The Steem News @ 19 April 2024 : Community Curators for May - Applications Open...

in steem •  2 months ago 

Steemit Inc is inviting applications for Community Curators for May.

The Steem Video Contest closes tomorrow.

Today's Steem News also includes news and updates about the Revamping from @the-gorilla, a Showcase Interview, World of Xpilar, Basics of Steem, and Contests on Steem...

1. Community Curators for May

Steemit is inviting applications from anyone who would like to become a Community Curator for May.

To apply to become a Community Curator you must have a reputation of at least 70 and you must have at least 14,500 SP of your own.

The closing date for applications is 11:59 pm UTC, on Thursday 25 April 2024...

There are 16 applications so far...

2. Steem Video Contest

@xpilar has launched a contest for people to make promotional videos about Steem.

The prize pool for this contest has now risen to over 49,000 SP in delegations. The judges for the contest will be @xpilar, @stef1 and @pennsif.

The contest closes tomorrow on 20 April...

Pennsif the Witness

After almost 2000 days on Steem I decided it was time to take my contribution to the platform to the next level.

I have therefore set up as a Steem witness... @pennsif.witness

If anyone would like to support what I already do, and what I am planning to do, by giving one of their 30 witness votes to @pennsif.witness I would be hugely grateful.

You can read my full witness announcement here...

@pennsif.witness is now at #18. Thank you to everyone who has voted to help get to this position.

3. DAO Watch : The-Gorilla

@the-gorilla continues to post updates on his DAO funded protect to modernise He is making good progress in implementing a new navigation system, and is inviting testers to try the work so far...

4. Showcase Interview

@ubongudofot continues with his Showcase interviews, this time talking with @elinav, a younger and blogger from Venezuela...

5. World of Xpilar

World of Xpilar is one of Steem's oldest currently active communities.

It produces a number of regular community posts including @o1eh's WOX Blogosphere Magazine...

As well as @adeljose's The Ideal World Report...

6. Basics of Steem

Tron Fan Club Moderator @engrsayful has now reached #30 in his very useful Basics of Steem tutorial series...

7. Contests on Steem

@disconnect continues to publish his comprehensive daily list of current contests on Steem.

There are 114 contests in the latest list with over 850 STEEM in prizes...

KEY DATA [ from CoinMarketCap ]

STEEM price US$ 0.26 19 Apr '24 11.43pm
CoinMarketCap Ranking #386 19 Apr '24 11.43pm
SBD price US$ 3.88 19 Apr '24 11.43pm
Unique visitors ( 164,442 / day 19 Apr '24 11.43pm
Page views ( 253,167 / day 19 Apr '24 11.43pm

This is #525 (19 Apr '24) of this news service.

[ graphics by @pennsif ]

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Hola amigo

Un gusto leerte a pesar de que ya pasaron 3 días del último Steem News

Estuve apunto de quedarme sin dejar mi segunda participación en el concurso de vídeos de xpilar jajaja, además me doy por servida que impulsé la participación en el concurso del vídeo de promoción en Recreative Steem y además con los usuarios nuevos de Connect You que estuvieron muy entusiasmados

Con lo de relaciones públicas y la promoción de Steem, estoy ansiosa por seguir leyendo y además educandome en el area! Hay mucha piedra por picar para encontrar los diamantes 💎

Saludos amigo, un té no estaría nada mal

Steem is definitely a hidden diamond...

Un diamante escondido que necesita ser descubierto. Estoy a la espectativa del "paquete de sueños" para empresarios, emprendedores y desarrolladores de código abierto!

I think your decision after 2000 days on steemit is enough to take the progress of steemit one step further.We are generally looking forward to see your next work sir. Accept love❤️‍🩹..

Stay tuned...