Let's Get In The Green! (TOURNAMENT TODAY)

in steem •  7 years ago  (edited)

You've read it all

That is until you've read about Mythereum.



Some may argue the game moves are too long (5minutes to 30 minutes depending on if the enemy is Away From Keyboard)
This Card game is fast paced when versing a dedicated enemy.

Difficult when battling a strategist and fun when you're online. A community that gives back to its loyal investors (or just newcomers) with a weekly tournament of over 900$USD. Mythereum. A combinaion of collecting (see Purchase of Genesis cards for details) as well as combat fueled by brain power.

If you like Strategy-Role Playing Games you have just found a great one that also comes with a passive income!
Follow them on Social Media!
Mythereum Website to play for FREE now! [https://www.mythereum.io]
Mythereum Twitter: [https://twitter.com/mythereum?lang=en]
Check this out!!! : Mythereum Reputation : https://www.facebook.com/bitguildplat/photos/a.211298836090020.1073741829.195742420978995/229748577578379/?type=3&theater

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I choose Tina :) game looks cool too. Good post Sq

I am too distracted by the first picture to read any further .....