Hi everyone, I'm going to share some useful and important information about earn money from 5 different ways.
Always give the first priority to your permanent income source like job,business,etc.
I'm going to suggest some part time income source for some extra earning.
- Join reselling website and start part time business from home, it's very easy to use and earn money.
E.g:- Wooplr, Glowroad, Meesho, etc.
2)Join Youtube and create a channel. Upload some useful videos and request for approval of Google Adsense.
- Create eBooks for educational purposes or write biographies, stories, etc. And publish it on eBooks website like Amazon Kindle, Instamojo,etc.
4)Join affiliate marketing platforms and start earning. If you have a website, blog, channel, fb page then you can apply for affiliate marketing program. Best platforms are :-amazon, flipkart, ebay.
- Create your own free website on blogger or WordPress. And apply for Adsense approval. And start earning through it.
These are some basic part time earning sources.
Thank you.