A new threat to family relations

in steem •  7 years ago 


Phone in your hand size or smaller, you can from the world cruise in less than seconds, if you want to do it. So smart phone technology that has left a clear imprint in our lives, but with this technological development, how smart phones affected our family life? Have we stolen from each other? Has it dominated our times and minds to the extent that it has affected husbands, wives and children in the condition of concrete and family dispersion? How aroused the jealousy of couples when one of them noticed the other while communicating with strangers? They made the children live in a state of disintegration and they were bent on writing or receiving messages. It highlights people's lives. We begin the amendment with certificates from Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon.

Sara Sadiq: I had a smartphone about my son
Sarah Sadeq (graphic designer) is a good example of women's use of smartphones to the extent that she is preoccupied with caring about the house and her two children, she admitted.
"The smart phone is a genius invention that meets my computer needs without having to sit in front of the computer. It fits me everywhere, even in the kitchen while preparing food for my family. And because I work from home and market my designs online, I have received a deep, to the point, transactional. .

"The programs on smart phones, which are not available on the home Internet, such as Watasab and Instagram, opened markets in the Arab countries, and I was on Watasab when I was the latest friend in one, so I was tired of repeating Talk to each other, look at his words, look for a distance ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,. From here I decided to achieve Watsab in my work, and I established and succeeded the experience and became easier to communicate with the trainees from the Arab countries, while Instagram was a wonderful discovery, and my use has increased the size of my clients in an excellent way ».

"I put the phone next to me, I wake up at night to find my girlfriends, I talk to them about Watsab, or I exchange ads with them, and with my habit I open the phone and I'm still on the bed to answer the customers and find out about Fini during the period Sleep ».
A pleasant addiction to the smart phone may not be able to meet him sometimes, but: now more balanced and care of them in the first comment on the smart phone, announced Bakira Kafr on the social networking site «Facebook» to market his education center, Vahmlh and follow me » .

Shaima Hamdi: Smartphones created a kind of social stupidity
"Despite its advantages in ease of communication, the smart phone has infected its users with social stupidity," Shaima Hamdi, a doctor, spoke about the impact of smartphones in her life and the lives of those around her. "The social forms of stupidity are the safety of living communication between friends, front lines in social and religious events. On the feast that I authenticated my friend quoted from the "Watta Program", "Did you know?"?

Shaima notes that he is the owner of the Palestinian Authority: "Software shows that it is in place." Computer computer computer computer computer computer computer computer computer computer computer computer computer computer computer computer computer Computers »Computers» Computers »Computers» Computers »Computers» Computers »Computers» Computers »Computers» Computers »Computers» Computers »Computers» Computers »Computers» Computers Article Street »Computer» Computer »Computer and Turatrish to be poorer than you:" Communicating with my brothers outside the house has become easier, despite his preoccupation with work, own it "Silence everywhere in the house:" Did you know? ".

Irene Joseph: I hate to spin my life around the phone
Irene Joseph (a customer service specialist) uses her smartphone only for specific things, such as downloading educational programs, image and image enhancement, and smart phone speed. "I hate to have my life around my phone, I'm mad at the emptiness of my battery, just like the skills of those who have become addicted. I do not like to be hijacked by technology around me. Even children have become addicted to smartphones and have become lazy fans of electronic games. Sports ".
In addition, Irene believes that the most important feature of smart phones is the elimination of distances. "This technological revolution has facilitated my communication with my Canadian-resident brother and my relatives living in America all the time."

Nermin Ali: I neglected my friends and hobbies and I got worn out in the paragraphs
The addiction of Nermin Ali, a 23-year-old smart phone, isolated her from her surroundings. "I was so sorry to use smart phones. She took me from everyone around me, so I no longer care about my hobbies.
"More than that, it has infected me with the disease of erosion of the verbs of frequent use, as well as the perpetual silence that has provoked my family, and created a gap between us. All this did not stop me from using it, but I'm trying to ration it as much as possible, and I'm doing aerobics so I can get out of the phone as soon as possible. "
And follows: «This invention almost led to the divorce of one of my friends, and with her preoccupation with her neglected her children, and because her mother-in-law was staying with her at home, she criticized her, to the extent that they do some of the household chores, so overcrowded and began to complain to her son a lot of work at home And the neglect of his wife for everything except telephone, escalated the differences until it reached the divorce, but the intervention of the wise people.

Nada Al-Nuweihi: I and my children and my family have become sick with silence
Nada al-Nuweihi (the company's director) and her three children, the smart phone is the most important thing in their lives. The mother follows her work and the public affairs with the escalation of political events over the phone, and the eldest and minor daughters are interested in chatting with friends.

Nada asserts that the tone of the notice on her phone causes distress to those around her, whether her mother is living with her or her children and her husband, once she hears that tone until she interrupts her conversation with them whatever the subject is and hastens to the phone to see who sent something new or older to her conversation. Her family's anger is full.
"I do not deny that smartphones cause family silence or increase it in some of the families it suffers. This is what happened in my family, as well as my neglect of my children. For example, someone might talk to me and I can not focus on it because of the phone, Until I was discharged from following my phone, which gave my children the impression that I was the best phone on them. My husband, who has only limited time in the house because of his work as a police officer, always tries to reach my attention and communicate with him in the short period of time he is at home. "
Nada acknowledges that the smartphone cut off intimate relationships and habits that she was interested in, such as communicating with parents, communicating with regular phone calls with friends, as well as a frivolous family relationship. "I thought of canceling my Facebook and Twitter accounts from Mobile, with the cancellation of Watasab ».

Hind Mohamed: I use it in e-shopping
Hind Mohammed, a housewife, does not complain of family silence because of smart phones, because her husband does not addicted to her. He uses him only to send work emails and answer calls. "I consider myself addicted to phone technology. If my husband were like me, .
"This technology has made it easier for us in our lives. For example, I can use it in the kitchen. I look for new food, leave it next to me, follow recipes, use it in e-shopping and buy a lot of things from the Internet like clothing and accessories. Mobile ».
At the same time, Hind finds that the smartphone puts her in embarrassing situations. "My parents or friends often talk to me and I do not hear them because the phone is my focus," he says.

Abdul Rahman Rushdie: The smartphone hit my wife jealous
Abdul Rahman Rushdie (engineer) says that the secret of his first connection with the smart phone is the free international talk programs, stressing that it has shortened the distance between him and his family because of his work in Kuwait, so that the high price of the international minute is no longer an impediment to communication and commitment to the duration of the call, Programs make him joking friends and put votes on their voices.
"I remember that once I received a message from a man who wanted to get to know me via Bluetooth. I thought I was a woman, so I hired him and asked him to ask for my picture. I sent him a picture of an ugly woman from the Internet and told him that I was shaking him and I was a man. Situation". "The smartphone carries more advanced features than the laptop or PC. I can save the pictures to my personal account on Google, so I avoid the risk of losing them if the computer crashes, and my high-quality cameras will not let me carry the digital camera."
"My wife's jealousy is the only drawback I find on smartphones," he says.
Ahmed Hassan: My acquaintance increased but made me more introverted
Ahmed Hassan (programmer) good processions for the revolution of communications and technology, whether smart phone or tablet PC, and confirms that despite all the advantages of smart phones, and despite gaining more friendships and knowledge through it, has increased isolation.
"This negative effect also appears at the time of the family meeting," he says. "We can sit at night watching television and busy each other with his phone to silence the family. The same infection is transmitted to friends. We often sit together and get busy following up on our phones and e-friends. Most of us are no longer dependent on the phone for entertainment alone, but become an essential part of our work.

Mohammed Al-Shaimi: Smart phones occupy us as friends about each other even when we sit together
The smart phone for Mohammed Al Shaimi (Lifestyle Photographer) has the advantages of fast communication with others through social networking programs and conversation programs, and its ease of use in photography and download images from the camera to the Internet through the program "Instagram".
"I often sit with my friends in the coffee shop, each of us busy with his phone, each of us in his electronic space. We may meet and talk to him through comments or chat."
"At home, the situation is lighter than it is with friends, but our smartphones have become the focus of our conversation, and my father's use of technology has forced me to censor more than once. He criticizes me for Facebook, whether it's a case or a picture, More blame. The disaster comes if one of my friends adds me in a picture. My father does not know that I went out with them at the time. The censorship is very fearful. I find my father calling me with a video call. I can not escape.

Dr. Wael Abu Hindi: The concern of the absence of the phone phenomenon is widespread among users of smart phones
Psychologically, Dr. Wael Abu Hindi, a professor of psychiatry at Zagazig University, stressed that the "worry of the phone" is a phenomenon that has spread among the users of smart phones, especially the younger generation. They do not imagine in their lives without a phone, In it, and this is a matter of addiction. According to a British study, 70 percent of women find smartphones more important than their husbands, which is why some have been concerned about their husbands because they are Check for them the continuity of missing in the marital relationship, increasing the silence of the family may reach the limit of the concrete ».
"Mobile phones in general, and particularly smart ones, have changed the values ​​of a society that is only satisfied with a message of congratulations and perhaps video on the phone, rather than intimate visits between family members or family, as well as neighbors and friends," Abu Hindi said. And warns of increasing the addiction of smart phones, stressing that they cut the real relations on the ground, as each person closes himself in his world, and stressed the need to allocate a daily time to shut down the phone and the computer, to get used to life without them, Intelligent, such as talking wife with her husband, meeting family, discussing a lively topic or exchanging talk, visiting relatives or friends.

Dr. Samia Khader: A double-edged sword
For her part, Dr. Samia Khader, professor of sociology at Ain Shams University, believes that smart phones are a double edged sword. It is possible to invest them in keeping pace with technological revolution and distance learning, using useful programs. It is now possible to download e-books on the phone. About carrying books and reading e-books, and some bands use some useful programs, stressing that this does not cause addiction, but helps in the development of the human self.
"But if you misuse it, it opens the door wide to the dangers of the Internet, and here the electronic betrayal is easier, especially since the phone does not leave the husband's hand. It also increases the disintegration of the family exposed to silence or marital stress, as well as the addiction of children to electronic games or deviations to pornographic sites, so every mother and father to raise their children and watch them without feeling, so as not to drift to the pests of the Internet ».
It is also recommended that mothers not allow children and adolescents to take a long time to the smartphone, so as not to become obese, and says: "Every mother to educate her children to the need to exercise, these phones create a generation of lazy children, and this is confirmed by many studies that indicated that those Telephones attract children to immobility. "

In Saudi Arabia: A debate about the pros and cons of smart technology and attempts to hold the stick from the middle

There is a great acceleration in the rotation of the wheel of the development of technologies and related devices called "intelligence" because of the advantages and specifications that have been attractive, which caused many people to rush to acquire and keep up with the latest versions of them. And because women are more at home than men in Saudi Arabia, the addiction to the use of smart devices is more prevalent in women's circles than it is among men, as mobile phone is considered by some as the only means of entertainment and leisure. But this also does not prevent the existence of a group of young people suffering from the same disease, which is excessive use of these devices, although many medical studies continue to warn against addiction due to the resulting organic and psychological diseases. «Her» met a group of young men and women to see their personal experiences in the obsession with the world of electronic intelligence and its impact on them from various aspects ...
Kamal Ali: My children spend their school holidays in their electronic devices
Companies compete to launch devices with more powerful features than others, also increased competition among consumers to buy the latest ones to keep pace with the times, but the reverse relationship arose between the use of these devices and family and social relations, the less distance between the individual and his device with an increase in the time factor extends hours, The distance between him and the real society around him increased, taking into account the diminishing time he spent with them on the ground.
Online games increased his children's addiction to smart devices
What the Internet offers from live games, or even smart gaming applications, has increased the addiction of its four children using smartphones, Kamal Ali said.
Abu Faisal believes that his youngest five-year-old son is the most connected to various devices, such as Xbox and iPad, and may have many problems with his brothers to allow him to use their devices.
"My children spend long periods of time on their computers, especially during the school holidays. I pull them out during school hours and allow them to use them for only one day on weekends and for limited hours," says Abu Faisal.
He says he can not stop them from acquiring any device they might see with their friends, for example, so that they do not feel inferior to their peers. "They are often required to provide these devices as success gifts for their high rates of study."
He points out that his children are rushing to online games through which they enter challenges with their relatives and friends and even with people they do not know, which makes them carry their equipment with them everywhere they go.
In order to return them to family meetings, he tries to take them on a walk with their mother on condition that they leave their phones and telephones at home. Sometimes, however, his preoccupation with his work responsibilities leaves him to use these devices inside the house without restrictions so as not to be bored by their stay at home during the summer vacation.

Salma Al-Hazmi: her mobile phone cause her divorce from her husband!
Despite asserting the positives of smart devices, Salma al-Hazmi says her mobile phone was the reason for her divorce from her husband after seven months, because she was addicted to social networking sites, which made him choose between him and her device, so she chose the second!
And recognizes that her mobile device takes all its time, which affected the relationship with her family members because she lives in what she called the "virtual world" throughout the day, in addition to the insomnia suffered by the result of vigilance with her device.
"The advantages of smart devices include ease of use in everything like connecting with others, watching movies, browsing the Internet, following up on what's happening around the world at the moment of the event, as well as replacing the TV interview."

Ali Al-Aliwa: Social isolation and competition to have the latest and the best
Ali Al-Aliwa is considered an important means of acquiring and relying on his personal needs. He sees his social and family connections and even friends as well as the dependence of many people on the Internet for marketing purposes as a source of their livelihood.
"If we take a look at our sons and daughters about their involvement in the smart phone world, we find them wander and spend most of their time with them. Family and social relationships are threatened with collapse, lack of supervision and the difficulty of following their behavior during use, on them".
At the same time, he stressed that the smart devices were causing a kind of social isolation, which even affected the conversations between him and his friends after being confined in the competition to acquire the latest and best of those devices.

Ala: Being away from her machine became impossible
"Turning away from my phone has become an impossible thing that can not happen in the intellectual gap between me and those who are on my side and community in general, because of the fear of the ideas I write to send here and there," said Alaa Abdul Rahman. From her point of view, she describes her community as a "routine" that she does not carry any messages because he does not understand and breaks her hand every time she tries to take that glass filled with water. She points out that the smart devices as a whole are positive as the echo of their screams, which reaches to the fullest extent, but the actions of some make them negative to put them at risk. As for their social relations, Ala says: "We are all concerned, By knowing only that we want to know more, we are obsessed with useful insects »!

Nasser Pharaohs: I own more than one device did not affect me negatively
Nasser challenges the pharaohs anyone who may deny the advantages of smart devices and their preference for life, but emphasizes that everything in the universe pros and cons, but the pros of these devices greater than the disadvantages despite the arrival of some to the degree of addiction, which causes fear of many of them. "I have owned more than one device for years and I have used them all and have never affected my social or even family relationships, and although I have reached the point where I can not do without, balance is required in all life matters," he says.
Rima Al-Shahri: Smart is the one who uses it for the benefit only
"For example, I like to read daily, whether it's news, novels or social issues, and once I get into websites I find what I want".
On the other hand, Rima al-Shihri considers the health and family problems and the lack of a culture of dialogue between people caused by sitting for long periods in front of different smart devices, the most negative aspects, and says: «I have affected these devices a lot but positively, as my personality is an introverted and Ktuma, To different people through social networking sites I gradually began to get out of the circle of introversion through the publication of my simple writings through Twitter, and began to take and give and learn about other communities ». "I was bored when I met my friends because each of us was busy with her, so our meetings were meaningless, but recently we decided to do away with our equipment during our meetings. Although some of them accept that idea, there are those who reject it. In general, our communities are more useful than before. "

Samira Ali: Her addiction is caused by prior gaps in family relations
Samira Ali stresses the need for fairness in looking at these devices. "Each front has two angles, one positive, with a green sign on the right, and the other with a red sign on the left. And certainly the smart devices have visual effects, audio and concrete, but the abuse and addiction caused by the gaps in the family, because if the relationship between the individual and his family is strong, the device replaced one of them ».
She believes that the replacement of family members with the devices appeared in the appearance of television and before the radio, but the need of the community to see the events of the world, local and external as soon as possible was the reason for the evolution of devices in this way.
"In contrast, modern technologies have fostered relationships, and have been the cause of the relationship of wombs easily and easily. Smart devices have also occupied our leisure time in terms of making them available for e-books, openness and rapid learning. However, the wrong outlook has turned its meaning to zero. When we ask someone about his opinion of modern technologies, his eyes are directly hurt by the eyes and the isolation of family societies because of them, so we have to strengthen their basic role, ignoring everything that hinders their use.

Esraa El Sherif: Addictive smart devices bring me close to everything
Al-Sharif is classified as a smart phone addict, and feels that it brings her all around her and enables her to know all the information and the new ones first, and social networks have enhanced their communication with everyone, whether they are friends or friends. trouble.
"I may have been isolated from my family at home, where I always live with my devices, whether it's iPad or my mobile phone, but basically all of them at home are also busy with their mobile phones so we do not sit together for long," she says.
Esra favors her electronic discussions on realism!
"My relationship with my girlfriends has become stronger as a result of our continuous communication through these devices. I feel comfortable when I discuss my friend on a subject that concerns me more through e-conversation programs than we do face-to-face discussions," she says. Long in the talk and we are in our homes that we do not meet very much except in the university working hours, without the smart devices I could communicate with my friends on official holidays ». The reason for the addiction of many around her on these devices is that they facilitate social communication faster, but she and her friends in the time of their meetings do not have time to grab their phones, asserting that the girl is usually stronger relationship with her friends with family members, Such devices are used more than men.
phones in city.jpg

Sociologist: Smart devices develop cognition and contamination of concepts and behaviors
For his part, researcher and social specialist Zaher al-Hokair said that smart devices will develop some skills in children such as thinking, awareness and concentration, but the games offered by these devices may contaminate some of their concepts and behaviors.
He pointed out that the preoccupation of its users and sit on them for long periods cause a break away from the social atmosphere and thus the weakness of family and social relations between each other.
"There are interactive games on the Internet that allow children to communicate with anonymous individuals. In the absence of family supervision, they may acquire misconduct from some of these unknowns, as well as the occasional admiration of the characters in the game and trying to imitate the behavior in them," he said.
Al-Hokair stressed that the frequent use of such devices by the couple and the social networks and other programs offered by the smart device reduces the language of dialogue and lack of family intimacy, as the dialogue between husband and wife creates a wonderful family atmosphere.
He continued: «What is caused by the addiction to the use of smart devices of multiple organic diseases proved by many medical studies and related to brain cells, for example, and low vision, we must be necessary to warn of excessive and legalize their uses as much as possible».

Psychological Counseling: Social phobia threatens young people as a result of overuse of technology
Against the background of excessive youth in the use of modern technology by all means, warned the psychological counseling and international expert for the United Nations Office on the treatment of addiction to women, Dr. Mona Al-Sawaf, the beginning of the spread of social phobia among young people in Saudi Arabia. "Young people no longer have the ability to face the big community of mature people, because they either tend to their youthful society or get into real addiction, so they are completely isolated from their surroundings to become infected with social phobia," she says.
With regard to prevalence rates of social phobia in young people in Saudi Arabia, the UN Psychiatric Counseling and International Expertise for the UN Office for the Treatment of Addiction in Women shows that there are no specific statistics so far, but in Western societies it is 12 percent in the 13 to 17 age group Years.

Infects children with "dizziness" ...
Dr. Mona Al-Sawaf stresses that spending time with children in electronic games can cause Alzheimer's-like disorders, which in Arabic are called schizophrenia.
"Alzheimer's disease is caused by the growth of skills in certain parts of the brain cells of children while the brain continues to grow, but Alzheimer's occurs to people over the age of 65 years as a result of the secretion of a substance that causes classic brain damage," she said. Violence against children, against the backdrop of the concepts of violence in their surroundings and ways of talking to each other.
She said that virtual sites on the Internet have deprived young people of the ability to face and solve the realities of the reality, with the adoption of such sites on the imagination and beyond the link to reality, adding: "These sites may also create a fundamental imbalance in the way of thinking in some cases and thus disease-like disorders Schizophrenia, because it leads to the decline of creative skills in a disturbing way ».

In Lebanon: A virtual world in parallel to the real world

In Lebanon, the situation is similar to the rest of the Arab countries. The smartphone has changed the concepts of the community and limited most of the social communication to virtual reality, and limited the relations between people and shortened the movement of a finger ...

Nariman Asi: My husband, I and the phone have long time ...
Nariman Asi is married and the mother of two children, aged four and three years working in the field of public relations, tells us about her relationship with the smart phone, for her is a means of communication between her and her husband who does not leave a moment but talk through the application of whatsapp, and answers and communicate with him and with her companions throughout Time, even in working hours. "I do not take a break from my smart phone unless my husband asks me: 'What did you cook today?'" Nariman laughs. (By default), close my smartphone and ignore it ».
"My phone became an integral part of my life, I was concerned about it from the start and I admit today that I am addicted to it. I always keep my battery fully charged and always connected to the Internet. My phone is connected to the Web. "
And tells Nariman shyly, that she uses her phone even while driving or during business meetings, is her permanent companion, who always rest assured and keen to remain in her hands so as not to receive a text or electronic message away from her. Nariman said that the language of the eyes to extinction if the smartphone remains the same as it is today. Even the relationship of the womb has become related to the smartphone and its applications that replace the visit and all the accompanying social dates.
Nariman's husband, like her, is addicted to his smart phone and this bothers her even though she is suffering from the same addiction. "Sometimes I will be annoyed with him and will be exhausted, because he is with me and not with me. I only notice this when I decide to close my phone and talk to him at night, but he stays with his phone. I know that I am exactly like him, so after the bleeding I review myself and leave him and go back to my phone (...). Sometimes I rave and ask him who he is talking to and he answers me: "When you are with your phone, I do not ask you who you talk to or what you are doing." He laughs, saying that the smartphone destroyed many houses, knowing that it is fighting its addiction with its children and giving them time.

Iman Aad: Maybe I'll get married through my smartphone
Eman, a specialist in education, does not hide her annoyance at the phenomenon of shrinking heads that look at the phone all the time, even though it is part of it. "We sit in the coffee shop and my friends and I look at her phone, the communication is broken and the fingers alone speak. I know it's wrong but it's become part of our daily lives. " "Once she tried to ban boyfriends and asked them to put their phones aside for only half an hour. We did not pass the test! I was the only one who stood for ten minutes while everyone fell militarily before me ... ". "Sometimes I have to tell my friend, who is sitting beside me, something special without knowing the rest of the group. I carry my smartphone and send it to me without any notice or doubt about it," Eman said.

Eman admits that the smart phone caused her and her brothers problems with their parents. When they meet in one room, each of them looks at his phone and drowns in his world, the parents try to pull a word from here or look from there to no avail. "My parents are upset with us and are trying to show us the disadvantages, until my mother and father have come to say: 'Whoever wants to stay with his phone will sit in his room. We want to talk like a family, not to look at you like idols!'

Iman tried to push her mother to learn on the smartphone but the latter refused, "because the old generation does not know this blessing and considers it a curse, although I admit in my heart that my phone stole my privacy so everyone knows where I am and what I do and I have to answer everyone even if "I think I will find my life partner and marry through my smart phone, and then my addiction may be reduced and I will find time for my lover away from my phone."

Farah: We meet through the Wats of August
The smartphone experience for Farah, a university girl studying Business and Media, is a life in itself. Is her third specialty as she says. From which you get information and keep in touch with the world, but the annoying topic that this connection is only a default! "I do not know if the network of relationships I created through my smartphone is like the relationships my predecessors created through direct communication," she says. I live in a state of conflict between real and virtual and I think that the entire world lives in this situation! " Farah does not know where it will turn out, especially since her relationship has become linked to her smart phone, even with family and friends who talk all the time through a group that they set up to stay in touch, but it is not without evil, despite its many benefits, "because the real world is completely against the world The default that we live, my companions and I, in it. I do not know if I put in an embarrassing situation in fact how will I behave ?! With my smartphone it's easier, close the conversation, turn off the phone and forget about it, just so. "


The term "mobile phone phobia" means the fear of not having a mobile phone, losing it or staying away from it for more than one day, or being outside network coverage, and thus being unable to connect or receive calls. This phobia also afflicts social networking users who can not afford to lose access to the Internet.

  • Women are more addicted than men
    The percentage of women who fear losing or forgetting the phone is higher than that of males. Studies show that 70 percent of women are addicted to a telephone, and 36 percent are more likely to own more than one phone. The incidence of this addiction increases among young people aged between 18 and 24 years.

  • Symptoms of addiction
    The sleep can be monitored through a range of behaviors such as:

To check the person's mobile phone more than 30 times a day, because it feels impossible to dispense with his phone and live without him.
Do not have the ability to turn off the phone.
Be sure to charge the battery constantly and be afraid of missing an email, text or call.
The inability to give up the phone even while in the bathroom.
Minimizing out of the house and not communicating effectively with people, thus losing link with the outside world!
Generation «Thumb»
Because of the smartphones, there is also a new term and a thumbprint, "he said, referring to people who send SMS messages nonstop. But access to the Internet through smartphones has 10,000 times more impact than SMS because it allows the user to find answers to almost everything.

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Nearly 20 percent of South Korean children, young people and adolescents have become addicted to smart phones and suffer from high rates of heart disease, depression and insomnia if they are away or deprived, according to a recent survey. The government reported that the rate of use of smart phones between children and adolescents tripled last year, and many of them spend more than seven hours on these devices every day, and the prevalence of mobile phones and smart phones to more than 100 percent, or carry a person to more than one phone.
Experts warned that excessive preoccupation with smartphones is detrimental to the skills of dealing with others, so that today's students suffer from low facial reading skills to spend long hours writing text messages instead of talking to and communicating with others.

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