The Steem Summer Survey's Open: Give Your Feedback On Steem!

in steem •  7 years ago  (edited)

Sometimes, all you have to do is ask. - Randy Paush

There are already half a million active Steem accounts (source), and that's why it becomes quite challenging to get a representative idea on the general user experience in the network.

Unless you ask for it.

Since I'm looking forward to learning more about the community's spirit, interests and concerns, I've set up the 'Steem Summer Survey': An open survey with 15 questions around your personal experience on Steem.

I'm pretty sure the results could be incredibly interesting to the whole Steem community!

Spend only 5 minutes to help improving the overall Steem user experience - Let's go!

The Steem Summer Survey

Knowledge is power

I'm pretty sure that learning more about the general user experience can help us all to constantly improve it.

When talking about Steem in the survey, I'm referring to the whole Steem blockchain, including all applications and tools built on it.

For more information on the impressive Steem portfolio, please check these two websites:

Important: You can stay completely anonymous during the survey if you want, don't have to leave any of your personal data in order to complete the form, and of course I'll share the results with the Steem community afterwards.

By the way, if you are a developer: We need a survey feature in the editors of our Steem UIs :-)

Since there is no log-in required, the participation per user is not technically limited. That's why I kindly ask every steemian to complete the form only once.

Let's go - click on the following image or HERE to start the survey!

The link will direct you to an open Google document.

Thanks for participating - share it with your steemy friends!

If you think the questionnaire could have included another specific question - let me know in the comment section.

Depending on the community's feedback, the experiment might be repeated in the future :-)

The results of the survey will be published in my blog @surfermarly after the 15th of July 2018.

Remember: We are the community of Steem, and it's in our hands to make it the place we want it do be.

Give this a like if you feel it, and share the post with your followers.

Much love,
Marly -
Steem Ambassador

PS: ~50% of my weekly Voting Power is used for manual curation in the category #promo-steem. Inform yourself about how to use the tag properly.

Please consider supporting my charity project @dreamsoftheocean.

This blog was created in July 2016, aiming to provide thought-provoking content for open-minded people who go on adventure, step out of comfort zones and embrace the new.
Thanks for being part of the journey!


PS: This blog post was edited and submitted via eSteem Surfer 1.0.6 - my favorite Steem desktop client that was developed by the @esteemapp team. Give it a try following the instructions in this post and reading the update for the latest release here.

Original content.

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I'll be interested in what responses you get. It's an exciting time for Steem/Steemit and I hope people will stick with it through the difficulties.

Oh I can tell you that looking at the replies instantly is already super exciting and interesting! So far there are a couple of peaks I didn't expect to happen that way... But of course I'll keep you all posted :-)

Thanks for stopping by, Steve!

Filled it out! I found it pretty well-made, though question 8 about VP % seemed a bit unclear to me, which I noted as such in the feedback notes. Either way, thanks for making it, and hope it's helpful :-D

Awesome, thank you! I hope it is helpful, too :-)

I read your comment regarding question no. 8, but don't understand what you exactly mean.
I was actually asking: Are you maxing out your VP? What I want do know here is whether you have some VP left at the end of the day or not.

I just checked your data: You could've replied 70-90% (yesterday you used 84.6% of your daily VP) :-)

You can go check the results of the survey here if you want :-)

Its been a very helpful to everyone buddy

Took a couple minutes and wrote up the report.

I think I may have overdid it a bit with the column for suggestions and changes. But that's just the kind of guy I am.

Oh I don't think one can ever receive enough suggestions! It's my favourite column to read :-)

Thanks a lot for taking your time to complete it!!

You can go check the results of the survey here if you want :-)

What a good idea!

Resteemedddd :D

Thank youuuuuuuuuu :-)

How's that rice diet going though?? :-D
I'm on bread and water, lol

Btw you can go check the results of this survey here if you want :-)

I have taken the survey just now. It is an eye opener for me as to the things i have still to know about steemit. Thanks for this educative survey. Have a nice day.

Great to hear that and thanks for participating! It was actually my purpose to include some deeper questions that might also be educational for newer users :-)

Please always feel free to ask if you have questions.

Completed the survey! I've added my comments in the survey. Will resteem this one to reach a bigger audience. So you get better results with this survey :)

You can go check the results of the survey here if you want :-)

Wow what a post! How much work did you have on this one!? 😳

Don't ask :-D

Awesome! One dinosaur mentioned that he was invited by you, so the resteem works pretty well :-D
Thank you for supporting the idea and have a great Monday start!

Good to hear it works! ;)

excellent that seeks to be at the forefront of what is today sought and used in the community, because the more accounts greater is the challenge and more variety of personality and tastes. I'm going for the survey!

Exactly... it gets more and more diversified which is actually good.

Cool! Thanks for participating @jdbs! Please feel free to also provide me with your feedback on the survey itself. It's my first one on Steem :-)

disfrute la encuenta amiga, y en español mejor!! =)

Will be interesting to see the results. Could be good to track maybe quarterly.

Maybe worth separating out a little demographics section at the end :

When joined ...
Steempower ...
Country ...
Age ...

These could be optional of course, but would add an extra layer of insight to the data collected.

I am particularly interested to explore the age profile of steemians - are we attracting in under 20s yet?

Host of The Alternative Lifestyle Show on MSP Waves Radio.

Editor of the Weekly Schedule of Steem Radio Shows.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

Great addings here, @pennsif!
I didn't want to make it too long the first time. But you're right: demographical data could be especially interesting. Not sure if Alexa stats go that deep.

Yet, it needs to be representative. Currently 65 people have completed the form. We need more!!! :-)

65 people is a good start. How many now?

You can go check the results of the survey here if you want :-)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Have filled in the survey, I am really curious to see

  • how many answered
  • what the results are
  • what the surprises are

cannot wait till after the 15th
resteemed for visibility

Awesome, thank you! We have now passed the 100 participants mark :-)

You can go check the results of the survey here if you want :-)

thanks, I did, it really was enlightning
Its a shame that you would not do any of those again. Maybe there will be more reaction next time?

Very cool idea!
Looking forward to the results.

Awesome! Thanks a lot for taking the time :-)
The results will be published next week.

Ich bin schon gespannt auf die Ergebnisse der Umfrage :) Wissen ost Macht, drum hab ich mitgemacht ;) Resteemed ^^

Ich bin auch schon voll gespannt! Hab gerade schonmal reingesehen, und ein paar der Ergebnissen haben mich schon jetzt nach den ersten Einsendungen total überrascht. Wird sicher sehr spannend, die Gesamtergebnisse nach einer Woche zu bewerten.

Danke fürs Mitmachen und Teilen!!! :-)

Die Ergebnisse der Umfrage liegen jetzt vor und Du kannst sie hier einsehen :-)

done -

German interface for

Mal schauen ob sowas noch vor 2019 kommt.

Super, vielen Dank!
Ich hatte Steemit Inc schon Ende letzten Jahres angeboten die Texte dafür zu übersetzen, aber da kam nie was zurück. Ich vermute, sie haben andere Prioritäten...

Wäre super, wenn Du die Umfrage auch in der deutschen Community streust - z.B. via discord. Je mehr Teilnehmer, desto repräsentativer die Ergebenisse :-)

Vielen Dank und guten Montagsstart!

resteem bei @felix.herrmann

Die Ergebnisse der Umfrage liegen jetzt vor und Du kannst sie hier einsehen :-)

Ah, nice! Danke :-)

Noticed the resteem from @guchtere. Does a dinosaur count for this survey?

Hahahaha, we don't want bots to fill in the form, but dinosaurs are fine! :-D

I'll thank @guchtere for the promo :-)

Well there you go, you got my completed form!

Good to hear you take dinosaurs seriously and appreciate their judgement :)

you are right its a pleasure to read your posts

A very good initiative of this survey, I will do it right away even though I'm not the best prepared. I'm glad you use eSteem Surfer, I also use it and I consider it an extremely useful application.

Thanks for your positive feedback, @bluemoon!
Blogging is so much more fun since I use the surfer :-)

With all my pleasure, @surfemarly! I feel just like you and I expect even more pleasant surprises from the surfer.

It is always nice to have a feedback system to improve and work on our weaknesses. Also, this kind of feedback virtually provies a SWOT result which helps in getting the things right in place. I have submitted my feedback and will check back on July 15th for the results. Thank you.

I'm glad you appreciate the idea :-)
The results will be put together on the 15th of July but then be published on the 16th. Stay tuned!

Yeah you say right .
I agree with you .
And also appreciate to your speech @surfermarly

dear @surfermarly
I followed and upvoted your mostly posts but on the other side I have some reservations which gonna discuss with you and it is honor for me.

I also think that steam will succeed. But there is still a long way to go. You just talked about money, but there are a lot of things about it. I think the forum should be more user-friendly and easy to develop. Thus, more and more users can communicate with them, where people can reach easily to them. The registration process is too long. It should be small and flexible.

Hey @shoaibsajid! What do you exactly mean by "forum"?

I am just talking about steemit platform

Cool survey, for STEEM and steemit to continue to grow it is going to have to move beyond being an anarchist cryptocurrency sausage-fest. Only so many people are into that.

My advice to Steem:

Please add the slogan below the home page of the reading page to encourage more readers. After all, the number of readers is much larger than the number of authors.


The text content can be modified to:


When you and other people like the post, the voters and authors will get paid.
If you like to read the content here, please create your account now and start earning STEEM for free!

the voters is more important!


In China, there are hundreds of millions of readers who read, perhaps only tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of authors.

Postingan yang menarik

Postingan yang menarik

I'll follow you so I am sure to see the results in my feed. Aggroed...please resteem the results thread too. Thanks, man!

Did the survey. I think this is wonderful to have going ^_^ Thank you!

I like this idea . Considering most people won't tell their true feelings on the chain today at least they can voice them in this format . Culture of silence is a real thing

It can be interesting :)) I want see how it go work :))

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Half a million active users? Where did you see that in the source you refer to? 50 to 60k is more correct.

Looking forward to the results. Pitty we can't follow along.

I never said active users :-) We have ~500,000 active accounts as you can see here (I copied the source in the article, maybe you didn't notice it at first sight):

~50-60K are active on a daily basis.

I didn't open the results for everyone in order to avoid people being biased :-)
After the 15th of July it's gonna be public. Until then: spread the word! The more participants, the more representive the data.

Steem on!

Ich bin schon gespannt auf die Ergebnisse der Umfrage :) Wissen ost Macht, drum hab ich mitgemacht ;) Resteemed ^^

We all are learner, was a good experience taking up the survey

I have taken the survey, but many things I still not know about steemit. It's encouraged me to work more on steemit. Thanks for survey .

Well that was part of the idea :-) Great you participated, thanks for your time!

Please feel free to ask about things you don't understand at any time :-)

Thanks . Actually I just join steemit for money . But don't earn a single Penny yet. Kindly guide me

Kindly guide me about steemit, its tool , feature voting power all about its

Good news by blockchain,promo steem and steemit.i think is was the best post of my hot news feed.

One more answer, I did the job 😉

Done and shared too! I'm really interested to know the results, I think it's important to know a bit more about what steemians think/do, especially now that steemit are growing up ^_^

Agreed Knowledge is power and thanku so much for increasing our knowledge

I'm pretty sure that learning more about the general user experience can help us all to constantly improve it

we also learn of experiences of people.

Well done!

Took your survey; appreciate you putting the time and effort into creating this. I will be very interested in seeing what the community has to say, when you get to the results.


There is actually over 1 million accounts already, but about half of them are active. I will be happy to participate in the survey and have reblogged this post as well for others to catch on it!

I've followed this survey, and it's interesting, I love it.