RE: State of Steem: What Remains, When You Remove All the _______?

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State of Steem: What Remains, When You Remove All the _______?

in steem •  6 years ago 

I feel your pain. I have all but removed myself and the amount of time / energy away from steemit. It simply isn't worth it. At first I was inspired, steemit gave me a hope to delve in to my self and explore the thougjts of being social. Today I find thereare only a very few post / friends I care to even come here for to read, evident yours is one of them. Other than the few I find garbage, senseless babblings, and a never ending sense of sorrow, for lack of a better word. The inspiration is gone and the only question left seems to be whether to invest the time to cash out of what little earnings and investment I put in to this platform or hodl the hope for a brighter day ahead.
Blessings to you and yours. Hope? Isn't that for flowers? ( Trina Paulus )

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