Uploading Photos? Be NICE to the BLOCKCHAIN!

in steem •  7 years ago 

When You Upload Photos

they're being stored on the STEEM blockchain. The larger the photos, the larger the blockchain. Since most instances do not require super-high-resolution photos, it helps a lot if we can do a few things on our end first.

Are You Compressing Your Photos Properly?

What about cropping out grandma picking her nose and the other non-essential elements of your awesome photos?

Most JPEG Photos Look Great at 80-84% Compression

Simple photos look great at even higher compression rates. That 20% makes a huge difference in file size. You'll get this option (generally) when you go to export/save a file from your graphics editor.

PNG Files Have GREAT Compression

and everything I save in PNG format goes at maximum compression. I definitely prefer PNG when I need the maximum detail matched with the smallest file size.

What About Cropping?

This is where you take a photo with some information you want and remove the surrounding information you don't want.
Take this image for example...
(image source: http://theundercurrent.org)
Let's say our post required the expression of atlas, without all the world getting in the way. Once cropped, the smaller image uploaded would look like this...
atlas-expression.jpgWhile increasing the image size to 640 wide gives us this...

When You're Able to Present Information Dense Photos

people stop more often and take a moment to absorb it all. A well done image can add significant benefit to nearly any article. Keeping the images small helps reduce running costs and keep STEEM value up in the long run. :)

There are a couple of free editors I use regularly, for these simple tasks.

  • Gimp is a free, cross-platform, fully functional graphics editor. Open up your image, grab this tool...
    Click and drag on the image, to highlight what you want to keep. Then hit the Enter/Return key and all the excess will be deleted. Click on "File" and then "Export" and choose where and what format you want to save the image in.

  • Irfanview This is an amazingly capable little graphics/video viewer/editor for the windows operating systems. I've been using this little gem for years. (works great through wine/linux as well) :D
    Open up your image in Irfanview, click and drag to highlight want you want to keep and then hit ctrl-y. The options available during saving allow you to save in a variety of formats. Again, I urge you to compress your JPEG files and to use maximum compression on your PNGs. :)

    Now You Can Sleep at Night

    knowing your images are loading super-quick and you're wastefully increasing the blockchain file size. ;)

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