How much STEEM you need to be happy ?

in steem •  7 years ago  (edited)

 It is believed that happiness is not in the money, but today's society attaches great importance to standard and quality of life. So money has become a measure according to which everyone determines their position.

 I believe the first million can make every poor man happy. If you suddenly rise from misery to luxury, you become a pig - a self-satisfied and happy pig. You become a golden conduit for better quality food, better alcohol, better quality drugs and better sex. You turn into a golden esophagus that you regularly release into your golden toilet.With the increase in your bank account, however, you will become a growing pig, not necessarily getting happier. Hardly ten million can make you ten times happier than the first million who got you out of misery. 

 Happiness is really bought with money. With lots of money. With the first lot of money.With the first million, figuratively speaking. From then on, everything else is the work of accountants, lawyers, and bankers - just some digits that make you richer and more greedy, but not happier. 

 You can buy free time with money. 

You can use this free time for bloging and make even more money !

How much STEEM you need to be happy ?

I consider miself as not greedy or selfish so in my case i will be hapy with 1000 steem per month ! Dont get me wrong  steem wont buy me hapyness but can really help me in my life !

How about YOU ?


Stay positive  and many smiles !!! 


Feel free to comment , criticize, follow or unfollow me ! 

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Sorry to let you know, but you need 0 STEEM to be happy.

Im happy any way :)

That's the way ;)

Money opens opportunities for happiness and it seems some rich people struggle to find happiness. I'm happy to have a little extra income that will allow me to treat myself now and then. I can also help out others to spread the happiness

Im on the same way :) But admi money can buy you more free time right ?

That would be cool! 1000 or even 2000 per month would be amazing! Upvoted!

This is just a numbers but still will be really cool :)

I agree! :)

Nice one however I have little fate that 1000 steem a day is achievable
lets try ,lets try !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ohh well it is recently post payd above 1500 $ so who know :)

Are you on steemit chat? I sent you a text there. :)

Hey i answer you :)

Thank you for your giving. I happy for it :)

Glad you are happy :)

You have a lot to share :)

Usual i do :)

73 million Steem please. I don't know why?! A random millionage!! :) Upvoted!

You will have this some day just stay positive !

... and I won't forget this conversation @patelincho ;)

Money doesn't buy you happiness but without money, you are likely to be less happy.

True :)

I've been happy with Zero and happy with More. Still ain't a millionaire so got a goal to reach yet, Will let you know then if it's true. lol

Will look about your milionare post !