in steem •  8 years ago  (edited)

This is a segment of "Morning Joe".... Kellyanne Conway (Trump campaign manager) responds to Trump's comments about the media in his speech last night...  

Curious what your thoughts are on Ms. Conway's response...(please comment...I'm not sure what to think)

ps...I'm still learning how to 'work', if video doesn't start at where I set it, begin at 10:14...OR watch the whole Morning Joe.

Thank You,


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I think is very clear what she says, u can think whatever u want of Trump but he was referring to the mass media telling the people what and how to think and that she would not use a personal name... and I personally dont like Trump or Hillary but what he says is true at least about that

I turned off the mainstream after 9/11 and I have not looked back. They never cover any news until days after it happened as if they have to get approval to run each particular story. I get my news as it happens from many sources - all outside the USA.
I also ignore all news commentators and only listen to the person being interviewed plus their record. When I watched the debates, I muted all the talking heads telling me what was about to be said and what I should think about it, only unmuting when I saw Hillary's lips moving. the MSM is useless and slow. History records their inaccuracies.

hi Brains... following you...I turned off the TV after 911 My 2 year old son had nightmares of a 'big black bird crashing into his window' (for months after we turned the TV off) we were glued to the TV. I wish I had not been so glued to the MSM at that time...but, oh well...can't change the past...i never know who to believe I WANT TO TRUST SOMEONE- but feel i have to vet as many videos/news as possible to determine my own decision. My gut definitely is HOPEFUL that positive change/HISTORY is happening in front of our eyes