Steem Docker images now support LOWMEM node

in steem •  9 years ago  (edited)


Steem Docker images now contain both FULL and LOWMEM nodes:

  • /usr/local/bin/steemd - Full node executable (default)
  • /usr/local/bin/steemd_lowmem - Low memory node executable
  • /usr/local/bin/cli_wallet - Command line interface

Executable can be specified by the STEEMD_EXEC environment variable, for example:

docker run -e "STEEMD_EXEC=/usr/local/bin/steemd_lowmem" teego/steem-wallet

or as a command of a container:

docker run teego/steem-wallet /usr/local/bin/steemd_lowmem

Supported tags

TagsVersionBase Image
latest, 0.13.0, 0.13.0-Ubuntu-xenial0.13.0Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial)
0.13.0-Ubuntu-trusty0.13.0Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty)
0.13.0-Debian-jessie0.13.0Debian 8.5 (Jessie)


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You should think about adding some other image.. right now gitter-join chat is treated as thumbnail