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It's weirdly fitting. Like pretty much synonymous with "carry on".

STEEM's blue tones are much more calming than the red of the original version of the slogan, too. ~♪
Or is it the navy blue that's the original... hm, either way, the lighter tones and white are soothing~

thank you.

No problem! :')
Now the real question is... do I set this as my wallpaper, or keep my disturbing yet mildly cute BaTIM wallpaper...? LMAO

do as you please. it would be nice if it could be spread. this way, people don't have to search for a crisp version.

Ummm.. where's the gift? :S


people do just post anything.. smh.

why not?

i could not find one, so i made one.

Jesus. What's with the rude comments you are getting recently?

i guess i don't know the art of discourse, or dialogue.

imma just be me.

imma just be me.

All that's required. :) Keep steeming!

hahaha :D

i made that myself

Lovely pic!

3 am here now and Steeming for fun! :)

i tell you. i just love this site. can't find something you like? you can blog whatever the heck you want. and, it might be worth something to someone. time well wasted. :)

Haha! So true. The freedom is so real here. Lol.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

it is.

if this place makes it big and goes mainstream, imagine the traffic of this place. this will be the new new york, the new york of the internet, the city that never sleeps: there will always be something to do.


Great design @tamim!!

thank you, sir!

Thank you for this gift @tamim! :) Much Love & Big Hugs!!! <3

right back at you. <3

Very good design, i am very interested, so i download it on my mobile. thanks for sharing..
Dear friend @tamim

you're welcome.

Beautiful design from you, I will save this picture for me.

thank you.


Someone should make a tshirt from it :D


Very nice! Looks clean and sharp (if that's a thing). Well done

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

i know what you mean. that was my reason for doing it myself. whatever was available, had bad resolution and bad design. plus, it was hard to even find one that said "keep calm and steem on."

i'm glad you liked it.

:) nice

very nice gift. looks nice :)

Our country is now summer.
I think it suits the summer.
Good work.

I love such Presents :-) - thanks @tamim

Steem On !!!
