🍀 Upvote Game (Round 5) 🍀 Win your ’Lifetime Upvotes’ by 1 SBI Share worth 1 STEEM

in steem •  7 years ago  (edited)

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The winner of our previous round is... @peekbit Congratulations!

@harbecity even guessed 1 cent better but unfortunately he was one of the last 3 steemians who have done their guess.

New Game - New Luck... 🍀

Playing the Upvote Game is easy:

  • Comment 📝 with your guess about the final payout of this very post
  • Upvote 👍🏼 with 100%

That’s all.

➡️ Take your time to read the rules and further remarks in detail. We have a new 24 hour rule to make it more easy for you...❗️

💰 As a winner you receive:
1 STEEM in the form of 1 SBI Share (SBI: Steem Basic Income) for lifetime upvotes of your posts.

If you are not familiar with Steem Basic Income you can start to read about it here.


Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
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Congratulation @taimoorahmad 🏆 1 SBI Share for you...

@davedickeyyall guess was good but unfortunately one of the last three.
@prinsj guess was the same like the winners guess - even earlier - but there was no upvote...






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