No, there isn't any video/instrusctions on how to that I have seen, but I figured it out.
It's a pretty easy process:
- go to the "wallet" tab on your account.
- you can get to wallet from clicking on your profile pic/avatar on the top right when logged in
- Click on the dropdown arrow next to the number on your STEEM POWER balances
- Click Deposit
- Select what you want to use (in this case BTC)
- Copy the address beside the "send bitcoin to"
- Take that address to your exchange (coinbase, bittrex, poloniex)
- Send the amount of bitcoins you want to send to the address you copied from steemit.
- After it arrives (might have to refresh a few times - sometimes is fast, othertimes it isn't) - be patient.
- Copy the amount to deposited bitcoins and past it into the box under "estimate using bitcoin"
- Click "Get Estimate"
- Click "Update Estimate"
- Wait until you see it says "broadcasted" under the Transaction History at the bottom
Let's Steem