Steemit Update [Sep 30th, 2022] : Steemit Development Incentive Program - Proposals Welcome

in steem •  2 years ago 

We are excited to announce the launch of the Development Incentive Program.

A total budget of $500,000 worth of STEEM tokens per year will go to community-led development projects on

The program is intended to better promote the decentralization and prosperity of the Steem community, encourage the stable development of Steem, and increase the number of high-quality Steem witnesses.

The budget will be distributed quarterly in two ways :

  • 10% of the budget ($50,000 worth of STEEM tokens) will directly go to the five officially-selected Community Developer Representatives. For the first year, each member will receive $10,000 worth of STEEM tokens.
  • 90% of the budget ($450,000 worth of STEEM tokens) will be rewarded to selected development teams.

If the program is a success in the first year, the budget may be increased in subsequent years to further support community developers in the future.

The Community Developer Representatives

These top five experienced developers and witnesses have been selected to be the Community Developer Representatives:

@future.witness (@hightouch)
@steemchiller (@steemchiller)
@justyy (@justyy)
@smt-wherein (@iguazi123)
@dev.supporters (@donekim, @glory7 & @wonsama)

The Community Developer Representatives will be responsible for recruiting developers and developer teams from the community for work on, as well as inviting them to become Steem witnesses if they are not already.

How the Program Works

The main objective of the Development Incentive Program is the functional optimization of For a project to be selected, any individual contributor or developer team should submit a detailed proposal, specifying the budget for their proposed work.

Community Developer Representatives and Steemit Inc. will review submitted proposals and make selections. For selected projects, budgets will be issued to the corresponding individual developer or developer team. Selected project developments can then be executed, tested, and ultimately launched.

The Community Developer Representatives are responsible for reviewing, coordinating, and supervising development progress. They will also eliminate disqualified teams and select team replacements, and regularly synchronize progress with Steemit Inc.

Community Proposals

Community Proposals are welcome from Saturday, October 1st to Saturday, October 15th.

We invite you to give ideas and suggestions for what developments or changes you would like to see based on your experience on Your input will be highly valued and will be essential to the program.

Here are some initial ideas to get you started:

  • Delegations (clearer display of delegators and delegatees, delegate and revoke delegations to another user)
  • API Endpoint Options - View and choose APIs (default to
  • Templates and Drafts (restoring drafts/store drafts in the cloud, selecting templates to start a post from)
  • Filter posts by category/tags (easier search of user’s own posts by categories and tags; complex queries - for example, view posts written during the last World Cup with payout greater than an amount)
  • New user onboarding tips - “Do you know” page
  • Loading (more) comments (configure preferences to load only a few comments on the page)

You can give your ideas in a comment below, or if you want to include more details, you are welcome to make a post. When posting, please include the tag #steemdipproposals in your first 4 tags, along with your #country tag.

Posts can be made by individuals or by communities. They can be in any language.

The Community Developer Representatives will be looking at all the ideas and suggestions coming from the community.

They, with the approval of the Steemit Team, will then be converting the most feasible and suitable ones into development projects and inviting developers to make proposals to do the work.

The Community Developer Representatives will be giving more details on this in later posts.

The Steemit Development Incentive Program marks a new milestone in the development of the Steemit community. We sincerely hope community developers can join us in this journey. We appreciate your support and look forward to your proposals and constructive feedback.

Keep following @steemitblog for updates.

Thank you

The Steemit Team

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It is indeed an announcement of great joy for all of us. We believe that this platform will become more dynamic with the launch of the Development Incentive Program. I heartily congratulate those who have been selected in this regard and wish them all the best. However, bangla.Witness is always ready to cooperate with support in any matter, if required.

좋은 내용 감사합니다

Hi ! How are you Like to know.

This is interesting

  ·  2 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  2 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Sorry, you already answered my idea twice. But maybe now is the time for it. It would be good to install Google Adsense ads on All proceeds must be converted to STEEM and burned. Such a scheme could potentially turn the blockchain into a deflationary one. Imagine a cryptocurrency project with real value that is also deflationary. Investors will fly like flies to honey. As a result, everyone wins.

Also, I think more front end languages are needed. I would translate the interface into Ukrainian, but it is unclear whether these changes could be implemented. It is also necessary to translate the Newcomers Guide page into many languages.

A more advanced search with the possibility of setting various parameters is needed.

It is very necessary to do something with the main page.

P.S. By the way, I would like to see an NFT marketplace here.

P.S. #2. It would be nice to expand our internal marketplace by adding other trading pairs like BTC/STEEM etc. Trading all trading pairs except SBD/STEEM would require a small fee like other crypto exchanges. Fee must be in STEEM and sent to burn.

This is a very welcome development for those in the tech space to benefit from. I so much appreciate this innovation. However, in my own case, I would like to see the following developments based on my experience on

  • Delegations: We can use this to determine when a user has received a delegation from another user (as shown in the wallet and steem blockexplorer). should be visible in the profile as well.
  • Filter posts by category or tags.
  • Templates and Drafts

These are the three changes I would like to see.

  ·  2 years ago Reveal Comment

please do support me brother at coolsingh70

Hello friend, I can see that you're a newbie. I will advice you to subscribe to Newcomer's Community and begin your Achievement tasks. Start by Introducing yourself first before others.

You can DM me on WhatsApp with this number: 08120419236 should incase you are finding it difficult.

  ·  2 years ago 

For your information, here is the Repo for frontend UI - take a look at the existing issues in case you need some ideas:

Let's fix the steemit registration's phone number validation issue "Failed to send phone auto code".

  ·  2 years ago 


Hello @ccppjava! You are wonderful!

command: !thumbup is powered by witness @justyy and his contributions are:
More commands are coming!

Anyone want to brainstorm options on this? If the phone auth is to prevent the possibility of creating spam accounts at no cost, is there anything else we could do?

Piggybacking auth on top of existing services that go some way towards limiting registrations already is an obvious option, but not an attractive option. I can't see many people wanting to link their Steem and Facebook accounts, for example.

10-minute clientside proof-of-work validation?

Any other ideas, folks? :)

(EDIT: Aside from switching to a different outgoing SMS provider, of course)

To my mind, the further development of Steem had fallen asleep, even in deep sleep. So I am very happy to read this announcement.

Here are my suggestions and I am sure I will think of more as the ball gets rolling.

Even though my knowledge of development is no longer up to date, I could probably help with smaller tasks.

I like your blogger sir, and I always follow what you make

I would be happy if as many of the ideas as possible were implemented. As far as I can make it possible in terms of time, I would also be interested in helping to implement them.

My contribution with further suggestions can be found here:

The dance and music show is leaving Steemit for good

Start dancing!

Wow you are a good dancer

03/10/2022, 21:15:45

Transaction ID:

Sidechain Block: 10322062

From: @donatello
To: @starrchris

Amount: - 1 HND

Memo: Thank you for the nice comment! You have just received 1 "Have a nice day" token.

Thank you very much friend

You are very welcome.
People with a lot of STEEM POWER should try to be more generous. They just don't care.

😂😂, that true friend, thank God you are different.

To be sincere with you friend I don't know what's HND currency

Good video mr starrchris ,i like your video mr

My name is khairul efendi ,, I'm very happy to see the content you make, I'm entertained

03/10/2022, 21:18:18

Transaction ID:

Sidechain Block: 10322070

From: @donatello
To: @fendy82

Amount: - 1 HND

Memo: Thank you for stopping by!

Okeyy @donatello

What a great incentive program that will help promote and make this platform to be more comfortable and less difficult when using

I would like developers to work on the issue of Undo and Re-Do option when writing a text and creating a content on steemit because the Un-do and Re-do features will definitely let you to be able to remove or repeat single or multiple typing actions


Above is an example which shows that I can Undo or Re-do any information in that image..

Why do I say this? In my early days of Steeming, I had spend precious time creating contents but at the end everything cancelled and I couldn't Re-do it again since steemit doesn't have the option and all my efforts ended up in vein as I had to start back all over.

This is a great opinion, and most users who work on mobile devices have this error the most, I think this should be the first setup in the development of the steemit end-user pages.

Yes that's true brother. This have happened to me several times especially when my old phone was disturbing. There was a time I took a day to prepare a crypto homework post only to lost everything as I mistakenly hit the Clear button. I was extremely mad😂😂 and gave up with the assignment

Imagine!! , I would have gone crazy for the whole day.

A friend once had a similar complaint, he was pissed, this implementation is far needed on the platform by the way.

i like you

  ·  2 years ago Reveal Comment

please do support me brother at coolsingh70

Support you in what way?

Good jobb bos

좋은 내용 감사합니다

I think this is a good proposer you have came up with and I believe the steemit team will definitely going to do something about it .
From this aspect of redo and undo, I have also experienced it and at the end of the day , all my labour goes in vein
I hope definitely, something is going to be done concerning these aspects,
Thank a lot for this great opportunity you just came up with brother

Finally a good idea! congratulations!
There is a need for developers here, who will try to freshen up the platform.
There is also a need to share videos faster, I don't like dtube and others.
There is a need to schedule the release of a post, that would be convenient.
But I'm sure we can do it, I see very motivated people here!!!
I plan to go for promotion, I already have something in mind.

Please make ios and android app for steem

i use android sir

Not for ios

I am pleased to see the dynamism of the Steemit team to keep the platform at a good level.

I think it is an excellent initiative to mobilize witnesses and developers, unfortunately I am not one myself but I will certainly be sharing some ideas I have in mind.

I hope in the near future to start studying programming to contribute more to the platform.

I wish you success in this proposal.

Hello friends, how about creating a bot that automatically records the contributions that users give to the communities in the profits of their own publications, and when it detects that these communities are automatically turning off, it begins to return all the contributions to each user who has contributed with The growth and strengthening of said community would thus avoid the farming of the communities and would motivate more users to invest their profits in the platform and this would attract more people

I support this idea, it would be great.

We want to see STEEM.ENGINE back again
You will need a Chrome extension that you can find on in order to use Steem engine.

Sees that you need to have the KYC process there now
I didn't think this page was maintained anymore
do you have a discord channel

This was steem engine discord but now they move to hive engine

They are still there.
People have plenty of STEEM stored at
Do you think the team behind Steem engine can just leave like that? I don't think so.
What about users' funds?

This is a great start for a better future of steem. Congratulations to the community developer representatives. I believe you will give your best for this project, I will support you.

Congratulations to those who have been selected as community developer representatives, and good luck. Also, if there is anything helpful as a witness, I will actively support you.

god bless you

Another step towards rewarding more and more investors, developers and witnesses while most of the content creators earn nothing.

I have heard of a guy in New York who wants to buy all STEEM available in the exchanges, convert it into STEEM POWER and downvote all the posts that have a payout of more than $10. Have you heard about that? I have been told about that in London.

I think you have misunderstood this completely @donatello
But perhaps you meant your comment to be funny

Thank you for replying!

Here in London, you can hear so many things about anything and anybody.

I know exactly what is going on here.

Tell him to start buying then!

I'll tell the guy who told me to tell the guy who told him that you told me that he should start buying STEEM.

Sounds a lot like the person from the movie antman typed this comment lmao🤣

05/10/2022, 13:48:00

Transaction ID:

Sidechain Block: 10325463

From: @donatello
To: @starlord28

Amount: - 1 HND

Memo: Hahaha! Have a nice day!

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

I would like to ask, is there any official support for the development of Dapp? Or is there any incentive plan?

We are currently developing a DAPP community based on Steem.

Will continue to improve and iterate on different gameplay
boylikegirl Club

The link isn't working

  ·  2 years ago 

Thanks for the reminder. I rewrite the link

This is a very brilliant idea bravo to the steem team

This is an amazing piece, I really love this update, i think this is a huge step in the right direction for Steemit and it’s development.

I would suggest that “API Endpoint Options - View and choose APIs (default to” be developed, this would make it easier to develop other user endpoints, improving the user experience of steemians using the platform.

I think this will go a long way in improving user experience.


So far the Steemit Team continues to go the extra mile to do the best I really appreciate for that.

This is a great initiative

Wow good intiative bro

This is very good updates and this program will help us and make us more active, updated so I also have some ideas that want to see on steemit so I will try my best to write a post on my ideas. Boom Boom Steemit Team,, thanks for this great project. I really wish we should bring a video feature with YouTube like content. There should be a facility to add video, that's my big wish.

Hello and greetings to you Steemit Team. Sorry to post this here also. There is a current situation beyond my control and I would like to let you know. Steem Ghana account has initiated a power down few minutes ago. From the other three steemians who claim ownership of the account, they say they wouldn't like to continue again. None of my efforts was able to stop them. This is because, they have all the keys and they own it. I would like to let you know what is happening currently and my decision on that. I do not know how to go about it now and they have all decided they can't wait. But I would like to continue and do not know what to do. Please treat this with immediate attention. Thank you for your time.


Congratulations to all the selected development representatives. They all are the best who already do great work. The thing I want to back again is searching of users by their name. Like from few months it's difficult for me to search users because that is restricted (unknown reasons). I hope these development representatives work on it as well. Best of luck to all.


This is the right step to take considering that platform development is an integral part of the future growth and development of steemit. I think a lot of users will be there, and I feel like @morpheussa will be a part of this project.

Thanks for the confidence.
I will help where I can.

The steemit team continue to grow each day👌
Thanks for the support and guidance all the way

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Where is the steem coming from that will be paying for the program?

please do support me at coolsingh70

Awesome! This is a very solid initiative towards making the Steem ecosystem more active and interesting with additional features in view. Undoubtedly, this would go a long way to ensuring the future of Steem is better than we have ever imagined.

I congratulate the witnesses that made it to becoming the Community Developer Representatives and I can't wait to see actions in place. I'm too excited about this amazing development on our dear Steem.

I would be back if I have suggestions on a few changes I'd like to see. Thanks for this amazing update, steemitblog. We #steem-on.

Please make ios and android app for steem

This is a great cause and will surely help a lot of people. More power!

very innovation bro

Your post is manually rewarded by the
World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail


  ·  2 years ago 


Hello @steemitblog! You are fabulous!

command: !thumbup is powered by witness @justyy and his contributions are:
More commands are coming!

Personally, I see this as an excellent step for the further development of our platform by its users through its developers or the communities through their suggestions thanks to the experience acquired during its practices. We all have services and features that we want to add to the platform to make it easier for us to use, so this is an opportunity to express that and why not these ideas will change a lot of positive things on the platform.

Interesting and amazing, can't wait to devote all our ideas to the progress of Steemit.

Btw... congratulations to the developer team that has been selected as a developer for the progress of the steemit platform.

In short, I hope there will be additional features for the number of people who have viewed the post, including displaying the number of reblogs.

Some more will come to mind soon, thanks,

We thank the steemitblog and steemit team for their love and support for all steemians. I believe the community devolopers will work hand in hands to enhance the growth of steem.I love 💕 steemit.

  ·  2 years ago Reveal Comment


Thank you

Very good morning initiative there, I look forward to seeing new development ideas, I have some of mine and I'll share it as a post.

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When posting, please include the tag #steemdipproposals in your first 4 tags, along with your #country tag.

Is there a list of the country tags in use? Do all countries have one? I'm in the United States and country tags haven't been part of how I've posted before, so I'm not sure if there's a tag I ought to use.

Feature suggestion: Embedded tweets. I know that some other blogging or social media platforms auto-convert links to tweets to embedded tweets so there's probably a standard way to do it.

The Steemit team never stops and gets tired of doing research to make Steem and Steemit better in the future. I really appreciate it. And this adds to my enthusiasm to continue to be an inspiring Steemian.

This is a golden opportunity for those who master IT. I fully support every initiative that makes Steemit more advanced.

Great work!
Wish all the best for Steem

  ·  2 years ago Reveal Comment

좋은 내용 감사합니다

I pray this program works out so steemit and her coin can rise up again.

This is a very nice update, congratulations to all selected witness.

We hope to see your mind-blowing proposals soon.

  ·  2 years ago Reveal Comment

Congratulations 👏🎉 to the selected community's developers, it's well deserved. This new development will definitely take steem to the next level, I believe with this new development people outside this space will feel the positive impact of the ecosystem.

Good news and exciting 🤩 Please let me know if any developers want to collaborate with Newcomers Community for any kind of development so the community gets better 😊

This is a very nice and welcomed idea and I am sure, with this, steemit has a great potential to grow beyond its current height.

Here is my proposal:

Great initiative and I think this would help distinguish steemit platform from other blogging sites. Steem on !!

This is a very welcome development for those in the tech space to benefit from. I so much appreciate this innovation. However, in my own case, I would like to see the following developments based on my experience on

This is an awesome idea

I would love to see buttons or a drop down menu that contains all the markdowns, this markdowns would be applied on a to be posted article just by clicking on your desired markdown.

This would help improve the quality of post as do many don't know how to use the markdowns, while some of those who knows might face difficulty in spelling or implementation.

The biggest challenge I have seen on steemit is the problem 👇


I believe there should be a backup that would come up whenever is down

Very cool. Resteemed.

I like and follow you master


Good idea to have a group of developers and also to have idea what the users would like to have on the platform. There are already many different suggestions but I have not see one yet.

Would it be possible to get a video creating program like Dtube in the past. If that would be there, then we could use it instead of Youtube.


great initiative

really very useful information. thanks.

Glad to know that, what an awesome web 3.0 technology.

Happy to see an initiative to develop the platform.

It is indeed an announcement of great joy for all of us. We believe that this platform will become more dynamic with the launch of the Development Incentive Program.

Most of us have been waiting for such good news.
Well done The Steemit Team, hope this initiative brings a nice flavor to the Steem ecosystem.
I suggest a steemit blog app, wallet app and inbuilt markdown tools with additional features such as adding multiple text colors, extend the internal trading pairs, and update the site design.
Hope the various developers grab this opportunity and make the best out of it.

This looks great, really looking forward to seeing the result. I've been looking at the git repo and I would really like to give a try to some of the open tickets, do you accept pull requests? :)

BTW - irrelevant but, @donatello new steemian here 🙋 any help...well, more than welcome 😜 💙

Delegations (clearer display of delegators and delegatees, delegate and revoke delegations to another user)
API Endpoint Options - View and choose APIs (default to
Templates and Drafts (restoring drafts/store drafts in the cloud, selecting templates to start a post from)
Filter posts by category/tags (easier search of user’s own posts by categories and tags; complex queries - for example, view posts written during the last World Cup with payout greater than an amount)
New user onboarding tips - “Do you know” page
Loading (more) comments (configure preferences to load only a few comments on the page)

You already have someone that can put all this things in place at your finger tips.
@tekraze can do all of this.
However, Not adding censorship and segregation.
Perhaps the team should consider sending him a message.

Here my suggestion, hoping you like it 😉👇🏻

Many Blessings...🙏🏻

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  ·  2 years ago Reveal Comment