George Soros: STEEM's Greatest Ally?

in steem •  7 years ago  (edited)

If the enemy of one's enemy is a friend, then George Soro's might be STEEM's best friend.

Soros is taking to the Internet making his displeasure for both Facebook and Google well known. He is even going so far to cite the work EU regulators did in fining Google last year as an example of what should be done today.

Realizing the manipulative nature of these giants, Soros compared them to casinos in that they "engineer addictive behavior".

Make no mistake, Soros is a bankster through and through. There is no way anyone can accuse him of being one to step up for humanity. What we see taking place is nothing more than a power struggle. Facebook and Google are beyond the control of Soros and his banking elite. Sure they can buy stock in those companies yet the power is still with Zuckerberg and the Google boys. This has to drive Soros and his ilk nuts.

Nevertheless, this is something, if it gains some steam, could really help out this blockchain. Soros's words tend to garner a lot of attention. At the same time, he has friends in very high places within the EU. His urging could cause a host of problems for the two social media giants while also creating some resentments.

Soros wants the Internet giants' hold on the world broken. For once, this is something I think most of us agree with George on. Naturally, our motivation is completely different but that is another story. The power of Facebook and Google is basically without limit. It is time to free ourselves from their manipulation.

Manipulation, censorship, and control......

These are the three words that we need to start having associated with these entities. Soros used two of them in his barrage against these companies. Over the next couple years, hopefully we see this grow. On this platform, we must do all we can to keep espousing this idea. For those who use the other platforms, especially Facebook, this needs to be blasted among the users there. The message will get through eventually.

STEEM is much more than a way to earn some money off one's posts. It is literally offering the world a way to something greater. When people post on here, they do not operate under the same system. Information is posted freely and without manipulation. Any topic can be covered as compared to having to maintain political correctness on the other sites.

At present we are laying the foundation for a world where these corporate behemoths do not control all that we read, see, and hear. The information that we receive presently is filtered to their approval. Soros attacking the likes of Facebook is making himself an unwitting ally of STEEM. While he would never approve of a system beyond bankster or government control, he is assisting in the promotion of it.

Keep it up George....we are all counting on you.

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He might just want to buy some cheap Google stocks and is spreading some FUD...

Soros would totally love Steemit! He could come in, but up all the SP and vote on what he wants everyone to see. He hates the fact that FB and Google get to do that and he doesn’t! He would love it here! 😂😂

Except for the fact that any one could fork the blockchain immediately, create another token, and make his investment completely worthless since everyone would jump ship to get away from him.

Haha! Good point! He'd love it, we wouldn't!

well i totally like your post

I think George doesn't know about Steemit, when he does will be mad as hell. For now, let's enjoy our short friendship.

Yeah steem just isnt big enough for him to get mad about... yet.

He is an old-school guy, likes the traditional and conservative things of life. A great contributor to Clinton's family ( elections and foundation).

George Soros is one of THE most destructive men on the planet. A narcissist who revels in crashing economies and delight's in globalist social engineering. All in all, a very dangerous man!

LOL, I think you might be reaching a little here ;)

Soros, I believe, would not be a great fan of Steem either. Part of the controlling aspect of Facebook and other social platforms is how they hook users by using variable rewards (i.e. you want to know how many likes/hearts/follows you have and keep checking back).

Variable rewards are VERY powerful psychologically, and are the reason we love slot machines so much - you might win nothing, a few pennies, or the jackpot - it's the not knowing which is the addictive part.

And I think Steem is possibly more guilty than Facebook and the like in that respect. The variable rewards most Steem users are interested in is cold, hard cash. There's more pull in the power of an upvote than a Facebook like, or Instagram heart.

We can just as easily become addicted to Steemit, as with any other social network - maybe even more so. There might not be a corporation behind it, but it's still manipulating us psychologically. And it's no accident...that was baked in when Steem was created.

its a new update.
i think facebook is a social media.
and important also...

This guy is being portrayed as the source of all evil in eastern Europe. All the corrupt and power hungry idiots use him as a bogeyman to make any opposition look like is in fact manipulated by Soros. I'm not saying this guys is a saint but it makes me nauseous every time I hear his name because I have heard so many conspiracies surrounding him that it's becoming ridiculous.
At least he can do some good for steemit :)

Keep it up is right Georgie, we need voices like his to speak out about the big whigs that are controlling the likes of social media in manipulatory fashion. As steem continues to rise on the Alexa charts we shall hopefully see steemit starting to make its way, slowly but surely, in catching these guys. The two year anniversary will be here soon, and we all know how that went for one's like FB.

Interesting post, really never thought of something like this in promoting steem... but i can see now just how it can. Keep it up @taskmaster4450 digging your stuff man

It is the early stages so I believe anything that attacks the established, even by established guys, helps the blockchain world.

This simply shows the danger of centralization...and, without pointing to it, how STEEM offers a better alternative.

It is just like Bitcoin...all the attacks are publicity...which can only help in the early stages.

Yeah you are right about this without a doubt, this is only helping the decentralized space. Glad we are here to witness this and see Steem make a difference all across the globe, especially in places of need.

I would be careful for the support of any politician on this platform.

Hi It's the first time I heard about the person's name,I think I need to visit cnbc website more often to keep me up to date. Thanks for sharing.

Steemit is more than just money. This is a great way to communicate and a place where people who exchange data gather.
Steemit is a small family that grows daily. Here you can learn not only to earn money, here you will understand that knowledge costs much more than any money.
I make a person a person. It is knowledge that can help you achieve any life goals.
Denbgi is just a way of paying for services - and knowledge is something that will help you get rid of any shackles
I like this project and the services it provides

Yes it is a wonderful community and growing family.

I agree that we are starting to see things move on this end. It is a great opportunity to change the world.

Can’t help but wonder about just to what degree Soros is really pulling the strings around the world.

That’s why Steemit is great. Decentralization! 👍

There have been those accusations and there is no doubt about it, he is a very powerful man.

Depending upon how far down the conspiracy rabbit hole one goes, that is how much control he has.

But he wields more power than but a few on the planet. If he doesnt have the power himself, he does have the ear of those who do.

You can't compare Steem with Facebook or another company...
Don't forget my friend @taskmaster4450 that Steemit has less than two years to reach this success...
How much time did Facebook takes to succeed?
Now we still have a lot of work to do here, but I'm sure the blockchain will eliminate the centralization and control of the Internet... Maybe after a year or two years
thank you @taskmaster4450

Well STEEM is bigger than a company like Facebook in the sense that is it a network that many apps built upon like Steemit. But STEEM is also Dmania, Dlive, D.Tube, and Zappl.

Yes it is young so in that regard you are correct. However, it is also decentralized which means things can move a lot quicker than on a centralized platform.

Each day developers are working on new stuff....not employed ones, but those who are creating their own projects simply because they see a need.

yeah friend @taskmaster4450
There are also some negatives here... But the most positive thing
We must support all positive ideas and projects even if they are small, it doesn't matter.

There are challenges...without a doubt. Not all is sunshine and cupcakes.

However, they can be overcome with time, effort, and more users.

The fact is this blockchain is one of the top blockchains there is in terms of performance. Hence, whatever is built upon it has a good chance of succeeding from a performance standpoint.

As more applications come out, we will find more things on here for people to participate in. We are at the early stages of development.

Yes... You're right.@taskmaster4450
I always say to myself... I'm lucky I'm living the start of a new and great project. hehe

I’m sure Soros’ intentions here are soley selfish. It might be FB and google are on his shit list because he can’t manipulate them. The mainstream media are completely in his pocket as are a huge number of our politicians.

Enjoy our shared alignment because it will probably be short lived.

STEEM to $1000!

Enjoy our shared alignment because it will probably be short lived.

You dont see Ole George wearing a Steemit TeeShirt and going to Steemfest3?

Yeah he typically isn’t the type of dude who espouses more personal freedom for anyone. Plus he was in the Hitler Youth.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It will be fear. Do not even try to view such people as allies. There is no possibility for any form of coexistence. As soon as they realize that you are dangerous and that they are not able to corrupt or assimilate you, they do not wait one minute to force you stop breathing.

i remember when i read an article on facebook not too long ago about facebook and its manipulation tactics. it was written by someone who helped develop the tactics of the addictive nature of the "like" button and scrolling methods. the guy said he wouldn't even let his kids have an iphone and he himself uses an app to limit his time. otherwise he gets sucked in too!

it cannot be stated enough that we are all being played as a part of this manipulation machine where we don't profit at all and are being fed and guided toward certain news streams. the guy was super rich by now and sent his kids to an elite school where they weren't allowed to have smart phones... while the rest of the kids in the world become increasingly addicted to screens. if this guy is an enemy of these tactics, i hope his message goes far and wide. as always, thanks, task, for bringing this to our attention.


I do not know if it's the right approach, Soros is pretty smart, he never says what he thinks, he can stab Facebook or Google publicly but then shake hands secretly, we've already seen how he asks for more regulations to the market and then he personally avoid, it is shameless and hypocritical and even if today is criticizing Facebook, it is only because public opinion is beginning to do so. Although it may seem an unwitting ally, it is one of the main enemies of decentralization.

impressive you post.Thanks for share.

You are right, I do agree with George Soros that google and facebook have grown too powerfull. And I would always love to see google and facebook have more competition, wich they start having in my view. But knowing that Soros wants to put them down, I don't know who to root for anymore.

I think Soros versus Facebook is just another "fight beetween dying elite". You see here in finland, mass-media few years ago named these smaller, non-mainstream medias that are more right-wing oriented, as "lie-medias". They have been talking what should be done to this "rise" of "lie-medias", but they are not mentioning these kind of social-medias as a serious problem. For me that just tells how isolated from reality they are and way I see it, there is no rising "lie-media", but instead mass-media is shrinking to a size of this "lie-media". Media I talk here is a centralized-media, not some independent journalists or anything like that.

Someone needs to show bitcoin, steem, blockchain technology with the strings over the elite...

Our mighty blockchain overshadows their pyramids and all seeing eye

I could never find myself rooting for Soros, but I guess in this situation, I'll join you.

We just need a few other's to start bringing to light, the evils of Facebook. Censoring everybody's feed and pushing fake news.

It's great that we can post whatever we deem worthy of Steemit, and not worrying about being put in time out for 30 days.

Thanks for the update Task. 😎

I really agree what you write.

It's crazy, I read his speech that @zer0hedge posted a while back and was thinking "Is this guy just playing us all or is he actually being straightforward in talking bad about youtube and fb and some of the other huge issues in the world. I know I was painted a bad picture of the guy in the past but that speech seemed spot on. Having someone in his powerful position in our corner could be big

Google and Facebook are too powerful now. To fight them and reduce their power and influence need someone like George Soros. I think, he has the capacity and motivation to do so. It helps Steem, even if he is not aware of it. I'm not on Facebook, otherwise I'd post that information there. Reset

Thanks brother for sharing a good information for us..

Thank you for the good information.

You know, this power struggle has so many more levels to it than meets the eye. First, we have media companies, than banks, than governments, what's next? It's really a lot of power struggle that it seems we can't get away from.

great post.
thanks for sharing this post,
i appreciate your every post.....resteemit

Interesting article. I like your thinking. Thanks to your articles, I stopped considering facebook as a competitor to Steem. As for George Soros, I do not have an unequivocal opinion. Not every enemy of our enemy can be our friend.
Good luck to you and Good.

Интересная статья. Мне импонирует Ваше мышление. Благодаря Вашим статьям я перестал рассматривать facebook как конкурента Steem. По поводу Джорджа Сороса, у меня не однозначное мнение. Не каждый враг нашего врага может быть нашим другом.
Удачи Вам и Добра.

The only hope the little guy has so far been to live in a system that pits the big bullies against each other. The blockchain and blockchain-based social media is a really great thing but this platform isn't without problems.

I'm clicking "follow" right now

@taskmaster4450 great post about George Soros! Something important is that Steem is not only a social media platform. It is even better than a bank! We have control on our account, it can't be frozen, transfers are no cost and with the speed of light (just 3 seconds), and no boundaries! And its a great ecosystems were many projects are flourishing!

Thanks for the quality posts you are making, this is definitely helping people learn more about what is going on in the world regarding manipulation, control, and what the steem blockchain is doing to remove boundaries, and give freedom back to people!

Regards, @gold84

very interesting