How do these people pull this kinda stuff off?
A user on here with a -18 rating ............ posted a COMPLAINT about another user; Not here to say if the complaint is 'valid' or not; all I now is it's full crybaby mode ... and the guy ends up winding in $1,100+ ... at this point in the night.
Crybaby Post earns Over $1k on Steemit - wtf?!!
How Sway?
I should start 'pretending' to be of a different ethnicity on here just to 'earn' more income. I'm almost convinced at this point, that this is what it is. On the heels of #KeatonJones getting all sorts of money sent to him for crying about being bullied, when thousands of non whites are bullied daily - and get nothing - not even sympathy ... I am for certain, that people on steemit (who are white) - for the most part; ONLY upvote fellow white writers on this platform.
Notice who the post is complaining about; not a white guy earning money -- but a Non-white guy; who hands out some SOLID advice by the way - SO much is going on here ..... so much