in steem β€’Β  7 years agoΒ 

Actually it is very easy to ask why steem price is low or stay around 90 cents to a dollar.
The true value of steem roams around steem (SP)power.
I do not think a true steemian worry too much about steem price. Actually if you can, it is the best time to buy.
Yes we are dropping in the scale of coinmarketcap but we are strong in spirit.
I have seen a lot of new applications coming onboard with steemit.
We have quite a few that have been around for some time

There could be more, please add in the comment section if I miss one or two.
Not too forget soon SMT coming soon 2018. There is a hardfork in the making for 2018.
The future of steem is looking better.


The main site for steem is getting a lot better. Lately no complain about lag in posting or whatsoever. Color changing is really nice and catchy. I find it easier to use than the others. I am writing this post with esteem. Very easy application to use in IOS.
Steemfest2 came by and gone and we were all happy to see all the pictures.


There are quite of people that use steemit for their personal affairs, slowly but surely disappears without fanfare.
There is nothing wrong about it but do not make it to relevant. We all need to work as one group.


It has been while since I see the price roaming around a dollar.
Is it the run we all have been waiting for ?

It is pretty clear the value is US.
We control how steem should behave.
Just πŸ‘€ look at the value of the crypto market cap, $265+ billions.
It is a staggering number.
Steem is sitting at $248+ millions.

Bitcoin along is taking more than half. It is a truly an asset.

Steem value sits not only in numbers posts. It sits also in steemians trying to do their best to promote steem. Not too forget the investors doing their part to keep steem going.
There is a clear distinction between the @jerrybanfield and the @berniesanders.
Somehow they make us πŸ˜‚ laugh and LEARN their own way.
I find it very appealing that coming here you will find someone like @papa-pepper hanging with snake and all. He is pushing the homestead value. He is being very informative.
I can mention a lot more but we all know who you are. Keep on steemit.

Let’s hope steem price stay relevant so we can all benefit with some degree.
Definitely steem is not for everybody.
You have to see the vision.
Sometimes crypto vision tends to be short profit.
Good advise from @exyle, this guy keeps powering up. Good job my man.
Got to say it. I haven’t blog before steemit but I do get a hang of it.
I wish all crypto news derived from steemit channel.
Very soon steem will be the platform for all crypto related

Kudos to all witnesses. Keep the block chain safe and sound.

Keep on steemit

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Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Very interesting article man yeah steem is a sleeping giant i tired of see shit coins with big prices and real projects with low prices. It has to change and i think it will change soon. Regards

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Thanks for your commenting.
Hope the best for steem.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

This is a great sign, you really have great posts

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

This post is very valuable for us!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Yes 100% agree we have to promote steemit more we will reach Top10 in Market cap we have a powerful community

just downloaded esteem and started using it. I see the potential, I have used INSTAGRAM for a long time but havent been getting paid for my posts. it's definitely a game changer once people understand the concept which I still find hard to explain to people. the more I learn about the whole process, the better I will be able to explain it.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

A good idea continued

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Hi, https://steemit.com/@pouchon
Nice to read about valuable post.
I'm stjons from Bangladesh.I also steemit members.
I also followed you, so i requested you to follow me.
Thanks a loot

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

@miti downvote

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 


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