STEEM Pharaohs - Whales Feeding Whales - Inflation is Taxation - STEEM is Mirroring the Real World

in steem •  9 years ago  (edited)

Attention STEEMians .. STEEMers .. STEEMites?

I post this, not because I think I have deserved more than I have received ... I have not produced anything; what little I have was puked up in 15 min sittings, just to see what would happen. HOWEVER, I see many people, making very solid effort, providing high-quality, original contributions, that just end up going .. "THUD!" I am now afraid to put real effort in because it seems like you're just throwing away your thoughts to a crowd that is fiending after Whale Upvotes, like drugged-up street rats.

Your New Gods ..

YES!! STEEMites, rhymes with Israelites, as in the time when they were enslaved by The Pharaohs.

History repeating itself, here of all places? YES - our very activity here is allowing the rich to become godlike, and your future on STEEM is very much in their hands. Who do they choose to raise up out of the muck - mostly other whales. :)

Gaming the Game

When you see post from one very cool member, regarding mining pools !? There are many other examples .. if you think about it you will begin to see what is happening here, and it is really not something that should be ignored - because the future of STEEM is at risk. Those who are supposed to energize the system, the one's who have benefited the most from its existence, are instead shortening its lifespan - they are gaming the game for their own benefit, and the benefit of a chosen few.

They will tell us it is all about 'quality' .. give the people what they want, right!? No.. really nooo - have a good look - the people are not motivated by quality, they are motivated in the same way drugged-up sex workers are .. 'bitch, pay me!' Certainly our Pharaohs want many subjects in their new land, so they will promote posts that they believe will bring in new members .. that's alight .. but this has become so predictable, and boring! and so are the posts that are being OVER-supported - Here is what you do folks .. so DO IT.. do it again, do it again .... do it again .. good doggies!

Then there are those very limited, but beneficial contributions, which are getting waaaay too many dollah bills stuffed into their garters. There is one dude .. I like him, he's helpful and smart, he's a Wesssside Canuck like myself, a ... but I mean really, everytime he posts a 3 min video he deserves TWO GRAND!?

Inflation is Taxation .. No Taxation Without .. Rrrr ..edistribution of Wealth!

There must be a design change that helps us avoid the imbalance that these folks are creating - I have no idea what would be required, but something certainly is. In the real world, inflation without growing income, is taxation placed on the little guy, who is bankrolling the game of the big dawgs - the rich get richer, and the poor go nowhere.

It is a discussion that must begin sooner than later.

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  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Steemit is real life, not just like it, where the more money you have the more you make. They simply recreated the wheel, with it's very same flaws and inequalities.
You see, the moment money is involved, scammers are born. So expect to see a LOT of them here. And as much as I would like to see it succeed, I think the model is simple not sustainable, and those who write good content, will eventually depart. For good content is not appreciated, not here, not anywhere. It's the day and age where the Kim Kardashians and Miley Cyruses make it to the top, while real talented artists with depth and values struggle to buy a meal a day.

Sadly true eyass .. very simple feel-good stuff seems to be what the people want, here and in 'the real' .. we share the same fear, that those with something valuable, something original to say, will simply split.

I hear you brother.
The truth is, what is shown on the trending page is not what is happening for 99% of the platforms users
I have down voted between 75 and 100 high paying post. The reason I can do that - I am a "salmon" (on that whale-dolphin-minnow scale). Each $2000 -$25000 post I down vote takes $0.05-$0.25 hit/cut and those money are spread out to other post... It is beautiful - The down voted post loses virtually nothing, and 100-200-500 posts gain a little bit of appreciation.

I could use some salmon help

Interesting ! This is a very positive response to the problem.
Cheers James

I disagree with this as I have had both happen. I have had times when I spent an hour and received far for rewards than a heartfelt piece like this. This took me days and edits but am I upset that someone might post a picture that gets $100 dollars? No not at all. That might encourage someone, and I have benefited from posting from the heart and touching people's emotions. Yes the richer people can vote for others and build wealth, but minnows will need to grow to to maintain the network. It's not only about money. @stellabelle and @rok-sivante are great examples especially considering all they do to help others and take the time to uplift slowly swimming minnows.

For certain many deserving posts have received proper attention, I am happy that you have had this experience. What I fear is that, as we move forward, those early-adopters and their chosen flock, can behave as if they were a closed system, and the bulk of users will be ignored, and left throwing their few cents back n forth.

Some will say .. POWER UP! well, how much powering up would be required? People bringing in modest amounts, do not really make much of a difference, although they see their little upticks of course .. 1% or whatever it is - the real beneficiaries are those that got phat early .. they will just get exponentially more so, while those who come in after this point .. struggle, get limited return, and then eventually say F**K THIS.

Like I say, I don't know what the solution is, but certainly there should be some tracking, real analysis, and wide discussion.


You spent all that time lurking and this is the best you came up with? Back to 4chan you go...

I don't even know what 4chan is bro .. but anyway .. ya! :)

I hope that not true we got some whales are very good , they giving to minnow upvote in comments , just random pick . well some are like what you said . those good whales jist like three musketeers and the bad one is the the stooges hehe :p