Daily Steem and SBD Price Statistics & Conversions - MULTILINGUAL | August 24, 2024steemCreated with Sketch.

in steem •  5 months ago 


Since we're on the Steemit blockchain, what news could be more important than the price of the token that powers the site? This daily post concerning the price of STEEM and #SteemDollars (SBD) is meant to be a quick look at today's prices.

In the world of crypto today, the price of STEEM is $0.1923 a coin, and the price of SBD (Steem dollars) is $2.65.

Important info:


Steem (STEEM)
Circulating Supply: 469,682,348
Trade volume (24 hrs): $22,280,049 (+74.80% from yesterday)
Market Cap $90,747,414
24h High: $0.1944
24h Low: $0.1828

Today's overall rank: 447
Today's overall price: $0.1923 (current as of posting)

STEEM to Bitcoin (BTC): 1 STEEM ≈ 0.0000029964617 #BTC
STEEM to Ethereum (ETH): 1 STEEM ≈ 0.0000697605 ETH
STEEM to Binance Coin (BNB): 1 STEEM ≈ 0.00033082926 BNB
STEEM to Ripple (XRP): 1 STEEM ≈ 0.30555846 #XRP
STEEM to Litecoin (LTC): 1 STEEM ≈ 0.0028671786 #LTC

STEEM / USD US Dollar - $0.1927
STEEM / CAD Canadian Dollar - CA$0.2613
STEEM / AUD Australian Dollar - A$0.2844
STEEM / GBP British Pound Sterling - £0.1462
STEEM / INR Indian Rupee - ₹16.19
STEEM / PHP Philippine Peso - ₱10.87


Steem Dollars (SBD)
Circulating Supply: 13,597,874
Trade volume (24 hrs.): $3,856,511 (-9.00 % in the last 24 hrs)
Market Cap $36,135,693
24h High: $2.68
24h Low: $2.58

Today's overall rank: 745
Today's overall price: $2.65

SBD to Bitcoin (BTC): 1 SBD ≈ 0.000041384594 BTC
SBD to #Ethereum (ETH): 1 SBD ≈ 0.00096347487 ETH
SBD to #BinanceCoin (BNB): 1 SBD ≈ 0.0045698112 BNB
SBD to #Ripple (XRP): 1 SBD ≈ 4.2311139 XRP
SBD to #Litecoin (LTC): 1 SBD ≈ 0.039551039 #LTC

SBD / USD US Dollar - $2.65
SBD / CAD #Canadian Dollar - CA$3.61
SBD / AUD #Australian Dollar - A$3.92
SBD / GBP #British Pound Sterling - £2.02
SBD / INR #Indian Rupee - ₹223.40
SBD / PHP #Philippine Peso - ₱149.96

All information in this post was collected from CoinGecko and is intended to be instructional and not as financial advice. Thanks for stopping by; make sure to follow!


In Italiano:

Dal momento che siamo sulla blockchain di Steemit, quale notizia potrebbe essere più importante del prezzo del token che alimenta il sito? Questo post giornaliero riguardante il prezzo di STEEM e #SteemDollars (SBD) è pensato per essere una rapida panoramica dei prezzi di oggi.

Nel mondo delle criptovalute oggi, il prezzo di STEEM è di $0,1923 per moneta, e il prezzo di SBD (Steem dollars) è di $2,65.

Informazioni importanti:

Steem (STEEM)
Offerta Circolante: 469,682,348
Volume di Scambi (24 ore): $22,280,049 (+74,80% rispetto a ieri)
Capitalizzazione di Mercato: $90,747,414
Massimo nelle ultime 24 ore: $0,1944
Minimo nelle ultime 24 ore: $0,1828

Posizione Generale di Oggi: 447
Prezzo Generale di Oggi: $0,1923 (attuale al momento della pubblicazione)

STEEM in Bitcoin (BTC): 1 STEEM ≈ 0,0000029964617 #BTC
STEEM in Ethereum (ETH): 1 STEEM ≈ 0,0000697605 ETH
STEEM in Binance Coin (BNB): 1 STEEM ≈ 0,00033082926 BNB
STEEM in Ripple (XRP): 1 STEEM ≈ 0,30555846 #XRP
STEEM in Litecoin (LTC): 1 STEEM ≈ 0,0028671786 #LTC

STEEM / USD Dollaro USA - $0,1927
STEEM / CAD Dollaro Canadese - CA$0,2613
STEEM / AUD Dollaro Australiano - A$0,2844
STEEM / GBP Sterlina Britannica - £0,1462
STEEM / INR Rupia Indiana - ₹16,19
STEEM / PHP Peso Filippino - ₱10,87

Steem Dollars (SBD)
Offerta Circolante: 13,597,874
Volume di Scambi (24 ore): $3,856,511 (-9,00% nelle ultime 24 ore)
Capitalizzazione di Mercato: $36,135,693
Massimo nelle ultime 24 ore: $2,68
Minimo nelle ultime 24 ore: $2,58

Posizione Generale di Oggi: 745
Prezzo Generale di Oggi: $2,65

SBD in Bitcoin (BTC): 1 SBD ≈ 0,000041384594 BTC
SBD in Ethereum (ETH): 1 SBD ≈ 0,00096347487 ETH
SBD in Binance Coin (BNB): 1 SBD ≈ 0,0045698112 BNB
SBD in Ripple (XRP): 1 SBD ≈ 4,2311139 XRP
SBD in Litecoin (LTC): 1 SBD ≈ 0,039551039 #LTC

SBD / USD Dollaro USA - $2,65
SBD / CAD Dollaro Canadese - CA$3,61
SBD / AUD Dollaro Australiano - A$3,92
SBD / GBP Sterlina Britannica - £2,02
SBD / INR Rupia Indiana - ₹223,40
SBD / PHP Peso Filippino - ₱149,96

Questo post contiene informazioni raccolte da CoinGecko ed è inteso a scopo istruttivo e non come consulenza finanziaria. Grazie per esserti fermato; assicurati di seguirci!


En Español:

Dado que estamos en la blockchain de Steemit, ¿qué noticia podría ser más importante que el precio del token que impulsa el sitio? Este post diario sobre el precio de STEEM y #SteemDollars (SBD) está destinado a ser una mirada rápida a los precios de hoy.

En el mundo de las criptomonedas hoy, el precio de STEEM es de $0.1923 por moneda, y el precio de SBD (Steem dollars) es de $2.65.

Información importante:

Steem (STEEM)
Oferta Circulante: 469,682,348
Volumen de Comercio (24 hrs): $22,280,049 (+74.80% desde ayer)
Capitalización de Mercado: $90,747,414
Máximo en las últimas 24 horas: $0.1944
Mínimo en las últimas 24 horas: $0.1828

Rango general de hoy: 447
Precio general de hoy: $0.1923 (actual al momento de la publicación)

STEEM a Bitcoin (BTC): 1 STEEM ≈ 0.0000029964617 #BTC
STEEM a Ethereum (ETH): 1 STEEM ≈ 0.0000697605 ETH
STEEM a Binance Coin (BNB): 1 STEEM ≈ 0.00033082926 BNB
STEEM a Ripple (XRP): 1 STEEM ≈ 0.30555846 #XRP
STEEM a Litecoin (LTC): 1 STEEM ≈ 0.0028671786 #LTC

STEEM / USD Dólar Estadounidense - $0.1927
STEEM / CAD Dólar Canadiense - CA$0.2613
STEEM / AUD Dólar Australiano - A$0.2844
STEEM / GBP Libra Esterlina - £0.1462
STEEM / INR Rupia India - ₹16.19
STEEM / PHP Peso Filipino - ₱10.87

Steem Dollars (SBD)
Oferta Circulante: 13,597,874
Volumen de Comercio (24 hrs): $3,856,511 (-9.00% en las últimas 24 hrs)
Capitalización de Mercado: $36,135,693
Máximo en las últimas 24 horas: $2.68
Mínimo en las últimas 24 horas: $2.58

Rango general de hoy: 745
Precio general de hoy: $2.65

SBD a Bitcoin (BTC): 1 SBD ≈ 0.000041384594 BTC
SBD a Ethereum (ETH): 1 SBD ≈ 0.00096347487 ETH
SBD a Binance Coin (BNB): 1 SBD ≈ 0.0045698112 BNB
SBD a Ripple (XRP): 1 SBD ≈ 4.2311139 XRP
SBD a Litecoin (LTC): 1 SBD ≈ 0.039551039 #LTC

SBD / USD Dólar Estadounidense - $2.65
SBD / CAD Dólar Canadiense - CA$3.61
SBD / AUD Dólar Australiano - A$3.92
SBD / GBP Libra Esterlina - £2.02
SBD / INR Rupia India - ₹223.40
SBD / PHP Peso Filipino - ₱149.96

Este post contiene información recopilada de CoinGecko y está destinado a ser instructivo y no como un consejo financiero. ¡Gracias por pasar por aquí; asegúrate de seguirnos!


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