Secret Killer Features That Steemit;; Esteem Already Have, Without Even Knowing It!

in steem •  8 years ago 

Killer features that; steemit etc has without even really knowing it!

When we talk of and say; "it is social network like Facebook etc built on blockchain, do you know how big that sentence is?" Do you know how ginormous really is? Does @ekitcho and @fabien and all the developers and onlookers, know how big what they are trying to build is?

Let me break it down: 

I wish I knew blockchain well enough, to explain the weight or gravity of emboldened words above; but then it isn't bad after all, that I don't fully know the crypto-terminologies, as I have started to understand blockchain technology from another perspective!

I look at it from another angle, that even the tech people of I'm pretty sure haven't see yet!

 Yes, my perspective may have crossed their minds as they develop the busy project but they may not full understand how big this tiny trivial perspectives are in reality!

I will help you understand what I am saying in a bit. After, you have understood what I am trying to say, you may see what I am saying and start to pitch to new adopters, from new angles and perhaps win half of the world as busy adopters.

(image source/credit to: 1)

Please note: I didn't do any research but I believe that half the Internet audience constitute of people in developing or underdeveloped countries! These huge population of internet users and their needs from the internet as easily overlooked in a development of social networks of today. There is a huge ever-existent market there!

Yes, i am not a developer but i am still pretty sure that not much thought is given to the needs of internet users in 3rd world/developing countries while developing the model for a social network.

 Based, on my years of using the internet until date, no social network on earth, has taken into consideration these mass of people and use it as a basis for creating a social network. I don't need to research to know this and you will see why at the end of this writing! 

I have lived in developing countries for most part of my life. A Mark Zuckerberg can't create a social network that caters to the needs of people in 3rd world country and even if he thinks in that direction; he can't fully know "how hot fire is without being in it". 

Deep down, in the near future, I hope I am the one to create a social network that fills this market. There are ever existing markets or problems in the world that will remain; because of how the world of today is created to favor, some, over others!

 In a post long ago here on steemit, I had a post containing a draft of one of my ideas. Bringing us to the beginning of my explanation:

Even to poor paupers of the world; some of us here on steemit; 'Steemit didn't appeal to us because of earnings'. I for one, started to see steemit as many other things: 'Somewhere, where I could feel my ideas (most of which i haven't brought to life) virtually brought to life; 'A library; where I could store my thoughts permanently and forever, some form of patent or copyright so that it is known somewhere, that my ideas existed; if never got the opportunity to bring them to life', etc

Steemit is to us, can means as much hope to us or a glimpse of hope, a source of happiness, fulfillment!

How people in 3rd world countries use the Internet and their expectations from it, is so so so different from the regular users in developed countries.

 In some of these developing countries, we don't have data. Data is luxury!

 A slow server will quickly deter us, from engaging with a page!

 In some of these countries, an iOS or android isn't the number one smartphone OS. 'What if a blackberry, was the number 1 phone in one entire country; 'has esteem considered grabbing this huge number of blackberry users as well and extend the steemit app in that direction? The answer could be no! Like it said, it is very easy to overlook the large market from 3rd world country internet users!

I am just trying to expand our horizons, thus, I am speaking from my experience and in general terms.

On a blackberry OS, a 'blockchain type website', will generally not open in its browser except you add exceptions and in some case, you don't get that option. This types of url(s) is just tagged color (red) and not one that the blackberry OS likes and not only blackberry, even PC's with mild firewall, will frown at blockchain type url, like Bitcoin-related links etc. 

There are many things to look at, upon building something that will storm the earth and be the first of its kind in history; cos I tell you from my small research, I think, that is how big steemit and is! It is a bit bigger than the hype it is given, according to me; cos you know what, it unknowingly solves problems; that the Internet as whole and all the big players of social media, like Facebook etc, have never and will never solve!


I believe knowing this fact, will give steemit and creators, another dimension from which to propagate these amazing social platforms to the rest of the world when it is time!

The power of steemit or preface or face of steemit, etc is way beyond 'giving content creators the potential to earn', in reality!

 If you present steemit as mostly about a place where bloggers can earn, will you win the crowd? The answer is yes and mostly bloggers! 

Yes, even if people want to earn, it will be mostly bloggers, who'll consider it! That is why, even if 'an almost speechless person' knows that American idol pays millions, he still wouldn't go, cos he feels he can't sing. But what if you did; a reality TV show open to all, 'both singers and none singers' will flock to it

I mean, you tell someone "oh you can get paid to blog" as you try to pitch steemit to him and assuming, he is; you know, stubborn and lacks hope on the Internet, like is the case with '3rd world Internet users', as the Internet has turned down many times! If he decides to counter you, he can easily mention a list of other platforms that pay you to blog; He can say; "oh Hubpages pay you or Niume and it isn't even as complicated with all the crypto exchange hassle etc; he can also tell you, "even YouTube pays or Google Adsense or an app called Klink, pays people 2 dollars for 1000 views etc"

Steemit and as well as esteem etc; I believe should confidently propagate itself as offering something that not even the superpower social network of the world offers!

One of this tangible things that it offers like we know; is decentralization! But, how do you fully explain that to 'a not very-techy person'?

I think busy and steemit, should promote themselves as a social network that is accomplishing something that has never been done. After this writing, you will be fully confident of this statement!

Is there something that steemit and offers that no social network on earth already does; is the basis upon which steemit and should bank on while presenting itself! 

So, is there something that steemit and offers that no social network on earth already does?

Even though, I don't fully know how blockchain works and I may be wrong, I can still tell you, 'YES'; based on my tiny experiments. 

Let's go!

In third world countries etc, if you are a blogger etc or a YouTuber, the Internet must have told you to scram off too, many times already, because of your IP address or location.

 A friend tells you, "ah Terry you can earn on Microsoft rewards by using Bing as your search engine". Hahaha, I don't just get all jumpy and excited, cos I know of the very possibility, that you get there to enroll and you are told to scram off, cos the opportunity isn't open to your country!

Yes, it is really different; our view of the Internet! We entertain fears! 

For instance, if I made an awesome video about USA for YouTube and I want USA as my audience; before I upload my video to Youtube; I will think; "oh gosh what do I do now, YouTube's algorithm will serve this video mostly to people in Philippines for instance; which in this case is irrelevant to them and I may not get any views"; and I will go thinking; "let me experiment with a VPN or perhaps I can send the file to someone in USA for him to upload it to my YouTube from there". 

Basically, the Internet in general, applies location as a factor in determining relevant content. Even Google search here in the Philippines is 'Google PH', except you try to change your preferences; it will serve you mostly Philippine-based info! 

Now everyone wants an equal chance at getting seen online. For us, our greener pasture; enabling environment or 'glimpse of hope'; is the Internet! "Gosh, the embassies won't let us travel, let's turn to the Internet, where the world is a global village and where we will likely be given a fair or equal chance at visibility"; but even the Internet tells us to scram off, cos of location!

 I haven't had to have that fear when I posted on steemit!

I don't know if I am right but based on my posts on steemit and the reaction it is has gotten, I think my post, has as much chance of getting seen as any other post; regardless of my location; cos when you look at it, how many residents of the Philippines or people with Philippine IP addresses are on steemit. Very few! 

Now if posts uploaded on steemit;, don't have chance at visibility, deterred by geographical location or IP addresses; then this blockchain social network has solved one thing that has never been solved by any other prominent social network and this feature alone will appeal to the masses of the population who are in '3rd world country' and the many others on social networks, who care about 5 mins of fame online!

 So celebrating 'as a social network where each one is a celebrity with an equal chance at getting his content seen, is not a bad dimension, from which to pitch to an adopter!

Next is censorship! I will look at this from another angle! Yes, the steem blockchain and all build on it (steemit, busy, esteem), handles censorship; which Facebook, Reddit, YouTube, etc doesn't cater to; but in what way do you mean? 

When it comes to the 'uncensorship functionality' on steem blockchain; we highlight more constantly, 'the ability for content creators post what they want, with no one having the sole power to deem it completely unfit for the blockchain! 

But let's look at it from this angle:

For instance; I entertain fears when using Facebook! One thing many people look for in a social network and I know, I have typed this a lot on Google; 'is a social network that lets you run a fully functional and potentially viral community'. 

I tell you, we all wish, we could have a group or page online, with 59k likes and not because of the earning! Hahaha, we don't even know how to earn from it! But more for the feeling or glimpse of hope that it brings!

Too, we do want true connections! We want to be able to carry our followers wherever we go! 

'My friend for instance, was on (a social network that paid users), before it got halted but and he had 50k followers in his group but he lost them all when halted, cos tsu didn't have the functionality, that enables you to maximize your connection, with your followers. 

Now Facebook tries to fix this a bit but not fully as you can't let your message reach each of your page likers at once but look at this: even if Facebook allowed you to fully maximize your privileges as admin of a huge Facebook page, you are always in fear that Mark Zuckerberg, can wake up one day, and decide to throw a 'berg' at you, by closing your page for no reason. 

Now, that fear is devastating or scary! 

This is another dimension from which we can present to the masses:

Assuming adopts the possibility of running fully functional communities; then you can pitch busy as 'a social network where you can build your community without fear of it being closed as there is decentralization, moreover, your group has an equal chance at growing as IP address is not a factor'. 

There were like 5 million users that left tsu, cos it halted and till date, they are still looking for a home! 

Some; from these 5 million are already on steemit; while multitudes other, have tried all the tryables out there in search for a new home! 

And this is something I know, cos I was trying all the tryables, before I found steemit!

When tsu got halted, several tsu-related Facebook groups where created to try to keep tsu alive! 

"Facebook became a mini-tsu". There is a huge market out there for, esteem and steemit but we need to look in these directions. 

There are many other things to look into but this post is getting too long and I am doing this post, in the midst of work, thus I will pause a bit! 

I hope the owners, developers, curators, propagators of; steemit; esteem i.e @fabien, @p0o, @yamadapc, @smooth, @liondani, @busy, @furion, @steemsports, @ekitcho, @theprophet0, @furion, @sykochica, @nil1511, @good-karma, @busy.witness @curie @timcliff @good-karma @beanz @cryptomancer @ned @dantheman @l0k1; take time to read this post till its end!

 It may be hard for all steemians to read this entire post due to its lenght!

I feel this is a good time to write this post as is still in development and steemit and steemit as well! 

I am just trying to show a new dimension not to overlook as is out to becoming a massive brand; Steemit and esteem as well and every app or service to be built on the steem blockchain should pay closer attention this tiny trivial things and more! 

In general, I am saying that steemit;; esteem; should start confidently propagating itself as 'not totally a place to earn but as a plan that is changing the entire internet'; because it is!

I also intend to change the Internet but steem blockchain is already doing it knowingly and unknowingly! 

I love steemit cause in my view and especially before I got on steemit, I considered the Internet, as boring; as it just recycled the same info.

 Since I joined steemit however, I have found myself in places online, that I haven't before, delved into and in a short span of time.

 Moreover, my posts have got some interaction, which is encouraging as I live in a country where you never get a warm handshake or a pat on the back. 

On the brighter side, I feel like i am a storing my tiny ideas here for the future!

 I am also meeting amazing people and one very amazing woman who has helped me on steemit, @sykochica!

I don't know how to develop but for now and within 2016; this is my tiny gift to the development of steemit and especially that is upcoming! As for esteem, there is a potential audience for blackberry users!

Your boy TERRY


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