I make it no secret that I believe the STEEM blockchain is going to change humanity. The content/reward system is absolutely revolutionary. While other blockchains and startups are trying to mirror this, we see progress being made with actual participation.
Part of my conclusions in researching technologies and peering into the future is that jobs are going to be lost. This is becoming a fact that is agreed upon. Where dispute arises, however, is that, in the past, technology always replaced more jobs than it destroyed. Therefore, there is a wide segment of people who believe this time is no different.
I do maintain that it is different. Never before have we see the speed of technological advancement that we are witnessing. What use to take decades now happens in only a few years. There are areas that I was reading about only a few years ago and were thought to be a decade out (in prototype mode) only to find out they will be commercially available in a couple years. The pace of technology is speeding up.
This leads to the discussion of what a post-work society will look like. The most obvious point of discussion is how will people afford to live. If the research of entities such as Morgan Stanley and the World Economic Forum are correct, there are going to be tens of millions of jobs lost over the next decade. Of course, this instills a lot of fear into people. How are we going to afford to live?
To me, this is a senseless question. We already have our answer. Cryptocurrency is ushering the Age of Abundance. The Internet came into the world of money and it is going to start copying. That is what it does. My view of a tokenized world, one which I am already see forming with the likes of STEEM, Manna, Presearch, SIA, and Bitradio, handles, at a minimum, a part of the economic situation. People will have a basic income yet it will not be from any government. By the time those clowns get their act together, half the planet would have starved. Instead, people are going to be acquiring crypto on a monthly basis from many different sources.
Since the economic factor is taken care of, at least in part, what are people going to do with their time?
To answer this, I believe we need to look at the nature of "work" and change our definition of it. For the last 400+ years, we were stuck in the mindset that was created in the late 1600s. The "Protestant" work ethic is still talked about and admired in most of the west. Rarely is one looked down upon for spending too much time at the office. One who is willing to give it his/her all, doing whatever it takes to get to the top, that is admired. It matters none if the spouse is having an affair, the kids on drugs, or that person's health going to hell. Anyone who works hard is given respect.
Of late, a few people are stepping back and asking, what does this belief really cost us? There are a multitude of social issues which society has to now deal with that could be attributed to this belief system. We have medical costs that are out of control. Naturally, there are a ton of reasons for this and here is not the place to debate that mess. However, it is proven that excessive stress for prolonged periods has many negative effects on not only one's health, but the lives around that person. Alcoholism, drug abuse, domestic violence, divorce, and depression are just a few of the outcomes from this. How much does this cost a country each year?
As I look over the last twenty years, I see that technology is making many things better. We are advancing as a global community in spite of what the mainstream news tells us. Nevertheless, there are still many problems we are confronted with.
My personal belief is we are seeing a major shift in mindset here on the STEEM blockchain. It is really amazing to me to see how quickly this is taking hold. As this place gets more populated, it appears this outlook is becoming the norm. People are genuinely taking an interest in others. I know for myself, I have this bubbling within me. Humanity is turning a corner if STEEM is any indication. So what is the reason for this?
Part of the answer, I am sure, lies in the fact that the system is set up in such a way that we need to give to get. One cannot profit on here without the upvotes of others. That is most likely not going to come if one is consistently selfish. In fact, I believe that it is very possible that selfish behavior ends up being ostracized. Since we have a financial interest that depends upon how we interact with others, it puts us on our best behavior. That is refreshing since, in the bankster run world, we see mankind's worst behavior usually on display.

That said, I believe their is another part to this equation for which I have no proof other than a theory. It is my belief that anyone on this blockchain right now and who is actively participating is going to be wealthy. Cryptocurrencies are going to create the greatest wealth humanity has ever seen. This is going to be spread to anyone who engages in tokens to any significant degree. To isolate it some, STEEM holders are really going to profit since this is, and will be, one of the leading blockchains. At present, we are 50K strong on a daily basis...just imagine what it will be like when there are 2M or 3M on here each day dedicating themselves.
I can look anyone in the eye and tell them I am going to be rich. I am not rich yet, at least according to western standards but with my holdings in crypto, I know it is only a matter of time. The same is true for many on here. STEEM is not their only token which means the gains that are coming in 2018 are going to be realized over many tokens.
It is amazing how much easier it is when that pressure is taken off. This is part of the reason I write the articles that I do. Someone who amasses 500 SP, in a few years, has the potential to be a millionaire. Get a couple thousand SP and it is almost assured. I really believe that; the question is do you?
With this mindset, it is a lot easier to be concerned about the plight of others. I keep building up my SP for a couple reasons. First, it is my investment back into the STEEM blockchain. Having people power up provides stability to this blockchain and the token. Also, a higher SP gives me a higher VP which creates more SP for myself AND others that I vote for. The later part is crucial. This is where the empowering circle comes into play on Steemit.
So what does it mean to "work"? If there are a lot fewer jobs due to automation, which is going to take place, what does society do?
We already have the mechanism in cryptocurrency. The blockchain is already creating outlets for people to earn themselves tokens which can provide the income. While many scoff at this notion since they are conditioned in the "a strong work ethic is to be admired" belief, I feel it is a large part of the answer to the questions people are starting to raise.
Therefore, it is time for us to eliminate "work" from our vocabulary. It is a stupid and useless term. There might have been a time when it was applicable but now it became a cancer. Work is what people now use for validation. Instead of finding that with family, religion/spirituality, community, or by communing with nature, we turn to what we do as a job for our worth. This is pure sickness.
A post-work society is moving humanity in the right direction because we need less work. Just like we need less of all illnesses.

So what do we need in its place? This is where the tenets forming on the STEEM blockchain enter the picture.
What we need is more CONTRIBUTION.
We see this in operation already here in Steemit. This website is racing up the rankings because there are tens of thousands of people on here contributing daily. There are also an untold number of people on the back end creating code that is improving every area of the blockchain. For some, the money aspect could be the root of their motivation. However, I surmise that, for many, it is something bigger. We all want STEEM to be a substantial part of millions of people lives. It has the potential to put a serious dent in the poverty many experience around the world. It also can take a great deal of the financial pressure off individuals who are in jeopardy of losing their profession or are nearing retirement without the adequate resources.
Work stresses people out; Contribution excites them.
The world has 7 billion people and there are probably 70 billion different areas that need people to contribute. We are all blessed with different talents and using them to contribute is what will really help the world to turn the corner. This idea is not possible in the scarcity run bankster world. In fact, it is not even desired. People behaving in a manner that is somewhat free is not in the elites best interest. I believe they encountered this post 60s hippy movement when much of the establishment was questioned. Therefore, they took control in the 80s and put that genie back in the bottle.

STEEM is a microcosm of the world we are going to erect. If it can become one of the top blockchains, we have a chance of implementing this in all areas of life. The mindset we are establishing on here is one based upon contribution and not fear. Work is fear-based. Studies consistently show that 90% of the people dislike their job and only show up because they have to. Tokens are going to give people a choice. People are going to be able to say "no" to those dead end, soul crushing jobs that actually contribute nothing.
We are seeing an entirely new system form with STEEM. This is the first token that I know of to have an effect on this scale. Average people can join and starting changing their lives. Also, the mindset of many quickly changes. I noticed this the last month or so since I am getting a lot of newer readers. Most of them appear to be embracing it. Suddenly, it strikes them that it isn't about them. Once they realize there is something bigger going on here, it is as if their entire demeanor changes (online at least). They suddenly start to see the optimistic possibilities for not only themselves, but the world at large. There is nothing better than seeing someone realize that the banksters are not an impenetrable force and that, truthfully, they are the weak hand when it comes to standing up to blockchain.
There are many people who are earning a living by what they do on here. I doubt any of them wake up in the morning saying they have to get to work by posting on Steemit. Instead, it is a passion for them. When one embraces the entirity of what is happen, it then becomes about the contribution.
And that is uplifting to the soul.
If you found this article informative, please give it an upvote and a resteem.
To receive the free basic income tokens you are entitled to and help end world wide poverty, please click the following:
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Hey taskmaster,
You are one of our most vocal Steem Apologist, I would say your points brings us to an undeniable conclusion that Steem will be a herculean factor for global social change ongoing.
How much it will effect all of us, who's to say, at the very least hundreds of billion in voting power is definitely in the cards.
We can't get there doing the samething we did in the past we need todo something radically different, and keep doing what works but even better.
There is change in the air, I feel it, I hope you do too, please see my reply to support the @spiritualmax who did a great card post with you in it:
Steem Needs Radical Ethical, Cultural And Compensation Changes
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Great post, I feel the same way about crypto and believe 2018 will be very generous to us all. And thanks for the manna link I signed up.
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I believe this so much true because the handwriting is boldly on the wall. It is only the discerning that can 'see' steem past what it is now.
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Hey brother. Are you familiar with https://steem.cards/. Looks like they offer a way to buy gift cards and even a visa card directly with steem or SBD. That should increase the draw to the blockchain!
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Thank you my friend...I will write a post about it tomorrow...that is really awesome.
This is part of what I expected for 2018 since I felt part of the next step for this blockchain was to get some commercialization going on here.
It looks like this is one feather in our proverbial caps. I will try to research it more.
Thanks for the lead.
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Very interesting. The only criticism Ive had of Sterm is the lack of options to use it directly instead of going through exchanges. This opens up another option. Great!
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It's a true companion, this is a place to create works, produce a pitch and a place for communication. So this will most likely be very fast developing. And true to your research on technology, the future is definitely a technology that will grow and we just use it. Thank you guys for his knowledge.
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This is what makes Steem different. This is the reason for all the passion we find here.
Steem is a new beginning for sound economics and the real beginning for self governance.
The world is changing and Steem is the vanguard of that change.
Thanks for the post.
Keep Steeming!
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I am excited about the idea of a society where we realize we do not need a boss if we don't want to. If we have a brain and a will we can be an entrepreneur. We can choose to trade to reduce our dependence on money. We can choose to live below our means or if we want to live above our means we can choose to work hard to earn more. I love that steem gives us opportunity to ask questions about how we really want to shape our lives! Even if we are not rich on steem (yet) we can feel the subtle shift in consciousness going on around us and we can ask ourselves those important questions. I don't know if you coined it or not, but I really like the idea of the Law of Contribution. That's a great way to think about sharing is caring and give and you shall receive. Say no to fear!! Excellent post @taskmaster4450! You never cease to inspire me :)
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You are creating belief, I've said it to you before and I'll say it again, your writing is moving. I can sense the passion you are talking about at the end of your post in your writing and it's something everyone needs to follow in.
I believe STEEM is the movement a lot of us have been waiting for and it's precisely the give and get mentality that makes this work. Animosity and hate aren't welcomed or accepted here and it makes the platform light years ahead of its counterparts like Reddit and Youtube. I personally hate scrolling through comments on Youtube because of the negativity. It makes me feel bad, and it effects my mind. Steemit rids that possibilty (to a high degree) and it rewards people for acceptable, normal behaviour. It's going to be amazing to see the masses come over to Steemit, it isn't something to worry about, it will make changes to people that many other platforms not only don't support, but they don't essentially fuel.
Thank you again for strengthening my beliefs and good on you for fuelling our fire with positivity.
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I agree with you, taskmaster that Steemit had open my heart to the passion of writing and reading. I am sure others as well. I am always strategizing my move on what to put up for content for each day.
Day by Day, I see my Steemit account grow slowly but it is still growing and I have earned money through this.
Recently, @spiritualmax who had just join last December, I saw one of his posts exploded in money because he was unjustly flagged for no rhyme or reason but this wonderful community backed him up. Anyways, he did up a post about magic cards featuring the personality of influential members including you!
Nonetheless, a very informative article here which yet again explain the benefits of STEEM and if someone does not get influenced by your positivity, they would be losers in the end. Upvoted!
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This has already begun; and, FB and Linked In working in cahoots to do age ‘filtering’ really doesn't help matters.
Sadly, according to the NWO agenda, government ‘dependence’ is the plan. For many, student-loan-debt is the first layer….
Save your breath. The world is full of doubters. I’m reminded of people who, at the time of the invention of the television, people “wisely?” said they didn’t want those boxes in their homes for people to spy on them. Really? Now, that’s intuitiveness at its strongest.
Yes, ‘work’ for the smartest has been replaced with ingenuity. I tell people to ‘work’ at a j-o-b to pay your bills; and, spend the rest of your waking hours growing your wealth entrepreneurially.
I’m a bit disappointed that the Manna coins didn’t get more discussion. I look forward to a promotional vid detailing the concept. I get that we pay in and disperse equally; but, I will do a bit more research.
Thanks for this post.
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Replacing work with contribution: not just a vocabulary shift, but also a shift in the people's mindset. With the STEEM Blockchain and its content/reward system, anyone can earn some basic income as long as they contribute to the blockchain positively. Be it helping someone else, developing the blockchain, or even educating others about the blockchain... these are all significant contributions that are being rewarded currently.
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Great point there.....
This is excellent...thanks @aaronmcheong.
You hit the nail on the head here.
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Ayy glad that I hit the right nail this time! @taskmaster4450 :)
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5 K of Steem will make me a millionaire?
I know what my goal to get to here on Steemit is now thanks to taskmaster!
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Now if I could just get my wife to believe it. 😏
Well, she saw what my Bitcoin did last year. If Steem does anywhere near as well this year, she might start to embrace the idea.
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Hmm depending upon how long you have been married, she might have good reason to not believe you. :)
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Your article is very, very, very informative. You explain in great detail why to have a large SP is good. By this you make your huge contribution to the development of steemit. Good luck to you and Kind.
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I liked they way you described work a lot. It can be very damaging for your health and yet few seem to notice, until it gets serious. You eat junk food because you don't have time, you neglect relationships because you don't have time. That's not the kind of life that is fulfilling. I really do hope steem will make us millionaire because I want to wake up in the morning and feel like I can help a large number a people or that I can set up my day however I want because I don't depend on a traditional job.
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With your present SP, it is going to take $1200 STEEM for you to become a millionaire off this.
Believe it or not, I dont think it outside the realm of possibility in a couple years. STEEM has that much going for it.
Of course you keep growing your account via contribution on here (you do comment on my stuff which means I appreciate giving you upvotes each week), and that price will only keep coming down. Get yourself up to the 5K SP realm and you will be almost a shoe in for millionaire status off of just STEEM.
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I'll be happy even with $100 STEEM :)
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I keep touting it but the market isnt listening.
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"I make it no secret that I believe the STEEM blockchain is going to change humanity. The content/reward system is absolutely revolutionary."
I'm glad I'm not the only one... I feel kind of crazy saying this, but I'm pretty confident it's true.
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I believe in your belief sir, because a lot have become so wealthy already, especially during the SBD surge and to know that we are not yet 'there' is very heartening.
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I love this. It's inspiring and reminds me of the statement by Buckminster Fuller that "not one in ten will have to work" or something along those lines, and we can all live in abundance. Most people just aren't getting the impact that the blockchain will have yet, in terms of opportunities for everyone and breaking free from another level of chains. I've resteemed this, as it's such a positive article.
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"One cannot profit on here without the upvotes of others. That is most likely not going to come if one is consistently selfish. In fact, I believe that it is very possible that selfish behavior ends up being ostracized. Since we have a financial interest that depends upon how we interact with others, it puts us on our best behavior."
Right on, this paragraph basically sums up what I was saying in one of my recent blogs. I encourage other people to engage with one another so that we are truly a community instead of posting our material without so much as acknowledging those who upvote and resteem content. Without followers and those who read our content we would not have gained rewards in the first place. So I want to thank you for what you've shared with others on the value of community and how we all need one another. No man is an island, after all.
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The answer is "yes". I have been pondering this question for many years and determined that steemit was the solution, before I knew it existed. There is not really anything people can do that machines cannot do better and more cheaply, human labor is rapidly becoming obsolete. The only thing that makes sense is to pay people for their ideas and content and then they can redeem that for goods and services produced by automation. I thought it was just a crazy fantasy of mine until one day I clicked on steemit.com and there it was.
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Yes it does seem to fit in with what many people today are still "theorizing" without realizing it exists.
I tend to agree with you that in a decade there will be little of the basics that people do which cannot be done by machines/software.
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and at that point we either need to have a new economic paradigm like steemit.com or the elites will have little need to keep all these useless people around and then they let us succumb to war, disease and famine. That's assuming that AI does not come into being and go all judgement day on us in the mean time.
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The elites always need people to buy their stuff....that is the weird cycle they operate under....they need to keep giving people money (debt) so they can keep buying from the corporations that the banksters own.
I am not into the Termination scenario for AI.....so I dont think that happens.
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Nah, once sex robots are perfected the underclass is unnecessary. The war fighting robots are rolling out right already. Self cleaning toilets, snow blowers. Are you familiar with Plutonomics? Why would an AI want to retain humans?
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Why would robots want rid of humans?
Robots dont have emotions hence dont have the same irrational fears that we do.
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They wouldn't need us for anything and of course we would be a threat to them, it would be rational for them to fear us, we might unplug them, the AI will have read Player Piano right?
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Humans and AI are going to merging....we are already seeing that.
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"We are advancing as a global community in spite of what the mainstream news tells us." Yes.. people need to turn off the mainstream news. 6 Corporations control over 90% of the media. At a global level, terrorism has decreased - "Terrorist attacks and deaths were on the decline worldwide for the second year in a row in 2016, according to a report issued by the U.S. State Department."
The media controls what we think, don't be a cog in their machine.
I believe we need to stop idolizing productivity and quantifying our self worth through it. A decentralized, token-based society would give power back to the people. As more time is spent on self development, we will be able to spend more time solving social issues that are important to us.
If UBI ever comes to fruition(it's already being tested in Finland,) people will have more time to spend on leisure, and with UBI, will be able to invest and take risks. Especially ones of lower socio-economic status, who have never had a sustainable amount of capital. Yes, some UBI will be wasted, but the vast majority of it would be invested in social issues, education, and blockchain applications. Technology is revolutionizing society at an unprecedented rate, most of the masses don't even understand how fast it's moving.
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I agree with you...you obviously have done some research on the results of what people do when they get a basic income. Most do not sit home and do nothing. It is amazing that when a rich person does nothing, it is leisure, but a poor person is lazy.
Anyway, the ability to say no to a crap job is the most beneficial aspect to the basic income concept. You are correct people choose to go back to school, study something different or enhance their skills other ways.
The challenge, is what many people are going to school for will be automated out too. I see so many entering college only to think, that career wont be around in a decade...at least not in its present form.
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I feel like we've actually been heading in this direction for a long time. My current "work" allows me to work from home for 5 weeks out of every 6, and I use my own purchased laptop instead of the clunky terrible thing they offered me. Without a horrible commute or feeling the need to be chained to a desk, my contributions to my company feel less and less like work.
The downside is that with this increased access, people are contributing 16 hours a day, but I think that'll work itself out. Maybe that's fine as well, people will mix business, rest and pleasure throughout a 24 hour cycle and not be restrained to a 9-5.
Obviously AI will replace a lot of functions that are currently required people to "work" on, and everything else will be contributions by people. We'll probably spend more time learning and less time processing, which will be amazing.
I think I made the point on your post yesterday that 'rich' or 'poor' might be determined by what type of contributions people are interested in... dictated by supply and demand. Anyone can watch movies for a small amount of tokens but only the skilled could write a AI script for a large amount of tokens.
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Very true...there are different skillsets people have.
Of course, if given some time, people might be able to learn some thing they are interested in like coding which they presently cannot do.
This is true. I think people will spend time on what has meaning to them. I like writing about stuff I research and motivate people to be positive about this blockchain since it is powerful. Others have different skills and interests. In the end, we all can contribute and should be rewarded for that...both online and offline.
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Steemit is an amazing platform. I am not thinking about where it can head or lead me. I am just taking it day-by-day. And then we'll see.
But.. what if in the future, say in the next 20 years, everyone quits their job, because they find a way to earn online? Okay well, not everyone maybe, but all those who are underpaid in real life and can earn more online.
There is already lack of workers in many areas, at least in my country. So what will the future do. Why should I work 8 hours a day if I manage to earn my salary here.
Just a random thought.
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That is today...down the road there will not be the shortage of people but, rather, jobs.
When tens of millions of people are being automated out, in a short period of time (10 years or less), this will create an abundance of workers. Of course, many of the jobs that are presently seeking people most likely will be filled by automation.
That is where corporations are focusing their attention....make up for the shortfall in workers, then automate the ones they have out of jobs.
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Actually steem work is a smart thing to do. Because steem in the future market will make a lot of contribution.
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the future
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steemit is great project . thx for sharing ♥
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Good post.Thanks for sharing with us
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There are others? Steem will far and away be the leader.
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@taskmaster4450 There are a lot of interesting passages worth a discussion included in your article. Maybe too many, so consistency is not always given in the course of reading. One point I want to mention is that you have mixed - in my opinion - some properties of cryptocurrencies with properties of the labor market. Crypto is not responsible - and not necessary - to free yourself from what you call 'work'. Simply do not work as a clerk, but as a self-responsible self-employed person. It is about receiving income not only from one person or institution. That is the relevant point. Classical fiat money does and has always enabled you to to this.
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steem is a good for online user
it is very helpful
thanks for sharing
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Thanks for your valuable and informative post.
We can gather a lot of information by your post.
By dint of we can increase our skill that is beneficial for all steemians.
I will always visit your site & wait for your upcoming post.
Thanks .
@Resteem done.
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very inspiring, thanks for sharing @taskmaster4450
Upvote and resteem
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its an informative and social.thanks for sharing..
please keep on..
i will wait for your next blog...
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yes dear i agree with you..you total concept i like it,,,thanks for your valuable content,,
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#steem to a better place
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yeah, i to believe it, Steem blockchain and steemit platform are going to change the life of many :)
and it is helping many to support their family by earning from this platform :)
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wall i have not read
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Thanks for sharing this post,,i appreciate your every blog,,resteemit..
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Your conviction inspires me :)
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Yes, this is exactly why I returned to steemit after leaving for a few months last year, I realized the promise of steemit was larger than just extra money, it's a way to prepare for the future
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I think steem is definitely making an impact on the people who are working on the steemit platform. Steem Power got me interested.. But the thing what are some of the ways to get STEEM Power for newbies?
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blockchain is good........
as i know
and i want to know about basic income
how blockchain contribute that
thanks for sharing
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Excellent post Taskmaster4450! I think Steemit rocks and will take over the world!! :)
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Hi.Great post
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I always cringe when I hear someone described as a "hard worker." It's almost always used as an excuse for why they were such a terrible person.
Be kind, thoughtful, persistent, loving, clever, wise, generous...
Don't be a hard worker.
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I must have missed this post, and I am happy I found it.
You have stated the truth.
The Blockchain is beating the poopoo out of the Puritanical
Slavery to worth, work ethic.
By the sheer solid foundation of decentralization, is a
death sentence for Athoritarianism...at least in the commercial sector... yet as the gold goes, all institutions will be forced to follow and face massive structural change*
I just love and breath this vision, with you and all Steemians.
Viva La Steemia!
In Gratitude
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I believe you are right in your estimation as to how much both Steemit and Manna will help the average person. It is very exciting to see this writing on the wall. : )
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I agree totally. I was talking to a friend a couple of weeks ago and I was explaining to him that technology taking over the work is not a bad thing. Men should have the opportunity to make a leaving from what they like. The era of a society working like animals is coming to an end. It's the first article that I read entirely. Good job!
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Right on. I believe that each person has their own unique interests, skills, and abilities and that each person can excel if they are allowed to express themselves from within what is in their own heart. I am a lot older than most of the people on steemit, I think, and I say with great enthusiasm that I am so happy to see the type of attitude you have expressed with many people here. A dream come true for my way of thinking.
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Fantastically uplifting post. Upvoted and resteemed.
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Great article! I too have been researching what a post-work society could be like and agree with you on many points (actually, I disagree withyou on none). We must very quickly redefine work and implement contributory processes that reap rewards.
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I concur. This year will be a very good year.
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I love this! your article is very informative.
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