Your content is not enough

in steem •  6 years ago 

I am tired and should be heading off to bed but I have a couple more things to finish off. Someone said the other day that they noticed me getting a little feisty lately - Pffft, I have always been a little feisty. It really is just the way I am.

There are lots of posts going around about content producers being hard done by on Steem and while I sympathize with them being a content provider myself, I also think that people need to develop a better understanding of the ecosystem at large. It isn't ready.

Sure, people can come here to earn and even do well doing it but the Steem platform in its current iteration is not ready to be able to do that for large numbers of people which means, it isn't ready. The ecosystem has to be developed a great deal more before it has the infrastructure and depth to be able to provide broadly and that requires a lot more than just posts.

As I may have mentioned once or twice before, there is a bit of an alignment problem on Steem where the platform is being developed from near scratch while simultaneously serving end users. It is a pretty unique situation. Yes, the UI is one thing but the tech combined with the economics, combined with the diversity of user, the immaturity of the industry all being driven by an increasingly decentralized and personal-agenda'd community sets up a 'few' challenges.

Wouldn't it be great to just deliver excellent content and get paid for it? There is that possibility, just not on Steem at this time for most people because, Steem is currently a content delivery platform, not a publishing company that buys and sells the work of authors. It could be that one day, among a million other things but, it isn't that yet.

This is a platform of relationships and if one wants to get consistently paid, one has to do more than deliver decent content. I can only talk for myself but comparatively, I have delivered decent content consistently that has on average much higher engagement than the average 2 comments a post for over two years but, that is not where my rewards have come from, that is just where they have landed.

The reason I have got rewarded isn't the content itself although that is a factor of course, it is that I have engaged with the audience, helped people out, made friends, socialized, talk hit in chats with those friends, given advice, put my nose where it wasn't welcome, had it hit a few times and thrown a few myself from time to time.

@theycallmedan posted not long back about the contributors being like Mike Tyson putting the skin in the game and I agree but, it isn't the content that is the skin, it is the community interaction, the support offered, the engagement, the conversation and the willingness to get in the odd rumble from time to time. The content is what might get the vote and it might even attract a few people in but, it isn't going to keep people here, it really is come for the rewards, stay for the community.

A content producer who isn't doing much more than producing content is actually not doing much for the community unless they are simultaneously embedding themselves in and becoming something of an information transfer hub where they have a community build up around them. Stake can have a community build around it as stake attracts many but, the same thing is possible to do for anyone willing to work their ass off to be part of the community.

As I have also said many times, this is an ecosystem and it is quite a complex one at that given all of the influencing factors combined with personal needs and desires and social dynamics. While I do think that it is going to get easier in time to interact here, I also think that the promise of reward is not going to be enough to keep people because it will always require higher prices, which will always attract more people in. At Some point, that pool is going to start becoming very crowded and even if price goes up, it is unlikely to feed everyone to the level they wish financially.

But, Steem can cater for much more than just financial incentives and if applications and communities help people embed Steem into their lives, the rewards earned will be just that, rewards, not earnings. Factor in a host of content specific applications that cater for people's daily digital consumption needs like gaming, movies, shows, news and whatever else normal people do online (porn) and the reliance on reward diminishes in much the same way most users of YouTube never have, never will or never want to earn from YouTube.

The content on Steem becomes useful and entertainment and it will hopefully also become shareable like various news sites or whatever share to Facebook or Twitter but, it will just be content. What makes Steem unique isn't the promise of crypto pay, it is that anyone is able to produce with the potential to earn and the audience is able to actually interact directly with the producer. This means that on Steem, a user is actually held to a much higher standard than on other platforms because they have to also have a personality, have to engage, have to be a member of the community, not just a recluse who pushes out great content.

This ecosystem is amazing and could be much more so in the future if it develops to cater as an ecosystem itself where contributors, developers and investors are all being driven by supply and demand through the consumers. This is the internet, good content is everywhere and it is available for free, what isn't everywhere is the engagement, the friendships, the personality that drives interaction and therefore, transactions.

Have a look at who get's monetized on YouTube or does well on Patreon and then workout why. It isn't their content alone because there are likely thousands of others producing similar, it is them as individuals, them as a force of engagement.

@theycallmedan is such a person who attracts people for more than his stake, he has personality and he isn't afraid to use it. This is the thing that people need to remember when it comes to content contribution here, the content is not enough, you need to add a few more arrows into the quiver and be prepared to lose a few more into the bushes. You have to be prepared to put yourself out there, be unique, be bold and find yourself and your place in the community or, make a place for yourself.

It is going to get easier and easier to engage with Steem but no matter how popular it gets or ow high the price goes, it will be the contributors who have dug themselves into the community who will end up taking the lion's share of the rewards because, it is the community who will choose to reward them.

If it was easy, everyone would be doing it and then, doing it alone would not be enough. What else do you bring to the table besides your content?

[ a Steem original ]

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community is key but lots of people, at least from my side of the world, including me, came in because of the earnings. It is therefore truly important to get involved in the community, interaction, building relationships aspects of it all but not all are social or good at making friends.

I for one am a loner and I have tried to make friends, chat, but I always find it easy to hide in my shell and mind my business. I guess I have to be bold as you say, connect more, if I do want to keep earning by the time steem is mainstream. Lotta work but I have to do it. Thanks @tarazkp

It is therefore truly important to get involved in the community, interaction, building relationships aspects of it all but not all are social or good at making friends.

Perhaps it is not just about the friend but finding ways to engage the audience with who you are as a person. Not all will choose to stay but those who do will be there forever. Much like the process in love - some chase numbers, others live and be loved.

Live and be loved, love all you live.

The only thing that keeps me moving ahead has been engagement and relationships... And it works for me because that is my favorite part about being here.

And it works for me because that is my favorite part about being here.

What works for you is the point isn't it? If complaining in a system one can change the system, adapt to it, suffer it or leave. Steem to me is about finding purpose each day.

You are exactly right. If I wasn't having fun here I would not bother spending my time creating posts and commenting! I love your well written thoughtful posts-- you always make me think about various aspects of Steem!

Great addition to the Mike Tyson post, I have nothing much to add. Getting involved in some hairy situations and sticking my nose out for some punches was the catalyst that got me some tiny traction. Feisty engagement is definitely my game lol, but that requires being in the loop and offering challenging positions, which means being energetically invested...I couldn't agree more on the point that the stool @whatsup mentioned needs to become a chair by adding the leg of the consumer..

but that requires being in the loop and offering challenging positions, which means being energetically invested...

Being in the loop can't be done by posting content alone as it requires the information flow to go both ways and most likely, the relationships built that can feed information. Being in the loop on Steem means spending a lot of time off Steem with people who are also on Steem :)

This was my first major steem revelation and has afforded me the opportunity to have my musings seen by some of the key players here. Discord has been instrumental in widening my perspective and enriching my understanding of this ecosystem..

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Well said and thank you for saying it. I am thinking about it like a 3 legged stool.

It takes: Investors, Developers and Content Creators. The stool will collapse without all three.

The forth is what we need to develop for in the future, the consumers. The (mostly) non-earners who just like to be here to be part of the carnival and share the content and join in with the discussions. It should be them who demand and drive content eventually, not the stake, the stake will just enable them to get what they want.

Great point, it's not quality content that's necessarily getting rewarded, but network connections. Networking and engagement are far more valuable than content. I've been here a year and my content hasn't improved much, but my payouts are much higher.

I've been here a year and my content hasn't improved much, but my payouts are much higher.

Mostly downhill ;D

This is where it is at though isn't it? The content need not improve if able to find people who like it just the way it is. The community is small and narrow currently which means niche is hard to gather strong support for unless a popular niche backed by stake. Only so many people are interested in fringe areas, only so many can fit in popular.

It's also a big issue with curation.
When I first got here no one knew I existed.

Perhaps your comment on the BT post will make you even more famous ;D

LOL that was so bad. I should probably set up better communications with @fulltimegeek.

All social networking sites have evolved and become popular because of their advantages... And steemit also has advantages....
Most people come to steemit for a reward, and I think that's wrong, cause they became dealing with steemit website on a physical basis, not as passionate or intellectual as on Facebook and YouTube ...
Who are now: those who believe in crypto and freedom or have a strong account...
Example: I'm here because my life is full of pain and here I can find who feels and supports me. Emotionally, not materially.

We are required to make steemit more interactive and more passionate in order to have a better future.

We have talked before long ago about your pain and I hope things are improving. We are each responsible for how we experience the world.

We are required to make steemit more interactive and more passionate in order to have a better future.

I agree and that comes through relationships development between the various communities.

Thank You so much @tarazkp
Here I found a lot of moral support that helped me a lot... To be honest with you. I am trying to escape from reality and come here to write and read the ideas of the others... the support that I find here gives me a lot of power....

Steem support is not the first use case that comes to mind, but I hope you're finding what you're seeking here to ease your pain.. There is definitely a place for that sense of community where one can find hope through simply connecting and communication.

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The engagement is a shit-ton higher quality than Facebeef or anywhere else I have been, but it is engagement that keeps me on Facebeef. If I want to interact with prospects, unfortunately, that is where they are. That is what is missing here.

But, I always get my business done there as quickly as I can and get back to Steem for the content I want. It's a paradox I would love to see remedied.

Facebeef... :)

If I want to interact with prospects, unfortunately, that is where they are. That is what is missing here.

Yep but one day someone will just clone their assessment and Blockchain it. I don't understand why it hasn't been done already. Import accounts, give them access to their data, invite them in.

I really appreciate your post! Here’s a share of SBI!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks! That is much appreciated and I am going to start doing the same on occasion for people.

WeLl written stuff, I am sure there were a few things I thought of as quote worthy. For future use, I guess.

Happy Beekeeper's Day, by the way ;) I've encountered a lot of hive-related coincidences over the previous week. But more of them at another time, too.

Oh, there's another coincidence - I was just working on that short story project I came upon thanks to a recommendation of yours.

For me it's a solid example of how engaging with people gets things done besides being a citizen of Cryptorewardsland.

Time to rest.

I am sure there were a few things I thought of as quote worthy.

My goal is to one day fill a page of Steem-related brainy quotes ;D

I like how the transactions are starting and one day all of the little relationships and spread of ideas could be trackable. A pattern of life's thoughts.

... all of the little relationships and spread of ideas could be trackable...

A job for the Steem archaeologists of the future. Or the speculative history writers...

This is very true. Steem is a place for us to write and make some money, along with many others, like what you see in the flea market. Mingling with others is one important factor that makes Steem stand out! Thanks for the post. Well said.

Posted using Partiko Android

Mingling with others is one important factor that makes Steem stand out!

It is a marketplace after all and many people sit in their stall and wait for customers to come to them.


I'm tired too and cannot think of much to add. Throwing a few punches is a valid point, this will get you noticed, by both 'sides' and I guess it could go either way - best time them well and know your opponent/audience.

best time them well and know your opponent/audience.

At the very least, know what you are talking about when you throw the punch and, get ready to duck :D

There is a difference between being feisty and just being an asshole of course, it perhaps something to do with intention. Luckily, I have learned to control myself well enough over the last decade or two... mostly ;)

So what you are saying is, you have not intentionally been an asshole for a good 10 years or so? :D

I have been trying to clench but due to the lack of gym work lately, I don't have the muscle stamina to hold it back any longer :D

I'm not sure where to go with this, all roads leading down dark avenues!

Amen! Engagement is key on centralized or decentralized platforms. Networking is the other key factor in addition to stake. If Steem is to become much bigger than it is now, the ones with significant stake are the people active on it now. Networking with them is also networking with future stake.

If Steem is to become much bigger than it is now, the ones with significant stake are the people active on it now. Networking with them is also networking with future stake.

Growing with all the people here now is going to be networking with the future and it will end up being more reliable and stable because it has diversity and spread. So many things in the pipeline, development of all kinds is needed.

Well said, writing quality post sometimes its hard but I think it's better for the community, also if the price is low i believe in the importance of writing good quality post. But there is also another important thing maybe more than the content, the interaction with other steemians.

Posted using Partiko Android

People spend a lot of time talking about quality of posts without looking at quality of interaction under those posts. There are some highly rewarded shitposters who don't engage either. They are the circle jerkers. But, there are some highly rewarded shitposters who do a damn good job of being part of the community too. Good content matters too of course :)

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Excellent words, mate.

As the ecosystem evolves, this too will evolve as more businesses seek the attention as they do on centralized platforms which could lead to new ways to earn via attention driven engagement. Until then, it is a grind between community, engagement and stake.

Posted using Partiko iOS

This post has been included in the latest edition of SoS Daily News - a digest of all you need to know about the State of Steem.

what i liked when i came here is that reminded me of my early internet feel, the time of telephone modems and not knowing anyone but still having a feeling that you connect with them. i was ignorant about all the drama, but was in really interesting community. it is weird when you go and check is someone that is not active for months posted something...

Posted using Partiko Android

Hello I thought I should follow you being a beginner at steemit and everything to do with internet. I have read some of your articles and they are interesting also very well written. I think I can learn some skill by watching following and promoting your material . I am interested in your first article I saw there was a honey bee pic on it so if I manage to learn my video, picture and writing skills over the next few month. My father is a 91 year old (semi) retired bee keeper and loves to show off his skills. So I will try to work with him and produce a series of videos on bee keeping for all steemians to enjoy and maybe learn some old school bee keeping. He is still confident about his method and was a major honey producer and orchard pollination contractor in central BC Canada. we are down to 2 hives of bees now I am not a big enthusiast so I am just around for the minimal lifting ( the grunt) but he wants to spread his knowledge to humanity. I will be checking your stuff out so I can learn how to pull this off for him and the steem community. Thanks and I will start watching for the tips I need .Have a great week