Hi, and welcome steemit)

in steem •  9 years ago  (edited)

Looks like no one, what to play this game..

Oh well, bye-bye then.

And have a good time in steem.

So lets

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It would be funny if a guy did one where with each 5 votes he had to put something on until he looked like a sumo. I feel a little bad because your comment has garnered more than the post but it'll still help her out haha. Better off with a dollar value game, but to each their own.

You shouldn't really feel bad because this sort of post topic here? This low value "Maybe I'll let you see my boobs if you pay me!" is not the kind of crap we want on steemit. Or at least not the kind of crap I want on steem it.

As long as steem uses global metrics, you will get the kind of crap everybody wants (weighted by their influence)

What could improve situation is having metrics computed for your personal tastes ideally, if not that , then for cluster of tastes close to yours, and if not that, at least for category of the post (or each tag it contains)

One of approaches that might push things in more interesting directions:

That would be a great idea! However I wonder how this might affect new users posts visibility. Right now there are lots of people viewing the new post thread. I think that's valuable and a tthe same time tweaking the taste settings would be great too.

I agree it's the first time I've seen a post like this and it's creative, but I hope it doesn't start a trend. I think substance should be rewarded

I think so too. wink wink...

Time to take something off!!

Yes Tiff get live and do that :P

Nooooo i wanna watch where this is going !! Lol

3 more votes to go))
Almost there!

it depends on us how often this time will come

Shoe #2 !! Or will it be the sock??? Oh the suspense is killing me!!

Oh, the jacket !! That was a surprise!!

  ·  9 years ago (edited)


Why not both ?!! So wrong for so many reasons yet so good for so many reasons!!

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Well hello there! This sounds like a fun game. What happens when you get 2000 upvotes do you have enough clothes to take off?

I didn't thought about that=)
But ill figure something out=P

Beware, that may turned into a silence of the lamb scenario. Don't take off your skin for 2000 votes...please!

I ate his liver with some data beans. SilenceoftheLambs7_zps07038eeff3ae3.jpg

i was about to make the same question lol so here's an upvote

Try these posts, they are good too :D

I was expecting that :) Nice socks lol

You might want to edit in NSFW into the title.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Man, she is playing y'all right now. I'm not even mad. This is funny.

Of course is funny...that's why we are here lol

unzips dick

Jacket off....Jacket off...Jacket off.... :D

r/gonewild is leaking. :D

you need to add the NSFW tag to your post. thanks

Of course. It had to descend to this level.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Only 7 votes to go)
My next photo is ready =*

Its, getting late here guys)
So i guess, this game could take two days.

But I'm still here for about an hour or so=*
To post some more photos.

upvoted! 8]

This might be the "Steem-iest" post I've seen yet!

Im already taking the next pic)

Can we choose what you remove?

I know what will you choose first =P

Lets start following the rules, and than i will let you choose what to take off...ones =)

I was gonna say skin.


we are ready! Go baby! :)

Just a little more to go =)

we try :)

only one shoe? I'm crying

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

sorry baby, but i hope i won't disappoint you, with the next photo=)

Very like a whale!

There's still the other shoe, socks, tank top. I probably will be back in the morning. :)

maybe, we will watch you naked for nothing :D

But, this is fun.
isn't it?)


I thought your game was fantastic, I'm sorry it didn't work out as planned.

Great choice taking off the jacket! I feel we will unleash those beautiful melons you have hiding under there. I'm enjoying the suspense so much more than if you had just revealed your nakedness right away. I hope more people keep voting I'm excited to see what you have under there.

LOL I love STEEMIT!!!!!!!!! I haven't had this much fun on the internet in a while, it had become so bland and routine until I found myself here.

Im back=*
Next photo is ready)

plot twist: she has 50 photos already made :P

... and is now biting her nails being afraid it reaches photo no. 47

Haha, don't worry, a little bit later, all of you can choose,what i must take off.
Based on the most upvoted comment.

great, i'm new here... how does it work around here?