Blockchain Social Media

in steem •  7 years ago 

How does this sound? Any improvements? Or important things to add?

I recommend blockchain social media over older "compromised" centralized social media for too many reasons to get into without writing a book.

By participating in blockchain social media, you don't become the customer, but effectively become part owner.
The Steem blockchain rewards users with Steem tokens, which give the user more influence over the platform (voting, delegation, etc), or can be exchanged for fiat cash or crypto. It is social media with a wallet. One of the key features of blockchain is its ability to store value.

Through posting or voting(curating) you are essentially adding value to the platform, hence the monetary rewards.
With Facebook for example, people create the content & interact, and Zuck and the stakeholders get the money. Blockchain removes Zuck and stakeholders, or more so turns users into stakeholders.

As content creators (performance, film, sound, movement, word, etc) blockchains are new frontiers for acquiring $$$.
There are many websites with different interfaces (front ends) to the access the Steem blockchain (the back end).
It's new (super secret) tech, and things are constantly being developed/improved upon. is a twitter like front end. is a soundcloud like front end is a youtube like front end is like a reddit front end is facebooky? Live streaming

Another reason I recommend using blockchain social media is so you get used to, and understand blockchain.
Other than posting on social media, there are new methods of self-funding and many funding mechanisms that a theatre company or group/ festival/ or whatever could utilize to essentially pluck value out of thin air, and put it into a coin.
Value exists because we say it does. Blockchain merely allows us to assign value to things with certainty in ways we could never do before.

Signing up to the Steem blockchain is not instant, and can take days unfortunately. This will be fixed by Q3. If anyone is interested, but has difficulty creating an account, let me know.

Feel free to post your social media details in the comments so we can stalk each other.


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steemit just showcasing what a decentralised world is made up of empowering up others along the way

It is an excellent explanation to continue advancing in knowledge and life, investing our time in something that really values ​​our content, heading to the future with the blockchain system... thank you

Great info!

Hey, @riskdebonair Really great work my dear friend and I am glad to seen your daily post .many many thanks for sharing with us your important post.

Thank you for share....about block chain.... and thanks for provide some question answers.

excellent post ..loving to your blog.thanks for sharing..

thank you for those tips friend and for sharing with people who every day we seek to learn something new about this interesting social network