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Thanks for your post. I am trying to think up how to get people in my community involved in steem and creating ways for a non-profit that I am founding to generate revenue with Steem to do programming to benefit the community. I would also like to see more businesses accepting various types of crypto-currency. Do you see this happening anywhere that could serve as an example?

It's hard for me to upload a video on how I'm changing the world because I don't see myself as attempting to change the world. I quit doing that when I discovered that nobody wanted that. Now I'm just working on changing myself to be a better human being. They say if you want to change the world, you have to start with yourself.

yeah, and then when you are successful in that, you can start the work of helping others, by creating solutions that affect tons of people....that's what I am looking for.

True, start with yourself, and then expand.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

there is a quote i found in a introduction post i read recently and i think it applies here:

What is really hard and really amazing is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself...
source :

i guess if we are ourselves in the end the people will be more likely to follow you and interact then if we pretend to be something better then we are... (and most of us fall for that, thats why Facebook is keeping us entranced more then it should)
Just keep on working to be a better human being, so will I and we can support eachother by being ourselves

The problem with "just being yourself" is it is terrible advice designed to make you fail.

How long have men been getting (and, sadly, listening to) the advice from women in the dating world to "just be yourself"? Ever try it? Lol. Social interactions are a complex web of deceptions. Anyone telling you to be yourself wants (consciously or subconsciously) the gamer theoretical advantage of getting to not be themself while you are.

"Just be yourself" means "lower your standards to the point where they are already met, blame yourself for nothing, be willing to be happy with no growth." At least it does in practice, most of the time.

Not a great life philosophy. "Be better," is a much better one.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

well, i was saying becoming yourself, its always a work in progress of betterment but striving to be perfect is giving up on something that just doesn't exist...
we must continuously evolve and get better but we will never be perfect

I agree with your thoughts. Didn't mean to seem like I was in disagreement, I just like to get specific with language.

+lexiconical That psychoanalytical part of us that subliminally seeks to help people reach higher than self, is often misunderstood. It does no good to apologize. Those seeking to be better will get it without offense. Those who need it most will seek to defend the work they need to do.
+felander I so agree that perfection is the enemy of peace, and a form of arrogance believing that the possibility could ever really exist. Many people never complete a task, or start one for that matter; because, the old demon Perfectionism lassos them into believing they can and will never be good enough.
To both of you,

Perfect: the enemy of pretty good.

Ha! So truth! I do believe pretty good and good enough are akin to each other.

Makes sense to me.

A great rule to follow. You are the person you have to spend the most time with, so improving yourself is win-win. Or just a single win - I'm not too clear on that.

I think it depends on if improving your life is beneficial to others, I think that would be considered a win-win. :-)

I like to think that improving any person is a net increase in the quality of humanity, so we all win.

True enough!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

This post is a great reminder or explanation (for those who didn't already know) of what the ideals and goals of this platform are. It is important to keep people focused on the task at hand and keep people from straying onto the sidelines. This is still a very new concept and there will undoubtedly be those who will attempt to drive it into a new direction. Thanks for keeping everyone on track!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

I agree. Great post thanks :) I really hope this vision prevails. Regular social media makes me want to dry wretch it's so vapid. I actually had a little rant about something similar yesterday. (

I'm tired of seeing self proffessed thought leaders parroting other people's words and ideas to a million other parrots who will do it all again.

People are on interested in them because they see these people as a model for their own self enhancement. Eg wealth, self 'development', marketing, make up, fitness.

Maybe it's a case of sour grapes but I'm just sick of seeing these 'gurus' everywhere and people wasting energy on modelling themselves in their image (think Kim Kardashian..) when they could be doing so much more for this world!

Let's get real and realize we are all just people with limited potential. Our greatest potential is if we leave ego aside and come together for higher aspirations.

Also I was thinking steem must have come from esteem. What do you know!

yes, well said!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

This was a good post, I disagree on this line:

Our greatest potential is if we leave ego aside

I ended the quote where I needed to end it. "leave ego aside", That is a boot-lick white coat society member rationality. To believe we can not not "come together for higher aspirations" until we leave our EGO behind is an elitist trap. If you think STEEMIT or anything we have today is possible because of people that have "Left their EGO Behind", then who has on the blinders? The ego is a big part of what makes us who we are. It is my belief without our ego's we would get nothing done. A person with a lack of confidence has killed his ego. Do you think an extremely confident person,(Trump, Dan,Rush,Obama,Clinton), are all completely without ego? Ne we need more people building thier ego up, not trashing their ego down, to make the world a better place. Good people with large ego's to combat the big ego bad people.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

You shouldn't drop on the floor like a wet mop.

But I think you can never be omniscient and all powerful either.

Obama and Trump certainly learned that.

We are all limited, but we are all equally powerful.

It's base nature to think - what do I want.?
What do I think is best? But it's also weakness.

You'd get further by thinking what do we want? Want is actually best? It's hard... but it's worth it.

And don't give your power away to people who tell you their way is best. I guess that includes me here :)

Just please value them as equally as you value yourself.

You don't need ego in order to have self confidence.

The Buddhists have a term "manas consciousness", which is something like ego. It is deluded because it clings on to attachments of this world. But according to them, there is really no such thing as the self. I guess the trick is not to get attached to this world.

Woah, I got through his whole post without realizing it was written by you. Not surprised :-)

It's funny, I I never thought that the intention behind steemit was to find non violent solutions to problems but that is almost exactly what I am here for. So you kind of reinforce and make literal what I've said before, that steemit was made for people like me.

Words are so funny..I love looking up etymologies! They stick around such a long time..I had no idea that Esteem was the origin of Steem! Pretty interesting :P That tricky Dan...! I always imagined it was a cutesy way of saying 'Steam', like the pressure that builds up and powers something. I like the Esteem image much better!

Dan doesn't create cutesy solutions.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Before counting the several development teams, the other hundreds and thousands of contributors to Steemit, there is a team of 32+ dedicated individuals including 20+ developers on and Steem, the blockchain. Beyond that, a remaining founding team of four. I find some of this post rather disservicing to the brilliant minds we have on the team today; I can't look back and agree for one second with some of the statements made above. The origination, design and the best on Steem yet to come has been born from the teammates we have here today. I hope you'll attribute the accomplishments to the team that has actually designed, built and continues to build it with our mission in mind of actually delivering this platform all the way through.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

You did come up with the name Steem which was the root of this article. Far better than the WebClout name I pitched you when you came to visit early 2016 and I asked you to be CEO of this company / project.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Naming was a team effort, Ben came up with the proposal for the name WebClout, and I recall your later proposal in the Lefty's parking lot for Peanuts and its catch phrase, "we're making peanuts"; a catchy name actually. We had some good laughs those days.

I have added this in the article. In fact, I would love it if you could write a genesis story for everyone here. Many people don't know this story, including myself. IF you have further edits on this article, please forward it to me and I will add it. I would guess I have many details left out.

@ned hello, sorry to comment in your comment post , but this is importan for me, im drawing pict your face , maybe you want to look,
this is My appreciation for @ned - drawing design

Good afternoon @dan
I hope today finds you well. My name is Jane, and I have contacted @stellabelle via the application in regards to this post. Seeing as I believe this to be relevant to the conversation here, and the mission statement of Steemit, I would love to invite you to be a guest on Monday Night Minnow School, a radio program on MSP Waves radio network, to speak to our listeners. Monday Night Minnow School is hosted by @sircork on Monday evenings, 7PM CST/8PM EST at We would be truly grateful if you would consider accepting this invitation to speak with @sircork and to minnow listeners about Steemit. Please contact myself if you are interested, and I will put you into contact with @globocop and @sircork on Discord. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I look forward to hearing your reply. Have a wonderful afternoon!! Thanks again for consideration.
(and I do appreciate @stellabelle, for letting me jump in here? I apologize if this correspondence was done via incorrect channels. Thank you!!!!)

Jeesh, Webclout sounds like a mix of cleft palette and some kind of prion disease in the brain. Thank goodness for @ned creating Steem.

I have fixed it in the post.

Nice team work everyone. I am happy to see that you are still active members on this website.
I visited many of the whales' pages (known them from but many of them didn't even make a single post since they joined. So I thought they may be part of the founders team of steemit.
Thanks again for your efforts. Please keep up the good work and updates.

Thanks for this clarification. I doubt if anyone knows this detail.

Unfortunately, this was a missed opportunity to partner with the American Red Cross and blood banks to form a "WebClot" initiative. You could have had an ICO for the new "bloodchain".

Blood Shortage.png

If the internet is just a series of tubes, why not send blood through it?

I understand your point in highlighting the current team working behind Steem. Hat's off to the work that you and your team is accomplishing.

I know Steem is very dear to Stella and her blog is a pretty clear testament to that.

And I enjoyed this post and the spirit of it like many did and in noway did I see it has disservicing the current people working on Steem on the contrary.

I always assumed it was a double pun; "steam" for the idea of power building up and "esteem" for the idea of people holding each other in higher and higher esteem as we all grow together lol

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Reading posts like this are exactly what attracted me to SteemIt from the start. Thank you for this. Thank you for composing this in such a way that it can be digested by anyone and they will come away slightly more enlightened then they were before reading it. Your writing is fantastic and I have nothing but admirable respect for posts like this. Kudos πŸ‘

Resteemed. Just had to.

"Now with that said, you are free to exploit yourself for profit."

My doctor said I should stop doing this.

"Suffering has a big role to play in empathy."

Wise words.

"hint: money is a side effect of how many lives you touch."

I hope this becomes truer in the mainstream as well, as cryptocurrency wrests control back of money for the "decentralized people".

Good points. I hope we'll both get to see less of each other in the flagging list.

PS - Did you see the post "why I'm upvoting Chainflix"? (not an endorsement)

i didn't see it...who wrote it?

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Wow! Great post @stellabelle! So glad I found your account to follow early on.

We live in an instant gratification society, at least in the States we do, and anything we have to work for seems too HARD.

Thank you for the link to Dan's intro. I am headed to read that right now, so I can learn more about this platform. I have become addicted to it and look to it for more content than facebook and twitter combined, and those used to be my go-tos. I don't know anyone on here in person, but your (steem in general, not you specifically) comments and feedback are so much more engaging that the other platforms.

Have a wonderful day! And thanks again for sharing!!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

I agree

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

I didn't realise how rich of a background steem had. I guess most of us are blind to the foundations of this blockchain and idea and only see the prospering and thriving product.

This really opens my eyes on what Dan really is like and how much he good he wants to create for the world to receive.

It is unfortunate we have people who are trying to ruin the site but at least we have a community mostly driven by passion rather than greed that can stop this.

It seems like sometimes you have to start from the bottom and experience all the vulgar, damaging thing society has to offer to really build on it and remedy it and I wish large figureheads had the same thinking as Dan.

Rather than trying to reap the system or say how unfair it is as they want a bigger stake people should let their creative fluids flow, blog what they want, for friendships and bonds and as you said, money is just a side effect from all of this @stellabelle! :)

I wish my upvote were worth much more than it is, because you deserve it! Oh the lack of shame and outright disrespect for others and the platform I've seen lately...

I've said for a while, the marketing of Steemit has to change in some way. We are attracting the wrong kind of people. The facebook addicts who believe superficial likes are king. They come here and find a way to start "earning" money, and find every way possible to rake in as much as they can from the same dribble that's totally accepted on shallow social platforms.

Steemit is deep. It's why the idea of an ocean fits so well. No one is creating value with one line posts about their morning bowel movement, and no one should be rewarded for shit posting.

I'm all about your #waronspam, and try to protect the pool from a few pennies of theft af a time πŸ˜‰

Just when I thought I couldn't love this post anymore than I did when I finished reading it, I was wrong. There's that cute graphic at the bottom! (your rep is 75 now!! Steemin' ahead!) Thank you so much for writing this. There is a real learning curve here, the first of which seems to be, "you can't be the same putz here that you were on those "other" social media sites". And it's for the best, in my opinion.
I can clearly understand what you are talking about. On the other sites, it was all about me, me,me!!! When I came to Steemit, I was a little hurt and felt like I was being left out. My posts are seldom seen, and it made the big green-eyed monster that was living inside me come out to play. I'd ask "why don't they like me? Why won't anyone follow me? Why won't they read my posts? ME, ME, ME!!!" But it wasn't until I realized (rather, was taught by my mentor and BFF @globocop) that I had to understand the "adding value" part, and that honest content was the only way I was going to find what I was seeking.
Thanks again for this awesome post!

I love Dan. That is what makes Steem so special & different. Reading the comments on here is interesting, that people didn't know these things. I guess if you were here at the beginning with smaller numbers these things are hard to miss. It's why I came here in the first place. It is very sad that the message is getting lost. So thank you for talking about it, we need to talk about it more. Telling people to come here & make money is misleading. Suckerberg is playing himself & billions . It is all part of mind control which has zero empathy. You are right. Scrolling fakebook is mind numbing & has made my reading ability worse. Being on Steemit is training me to read & soak in information again. How much violence do you see on fakebook? So much & it is extremely depressing and concerning that young children are on it. It's strange how a centralized social media site can allow worse things than a decentralized platform.

I love this post! I am enjoying the platform that is Steemit so much and am constantly telling people I know to lose Facebook and join this rich community! I just did a post on the differences between the two for me and this hits home! I didn't know this information about Dan's reasoning and vision though. Thank you so much for sharing this makes it all the more better!

Very potent article all around.
Something that was so logically sticky for me:

The blockchain is all about eliminating the middle-man.
People who are stealing content are essentially forcing themselves into our Steem blockchain as a middle man.
This is against the nature of Steem.

There are too many beautiful points in your article for me to articulate all of them. We'll leave it there.

Thanks for you continuous work as a deep thinker and an advocate for people who have experienced hardship. Much love.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Oh look, just another awesome and insightful article by @stellabelle.

Bringing knowledge and philosophical discussion to the masses this time.

Such a credit to this community, thank you for today's gift :)


thanks for giving care.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

I try my best, master :)

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Nice post
Friend of my support, for me who wrote. I need help from all friend, @sinta , like. I will try my best in stringing words with the encouragement from esteem friend who faithful and can take me like you.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Nice notion, but there is a lot of collusion on steemit. And it truly is about who you know, not what you provide. Countless articles and pieces go unseen, but are they worthless?

I have had my work seen only due to the wonderful friends whom appreciate and upvote my work, but some may never experience a rep level beyond 55 and that is saddening. I understand the sentiment of influencing good work, but there is a balance to everything and steemit is missing a lot of those principles in the state it exists in today.

Steem, like all social media, is and will be partially a popularity contest.

C grade content that reached 1000 people is worth a lot more to the market than A+ grade material that reached 2 people.

Combine these two facts and it is what it is, reality. You can play along, watch, or quit, but you can't really change the fundamental game.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

I wrote this as a reply to a comment. But I think it echoes what you are saying and how this can be solved.

"In my opinion the real problem is with the content discovery. Since whales already have enough followers their
posts generally gets upvoted if the content is good. The problem is with the content discovery for the new authors. Not many people are ready to spend time reading the posts of their friends and followers. They are constantly looking at the posts by whales so that they can upvote them in the hope of getting some curation rewards.

So we will need to turn the tables around give more rewards for the discovery of content by authors whose average earnings are low. Since whales with large number of followers already get enough votes and rewards, the curation rewards for discovering their content should be reduce. Adding curation rewards for resteeming can solve this problem to a certain extent. Remember that an upvote doesn't increase the visibility of a post, it only increases the rewards for the author of the post but it doesn't help in making the post reachable to others. If possible we should identify who are having a network effect in making content more popular and reward them accordingly. That will create a level playing field. Irrespective of whether you are a whale or a minnows you will be in the lookout for the good content and resteem them to make sure that it gets the visibility it deserves. Wildspark is already doing this successfully and may be steemit can learn from it.

If we don't address this problem Steemit will turn out to be like the Ghost cities of China where there are lot of high-end skyscrapers that have no occupancy at all. Just that in steemit there will be lot of users writing posts but not enough people reading them even if they are worthy. I hope Steemit addresses this problem by the earliest :)"

I agree with the essence of your argument - curation is under-rewarded. Unfortunately, it's one of the toughest things to reward correctly via algorithm.

I don't yet have a solution.

there will always be problems as long as humans are involved.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Every problem is an opportunity in disguise. :-). Full steem ahead.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

As true as that may be, there are a lot of things that can be fixed on this platform (in terms of equality).

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

People were saying this over a year ago and Steemit is still here. It might be better to think of Steemit as a place to share things you enjoy without looking for monetary compensation.

You know you just changed my perspective of Steemit totally . All I have heard is , blog , vote , and earn, and that's been all over the platform . But what you just told us about Dan , that just blew my mind . We seem to be off track , many of us including myself .

We have to create values from within the community and earn trust of others , provide honesty and lots of hard work to make ourself known on this platform . People take the meaning of this platform and why it was created , so wrong . We should encourage one another to take a different path , change lives , guide each other . This is for peace , not for war

Well said!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Thank you so much for this post. I now have a better understanding of why this platform was created. I did get a chance to look at Dan's intro post. Powerful stuff. As a newbie, I've got a lot to learn and do hope that the community continues to honor/reward those who produce content instead of stealing it!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Facebook to me, has become the primetime telenovela for all ages...


Something extremely suspicious is going on with your followers...

β€’ Average global mortality rates are 7.74 people per 1000.
β€’ You joined Steemit in June 2016, and you have 5889 followers.
β€’ Expected mortality amongst your followers would therefore be 9.03 people.

Yet your footer claims that 1429 of your followers have died!

That's 24.26% which is 23.486% over the average global mortality rate, a highly suspicious figure! Obviously I do not have enough evidence at this stage to make an outright accusation, but I think we all know that these followers did not meet a natural end...

I have noticed that your remaining followers, (lets call them the "lucky ones") are very loyal. So loyal in fact, that they would probably follow you into a dark forest, or a secluded basement!

I Suppose you are going to say you know nothing about it , or that they died of natural causes eh? I'm watching you stellabelle!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Amazingly insight post Stella I think this is my favorite that I've seen from you. Thank you contributing so much value to the steemit community!

Wow! Thank you so much for posting this! I am brand new here and this was very refreshing to hear! The Steem community is amazing so far. I am excited to share my photography work on here where people care more about the content rather than home many like or followers you have! Thanks again

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

I Truly leaned a lot about steem in this post as you go into the real meaning of what this platform is all about , thanks for the share i also resteemed

Thank you for making this post! As someone new here this really opened my eyes to the amazing potential of this platform.

Today I am two months in steemit and I have learned the rules by watching tutorials and other rules of the community by common sense, but reading your post I learned a lot and I have a clear idea of the philosophy and coexistence like never before. Thanks for the post. ;)

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Very well said, both you and Dan. I came to cryptocurrency from an interest in libertarianism and the nonaggression principle. It's nice to know that Steemit was founded on the same ideals. Integral to nonaggression is respect for private property, so it's good to see the hard work being done on this platform by users and bots to flag and expose plagiarism and identity theft. Thanks for posting the link to Dan's introduction page. It should be required reading for all newcomers to Steemit. Thanks for all your profound writings too!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Loved the way you explained how empathy develops. It's true. I find that I'm more empathetic to people nowadays because I've suffered a lot and know what it's like. It's like lack teaches you the importance of what you lack.

And you're right about how Facebook creates this "reality" we hold on to, as perception becomes reality. Great piece!!

I also loved it when you said that Steemit is or deep thinkers. I completely concur and I feel less alone in this world :) Glad to have read this article! One more thing: you're right. We should find ourselves and our voices and share our thoughts to exchange value. And Steemit is only platform I know to enable this.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Initially when I heard the name of steemit and how it works then I'm seeing dream to rich but when I posted my introduction blog then I knew it's not so easy as I'm thinking now I have completed my 2 months but I learnt so many things from it and your post always gives some lesson to me thanx for sharing.....

Thanks for posting the link to Dan's post. Since we're here we might as well learn about those who created this community.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Interesting read. look forward to more. keep up the good work

Changing the world one person at a time.

I like Steemit because I can open up a little of my vulnerability at a time and create something good from it. I love that you addressed the problem of theft from the pool by way of lack of originality.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Very insightful post. The world today has become so obsessed with "self" as I have never before seen. When we are so wrapped up in ourselves we tend to make very small, uninteresting packages.

yeah, and when we wrap our own presents for ourselves, there are no silver threads.

Informational and interesting

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Love the post - I agree that if you're a violent person here - even if you pretend - it will show up eventually - you can't keep face. Kill them with kindness!

Very interesting post .

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Money is a side effect of how many lives you touch well said. Money is a side effect of value you create is something that I used to say to my friends. Your quote makes it more personal. Upvoted and Resteemed.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

It was nice to read :) I go and read more one time :)

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ Reveal Comment

Thank you for sharing some info about the origins of Steemit. I was wondering who thought all of this up and what their original intentions were.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

'Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach him how to fish, and he will never go hungry'
Thank you @stellabelle, great insight :):)

Wow great post. Things tend to fall apart when people forget or never knew why they started. Gonna quote you:
"Solve the problems that affect 1,000 people and you will have 1,000 friends. Solve the problems that affect 1,000,000 people and you'll never have to worry about money again."

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Loved it and so true! Can i translate it to spanish? Im saving to Steemfest... :)

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Great Post. Very Informative. Keep up the good work.

Did not know. Thank you for the information.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Thank you for your perspective on humanity and priorities. A lot of people have a skewed view on themselves these days. I hope that people take the time to trully look into their own reflection so that they can be better individuals day after day.

Well said, I think that more people need to read this to really understand what is going on here.

Yes, it is a way to make money and people are abusing it. In reality, this could change the way we use the internet as a whole.

Thanks for sharing.

Great article feel happy to read .

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Woah this was a powerful post stella! The part that really resinated with me was when you said, "Suffering has a big role to play in empathy". I believe that there is beauty in the struggle and those who live a carefree life, will never reach this understanding, which brings me question who is better off?

I spend a lot of my time meditating on why I've been blessed and allowed to make it as far as I have, knowing that there are those better than me who deserve a lot more.

As a black man in America, I am feared and alone due to the systematic oppression that has plagued my country since it's inception. I have had to work twice as hard to get half the distance, but embraced my struggle every step of the way.

Yesterday I received my first interview invitation for Dental School, and am overjoyed at the possibility that I would achieve my dream of becoming a doctor. My goal is to carry the torch for all of those who weren't granted the same opportunities as me, and inspire the next generation of minority children to break the chains of the social constructs created to make us feel inferior, and follow their dreams no matter how big.

Once again amazing post stella! I'm always able to take something positive from each of your posts!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Hey @stellabelle, i upvoted you for this excellent post. Hope you can find also my own post trying to solve this money problem most people have @jimeryl

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

self-esteem refers to how an individual assesses his / her level of
Competence, its importance, its success and its value. It most often
Emotions associated with the cognitive process of self-evaluation.

Great post,really enjoyed reading it and i totally agree with what you say.I don't know that much about Dan Larimer really but i've read a few of his posts and watched a few of his videos/interviews. He does seem a good,trustworthy person and i think he genuinely wants to make the world a better place.

Thanks for reminding us of the philosopy on which this platform is bulit up on. Let's make this place stay true to it's goal. Awesome post as always Miss Stella, you are a model Steemian <3

This post gave my brain a lot of food for thought. I'm sitting here scratching my brain trying to figure out what direction those inspired thoughts will send me on, but as I'm learning about Steemit, I'm definitely thankful for the perspective on why it was created.

The part about those that have undergone suffering wanting to help alleviate it in others really resonated with me. I've never really realized how much the empathy derived from really hurting can become a super power until now.
Thank you.

Suffering has a big role to play in empathy. Those who have not suffered greatly, will not be bothered with solving the problems of the people who are suffering most in society right now

I believe that's the reason I'm filled with empathy.

@stellabelle, thanks for telling us the meaning of Steem and what it stands for. You are the reason why some people have not given up on this platform. Thanks for being great here.

I don't even bother with Facebook anymore. My home is here. :)

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Great advice and useful info, thanks. Not sure that I'm a great solver of people's problems, but its a great help to have the emphasis of the site put into these terms.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Brilliant Thoughts.....
Not sure if steemit.Inc agrees πŸ˜‚ with you. Would be interesting to get some feedback

Solve the problems that affect 1,000 people and you will have 1,000 friends. Solve the problems that affect 1,000,000 people and you'll never have to worry about money again.

Sadly, what I don't notice being addressed is the third option, i.e. Get 15-20 friends with a lot of SP and you'll never have to worry about creating a quality piece of content again.

There's no other name for that than exploitation and that's what I had hoped to be getting away from.

Basically, I think of this platform as a way to create non-violent solutions to problems that plague humanity

Brilliant. Yes, it is really encouraging for free-speaking people to have a fair playing field. And a platform to stand on. And an amplifier! An open dialogue is much needed to address the travesties our nation is participating in, i.e. Charlottesville violence. Yeah, you're right that the #Steemit marketing slogan is misleading because it suggests we'll all make bucks by blogging. I'm quickly learning Steemit is an opportunity for free-thinking innovators to imagine a better world and co-create it together.

FYI, your post resonated with me long after I first found it. So I tagged you in my first curated list: The Original Top #11 List - Discovering Steemit’s Most Radical Creative Thinkers. Thanks for the many ways you inspire and encourage us minnows!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

One of the greatest reasons the explosion of growth for Steemit and the destruction of the platform and its founding principles, as I see it can be contributed to an article posted on YouTube ( HOW I MADE $16000.00 IN 12 hours) ! Inadvertently the damage was done when that was posted.
I have not checked the stats but I am willing to bet that is when the true downward spiral began.
I don't see this platform based on quality of the posted content. Possibly at an earlier time. What I now see is the majority are concerned about one thing and that is how to MAKE MONEY, they do not care of how, they scheme, cheat, steal, lie and exploit even children. They have no scruples, no morals. They are without dignity and without self respect.
I keep telling myself that things will change, but let's face it, until Steemit realizes and acts in its own defence it will only get worse and its reputation as a place to get free money,by any means will prevail.
I honestly do not think that the legitimate contributors would complain if action was taken to curtail the abuse that is now taking place.
Without apologies!!!!.............billytwohearts.........Upvoted and resteemed

thanks for great informions....very good

i require 0.002 steem can you transfar i give 5 vote to your 5 post

yes dear i respect you i like your post

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Lol @farhannaqvi7 . I am 100% sure you did not read the post

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Awesome post :)

This was a great read thank you for posting. :)

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Your posts made me thought for a while about the true reason behind the founding of steemit

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

One of the reasons I joined Steemit was because I was tired of FB and it's clones taking what we posted and profiting from it while selling our personal information to the highest bidder.
I would look at something on online and the next minute I'd see targeted ads plugging that exact same thing. It's disturbing.
Steemit offers a way out of that. Sure there are scammers and spammers here but the majority of people I've met and interacted with are believers in a better way.

Steemit offers that. Yes post get met by crickets sometimes but at that just makes me want to do better. This is an amazing platform and ideal of what the future can look like. I am honoured to be a part of it.

why do I get way more interaction on here than on anywhere else? I have been writing on Medium for years, and I am fairly successful on there, but I get way more comments on here. It's simple: I tend to reward comments with money.

A week ago I started experimenting with rewarding real, thoughtful comments on my posts after I started getting a few of those silly follow-for-follow comments or completely random, probably bot comments.
I have yet to see the results really, but I know how it makes me feel when a content creator rewards my comments and I want to share that feeling with the people who took time out of their day to comment on my posts.

The interaction, not the money, is what has kept me on the platform thus far. Granted, I'm very new, but I've already found a small tribe of like-minded people and they have enriched my life greatly, even if I have yet to see any monetary rewards from Steemit (because I've chosen to reinvest all my earnings into the platform for now). And you are completely right, the more people you help, the more you earn.


Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

It's very well

I like your post/essay!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Thank you so much @stellabelle for sharing. Its always a great time reading your work. I make it a habit of sharing your posts with my little tribe on whatsapp to teach them the core values of this platform

Suffering has a big role to play in empathy. Those who have not suffered greatly, will not be bothered with solving the problems of the people who are suffering most in society right now.
Totally agree! Totally relate.! There's too much poverty in this world. I've seen too much.

Thanks for sharing once again

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Congratulations @stellabelle!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Upvotes - Ranked 8 with 400 upvotes

Thanks for this great info, You're right we should find our purpose to impact other people's life.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

A very thought provoking post/blog. 628 view, that is fantastic, it's a difficult topic so only 115 comments is a very good sign. And people, real people liked it because you got 415 votes. Less than the view count, as it should be, I am sure there was some bot up-voting, but not much, based on the views. Keep these post coming, I have read several of yours now, and have decided to follow you. Thank you again for the real Content.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

great post! thanks for sharing

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Steem was invented to solve human problems, but most users are bots.

I enjoyed the article. Every well written, good points!

"I love me" social media trend

I am very grateful that you pointed this out. I didn't know what to call it. I think most of us are sick of the "I love me" social media trend. It's easy for most people to get swept up into that trend if they are not careful and that's why it persists... (because everyone else is doing it).

Hopefully as a populace we'll move away from this phase of the social media world sometime soon.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Again you came with beautiful post.
really useful post.

Amazing post! I didn't know you before but what you wrote was so deep. And you mentioned many good things and brought also some data. For me as a newbie here I want to learnas much as possible about this community and your long and detailed post is a real help. Thanks for that.

Can I do a translation into Spanish about your post?

I think steem make us a great community.....

i am earning

Hi Stella Belle
I really enjoyed reading your post and resonate with your comments.

Genuine esteem does appear to be lacking in the world and has been replaced by 'fans, idolising and fame' which often don't add any value to the world and can be manipulated by those in control, at the top, to do much damage!

Our current systems of government, finance, work, social media and life seem to reward the evil being done - rob the poor to give to the rich, which is the taxation system for starters! So a whole new way of living does need to evolve.

Empathy of lack of it, as you point out, is a big reason why those in need aren't being helped, because those in control are devoid of empathy and in fact with all the 'mind programming' through schooling and society are trying to totally rid humans of empathy, love and caring to create a robot world that they can totally control!
It's sad that the majority of people cannot see what is going on and that many of those who are aware are too afraid to do anything or are stuck in 'they don't count' or their 'not important enough' to create change, when the truth is that we can all create change and that our combined efforts will create a power greater than those in control.

Whilst I am very new Steemit, I totally love the concept of it being decentralised with an aim to spread good and create positive change. So many people that are doing good and spreading good on Facebook are having their accounts blocked on and off and it is great that an alternative is being created here.

I have been working to create positive change for years and have found that unless you know people in high places, are willing to sell your soul for money, or can afford to do lots of advertising then what you do will mostly go unnoticed, which is working against humanity.
May Steemit be a huge part in changing that!

Wow! Thank you for the knowledge!! Much appreciated. This sounds like it’s right up my alley! Still learning so this helped a lot!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ Reveal Comment