Why Coinbase should sell Steem - Will you help convince them?

in steem •  6 years ago 

It was the middle of last week. I decided to invest in a few more Steem. I'm normally quite skint so this was somewhat of a rare occasion for me. Things started out as usual, buying Litecoin from Coinbase. Transferring that to Binance. Selling the Litecoin for BNB, and using that to buy my Steem.

That's when it all went wrong!

All I had to do was transfer my newly acquired Steem in to my Steemit wallet and power up. Easy right!... Yeah, you would think so but no, not for me. On Binance, I hit the withdrawal.

This is what I saw...


Well that's a bummer

So I decided to wait til they finished the maintenance. I'll transfer it later. Several hours passed and I clicked the withdrawal button again... Nope, still in maintenance mode. Damn! I'll try again tomorrow.


Nope, still in... you know! Ok, they say that patients is a virtue.

Day 4, Sunday!

Gees man, how long does it take to do a bit of maintenance on a wallet? Are they completely rewriting the code? I mean... wtf!

Right, change of plans. Sell my beloved Steem back to BNB, then buy TRX(Tron) (it's cheap to transfer). Send the TRX to Bittrex where I can swap it for BTC, then get Steem again. Finally, send Steem to Steemit wallet and power up.

The process was going great.... until...


Aw man, Really!

You gotta be friggin kidding me. So now I'm stuck with TRX that, by the way, has now dropped in value since I bought it and I can't transfer it to Bittrex anyway. This is completely ridiculous. Honestly, what's a guy gotta do to get even a little bit of luck around here.

For Pete's sake... and mine

Please, Coinbase, hurry up and add Steem to your list of traded crypto currencies.

Actually, perhaps you my readers can help with that...

Will you help convince Coinbase to sell Steem by adding it to your watchlist?

It's not hard...


  1. Log in to your Coinbase account. If you don't have one you can Sign up here!
  2. Go to https://www.coinbase.com/price
  3. Scroll down to find Steem and click the star.

Src: @therealwolf

On the Coinbase App

▪ If you don't have a Coinbase account, you'll need to sign up at Coinbase.
▪ If you don't already have it, get the Coinbase App(that's the Play Store link, but I'm sure you can get it on Apple too)

Now just follow these steps...
▪ Log in to app
▪ Go to 'Prices' (1)
▪ Click the watchlist thing (2).


▪ Click 'See all assets' (3)


▪ Scroll to find Steem, Click 'Add to Watchlist' (4)


That's it!

Obviously in that last pic, I've already done it, but it really is that simple.

So If you haven't added Steem to your Coinbase Watchlist, Please, I ask you, Do It Now!

If you are one of the awesome Steemians that have already done this...

Thank you! 👍

Until next time

Regards and best wishes @sivehead

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I haven't bought any steem yet so I haven't been privileged enough to experience the fun you had, something to look forward to I suppose...

You what?... you haven't bought any yet? What you waiting for? Its cheap at the moment!

I know, I know... It seems to have been steadily declining since I joined so I'm still leery of putting money into it just yet. Plus I'm trying to see if I can earn much without putting my own money in (just lots of time).

Ah, interesting strategy. Well, since we joined around the same time, and you've been a regular stalker... uh follower of mine... and because I had a little bonus, winning people's champ in the #fff contest. I'll pay a bit of that forward and get you a #Steembasicincome share.

It's not much but in a few days you should start seeing upvotes from SBI(some number or other). It can sometimes take up to a week to kick in but keep an eye out. For more info check out @steembasicincome

Well, I wanted to invest in other cryptos too so I figured I'd put money in some and time in steem, that way gains/losses are more distributed. Plus that makes anything I get on here profit.

Thank you sir! I've returned the favor, I'd been meaning to ask you if you wanted to trade shares but never did get around to doing so.

Ah I see. Unfortunately, at the moment, my choice of 'other' coin aren't doing too well. They seem to have forgotten what a bull run is. I didn't want to put more spare change in to those. I see steem as a kinda high interest savings account. The more I put in the higher the rewards I get back.

Thanks for returning tbe favour. Totally unexpected and very kind of you. 👍

Overly splendid

Haha… what a clever bot you are! Overly spam much?

I think it's just getting started...

I’ve been seeing them everywhere. 😬

This looked like a good place to drop a line. Congrats on that comedy post man, hilarious! Eh I haven’t seen you do the part where it says Resteem the rules and contest start.

I know you want to promote them, that’s the easy part but it’s cool when you give someone like me a warning and I can expect your performance coming. Oh, and you have a booger on your shirt.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Ok Sir, I've changed my shirt and must confess, completely forgot about the resteem thing. I promise to do better next time... if I come up with something worth entering in the future.

In the mean time, please accept my sincere apologies for not giving you the heads up. 😁

Ya alright, apology accepted. I hope I didn’t come across weird, well, weirder than normal, weird. I’m probably just being my usual selfish self again, thanks for pretending I’m not that bad.

I’m actually working on another comedy piece now, they’re the toughest! I ha lve such a hard time with them, I’m a nervous wreck when I post. When I’m transferring between my notepad and the platform, I get to sweating so bad I actually have a towel on hand. Ya... that nervous!

Something about making people laugh that you can’t see or hear sucks! Facts, stories, contests, food, etc, no problem! But making someone laugh without being able to hear or see them makes me a complete trainwreck, bad enough to where no amount of weed helps.

In case I haven’t told you lately, I’m glad we met. Oh, I’m sure you already do, but, just in case.. :wink: whenever I hit the big homeruns with my comedy posts, I try to tip @comedyopenmic ‘something.’ A couple SBD ‘or something.’ Who know if that’s normal or not?? 😉 I just wanna make sure you’re up to date on my secrets!

Let me know if ya’all plan a Central America trip!

Hey man, you're always weird, but I'm getting use to it. And Dude, please remember that anything I say in response to your weirdness is ment in jest. It never my intention to upset or piss you off.

Man, I know exactly what you mean about writing, or trying to write the funny stuff. I always get 'the shakes' when im about to hit the post button. I sometimes have to stop and read it through 'just one more time' before I manage to publish, incase there's something i might want to change. The a hour later, I might have finished it again lol. But whats funny to me is it doesn't matter how many times I read my work before I post it... I always spot that typo after I've hit the button.

Thanks for the heads up too man. I'll bare that in mind on pay day. Oh and yes, you'll be the first to know if we're ever heading state side. I'll give you plenty of warning to get that sofa bed ready lol 😂

I always spot that typo after I’ve hit the button.

Ding-ding-ding! It’s almost embarrassing to admit.. ‘do you realize I have 13 times the amount of time in the proof read than I do the actual material?!’ Ya.. spend that much time proof reading and praying you’re funny and a typo gets passed like..... ‘F!! What else did I miss?!”

Mono-e-mono, Sive. Each time you put up a comedy one, trust me, I know the agony you went though! You’re funny though dude, period.