The digital evolution of ownership

in steem •  5 years ago 

@theycallmedan asked in a post:

What would you do today if you knew steem was going back to ATH?

I know that a lot of people have very little faith that Steem will ever return to anywhere near the highs that it once was, but I obviously believe that it can and not only that, it will surpass those highs. If I didn't think it would, why would I keep powering up earnings?

Why I think that Steem is going to do well is that it links activity to ownership in a digital world. Pretty simple, isn't it? We are increasingly looking at a world where the costs of ownership of traditional assets is becoming more out of reach for the average person, and even more so for the younger generations yet, ownership is something that is hardwired into us for security, or at least the sense of it. A house, a car, a tool... On top of this, we are status-driven, social animals and ownership feeds social function.

Agree or disagree whether this is a good thing or not, but I would predict that whether you have a little or a lot, you have an attachment to what you own and have a sense to nurture, grow and protect it. It is also highly possible that what you own and value, you could over-value and believe it holds more worth than it actually does, because it is yours.

In a world of weakening job opportunities due to automation and therefore lowering earning potentials on average to earn, the cost of owning those traditional items like the houses and cars is going to get much too high, but that sense of wanting to own will remain. With more and more value being pushed to a narrower few and nearly all asset classes being concentrated in fewer hands, new assets classes need to form.

This is where I see digital assets coming into their own with blockchains to mark, verify and trade ownership backward and forward. Not only that, they will be able to be created, earned and spent without having to engage in the race of the traditional economies, so those who have no chance to buy a house, can have opportunity to work, earn and own digital real estate, houses and artefacts that could eventually have as much importance to people as a house or car. They could also hold a much greater amount of significance when it comes to social status.

It has started well before crypto though where people have continually turned to online entertainment, socialization and the building of digital lives through blogs, feeds, photos and playlists. I think that part of the reason people are so emotional online is that they can feel that their real estate is being attacked. What has happened is that people have extended themselves into the digital realm and feel that they own their space.

This is also going to play into the reformulation of the centralized models as they are increasingly proving to the "new owners" that on their platforms, they are not owners at all, they are subjects. At some point, people are going to be looking for their place to own and they are not going to find it in the tradition arenas, because to own there, another has to lose and only a very small fraction of people are holding. Remember that the 8 richest people on earth hold as much wealth as the bottom 50%, and none want to give up ownership of what they have worked so hard to obtain.

So the next expansion of asset class has to be something that doesn't encroach on the physical asset classes that are already owned, but still can hold value through demand and scarcity. There is a reason that Bitcoin is called by some as Gold 2.0, because it holds attributes similar, without having to take away from what already exists. The demand factor is what is going to separate the wheat from the chaff.

What we are currently creating is an asset class that ties social action and interaction to earning, owning and goods and services. It is far from perfect, but it is also very early in the development process and industry lifecycle, yet we are witnessing how the sense of ownership of an asset that many people who use it think is worthless, can generate so much emotional reaction from those who have it, those who want it, those who sold it. The good, the bad and ugly of ownership can all be seen here.

It is because of the decreasing potential to own in the real world that I believe that digital assets will keep increasing their traction, and I think that Steem will benefit heavily because it is able to leverage the social identity ownership already developed on other traditional platforms, and marry it to tokenized ownership. It won't be the only one to do this of course, but Apple is not the only phone and BMW is not the only car with market share.

As demand for ownership increases and the paradigm shift moves away from traditional asset classes, value of various kinds will start to stream into where the attention has moved, and that includes the traditional asset class value also. How @theycallmedan has visualized this is "be where the ball is going to be" and this is where I think Steem is now. Bring in SMTs and ownership and management of communities and there can be a massive amount of movement of emotional ownership value onto blockchained experiences that ride Steem.

When we generally talk about ownership, we think the most important part is the monetary value of it, but the emotional value of ownership over our experience is what compels us to keep going, to working, to trying and coming back for more. Just like any asset, some are better at handling their value than others and this includes those who can detach their emotional response to things like criticism over what one believes holds value.

So, while my answer to Dan's question is to keep doing what I do daily and powering up, I have a question of my own.

How would you feel if all of your feeds on twitter, the videos you uploaded to YouTube, your blog on WordPress, your Instagram and every other digital content you have created was suddenly taken over by someone else who posted as you, chose the words that you would say to all of your audiences and be your voice?

Would you feel hacked, violated and like your home had been broken into?

ATH or not, there is value in owning experience.

[ a Steem original ]


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I am not sure what will happen to Steem, nor why the FIAT price has taken a hammering over the last year or so (I have my suspicions but I could be wrong). As much as I would love to see Steem return to, or surpass it’s ATH, I don’t see it happening for a while. I’d be happy if Steem and SBD were worth US$1.00 and had more respect within the crypto world. I’ve seen companies refuse to accept Steem whereas they once did, and the services they provided (like being able to pay your bills via Steem) would have gone a long way to mass onboarding. Functionality is a great use case.

Functionality is a great use case.

Yes, but that will often come with price. The earnings are far too low for most people to pay much with it at all, especially in countries that have direct gateways. Bring in 5-10 dollar Steem and that changes significantly and makes acceptance much more likely.

I hadn't thought of it that way, but you're definitely onto something with ownership. There is a sense of fulfillment when you feel you have something that is yours and with the economy going the way it is, you're quite right in that fewer and fewer will be able to call much their own.

When it comes to things like Facebook and YouTube, they're proving that nothing that people have built up belongs to themselves when the site owners can shut it down at will. You're very much beholden to them. Here, I get to see my account and the work I've put in grow and evolve and even if I upset someone big, they can't just take it off me.

Currently I'm powering up more because it wouldn't be worth cashing anything out at this point (despite the fact we could use some extra income right now). It is, however, absolutely worth powering up. I've seen plenty of people regret having powered down (or they should have regretted it) back in the beginning when Steem was low, just to keep cashing out. These are accounts which could have had hundreds of thousands in Steem and supported themselves with an upvote a day instead of complaining they no longer earn enough and leaving.

Posted using Partiko Android

You're very much beholden to them.

And once there is even a trickle of income from them, there is almost no way to ever leave.

I get to see my account and the work I've put in grow and evolve and even if I upset someone big, they can't just take it off me.

It makes a difference doesn't it?

These are accounts which could have had hundreds of thousands in Steem and supported themselves with an upvote a day instead of complaining they no longer earn enough and leaving.

I have seen this too and I am hoping that those who have bought in will see a significant price rise so that they can feel what it is like to both earn well enough and distribute to others real value. It feels good to be able to actually reward something that helps.

This is a very powerful argument.
I've just put forward ownership of digital assets as part of the investment and diversification plan for the consortium of charities that I work with in London. I'm looking forward to the meeting where we discuss it.

I don't think I presented it well, but I have thought about it a little and I believe that over the next decade, digital ownership is going to become common in a host of ways.

I think it is a brilliant move for charities, especially for Steem considering precise, feeless and micro transfers in 3 seconds. Imagine a charity buying, transferring and selling 3 seconds later straight to a recipients wallet so that they can cut admin costs and many forms of leakage and potential for abuse.

Absolutely - and for donors.
I have written about the benefit of fast, fee-less transactions for public services, but we're ahead of our time just now, they can't hear us :D

Definitely ahead of the time. We have an alignment problem, but they will catch up :)

@tipu curate

Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 0/4)

Thank you! :)

I obviously believe that it can and not only that, it will surpass those highs.

I also feel the same so powering up. I am looking for a best way to curate, any guidelines will be very helpful.

It is also highly possible that what you own and value, you could over-value and believe it holds more worth than it actually does, because it is yours.

I'd say highly probable maybe given how in our recent house hunting endeavours I was amused to find people actually fully expecting to receive boom prices for their house but expecting to pay recent bust prices for the one they wanted to buy XD

And following on from that I like owning a house because it's slightly harder to be kicked out of plus I can do whatever. Car well I'd love to be down one as it would save us heaps in rego and fuel but we haven't managed that yet.

None would be better but I transport dogs

At some point, people are going to be looking for their place to own

This was one reason why I made my own blog a hundred million years ago, but at the time it wasn't such a developed idea, it was more "I can't do what I want on livejournal, I better roll my own". The actual "ownership" idea came about later when I realised that if I had to quit/was kicked off any of the websites I used then all the things posted there were gone, and the same thing could happen if these blockchain projects I'm playing with decided to go poof.

In the case of steem I don't always feel like I actually own the steem in my wallet never mind the steem-engine tokens but that's my fault because I keep powering it up when I hit my magic number and it's too hard/I'm too lazy to get a hardware wallet for the liquid, assuming it will even go on a hardware wallet as I don't actually know how those work and anyway merrily throwing it around here is much moar easierer and betterer.

With my blog, either I have to stop or the provider I'm using has to completely die without selling out to another company or decide they don't like me anymore and fire me.

How would you feel if all of your feeds on twitter, the videos you uploaded to YouTube, your blog on WordPress, your Instagram and every other digital content you have created was suddenly taken over by someone else who posted as you, chose the words that you would say to all of your audiences and be your voice?

Would you feel hacked, violated and like your home had been broken into?

Isn't this a thing that already happens? :)

I'd say highly probable

Me too, but people would say... "but not me!" :D

None would be better but I transport dogs

Children on a muddy day :D

assuming it will even go on a hardware wallet as I don't actually know how those work and anyway merrily throwing it around here is much moar easierer and betterer.

There are options for it, but at the same time if Steem goes down, it is worthless anyway and it is still secure here. More fun to play with it, as they say.

Isn't this a thing that already happens?

Yes! :D

Children on a muddy day :D

I'd love to say I'm past that point but there is my adhd child XD Otherwise happily gymnastics is an indoor sports XD

There are options for it, but at the same time if Steem goes down, it is worthless anyway and it is still secure here. More fun to play with it, as they say.

I'm not that worried about the security, I feel the same way about the money in the bank.