Smart People Know Steem Is Real Money.

in steem •  8 years ago  (edited)

"All money is money" quoted from infamous smart guy and musical genius fifty-cent. Smart people already know about crypto or upon hearing about it become immediately engrossed in it. Why? Why did the same thing happen when computers were invented. Because even though those really smart people couldn't predict how disruptive technology would shape our world. They didn't have to. The smartest man alive is the one who realizes what a fool he is. The Universe is always giving us something new to study, in other words either proving our assumptions wrong or handing us something new we don't understand. Sometimes other humans create technology so useful, its full use is not even realized until other technology is invented but still in its earliest most primitive bulky ugly forms it is heralded by those in the know as the next big thing. Think computers the size of entire offices. If you look at today we have progressed but the largest companies still need entire data centers devoted to their operation. That's pretty clunky. Hello cloud storage, hello cloud computing. hello decentralized ledgers. Hello crypto-currency. We have come a long way from secret commie trials of innocent actors yet our freedom of speech is controlled by a few centralized corporations. That is not very free. Bitcoin was great until it priced out all the little guys. We wanted to be our own bank but it turns out you had to pay to play...Hello Steemit hello SteemPower , Steem and SteemDollars. Hello blogging as mining meaning we all can take part at free or very low cost yet still generate real value from and for ourselves.

Why am i ranting like this? Because the first question I get asked when I tell people about Steemit is "But can I turn it in to real money". Real money? Lets examine that for a second. I'm 99% sure they mean USD so lets use it for an example.

Now you may be thinking but @smartguylabcoat the inflation rate of Steem is even higher than USD. You are right but inflation of supply alone does not erode your purchasing power. Inflation of Supply without an equal or greater inflation of demand, does erode your purchasing power. As I'm holding Steem I'm being diluted at an alarming rate. my total share of the Steem pie is shrinking. BUT as long as the Steem pie is growing at a rate faster than my share of it is shrinking each of my Steem coins will still be worth more USD in the end aka have more purchasing power. Another overlooked factor in your eroding purchasing power is the distribution of inflation meaning who and how many people is all this new money going to.If all the new money goes to one guy and his friends you would end up with two competing economic realities, one where money was no object and held little value in the eyes of its owners, spent on toy cars and expensive drinks. The other where money is scarce and valued highly even killed for.Now people from that one reality are spending USD with people from the other. Wage Slaves, Shooters as they are called in rap songs(people who will kill for you because you have money) are both made possible by this income disparity. Steem is getting more and more democratic about where new funds go every day. Last I checked nobody is allowed to vote on where the FED Reserve allocates "Real Money".

So I propose we change the definition of "Real Money" from "Money issued by a government " to "Something quickly exchangeable for another form of value " like fifty said, All money is money. All money is not created equal. Money is subject to manipulation. Money is subject to abuse and artificial value created by necessity. You might not kill for a dollar but if it were the only way to get a dollar in time and you needed it to call someone and warn them their life was in danger it wouldn't be such an easy decision. Market forces can be as cruel as the humans who adhere so zealously to them. Diversify, Diversify, Diversify and your portfolio can only multiply. Well it isn't that simple but it is darn close.

Steem fits the criteria for "Real Money" even better than gold. Because nobody is going to other planets to find huge Steem deposits, Because its more liquid than gold and easier to carry around, Because you can earn it by blogging.
Because it is inflationary... wait what why is that a good thing? If all we ever have is the same supply of gold we had on this planet and some gets lost and never found, what are we all going to just take a loss?If we switch to using gold to trade and the 1 percent already own all the gold wouldn't that be even worse than the USD predicament we are in. imagine gold dust going for thousands of dollars or many hours hard labor. Dystopian society much? Steem like any other currency is mostly controlled by the rich but unlike other currencies it is not ENTIRELY controlled by the rich. On Steemit your vote matters. You can help decide where inflation goes and who it helps. You can make a difference. You might even become the next whale reading this post and thinking hey whales are people too!

The moral of the Story is "Real money" is what you think it is. It only has value because you decide it does and at least one other person with something to trade for it agrees. The power has always been in our hands. We just lacked the tools and education to realize it and put that power to work for us. Steemit to me is more than social media. It's a tool of mass empowerment. It's basically doing what Bitcoin failed to and appealing to the every-man. The casual never heard of bitcoin before internet user is now very excited about Steemit and for good reason.

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It is first real money, when you have withdraw to a secure wallet, 100% in your control.

Happy steeming.

Lasse Ehlers

Money is yours when you can touch it, before that it's not yours. Some people even calculate how much they have taking into account their car, but in theory you can't do that if you know the difference between investing and spending.