Kindly Subscribe To The SubReddit For ULOGGERS, Let's Continue To Grow Steem.

in steem •  6 years ago 

Kindly read this post as it is related to today's post. 

Today's post is another post about that implores your help. I was eventually able to get a sub-reddit opened for uloggers and i am hopeful that you please join in, subscribe to this sub-reddit and kindly share daily ULOGs and #ulog-based posts ( URLs, URLs etc) on to our sub-reddit daily.

I Am Too Keen On Steem Growth

This will never change. 

Let's not go into too-much history. Steem doesn't have to do much for me. It has simply got to do one thing and it has. "It found me and it helped me find you!" 

Same as "possibilities"; evidence of it for me, requires one testimony.

In real life, you don't have to have done much for me either for me to love you like crazy forever; "one tiny great thing is sufficient". 

That said, i would love that you subscribe to the sub-reddit for uloggers; then, that you constantly share ULOGS or ulog-based materials on there. 

If you are frequent redditor too, be kind as to add #ulogging etc into your discussions on reddit.

You can also continue testing for creating posts and interacting with the steem blockchain. You can always use for your normal steemit posts; for un(dis)talented-related posts and for teardrops-related posts.

Note that #untalented and #teardrops are other aspects of that "mines the human" and stands separate from ULOGGING. Each of these two editors (#untalented & #teardrops) has its own "style-guide"; so, do well to read these guides.

Making use of will make it easier for you to add "#ulog" into your daily discussions, creating awareness for it.

There is alot that #ulog can do in terms of steem growth and promotion and this will unfold in the nearest future, especially when the general framework for is in full display and the website is announced for public use and especially, when we have setup a process for verified steem account-creation using a delegation from @steemgigs

Organic steem growth and promotion is one of the core paradigms of and the entire #ulog movement. 

Steem has succeeded in many ways and according to me, its success isn't measured in bulls and bears as may be the case with other blockchain(s) and i am one to ever-value steem. Thus, i would love to partake heartily in its growth.

Apart from growing steem inside-out by virtue of "stirring and sustaining community", creating a trend on the entire internet by ranking in the search engines for #ulog, is a great way to accomplish "steem growth". 

In general, the world does seek a new internet; a fresh internet; one filled with brothers and #ulog can have an appeal factor in this regard. Thus, we will look to constantly generate ulog-based activities, serving the search engines and real world with #ulog

When has a stable framework and able to handle traffic etc, we are very likely to also apply the use of conventional ads but for among the first times, these conventional ads will simply turn out being organic too! Why? Well, these ads will simply appeal to the soft-spot of humans on a large scale, by approaching them with the shine of "humanity" and presenting them with the joyful art of #ulogging; something they are (even obliviously) very familiar with.

We have been very strategic even with the invention of the name or word  "ulog". We want to catch even errors in the search engines. Someone who types "ulog" in error (in the search engines) instead of "blog" or "vlog", should be led to the steem blockchain.

#ulog #ulogging etc is also very catching as it triggers some curiosity.

This a gradual movement overall but an interesting movement. If you have read the post referred to at the onset of this post, you would have generated insight into "how we intend to create a trend for the #ulog movement on the entire internet, by reshaping the very internet".

Hence, the creation of our sub-reddit. 

I won't know whether to call it a coincidence but upon visiting Reddit recently, I noticed that they are under-going a redesign. They are adding a new set of communities under a genre that they have labelled "OC (original content)". 

The re-design is still being staged and has birthed a few communities already and has the perfect type of audience for steem or and this where the sub-reddit r/uloggers come in. 

I am with hopes that we can create an obvious movement together on Reddit, to where we can catch their attention and perhaps, have the uloggers community added under this new growing genre called "OC" (which only has a few communities listed being that this genre is still being tested) creating awareness for steem. 

They have an entire sub-reddit created to receive feedback in relation to their proposed re-design and i did leave a post there speaking about how #ulogging fits in perfectly. I also mentioned the newly-created sub-reddit; but i feel a sub-reddit buzzing with activity and radiating joy and all, will have more impact and is why i implore us all to join in and subscribe to this sub-reddit today:

Together, sharing our #ulog-related material on our sub-reddit and growing the number of subscribers etc, we can showcase the uloggers community on there and have new eyes on steem.

How To Share #ulog-related Material Directly From Steemit To Our Sub-reddit; r/uloggers

  • Simply visit #ulog
  • Expand a #ulog or #ulog-based post that you like.
  • Look towards the bottom-left of the post and you will find social-share icons and among them is a reddit icon.

  • Click on the Reddit icon and it will load up a Reddit page, already pre-loaded with the URL of the #ulog post etc

  • Simply select a community to post in by typing in "uloggers" at the top right area of the editor.

  • Then click on post!

How To Share #ulog-related Material From To Our Sub-reddit; r/uloggers

  • Then paste the URL you copied earlier into the editor area and it will load a preview.
  • Then click on post.

Your Boy Terry


I do need strength

Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum

If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful. 

To vote my witness, simply visit and upvote "steemgigs" or simply click Here to do it on one click!  

If you want me to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy.


Join the community here: 

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Dearest Terry,
I have hopped over to reddit and joined up. I've subscribed to r/Ulogs and have shared my latest ulog post with the channel (and I hope I've done it all right- I'm a newbie over there ;) ) I'll happily continue to do this and share ulogs over there from here- anything to help you take this brilliant community to the next level and shape the internet how we want it.

Hoping you're doing okay, thinking of you often. DM me if you ever need a chat :) All my love, Eveningart x

With the growth rate of #ulogs, any good thing is worth doing for we know #ulog will take over the internet in no time. God bless @surpassinggoogle

yes you are correct as we are going with rapid speed.

Anything to support both Ulogs and Surpassinggoogle is good with me... he has a vision that makes sense to my heart. E x

Having expecting update for days now, i actually did send r/ulogger to some couple of friends on whatsapp and telegram so as to follow the biggest movement on steemit platform....

baba Terry i miss u die... Hope to from you soonest... @surpassinggoogle


Im very thankful to Steemit that it found you @surpassinggoogle, then you found us and brought us #ulog and we really struggles on creating good content but sometimes i felt empty, good thing that we have ulog now, as well #untalented, #teardrops. Thanks a million to you bro Terry 😁. Surely I will check this sub-reddit, then follow the instruction on your post.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

really? I will try. refreshing? like she couldn't type? normally, it autosaves for draft-sake. I will try now

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

really? I will try. refreshing? like she couldn't type? normally, it autosaves for draft-sake. I will try now

#ulog soon go mainstream not because people make money using this tag but because it gives a freedom of expression. It promotes a real internet of the people.

I stopped using Reddit a long ago, but now i think i need to go back to it. Going to sub it terry.

Im very thankful to Steemit that it found you @surpassinggoogle, then you found us and brought us #ulog and we really struggles on creating good content but sometimes i felt empty, good thing that we have ulog now, as well #untalented, #teardrops. Thanks a million to you bro Terry 😁. Surely I will check this sub-reddit, then follow the instruction on your post.

Sure! Onwards and higher up is the path for Steem to go.

Ulog has given a whole lot of people hope andd direction. when i started ulogs, i did not know i could easily document my progress in life.

going through them makes me smile and thankful of how far am going, as well as the progress.

this is one of the most inspiring innovations i have seen. God bless you Sir

Ulog has made a lot of writers consistent on their blog, because it's all about you, you can't get enough of writing about yourself.

Wish all these Steemit will be fun for newbies as we share the goodnews to them on Reddit

Subscribed! Got to know about it recently.

Finally, a better use of my reddit. Thanks @surpassinggoogle via #ulog

This comment was made from

This is a welcome development, way to go, ulog going places.

I will surely try this out. Haven't really been using the ulog site but I will start doing so now.
Sir Terry thanks for all your good works

Subscribed! Got to know about it recently.

I will for sure start ulogging when I am free from my exams. You are doing a great work @surpassinggoogle.

Desde luego @surpassinggoogle será un placer compartir mas Ulogs y apoyarte a que nuestra plataforma de Steem siga creciendo dia a dia

I have no reddit account of my own yet, but because of this I will definitely reconsider!

#ulog will boom and take over the internet. I am so glad that we are many #uloggers and growing really fast!

Hello sir how are you i will do anything for you sir,with out you i am nothing,thank you so much terry boy.

I stopped using Reddit a long ago, but now i think i need to go back to it. Going to sub it terry.

Okay, I've been kind of wondering what #ulog is for a while now.

So upon reading this post and learning some of the things, I've visited the website and signed in... it's wonderful :) The only thing I don't see is if there's any sort of posting requirements.

Yes lets show the world the power of ulogs.

Steem growth is certain @surpassinggoogle. Going there right away to subscribe.



Great idea sir i am going to subscribe.We will support you forever,you are the best person.

Greetings @surpassinggoogle, I met the ulogs through @samic, actually it seems an excellent initiative, I wanted to participate, however, I publish sports in steemit.

You are growing steem on Reddit platform too.
That's great. But am not on Reddit.

This gives room for a better use of reddit. Thanks @surpassinggoogle

Terry you are realy growing seemit with your efforts . First through ulog and now Reddit . Keep it up dear .

This is good news . count me in! Thanks for @surpassinggoogle , your creativity and bight ideas helps tremendous in the platform and this Community . Wish you all the best and to Us Uloggers!!

You are doing amazingly great work for the cause of community.

I'm going to start by registering on the platform in order to participate in their @surpassinggoogle projects, I think they are great.

you dont need to register. it is steem-based so you can login already with your steem private keys

Yo Terry! :) i'll go to that reddit link right now and join. awesome!

Buen post, aunque está en ingles, seguí todo al pie de la letra, gracias!

Nice write-up

We all have to start using #ulog. Org


#ulog all the way

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Have never used reddit but is this suppose to be a way of being to motivated to surf reddit?
I guess it a yes, at least for the sake of #ulogs!

Sure! Onwards and higher up is the path for Steem to go. And sir i already subscribe that. Thanks for share

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

@surpassinggoogle thanks a lot.. i already subscribe that.
It's really a informative ulog for me I just started uloging and I had no idea about promotion. This blog will help me grow in future.

oh yes deffinetly its a passion

Yes. Definetly it reshape.
Ulog is very great plateform to show oursel. Thanks for help about #ulog sharing.

#ulog is very important for us. we should subscribe it. Sir i already subcribe it


Your effort is always great in growth of steem. You are growing steem with different different platforms like redit and ulog . Thanks

Definitely I will subscribe today and also very nicely explained and illustrated by you in this post how to go to reddit and subscribe to ulogs and this is definitely going to be way to spread more about steem blockchain.

Thank you...steem on and stay blissful....

I'm not a ulog user myself but adding a Sub-reddit for uloggers is a great idea @surpassinggoogle. Good luck with it. 😊

Wow there were another refreshment for #ulogs. Thank you sir terry @surpassinggoogle for reshaping and making @ulogs the best and helpful to everyone. Ulogs is fun.

Beautiful Post sir.
Thanks for sharing this..

Since @surpassinggoogle is involved ,am in already ,love your work sir Terry .

Stay blessed .

I have a Reddit account from a long time, but I am not using it much.
Will look towards it now.
Love u surpassinggoogle.
Keep going

Wow!! Lol hehe

I'm.just hearing about it. I'll like to know how it works and posisibly how it can be used because i'll like to join the channel too. Good work @surpassinggoogle

Subscribed! Got to know about it recently.

I will for sure start ulogging when I am free from my exams. You are doing a great work @surpassinggoogle.

This is great I will do it...

we are also keen on steem growth. Thanks for this post.

So reddit is the next step in the ulog expansion? I'll definitely go over to look at this.
Cheers! Terry it's been a while, please keep hanging in there

ulog is a best source of information, and steemit is one of the best platform thar give us the new way as ulog, and i am very thankful to you on your this post for sharing great knowledge with us

I am very happy to be able to join here (Ulog).

By reading this post, in the future I will make my Ulog post via

Hopefully it is always welcome here, regards ..

I admire your flair in boosting Steem...Plus it amazes me how you combine too many awesome projects and execute effectively on Steemit
Currently, I utilize Steem Quotes very well....Would try this too
I hope @steemgigs is still functional seems silent lately

You provide a very useful explanation. thank you

Your work is really admirable, Surely going to subscribe it sir.

You're trully amazing in spreading this awesome love to the nook and cranny of the cyber world, the world is waiting for this manifestation, now ulog is on reddit, pushing borders in celebrating the "U" in Ulog.
Thanks Sir Terry.

Reddit is a nice move, Terry you are doing well

Thanks for helping about ulog sharing post. I agree that ulog change internet shape. I always use for ulog sharing. Amazing post @surpassinggoogle.

Most welcome sir.
Congratulations for your new post.
I love ulog... I am your post upvote and resteemit done....

I just want to Thank you for helping a lot of us sir Terry!!!! I may not be an ulogger now but I have a feeling that I will start soon. Hopefully everything will go well for you sir! Have a great day and God Bless!

It's really a informative ulog for me I just started uloging and I had no idea about promotion. This blog will help me grow in future.
@surpassinggoogle thanks a lot..

Posted using Partiko Android

@surpassinggoogle baba nla, this is absolutely incredible, i knew some thing great will come out of #ulog's project movement baba you nail down all other platforms, i bet you every #ulogger will spot a trace on platform which soonest guiness book of record wil rank it number 1 in the world.....

Baba ooooo Ole nu bi ponponponpon

Thanks for sharing this post.i like it this post.. STEEMIT friend follow me 👇👇👇

We will support it Sir.
Let's make Ulog fabulous!

This will help us to grow in a nice way i think ulogs needs it,i will surely subscribe and i will also promote this in my twitter.

Im very thankful to Steemit that it found you @surpassinggoogle. I just started uloging and I had no idea about promotion. This blog will help me grow in future.
@surpassinggoogle thanks a lot..

Reddit is a nice move, Terry you are doing well

This is great iniative sir,lets grow our community together,thanks for your love and support.

SubReddit For Ulogers is realy amazing idea sir lets do it.

I will support this campaign sir,love you so much @surpassinggoogle.

Ok sir i will do this task,hope it will help us.

it's good enough. But ulog is running. I do not see the feed member.

Subscribed! Thanks for support!

I love what you are doing sir. I will surely subscribe it.


I have done it sir waiting for your posts in reddit.

Thank you for your great information👍

You are doing a great job, your generosity is giving us @teardrops of joy keep winning haha is with you...

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

What is ulogs can any one say me and who is terry.

That's great surpassinggoogle

I will surely subscribe it, That's great surpassinggoogle & good luck to you.

I love what you are doing sir. I will surely subscribe it.

That's really great idea sir and one more suggestion can we do like that twitter as I think twitter is where the most social crowds are there, so if we do a trend of ulogs in twitter then it will draw attention of most of the people towards ulogger and ulogs and this will also contribute to the growth of steem.

thanks for your information,bro

just joined discord today and joined ur channel sir @surpassinggoogle, my mind now is already at a blast😂, now here comes another way, pls wait for me for as a baby here still can't walk, no choice but craw to cope🙏😘😘

Posted using Partiko Android

Im very thankful to Steemit that it found you @surpassinggoogle, then you found us and brought us #ulog and we really struggles on creating good content but sometimes i felt empty, good thing that we have ulog now, as well #untalented, #teardrops. Thanks a million to you bro Terry 😁. Surely I will check this sub-reddit, then follow the instruction on your post.

Wonderful promotion for @reddit you're doing well job here @surpassinggoogle