Are you having issues with Steemit today, or is it just me?

in steem •  7 years ago  (edited)

Not sure what's going on, if this is another DDOS and we will lose connecion soon but everything I do on Steemit today is followed up by an error and a need to refresh and try again. About two months ago we experienced how it's like to be under attack, as a malicious user/users tried to bring Steemit down by overloading it's network with a lot of useless requests.

DDOS or Distributed Denial of Service attack is as it says, an attempt to deny an online service by overloading it's network with overwhelming traffic from multiple different sources making it almost impossible to stop the attack by blocking a single source. Not only that but it makes it really hard to find the true source of the attack as hackers can simply implant a malware into many different networks or computers and make a bot army they can later use to low key attack any desired website or online business.

  • I noticed something was wrong when I was logged out of Steemit as I opened it. That's unusal as I'm always logged in. Tried refreshing the page and after the third attempt I was suddenly logged in.

  • Then upvoting stopped working and I started receiving transaction broadcast errors as if I'm out of bandwidth or something. Some upvotes are going through, while for others take three to five attempts before they get applied.

  • Commenting is also a tough one and needs some patience as every other displays a transaction broadcast error. The only way it works for me is after refreshing the page and trying again.

  • And the most annoying amongst all of the problems are the sudden disconnects. For a minute everything is normal, I'm reading posts, trying to upvote and comment and all of the sudden I get asked to log in. As if I logged out.

But if I refresh the site a couple of times I get logged in again.

What's going on? Are you having the same issues? Are we are under attack or are just we experiencing some heavy traffic?

If this proves to be another DDOS, it wouldn't surprise me at all if Zuckerberg had his fingers in this as he's finally noticing the kind of disruption to his perfect world of making free money on idiots who spend time on his marketing platform while thinking it's a social media platform.

If you are on FBIbook you are:

  • Getting spyied on by your phone that is listening to your conversations just so FB's algorithms can show you that perfect add, and charge more for it of course

  • Read and store your every message

  • Follow your every click on the site

  • All of your personal information is being stored in big data centers and carefully monitored in order to see what you may like/want or need so they can feed their algorithms with needed information to present you the best product they can (the one they think you are most likely to buy)

I could go on as this is topic for a whole nother post and I'm loosing the big picture that is Steemit. And why people even bother using any other site. Literally wasting their time while they could be earning cash here.

Understand that...

Steemit is a revolution like no other. Empowering the users for the first time in the history of internet and giving them a legit chance of making an income based on their efforts and contributions to the platform. Taking away from Facebook, Instagram, What's app, Twitter, Snapchat, Google and all the other greedy corporation's hands and giving it to those who work the hardest,make quality content and contribute to the community.

I haven't seen anything like this before and for me it's truly amazing and I expect to see Steemit taking the mainstream by storm. Allowing everyone and anyone on the planet to earn money in form of cryptocurrency based on their contributions to open source projects, videos, livestreams, music, memes, blogging or anything else you would usually do online for free.

So be smart and as @pappa-pepper so greatly said

Don't waste your time online. Invest it with

As this could be our chance to free ourself from the unfair and corrupt monetary system that is bringing every single one of us down, expect the elite 1%.

I'm glad to be a part of this revolution and hope to bring a lot of positivity and value to the platform.

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For me the site is working find to be honest.
Good point with the facebook arguments...

I believe its network
Have been experiencing it

Now you are saying it
Should I be scared or be rest assure if will be fixed

Have not experienced it for sometime now tho
Besides the community is getting bigger so updates on the system might be required

No doubt it's just a revolutionary step in crypto world Thanx steemit for this amazing plateform. And Thanx to you too to share such a nice post. O follow you keep it up.

It can be the notoriety of steemit can make envious all the online networking it can be yet we should me together to handle it.

Everything is flawless for me, whole day :)

interesting... usually I need to go through that shit

bro it can be the popularity of steemit can make jealous all the social media it can be but we must me together to tackle it

Wow this is a handful... Funny enough I only experience that of transaction broadcast error and that happens when suddenly my Internet connection shots down. Asides that, I don't experience others as frequently as you do.

I feel very good today, and hopefully goes on like this :)

I dont think it is a DDoS attack, it will be very disastrous for steemit to experience that now. Though i have been experiencing the upvoting bug but i'm sure all will be fine soon. Steemit will be great and yea steemit keeps me going unlike other social media platforms.

I am experiencing the same errors. I guess it started yesterday but it is more difficult today. Regarding facebook and the other social media platforms, hmm eye opener. Wish to see more of it and I will definitely share it on facebook itself so my friends would realize that spending their time on facebook is a wasted time.

New to the platform and every time I post or up-vote it asks for my passcode. I do not have the "keep me logged in" box checked. Is this normal or a potential symptom of what's being discussed here?

Yeah. I've good some weird stuff going on with it as well. Html going berserk and /or scrambles completely after a failed edit update, bandwidth restrictions. Might just be temporary server gateway issues, could be local ( I have no idea where the site is hosted or if its hosted on multiple servers globally. ) I'm not worried is what I'm trying to say ^_^.

Well said with the "baggage" that comes with FB and the attacks to expect with Steem being a threat. Also appreciated you showing what you are experiencing. Today has been fine for me, but other days I too have seen what you are experiencing. Hats off to those that are able to stop the DDOS as they happen.

I had some of these issues for a couple of days, especially the commenting one but so far today everything has been OK. Weird that it's not platform wide.

Thanks for posting great content!

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Taking away from Facebook, Instagram, What's app, Twitter, Snapchat, Google and all the other greedy corporation's hands and giving it to those who work the hardest,make quality content and contribute to the community.

I really love this part sir.....steemit will be all over nigeria b4 the middle of this year...............

And i do experience those errors too.....maybe steemit administrator are doing some inner room work....dunno...

Chargin meh lazerzzz right now for my big DONG cannons so I can leak my TCP/IP all over your flooded cables