whaletokens!

IMPORTANT: 3 Submissions will Win for EACH MILESTONE!

Note: This is Blatantly borrowed from Ned's Blockchain-Certified Post to ensure all goals remain the same!

Please ONLY respond to this reply if you have questions regarding how to win your cut of $28k

The first bounty is for .. you guessed it... a specially designed Bounty Management Forum (please use Jesta's ChainBB as the Base!) :)

Task: Design, Build, Operate an open-source, open-data, independent website (or system that can be integrated into Steemit.com) for managing bounties using ChainBB source code!

Milestone 1: Design the bounty system with UI/UX and full specs for the engineering required. Design must clearly demonstrate how bounty milestones will be rewarded; demonstrate how Steem and SBD will be integrated; show functional user experience; demonstrate the escrow process; demonstrate how tasks and updates will be recorded/monitored/and tracked.

Milestone 2: Engineer the website and system for bounty management.

Milestone 3: Launch, host, operate the website; get it linked from Steemit.com and other Steem-based website menus

Milestone 1 - NOW 2000 SBD of Beyondbit Whaletokens!
Milestone 2 - NOW 4000 SBD of Beyondbit Whaletokens!
Milestone 3 - NOW 2000 SBD of Beyondbit Whaletokens!

IMPORTANT: 3 Submissions will Win for EACH MILESTONE!

Note: This is Blatantly borrowed from Ned's Blockchain-Certified Post to ensure all goals remain the same!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'm not sure I'd recommend using the frontend for chainBB as the base haha. It's about to undergo some radical changes. If a developer wants to use it as something to learn off of, they are more than welcome, but if they want to stay in sync with the changes that are coming, now is not a good time to fork that repo.

Also being beta code.... it may be a bit sloppy :)

Best of luck to anyone attempting this challenge!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

woah so people like chainbb so much they wanna fork off it and make their own? Yeah if chainBB just had a couple more features like the wallet and maybe an option to make your own subforums like subredits...man it could be something I use instead of steemit
(And thanks for the recent upvots youve given me , i realy apeciate it as ive been vry hungry fior crypto and racing top save up myself 1 bitcoin before it gets any higher

Like i hope chainB can have a steemit trending post visualizer, some way to organize ALL the top posts from all the top steemit catgeopries all on one page

also you could sell your own ads on beta.chainbb.com couodnt u? That would be cool! Just crypto related stuff, or maybe we could have some sort of feature to share comment rewards teh way you have opost rewards sharabkle???
Ohg yeah that featue you built in to share rwards with somneone before you even post to lick itin, its REALLY useful and allows me to share rwards for new users whose introduction pots I help make for them! The fact that chainBB has tis rwward sharing feature and reguklar steemit does not is a testiment to your devlopment skills! Its a very nice feaure and its always impressive everytime i use it! I feel like if u can make that, theers going to be a lot of col stuff in store for chainBB that you must have planned and i understand that just because I thought it upo just now doesnt mean you havent already and that its not that easy to just make happen, and I hope you have enough money to hire some assistancts to get everthing one faster!

Anyway you should wrk on an android app for steemit, like chainBB for stemit but one that letys you make your own subreddit type place in steemut, allowing someone to customize the header and the background image etc, i dunno, i just really want cutomizable subreddits on steemit liek substeemits but its hjard to imagine how we would go about doing something like that

So you would recommend I do not let them use it?

There's a difference between "let" and "recommend".

I don't recommend using the beta, in development, version of a forum as the basis for a frontend for a bounty system. However, just because I don't recommend it, doesn't mean they can't :)

I know i can grab the code and use it as i wish. But even in open source i choose of my own volition to try to uplift and help the devs involved instead of use their work without giving back. So i only use "let" because id like to know it is something that wont hurt u too.

I respecy you bro. No other way to say it. Its why eostalk.io is still paying you for the first months of its use and we will give u a % indefinitely.

Giving back for one anothers hard work is the only way humanity truly moves forward.

Now with that said. I thank you jesta. We need to get u delegated sp and a whalecoin to help pay people to help u. If interested tell me and its yours. If not...let me know how i can help otherwise.

So i only use "let" because id like to know it is something that wont hurt u too.

No skin off my back if people do end up using it, it's just going to make their life more difficult in the end (in my opinion). I just meant to leave a warning for developers that might latch onto this project, and hopefully offer some advice. I do hope someone takes on the mantle, there's a lot of projects that need completing :)

Hi, @jesta you are great man. I like you, I'm your big fans....

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Have you ever spoken with ned? Is this just your opinion projected on to him as some sort of explanation?

I don't know who you are, so please set me straight if you have insider knowledge on ned's actions.

he doesn't, but he does seem to make a very well written article that connects whaleshares intrinsically to this concept of "vote buying schemes" while at the same time buying votes through sp leasing...

SO I am not exactly sure his motive. But for certain it has not helped this post and I will be accounting for it. :)

I truly hope I am incorrect of course...

Hi. Please continue your good work.

I have edited my other responses. Agree i went on an unrelated tangent, sorry about that. I will not do that again.

It isnt my place to speculate on ned and dan or whaleshares/beyond bit. I was ignorant to all involved and the story. That is my fault. Sorry.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

First and foremost. Randowhale and "Votebuying" post is off topic for what I posted this post takes away from the GOAL of this post but I will not downvote you. Instead I will Unupvote my comment and repost it to upvote it again so people who are BUILDING it are not scared off. I hope this is not your intend by posting in this location as it seems terrible form.

Second I will respectfully communicate this to you and then move on to address your thoughts.

  1. Voting power IS already centralized (Check out how much SP Ned made sure Steemit.inc, which he legally controls, owns. :/

  2. Yes Randowhale is a great way to sell upvotes and take from the pool. It could be used correctly as a tool though to help people. It simply doesn't seem to go that way...yet

  3. I notice on your account you downvote people and also delegate steempower using services. Congratulations you are vote buying.

## 4) Have you looked at any of my posts? Even read this one? What is BeyondBit doing here? IT IS PAYING 28K in rewards to finish something I donated to ned for (and was never paid me back, btw) TO BE DONE

Then please look at my account. Browse all the amazing work people are doing and the community i'm building (instead of cashing out my risky sp). Look at all the quality and amazingness I am producing.

We as a community do not need whales downvoting. We need them to give their power away which is precisely what I do every dang day in the most beautiful way on steem.

Unfortunately your extremely long post, your current use of sp leasing and your association between myself and the "reward pool rape" that you describe in the case of randowhale has NOTHING to do with me or what this post is about.

It also makes an account called truth force, who says in their profile that they are looking for truth, look like they are making assumptions rather than asking questions and "seeking truth". Hope this helps you find the truth and I hope you understand why I will be taking away my downvote from this reply and will repost and upvote it so this thread is not further disrupted.

Whaleshares is not a vote buying scheme. I dont sell ANY whaleshares. A small number of my Beyondbits may be purchased though.

BUT if people have problems with Vote Buying (aka advertising), then they should NOT ever support steem. What exactly do you think people are doing when they BUY SP?

They are BUYING VOTING POWER. Right? :)

Why will people ever buy SP if they cannot use it to upvote content and also make money at the same time?

I don't mean to sound mean when I say this but people realllllly need to understand this for the platform to work.

I buy SP and when I spent money to buy it, I dont think it is morally right for anyone to dictate to me how I should use it.

It is part of the system.

Errrm, Fuzzy; pardon me but Bitcoin seems the only popular crypto in Nigeria, most especially Lagos.

Now part of the reasons this account was set up is to let Steem, Bitshares, whaleshares tokens be know as well here in this country.

So some plans are in place to host some seminars and workshop telling people about these not so expensive tokens unlike Bitcoin which is almost a Million Bucks in my currency.

We will seek your opinion and Go-ahead as times goes on. Thanks

@oluwoleolaide for @steem-lagos


Hello Mister, I read this amazing article already. But, I don't understand at all what kind of issues you are talking about. I am a new comer here and just kanded yesterday. Indeed, it will take a time for me to understand the issue you wrote.

Hopefully, I will be able to understand this article soon. I would like to review other resources as well.

Is it possible for me to have your vote on my introducing article? I really need to be your friend. I follow you. All the best for you.

Regard from Aceh, Indonesia.

I'm trying to understand, too. But I know it takes time for me to learn all the terms and jargon on this platform...

Thank you @officialfuzzy sir for everything you're doing for us and steemit community. Beyond bits and whaleshares are the most versatile thing on steemit. What could be more versatile than giving opportunities, to those who wants to grow here by doing a lot of hard work and dedication, in form of beyond bits and whaleshares. In fact, they get these token by again doing some hard work and providing value to this platform.
I am very sorry about the current understanding between you and @ned sir. I am sure this would sought out asap. But during this time, I am with you and actually the whole steemit community is with you. We'll help you to grow this Beyond bit program and would participate in each of your activity.
Thank you sir for everything :)

I will build with or without his help. I figured helping him after his attack was better for community than what i wanted to do...

Not gonna lie though. It took alot of venting and deep breaths...

Yeah I can only imagine. I was wondering how you were going to handle it. Like they say: "life's not about what happens, its about how you react to what happens.

Namaste and keep it up one day maybe you'll be CEO of Steemit one day :)

It takes a big-hearted person to rise above conflict and see the positive in any situation. Steemians, especially new ones, need to take a cue from you @officialfuzzy.

Thanks for inspiring a better community whether in beyondbitcoin hangout, whaletank or in whaleshares discord.

Awesome idea@officialfuzzy,a fantastic collaboration with @ned.Looking forward to the role I can play to help as a newbie.post Resteem ... @detycoon

Id love to see ned double down with his own whale token :)

It would be so awesome if my wallet had a smooth token, a fuzzy token, a Viking token, an asshole token, a Pal token so I could decide on each post I make which whale I want to pay for a vote! Yes, it would be kind of odd I have to log into another blockchain (that I have no interest in) to earn or buy these tokens, but who cares.. right?

So exciting!

That was the intention. Even told ned he could join and have his own token. Guess ned doesn't like value though.

Wow !
Great initiation @officialfuzzy !
Looking forward .
All the best !

@officialfuzzy Hey man, you know what I think about all this and you know that you have a whole crowd behind you pushing you forward.

I would like to know and officially apply for tomorrow speak about the ArtCoin and the ideas that I've been developing based on that. About how far I think it can reach and other services that the coin itself could bring if it stands properly in the market.

I believe ArtCoin can be a great opportunity to fellow artists and enrich the creative community in ways that are yet veiled. Although I am very ignorant about the crypto market and many things may sound retard. I apologize for that.

But I believe that I can bring very tasty ideas to WhaleTank and the CryptoWorld.

I love you guys. Somehow an entire community has my back. And im not talking a community with an upvote bot for anyone who joins for free votes only. Im talking a iut a legitimate community that empowers its users instead of simply empowering a small group and being the perfect house for sockpuppets.

Im just blessed to have good people behind me.

Have never used beyondbit or whaleshare tokens before,not really sure what they are. But after reading about them they sound very interesting,will definitely have to check them out some more. Thanks for sharing.

I'm new here, jusst wanted to say Hello :)

From a newbie point of view as myself let me say what you're are doing on Steemit platform is really helpful and appreciated by most of us. It was sad to read about the down votes by Ned on your posts, we should all be united and help each other to making steemit an enormous and helpful social media platform out there. We are behind you @officialfuzzy and thanks again

:-) Glad you see you have not been put off. i am hoping it was a prank that went wrong really! I am looking forward to working with you on a project later this year :-)

i'm stubborn... :P

which is why you may someday hear that i fell off a building or shot myself in the back of the head with a nail gun 9 times and that it was a suicide :D

But that only happens when steem (or its successor(s)) are above 100 billion. :P


Hi Sir, this project is really big and promissing. This community were we live virtually is so lucky to have a soul like yours. Thank you for all your kindness.

WOw its people like you who make the trolls and liars who attack me worth the trouble. You are welcome :)

The growth potential for this is so great . Looking forward to look at future progress.

I paid myself $60 in return for the effort to write and put all this together on this post, but can do much more with support from everyone who cares about my work. If you believe our community driven bounties and giveaways of thousands of dollars in rewards for honest good work should continually improve, please upvote this to pay me!

I have all my sp locked away and do not like to sell many of my tokens so this helps me build by posting and motivating the community to move on our bounties!

Upvoted, hope it helps!

Upvoted..please follow back

Upvoted..follow back

Don't worry about me, fuzzy, when I get my grubby hands on your tokens. I'm hoarding them. You can keep giving them to me, and I promise they won't impact your VP..... yet. :)

LOL. I recommend people use them and not store them, but you are welcome to do what you wish!

Well I want to save them until a really good post needs them.

Great post!

Seriously fuck the whaleshares and all project...

Tried all this whaleshare thing and at the end just lost my money ,don't like this at all ;(

how exactly did you lose money? besides all the tokens that are given away free in competitions, many people have used the tokens without issue. if you had a problem with a vote that didn't go through, visit the discord chat and give them the details and they'll be happy to help straighten you out.

This is the post i used whaleshares https://steemit.com/nature/@hqmafa420/how-the-hell-cow-get-here
But at the end like you see payouts are micro as hell :)
Just too anti motivated for this...lost just couple of SBD, who cares !!!

What the are you talking about? Its on you not us if u use our tokens incorrectly or buy them from someone at a rate at which you dont lost money. Welcome to crypto...best learn quick or get eaten alive. Thats why i build while fudders attack...so they cant win ;)

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by mikethetrumpian from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, and someguy123. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

If you like what we're doing please upvote this comment so we can continue to build the community account that's supporting all members.

how exactly did you "lose money"? you are one of very few considering we advise people not to buy them but instead to earn them in our contests...

We have found from logs it isnt our service but user error...but don't worry you'll learn just like you have to learn how to keep your steemit keys safe! This is Crypto!!! :D

Bought bitshares, after bought whaleshares paid whaleshares to the whale to upvote my context but it played out in negative balace, basically i paid like 4SBD or something but at the end got like 0.20SBD :D

I looked at your accounts via https://cryptofresh.com/u/hqmafa420

You transferred 2 SBD over to openledger and acquired 3 WHALESHARE. Respectfully, I think you're conflating a usability issue with a trading one. This is also why I have WhaleBoT in the room to update everyone on price changes, votepower, etc.

  1. Try and get some tokens FREE! <-- best option, right here!
  2. What's the cheapest way to get BTS from SBD? blocktrades? offering on BTS market?
  3. I need some tokens for my post! How much?
    WHALESHARE last trade 2.52, bid 2.52 x 3.98
  4. I want 2% upvote. How much would that get me?
    "whalebot vp whaleshare 2%" <-- in discord chat room
    or use steemnow.com, @officialfuzzy, "Your upvote is worth 2%"
  5. 2% vote (right now) = 0.70, or 35 cents each
    ** (remember this value, like all the numbers here, are constantly changing)
  6. 2.52 bts * SBD$0.15 = 38 cents! still too much! maybe I try to win some instead!
    ** even at the bid, it will still cost me more than I can make now!!! screw that! why do these "crazy" people want to pay so much??? Maybe they think it's worth it for the attention and/or to help reach the hot-lists. doesn't matter, it just "is what it is". Each quantifies "value" in their own way.
    *** (ie. hey, I think they're worth less than this! Gonna try and get some .. free or bid for them .. and OFFER them on the BTS market for 3.95 BTS each! :D)

And that's more or less how you should look at it. If you buy them on the market, each person must determine for themselves if the "juice is worth the squeeze". Also remember the nature of all the moving parts, that all the prices are changing constantly as well, just like with STEEM and SBD. In a week, STEEM maybe 25% higher... or lower...

I hope this explanation helps you and others understand a better way to analyze and quantify the token values, in case you decide to try them again in the future.

damnit alex. i sincerely love you man. you get more beyondbits....

pl check yr mail v v urgent

wow, wasn't expecting that, but thanks fuzzy! 🤗

Wow. That looks like it's really easy for most users to understand.

well, I didn't say it was "easy", I just did my best to "break it down" a bit. guess there's always room for improvement! :)

maybe this is better, short and sweet: "obtain token at great price, get great reward!"

No not for real. This is not how the system even works. Total FUD.

People sure are scandalous sometimes...

.......... you for real ? Please contakt us on discord so can chek the case . This isnt any posible even 1% upvote from the whale is 0.68$ so .... idk what are you speaking .....

Yes i'm real.
I'm done with this- my thoughts are better lose one and stay away...instead of loosing all.

This make me really sad ..... people dont take the time to reasurch they just go and buy things ...... We give hundrets of Whaleshares free .........But yes you are right why to put efort , just use any bot servise pay direct the SBD..............and get your BIG upvote !

No , my point isn't to use any bot service... my point is to get legit followers and upvotes. Like everyone else out here are using bots. But you know the feeling when you post something and it didn't get any upvotes, you need to do something else to increase your payouts ✌️
Will check out all this later, try to figurate out a little bit more about this.

But like i said i'm disapointed little bit, but for sure i made mistake somewhere.

You can join our discord , if not more speak with people and they will chek your post and give advise :)

Exactly. You made a mistake somewhere. Go look at whaleshares.net and follow the instructions please instead of blaming it on us.

If yiu send steem to the wronf account and lose it...do yiu blame steem or yourself? Think with your brain please and consider the damage your misrepresentations cause

Hey, is there a Whaleshares For Dummies? I still don't exactly understand this, as I have not been closely following everything. Thanks for this very enthusiastic post.

Fuzzy is basically giving delayed upvotes to people who he thinks deserve them, based on the (mostly artistic) work that they do to spruce this place up a little bit. They are in the form of tokens, and they actually trade on the Bitshares decentralized exchange. You can trade for them on the exchange, or you can do something creative and win them. Once you have them, you can trade them on Bitshares, or you can use them to upvote content on Steem, or you can hoard them, as I am trying to do. When you use them, you transfer one or more of them back to fuzzy with instructions, just like you would make any other transaction. 1 token gets you 1% of his steemit account's current upvote power. 100 tokens transferred back to him gives you a full-power upvote. The tokens are not destroyed, but rather recirculate back from the whale's Bitshares wallet to whomever new the whale wants to share the token with.
Think of it as a banked, tradeable upvote. It also creates a really nice synergy between Steemit and Bitshares, which are peas in a pod.
I hope that was concise and accurate enough.
Someone please correct any wrongs :)

That's actually pretty cool idea. Interesting to see how this develops.

YES! Go to google and type in "whaleshares tutorial" and see how we have like 7 of them because we did a contest WITH WHALESHARES to pay for them ;)

This is why I MADE community coins. (not some who pretend they invented them to steal the limelight and attack me at same time)

Good Job @officialfuzzy, Keep It Up We Need More Whales Like You On Steemit.com :)

wow interesting.


you´ll get the price for the best comment ever!

Wow yea or flag reward ?

great idea.. thanks for the update.. i will check it out

ohh men thanxs for info...thats was amazing..blogs, how they do it?..

Thanks for the article. Clear concise and well written. I found it to be a big help. I am going to Resteem and Follow. Especially, so I can find this and refer back to it.


Have you ever felt as if after reading each word and line, you say - so what the hell was this all about!! ?
No offence to fuzzy, it is just my poor knowledge about all this crypto-currency thing. Tried to follow him after reading recent articles about him and Ned.
What I got out of this whole article is that we get some tokens, which we can use to buy a vote from Ned or other whales, right?
But the part that I didn't get is that how will I get that token? And what is this bounty thing?

Sounds like u need to read through it slower and copy paste what you dont understand so i can explain it to you? ;)

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

The key to it all is in fuzzy's first comment.

akrid. I have no clue what u are saying here. I love you though :P

I followed you and voted your post and resteem it
your turn please :)

Awesome post !!

I am impressed with you .. thanks information. Hopefully we can make good friends .. follow me @riansteem

good job.. i realy like ur work.....

interesting post

Congratulations for your excellent post, I invite you to follow us and we grow faster, greetings

this is the best inspiring post have seen this morning although didn't read to end but ill reteem it cuz at the beginning it sound interesting

Building time ! Thank you for this :)

This idea is very interesting and seems like a positive step forward if it can be properly executed :)

You, sir, know how to make really good lemonade. I wish you all the best. I want to become like Dawg, the bountyhunter.

great, thank you

Looks good at first glance Will try to gain better understanding and watch for updates.


thanks for the info

Let's Do This so where I start, I make B&W photography.

Social Media platforms are rapidly growing Decentralization www.STEEMIT.com are Getting Popular day by day. More than 1000 people join this platform and try their Lucks to get success in the evening. But, there are simple things that they forget. Here we try to sum up the Tip & simple trick in the original Point.

Create Custom Write POSTS on the TOPIC that you know well 100% STEEM POWER.

If you LIKE about 20 POST within 24 hours, it helps improve the strength of Your STEEM

RESTEEM others POSTS so they will also be RESTEEM or RE-TWEET/SHARE Yours ...

Make a comment interesting and engaging in the Popular POSTS to get more exposure ...

FOLLOW the Lot So that if a few of them will FOLLOW YOU BACK, it will be helpful ...

LAST but not LEAST, KEEP engaging in the above Activities.

If you want me to mengikutimu FOLLOW Me!!!
I regularly check my FOLLOWERS LIST and

is it so steemit friend?

Very good post


Awesome idea. I thank you for adding extra flavor in steemit..

Inspirasi past..

I'm down for it

Yay, bounties!!! Let's see who posts the first bounty!

yes! thats great post,

Never back down!. It's the only way you can win.

Great idea!

Thanks, like the way you presented this! Have a great day! Upvoted and resteemed.

Thanks for share

You have highlighted a very important issue!!

Good @tha199

can someone explain what a bot is to me! thanks!

Split Created BCH bitcoin Cash , and it has reached 500$ in value

I was given this link to read as an explanation for @officialfuzzy 's side of the story in this whale-tiff.

I'm 55 and have had to change careers several times already.

I just want to produce and consume content and engage other like-minded people.

So if I'm not a coder, or a graphic artist and if I'm not interested in setting up web sites or building blockchain infrastructure, can I pretty much ignore all of this?

theblindsquirrel. you can if you don't want to learn it :)
But honestly there is much more coming... so its your loss if you do :)

Thanks for the response, I will follow and make a decision when I have a better understanding.

I consider crypto & the blockchain to be the Gold Rush of the 21st century. What many don't understand is that it wasn't the gold miners who made vast fortunes during the 1849 gold rush, it was the people selling picks & shovels & Levi's jeans.

This gold rush won't be any different.

I'm just not sure my Fortran 77 would be of much use now.


I read all your post and I can't see the reason why Ned downvoted you... And he said he likes Idea.

Great stuff here man & you even donated 400 SBD :O

Wow interesting.......nice post

Thanks your post is great and helpful for us
Regards @sharoon

I wish I could code, I would have been a trusted partner. Find out if there is any way passionate steemians without coding experience can support you. Keep on doing good.

we're starting steem-based developer classes too so you can learn to code and work with the Steem APIs and everything. Check the posts of @steemdevelopers for more information.

If u truly are wealthy...buy sp make your own whaletoken and start mimicking what i do or simply donate them to my and others bounty and contest posts!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am not competing with you neither do I have any intention of mimicking what you do. I just felt that you needed help. May be you did not get what I said. By the way that was rude. I cannot remember quarreling with you before. Thanks anyways...

Congratulations @officialfuzzy!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following categories:

  • Upvotes - Ranked 9 with 513 upvotes
  • Pending payout - Ranked 6 with $ 287,33

I can see your onto an awesome idea, lol I only wish i had the skills to be a part of this initiative. Unfortunately my skill level only high enough to look through the window of the candy store and not go in and have some sweets. : o)

nice info @officialfuzzy, me @fahrullah vote and reesteem this post To know steemian aceh through my post, i will support you ...

It's amazing the growth potential for this!

amazing article

You guys are amazing really :) and i"m seeing your name @officialfuzzy around the platform with positive impacts ^^ cheers for doing so much for the community you are amazing.

Also I would much appreciate it if you can give me an upvote on my recent article.. I got robbed and I'm trying to buy a new laptop to finish a book I'm writing. It would help me in life very much.. Although don't think I'm begging, you don't really need to do it.

Cheers and All the best for everyone 💖


Interesting stuff, such an innovation will help steemit go a long way.

nice Mr.@officialfuzzy, upvote me

follow me plZzz iam new here

Nice post

Very Good post
