Please, help my old man to a speedy recovery.

in steem •  7 years ago  (edited)

I want to introduce my hero...


I want you to meet my Dad, David Zammuto.

He is 59. Born in 1957.

He has 9 brothers, 2 sons and over 40 nieces/nephews

I am also David, number 1 of David Zammuto's 2 kids.

I have his name. Someday I will pass it on.

People who know dad, know him as a person whos dedicated his entire life helping others, loved ones or otherwise. His entire work career has been spent in the mental health field helping those less fortunate. He is a simple man and the greatest role model.

I know him as my dad who gave me a ciggarette at the age of 9, knowing the taste and the smell would be permanently deter me from every picking up the habit.
I know him as my dad who let me buy a scratch ticket at 12, which I lost. I lost a weeks worth of earnings in an instant and never did that again.
I know him as my dad who gave me my first drink at 14 , teaching me firsthand life is much better lucid and sober than being drunk and sick.
I know him as the greatest influencer in my life and my rock. I cannot picture a life without him in it and I love him dearly. I sit here, at age 29 , with the strength to try my hardest everyday. I want to impress him because he has impressed me. He has taught me the fundamentals of life, positivity, the importance of family, my values, steered my beliefs, built my strong foundation on faith, and shown me unconditional love.

Here is his story - leading up to this painful last week.

Dad was born in Massachusetts to Mabel and Frank Zammuto.
dad young.jpg

He has 9 brothers, including 1 identical brother, who is ten minutes older than him (can you guess his identical brother from the pics?)
10 brothers1.jpg

10 brothers.jpg

Mabel (my grandmother, I call her nana) grew up on a farm in Nova Scotia.

Frank (my grandfather) died when my dad was 12 in a car accident. He was a first generation Italian. Mabel and Frank met in Boston and made a huge loving family.
Nana (and Frank) gave birth to 10 children. Yes, 10 and they were all boys...
10 brothers 2.jpg
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statistically, thats less than a .01% chance (1 out of 10,000) of having 10 boys but she did it. Nana once told me after having her 6th child she knew she'd never have a girl! Nana also told me she ran out of names for all her children. Imagine coming up with 20 different boys names, (10 first names and 10 middle names)

Nana just had her 98th birthday on June 24th!

nana 98th.jpg

There were so many kids in my dads household growing up, they had their own baseball team of just Zammuto's, (true story).
After Frank died, times were tough for nana and the kids , money was hard to come by and so was food. They all made the best of it.
Through positivity they got through it.
Through positivity, we will get through these tough times.
Through positivity, we can overcome all obstacles in life.

dad nana.jpg

In the 80s,

my dad worked at Mcdonalds. He worked with my mother's sister. That is how he met my mother. My mom was shy, nervous and quiet. P1070220.JPG She was an orphan from Costa Rica, adopted and moved to Lexington, Ma when she was 12, without knowing a single word of english at the time.

My dad would frequent pool parties put on my mom and her sisters. The famous story is my dad would swim to the side of the pool where my mom was and my mom was so nervous she'd swim to the other side.

This went on and on ... until eventually, my mom gave in.

They started talking.
Then they dated.

It took my dad four months before my mother would even kiss him.


Two years later they were married.



One year later they had me.


1 year and 7 months later they gave birth to my brother, Johnathan.

I am thankful my parents dealt with me and never turned their back on me. I don't know where my life would be if they did and I don't want to think about it. My dad has a real italian temper - going from 0-100 in an instant so it was tough to know as a child how far I could push until it was too late. I was a tortorous kid...


I remember one vacation...
It was just my dad and like 7 of us kids (remember huge family) , we were all ages 6-9 at this point and behaving badly. All of us kids were setting each other off. This escalated into everyone throwing absolutely everything at each other. This happened on the day we were leaving from the trip so instead of cleaning up , we were doing the exact opposite.. There was so much mess everywhere!
I had one cousin trying to be helpful, he took all of our mess and had no idea what to do with it so he put it into the middle of the room. My dad was screaming the entire time for us to stop. My dad was past the point of return and he had to step outside to cool off. When he left, for some reason we thought this was an OK to keep going at it.
When he re-entered from trying to cool off, He bolted straight past us to the organized mess on the ground and kicked it with such a force, with such an unbelievable kick - I remember, simultaneously, being instantly bewildered AND impressed at how far everything went in every direction. My entire being was so frightened at this point, I was scared shtless.
I thought I was going to be the next thing kicked into oblivion but not just me, we ALL KNEW he was going to rip our heads off and it was every child for himself.
We all scattered.
We were scared.
We were screaming bloody murder.
We were crying and pissing ourselves -
and all of us just hoping we weren't going to be the one he caught. Serves us right for being little sh

My family has lived in the same house our entire lives. My dad and his brothers built our house in the 1980s. My parents planned my birth and I am grateful everyday that I was meant to be here. Knowing my parents love me more than anything is the greatest gift I could have ever asked for. I thank god everyday to have the best parents.

Recently, about two months ago..
Dad and I were at Mcdonalds. He got a small soda and something off the dollar menu. (at first he wanted to share a small soda... I said, "no dad, I'll buy you your own soda, don't be cheap") When he recieved the soda, he looked me dead in the eye and said, very seriously,

"Davey, guard my soda while I'm at the bathroom."

I waited till he reached the restroom to crack up laughing.
Thats my dad for you - stopping soda thieves since '57

The only thing my dad hates more than soda theives is hospitals... He hates hospitals more than anything. The hospital was the last place he saw his father, back when he was 12 years old and ever since then, understandably, he hates being there. He has been to a hospital once in the last 2 decades, when my grandmother broke her hip...
That is until last thursday, the 15th. The worst day of my life. At the time, my dad had been having chest pain for three straight days*. Under the urgency of my mother, my father reluctantly scheduled an appointment with his PCP. Thankfully, in hindsight, his PCP was able to see him that day. If not, there may have been a different outcome. He drew blood and told my dad to go to the hospital, as soon as possible, due to elevated white blood cell coints.
On June 16th, Dad was admitted to the ICU at Leahey Clinic in Burlington, MA.
X-rays were done


X-rays revealed not just 1 major block preventing the flow of blood but TWO major blood clots/blocks. My dad suffered a heart attack! My old man is indestructable and nothing like this is ever suppose to happen. I was floored when I found out, just surreal and unreal,

I sobbed uncontrollably for the first time in my life.

Dad needed emergency surgery where a balloon catheter was inserted into his femoral artery and came out of his neck. The long cable went all the way to the blockage and inserted stents to hold up the walls of the artery.

After the procedure, my dad developed pnenomia which labored his breathing heavily to the point where he said he could no longer breath and needed an oxygen supply to help with his breathing. Poor dad! He was weak during this time, he could not eat and dropped down to less than 140 pounds while at the hospital.
My dad is a trooper. He said the experience was a nightmare. He was awake for the whole procedure. Thankfully the procedure was a success. The thing to know about my dad is he's always smiling. He is the only person that I know who smiles when hes sleeping. Yes, he smiles when he's sleeping, everytime he sleeps. Here he is smiling after almost losing his life and coming out the otherside still on top.
dad hospital smiling.jpg
My dads twin came and visited him around this time. The nurses thought he was my dad! One of them nearly fainted thinking my dad was up and walking around.

My father was released a few day ago from the hospital. He is currently on 7 different drugs, 3 of which he will need for the rest of his life. He still has stents in his arteries.
He will be going back to the hospital next week. I think the doctors are waiting to see if the clot comes back. I dont know. All I know is I have my dad back home with us for the time being. My old man is finally back home. We do not when he can go back to work.
His breathing is still labored and he is having some trouble talking. He is not back to full health. His spirits are not at 100% and he is currently bound to his chair with little mobility. Tasks that empowered him before the heart attack - such as mowing the lawn, changing the cars oil, taking out the trash, he will never be able to do again.
I'm asking for your support...

Will you upvote this , resteem it and/or write words of encouragement in the comment section below?
I want my dad to know there is a community "on the internets"(as he says) that cares about him. This will mean the world to him.
I want to present my dad with a physically framed picture containing all words of positivity that he can hang next to his chair, where he sits as he heals. I will film this.
Please help dad fight the good fight
This was difficult for me to write but I thank you for taking the time to learn about my old man.

Thank you STEEMIT for being such a wonderful platform with such a strong sense of community!
dad me today.jpg

Dad, I WILL protect your soda, always.

Thank you for teaching me what it means to be a man,
I love you today and forever,
David Zammuto Jr

*If you or anyone you know experiences chest pains of any kind, I urge you to seek medical assistance as soon as possible.

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Welcome aboard! It means a lot that u are caring about your dad! This human band can move mountains or even illnesses - let's start move that shit away :) Don't give up ur hope!

Hope is all we have!! It certainly is great to see people on the platform using it to help others close to them :D

Hello from the US, Cass! I will share more stories and keep updated. Following you. Thank you for your kind words - steemit is a great community :)

Thank you for your story @storcogato
I feel like I got to sit down and get to know you and your family a little bit.

Amazing you have all those old photos. I wish I had the same to see and share.

I really hope you and all of your family , especially your father, are in wellness, happiness, peace and freedom.

May he get well soon and remain in health for all his days.

We care about your dad and feeling with you. I hope he fully recoveres so that you may still spend alot of time with him. Family is important. Keep them close and enjoy togheter from life and the small things. I am very glad you care so much for your dad. Looks like you are a person who supports him alot and where he can count on. Keep us updated!

Thank you so much :) I will keep you all updated.

Thank you everyone! The support over the last day has been UNBELIEVABLE and more than we could have ever imagined. So much positivity on steemit, its amazing. thank you and god bless.

Hey man fantastic post. Your dad sounds like a real hero and im impressed with his parenting technique. I hope that he has a smooth and speedy recovery.

Your old photos are fascinating. So nice to see them digitised rather than condemned to a box for eternity.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I only had my father for five years he died of cancer, I always cry like a baby when I read stories like this, I hope your Dad recovers quickly, my prayers are with you all❤️

Thank you so much for having us in your prayers. Thank you for sharing, Thank you for the resteeming. Following you

Stay strong and wishing your dad a speedy and healthy recovery. I know it must be so difficult for you, him and the entire family but it's so heartening to know your dad is still spreading cheer with his smile.
Thanks for sharing this story of his life, lots of prayers and best wishes.

Thank you for your support and kind words @jznsamuel Dad says thank you and hes feeling great.

Good to hear, and take care :)

"I thought I was going to be the next thing kicked into oblivion" hahaha that line made me bust out laughing. Really heartfelt story man, I enjoyed reading it. I'm glad your dad is okay and I hope he has a speedy recovery! My prayers are with you guys.

haha, I'll never forget that moment. Thank you for the kind words and keeping us in your prayers. I will keep you updated.

Haha, me too; I just imagined all those clothes and toys and stuff, shooting out in every which direction :-)


haha im glad you found it funny :) THank you for keeping us in your prayers. I will share more stories. Maybe the next one will be my home alone experience. Literally a few of us were left behind as our families went on a vacation...

God already healed @storcogato's dad! 🙏 Praying for your dad's speedy recovery. After 7 days, the doctors will better results. Keep the faith and stay positive. ☺️

Wow. This is so beautiful!!!I wish I had a lot of power in my vote to help you. . The love you have for your dad is insatiable!, Exactly everything the human condition should be. Sorry I had the money to help but I do however offer all my prayers and positive energy

Hello from this side of the pond! Thank you so much for taking time out of your day. Thank you for your prayers and positive energy. I will keep you updated

Please do, You are in my thoughts <3 God Bless and be with you both!

<3 I am still new to steemit so Im not sure how to keep updated on new comments. you have great blog posts. how long have you been with the community here?

What a story beautiful thanks for the share. I wish you and your dad all the best!

Thank you :)

David, this is a wonderful and somewhat bittersweet tribute to a most incredibly loving man and his beautiful family. You indeed have an extraordinary Dad! I’m sure he’s just as proud of you as you are of him. We only get one Mom & Dad in this life. If we’re lucky, we get true gems like your Dad and Mom. (I know, because coming from an Italian family quite similar to yours, I too was blessed with extraordinary parents. Now both are gone… just lost my Dad last April, he was 87.) Your Pops is still young; he’s just a couple of years older than me. He has a great spirit, and a strong will and reason to live. My prayers are with you and your Dad, that he has a speedy and complication-free recovery. You’re a great Son David… God Bless all of you.

Thank you so much. You are so right, we will never get more parents. I love your cover songs, all the best to you. Keep rockin'

I am so sorry to hear that. I hope he gets better soon

Thank you. I will keep you updated.

thank you :)

Hello David, Thank you for sharing your life in such detail. I lost my father to colon cancer three years ago. Fortunately, I was able to spend the last two years of his life with him. It blesses me to see that you have such a strong relationship with your father too. My heart for him is that he regains his strength, and is able to function to his satisfaction. By the way, my girlfriend (who works in the mental health field) and I are going to guess that his twin brother is Danny.

haha Yes it is Danny! Good guess. Thank you for the kind words and Thank you for sharing your story as well Timothy. I wish you strength as well.

I hope GOD bless him. We should protect each other.
there is still hope in our hearts that's why we are supporting you.

Thank you for your support. god bless you too. you are new to steemit just like me. how are you liking it?

Thank you sir. Honestly i really don't get it. but i am not give up! :)

May almighty god will provide enough strength for his recovery. i will pray for his recovery. thanks for sharing . God bless everyone people.

god bless you too retroo. hope everything is great in nepal! greetings from the US.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Dear @storcogato evrtything is fine now in nepal as we are now recovering from the earthquake of nepal. hope you are havine great time over there

I really hope your dad gets better soon, can see what a lovely family you are.

Thanks @bigbear for your kind words. I will keep you updated

its crazy. my dad is the same thing to me. i see him getting older while im getting older. i think dads do it all. we pale in comparison to the span of our dads life experiences. My dad always talks of the vietnam war, makes me laugh.

haha, my uncle Wally was in the vietnam war and has great stories. Heres to our dads!

yup! glad to see your dad constantly smiling, even in the hospital.

its really awosome post buddy

thx ! you've got great bog posts as well

wow very inspirational. Prayers going out to your Dad. Following

Thank you for the appreciation and kind words. I will follow up in the coming weeks. Thanks Linda

god gifted u with such a wonderful family , I am looking forward for your posts mainly about your father ....hope u will share some inspiring posts from your father to our steemit community :)

Thank you! it means so much to all of us. this wonderful community is so supportive. I will share more stories

Thank you for sharing the story! All the best for your father and you! stay strong xx

Hello from the USA! thank you so much, all the best to you

Incredible post! Your narrative kept me reading. Sounds like you have some amazing parents, especially your father. Hang in there, David!

Luey, Thank you for reading. My parents are great! all the best to you in Garlic City

Best wishes for a speedy recovery - sounds like he is already on his way and his positive attitude will help. My folks both have health issues so I know what you are going through. They are making it work, I have no doubt your dad will too.

Hi Jana, Thank you for the kind words of support. Thanks for sharing your story as well. and welcome to steemit

Continue to stay strong! Your dad will pull through! Having a big family is great! It looks like you have a great relationship!

We do have a great relationship. Thank you so much Sevin

Wow what a fantastic post,i wish you dad a speedy recovery , and your family all the best :)

Thank you for your support :)

My pleasure.:)

I love the transparency bro, keep it up. The internet is full of bullshit, be you and your followers and friends will be real. Reason why sites this will boom and Facebook, insta, twitter will flood out with all the fake crap

I agree dark. Exactly, just look at all the hateful comments on youtube. Steemit is a wonderful platform and a breath of fresh air.

Such a great tribute to your dad! Thanks for sharing this and I hope he gets better very soon!

Thanks Kenny for your kind words. best of luck to you

Your Father is very luckiest father. Appreciate your efforts and care to him and the old pics are heart touching. God bless you

Thank you for your kind words. god bless you as well.

God bless him

Thank you,, god bless you

I wish all the best for your dad from germany!
Keep looking forward for a good future.

danke @dandylion all the best to you too

Thank you!

Best of luck and definitely give us an update!

Thank you and I will.

What a beautiful story. My family and I are praying for your father and your family. Heres to a speedy recovery and many great memories ahead!

Thank you for the kind words Sariun. Thank you for the prayers! I will keep you updated.

Don't worry I found him

Hope everything turns out ok!

Thanks @fukica nice profile pic

I read your post @storcogato, your family back ground and your Dad's family back ground. Having a father like yours is a blessing and a joy. Having a father is a source of security and strength. I already lost my Dad and nobody helped him except us his children. He had a big family too but not lucky enough to have their support especially in his most difficult times. We're all in college that time and I finished my college thru academic scholarship sponsored by a Catholic University in my place. That's why, when I read your story about your Dad, I feel what you're feeling. And you're lucky to have this community to share your life.
I'm really sorry to hear about your Dad's situation, but hopefully with God's mercy and grace and financial support, he'll be able to recover soon. He's very lucky to have a son like you. And you're very lucky to have a Dad like him. I hope in my little way, I'll be able to contribute to Dad's recovery. God bless and get well soon to your Dad! He's a real Hero to your family and others too!

I unfortunately shallowly swim here! The only thing I can do is help with an upwind

This is such a nice post, great!

Greetings from the US. Thank you so much

Nice post, praying for your dad's speedy recovery, upvoted.....

Thank you for having us in your prayers.

pretty awesome
he was born in 1957?
I was born in 1951.

yeap, he graduated high school in 1976 :)

I wish all the best for your dad, David. My dad passed away 10 years ago and I wish that you can enjoy yours for many more years to come.

I am so sorry to hear that. Thank you for your support and all the best in the future

All the best to you my friend. No need to feel sorry. My dad is everywhere and with me full time now. He´s got my back.

I do hope your dad stays as healthy as possible. Take care of him, enjoy him and PROTECT HIS SODA.

hope for the best!!!!


I hope he gets better soon, I joined here today but this was one of the first stories i read, My heart goes out to you <3

Thank you so much. It means so much to us <3

This post received a 2.3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @storcogato! For more information, click here!

Keep fighting. The pair of you!

Excellent blog, real good information and remember you only get 1 dad and 1 mum, keep up the good work!

Is a pity your dad is in such situation but it will be well belive me

What a great story, it's disheartening that your father has to go through all of this with his current condition;

What a great but sad story, it's disheartening that your father has to go through all of this with his condition; hopefully he will be able to recover as quickly as possible, because heart condition can hold people back.

It reminds me of my farher who has a heart condition, where has has to take medicine to control his blood pressure; thankfully he's taking many steps to get a healthier lifestyle than before, he also lost weight and eats as healthy as possible.

But I don't think it would be simple or even fair to assume that your father hasn't been as healthy as he should when it comes to eating food, sometimes working out too much without giving your heart a rest can sometimes be the cost.

But a question I have about the McDonald's, is how long has he eaten McDonald's, or how constantly has he've been eating McDonald's?

If it's very consistent, he should stop eating too much of it. Of course it isn't simple for him, and I could write a post about addiction soon, or changing habits as soon as possible.

I hope your father gets better, throughout his journey of recovery.

"forza e coraggio" is what the italians say :)) hey instead of the soda, this time try baking soda :)) #alternativemedicine

Great read! Your dad and I are the same age so we probably grew up listening to some of the same music and watching the same shows on television. I also have heart disease and it has drastically changed my life, but I am now 15 years past my original prognosis. The trick is to learn what your new limitations are and live inside of those limitations as much as possible. I changed my lifestyle, which included my diet, my level of responsibilities (Which can cause stress), and my propensity to push my body and mind up to and past their limits. Now I eat natural foods as much as possible and try to avoid most fast foods and processed food. I still take on responsibility, but I have learned to say no! I also know my own body better now and how much it can take at one time, I break up strenuous work and play and take breaks. I have learned to love routines and to live by them, the more structured my day is the better my body is able to cope. Tell your dad that even though his life may change just a little, there can still be a lot of it left to live! I count my own medical problems as a blessing, God has used these so called problems to work good both in me and through me. I see things differently now, and I have had much greater opportunities to serve my community and in turn serve God. I will pray for your dad and your family.

Best of luck to your father!

I hope your dad recovers fast.

This deserves more. I did what i can to help. I'm just a little guy. God bless you. Praying your dad's speedy recovery.

I hope that he will be fine and Only God can help somone

Hope your Dad gets better soon! <3

An amazing and truly heartwarming story, sending positive thoughts from the UK

Very heart warming story, I feel as if I know your dad. If you are interested in getting your father to his old self and add years to his life, look into the Ayurvedic Herb called Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) and it will help to restore his heart to a near pre-heart attack condition. The pharma meds will only cause side effects that interfere with other body systems. If you're interested in my help please email me @ [email protected], take care and god bless.

Great work!

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted & resteemed by @philippinetrail. We thank you for any support that you can give (Upvote, resteem, donate, delegate, or even comment). Join our Facebook Group if you're a Filipino or living in the Philippines.

Please upvote this comment so we can continue to build this account if you like this initiative.

Good luck to you and good health to your Dad. Our prayers .

I wish your dad a very speedy recovery and hope his health recovers completely so that he can perform all of his daily activities once again. You're a great son and I thank you for sharing your story with us @storcogato!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I hope this reply doesn't reach you late. I upvoted, resteemed and invited @randowhale to upvote more.


Will follow up closely and hope for the best. As we already all know from @girlbeforemirror story, family is one and unique. The more big it is, the more important it is.

When they ask you is it more important need of a community or individual, it should be the same, as many individuals are making the community.


Digital Lucifer

This is such a heart warming story :')

My best wishes for your father, you and your whole family!

My upvote isn't much worth but i spread the word and hope you reach with it more people!

What a great family you have! And a great story :-). You could almost make a movie out of it. I hope your father stays strong! :-). Resteemed!

Its a awesome post. Thank u for shearing

I wish your father much health and strength to pass this difficulties! I've read most of your post and this man's life is trully inspiring. He is an example for all the people!

Always think and stay positive. There is no better medicine then keeping your spirit up all times. I can see your dad love life and this is just a passing phase. with many more years to come so no need to worry, just take each day as it come.

Hi David, thanks for taking the time to write this phenomenal post. You're a great son, and your dad is lucky to have you. I can empathise with you wholeheartedly. My dad was diagnosed with colon cancer earlier this year. The operation to remove the polyp was successful, but he also has heart aneurysms which may require stents put in later this year. Wishing you and all your family best wishes. One love

This is what Steemit is all about. Great job outlining the entire picture. Your dad is super proud of this, I'm sure. Upvoted! Many blessings to you and yours!

I wish your dad a speedy recovery, and a big thank you for sharing your story with us on Steemit. It is posts like this that will keep Steemit so much more interesting than Facebok ,Twitter, etc. Good luck to you on your Steemit journey.

Hopefully heal quickly .. can gather with family again

Your dad sounds like a good man. Your story reminds me of my family a little bit in how large it is. My dad is 1 of 13, I have 46 first cousins and 5 siblings.

Tell your dad and your nana, "hello from Nova Scotia"

I hope your dad recovers quickly. May God reward you for being a good son.

I hope he gets better. It seems he is an awesome person!

Good luck hope all is well. Upvoted

A very strong bond "father and son" . I have teary eyes in this "love story". I follow u now storcogato. God bless you and your father.

Such a touching post with a huge life story! very much enjoyed
upvoted and followed

Wow that was the longest and most beatiful story I have ever read I laughed by reflex when I saw your dad's twins tho God bless them lel

Your dad will be fine, he is the man!
I dropped a tear reading this because I never had a family like this, and my father is a joke.

Hi, I've sent you a donation from the Giving Steem initiative. It is for your father David, please see that it reaches him. It was a very moving and sincere story. I hope he recovers well.


sir god blees you and your family