Charity drives on Steem, will not tolerate "Giving 100% of the liquid reward..." (while silently keeping the rest out of pure convenience/greed)

in steem •  7 years ago 

100% of the liquid reward is only 50% of the value!

From now on, If you are running a charity drive through upvotes I would like you to a have a plan to eventually send to the charity parts the Steem power you received.

After a first notice I will downvote posts that aim at raising money for a charitable cause and keep for themselves more than 45% of the settled reward after more than 13 weeks or clearly state in the post that you will keep 50% of the value for yourself.

I personally do not condone the use of voting power for raising capital for causes that does not help Steem.
To make it somewhat helpful to Steem consider doing some external promotion about your Steem based fundraising.

Thank You.

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That's an important issue. I think the best idea is to create steemit accounts that are completely seperated from your own ones (like people also do when they're running a witness e.g.). Like that you are completely transparent, have clean open books and don't have to transfer money from one to another. That's at least how I am doing it with @dreamsofthocean.

Generally raising money here to give it away then (outside the Steem eco-system) will per se weaken the value of Steem (in the same way as if you powered down money to finance your next vacation). That's why promoting Steem(it) in order to find new investors should be a high priority for all of us.

Have a good day!

Theoretically, doesn't the money, when sold, just go back into the community by whoever bought the Steem in the first place.

I also want to ask though, how affective is it to do this? I personally have thought about doing it, then simply paying the charity with my own cash. Basically just a way to buy SP..... Without using an exchange....

But to getSP, power it down. THEN send it to an exchange to exchange it to ETH/BTC/LTC, then turn it into cash. Maybe via coinbase? Seems like a lot of fees and hassle.....


Theoretically, doesn't the money, when sold, just go back into the community by whoever bought the Steem in the first place.

Like in any other market, supply and demand dictate the price of a currency (here: Steem). If more people decide on selling Steem than to buy it, the price declines. That's why the decision to sell (here: power down) can already have a negative influence on the monetary value of Steem.

There are many ways to exchange crypto currencies for fiat money. No matter which one you choose, you will always loose value (by paying fees). As long as we have two different models co-existing this will be the case. That's another good reason to hold Steem btw :-) If you can finance a charity with fiat: do it. If you want to promote it on steemit: do it. There is no right or wrong here. Social commitment is always a good idea. Independently from a currency, your no. 1 rule should be: be transparent! Charity always requires 100% trust.

Steem on!

Definitely... Basically make sure you record all your steps for auditing purposes. Being transparent.

i am Fucking @transisto sis and mother

I've wondered why, other than decline payment, all SP and 50/50 are the only options. Why not all SBD? Why not a slider bar to customize payouts? An all SBD option would be great for charity posts.

Maybe I'm missing something, but I've never understood the rationale behind the arbitrary 50/50 concept.

It's to give some long term stake in the game to the people posting content.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The more middle men there are the higher the propability of corruption. Id suggest to give real charities like The Papillon Foundation here on steemit a badge, maybe even an own tab that certifies them as such and only allow those and steemit staff members to fund rais

While I don't want to argue a possible way to verify existing, registered charities and badge them, I think the only allow those and steemit staff members to is too restirctive an initiative.

To begin with, Steemit as such is an interface app to the Steem blockchain. With Steemit staff you mean Steem Inc employees, I assume?

But what's more concerning about that restrictive approach suggested is that it would kill any grassroots initiatives operated out of goodwill. May fundraise drives do depend on funds alrso generated outside of the officially managed by org fundraiser.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Agreed! I wouldn't forbit steemers to to good. Everyone can declare themselves to give their profits away - just as stated in the post the concern is that people declare a charitable act while doing the opposite.

Regarding charity tabs or badges the internet is full of traces regarding given charities and if they done more bad than good + there are charity watch sides that analyze and check charitable foundations' intentions.

For example:

To begin with, Steemit as such is an interface app to the Steem blockchain. With Steemit staff you mean Steem Inc employees, I assume?


A solution could be collaborate with a whale and make the post with it's account as 99% beneficiary and have the whale commit to sending the value of the SP liquid form.

Steemit UI currently doesn't allow to set beneficiaries but this tool allows it. (haven't tested it)

I'm currently adding it in a native way to SteemIt UI. Trying to make sure it has minimal impact on existing UI though.

That's great news, @netuoso.

I agree with you sir! they just take advantage of the situation!

i am Fucking @transisto sis and mother

Having raised over $150 toward various charities from my Steemit posts, I believe as long as the poster is upfront by stating clearly what percentage of rewards are to be given as donation should be sufficient for others to decide whether they will support the post with an upvote or not.
If you disagree you are welcome to flag the post however this is a very negative move and could provoke a destructive flag war in which there are no winners, Especially the general Steem community.
I believe Steemit should be a place of positive encouragement and support not vigilante action.
I personally have used my own fiat currency to make donations which keeps steem locked up rather than putting downward pressure on pricing and in effect is the same as me powering up those funds.
I agree with @surfermarly that stand alone charitable intitiatives should have their own account but even this is not without questions such as who controls the funds etc.
I post under an account of my own name and have nothing to hide. An anonymous vigilante flagging things they feel are against the ethos of Steemit will not help this community grow but will lead to its distruction. I witnessed many good Steemians walk away from this platform due to indiscriminate vigilante flag wars. Use your not inconsiderable Steem power positively rather than punitively.

An anonymous vigilante flagging things they feel are against the ethos of Steemit will not help this community grow but will lead to its distruction.

I'd say it's the opposite, sometime it takes a level of anonymity to be able to say to things that are not popular (not that I'm anonymous BTW). As long as the person is communicative and explain it's action I don't see why you think pseudonimity is a problem.

The use of the downvote is all about effectiveness. Upvoting positive things and turning a blind eye on abuses is pure complacency.

How is advocating for accountability and openness when taking money on behalf of charities indiscriminate?

I only mention your account as anonymous as you have no profile pic of any kind, no external web link for any form of external verification. I support your right to have that and agree if you are going to take a personal stand on something I believe you should also be accountable for your actions.
I am all for accountability and verification. Whenever I make a donation from one of my posts highlighting the charity or cause i am supporting I post proof of contribution, and in the case of KIVA regular updates to the repayment and redistribution of those funds.

I am a mere minnow here on Steemit and you are a mighty Whale, I realise more and more what the minnows believe is overruled by a small group of whales and don’t know if that makes for a healthy community and sounds more like an oligarchy at best.

i am Fucking @transisto sis and mother

i am Fucking @transisto sis and mother

I don't believe anonymity to be a problem here. And I'm not sure I see flagging as solely negative. It can be positive. And in this case, I believe @transisto has crafted a suggestion that takes into consideration the charity, the blogger and Steemit. Simply put - to paraphrase, 'state your distribution intentions up front'. My guess is, if as curators, we were all to promote and follow @transisto 's advice, genuine humanitarians woulod be thankful. However, a mechanism to audit the distribution is still lacking but may come with SMTs in the Oracle and Oracle QA 'White Paper' soon to be released released by @ned .

I support a few off-chain charities via steem earnings - not via post rewards, but that might change in the future. If that does change then I would ensure the SP gets used for the benefit of the charity.
These causes, so far, have been using the steem logo during their work, so some credit comes back. Are those posts going to be okay in your mind?

There should be a feature that shows that 100% is being transferred to X person.
It would work great for collaborations - where you could guarantee another person is paid fairly for their work.

From what I gather, SMTs could be for anything and everything - putting a value on any task, and compensating it as programmed, and Oracles are the people who guide the SMTs (like Ambassadors)

@corganmusic We don't know yet but I assume a Humanitarian SMT will clearly layout the protocols for the token and the Oracles and Oracle QAs built in will verify the work that was planned or said to be done is done (not ambassadors - m ore like auditors as in the fiat world). A means of establishing ongoing credibility and building trust.

This is hard sir, @steem-lagos is a community page based in Nigeria and we just heard of a lil girl in Australia who needs a spinal surgery of over $100k in cost, so are we going to get downvoted for raising funds to such cause?

If there was a way to send the SteemPower share of the reward, we would have done it; but we are not Devs or Techy team and this would be a hard blow on the Good intent we have sir!

Not fair sir. @transisto is not even remotely suggesting that. Please go back and read the post. He is saying and I quote, "From now on, If you are running a charity drive through upvotes I would like you to a have a plan to eventually send to the charity parts the Steem power you received." He simply wants to see full disclosure up front as regards your intentions on the distribution of the funds. It's only common sense and it is a fundamental requirement of all charities in the fiat world! It's to protect true humanitarian events - like yours - not to negate them.

Oh, bless you for the clarity sir.
We do not run a charity on this page, we just feel sad and wishes to help the lil girl from our end.

It makes my hear weep when I hear and see stories such as yours. And yet for the first time, I see an opportunity where we can collectively not only to work to alleviate suffering in an individual case but also on a grand scale as well. We need to do what we can now for sure but we also need to establish the protocols to get everyone involved. I'm confident it will with a little twigging here and there. Good luck. God bless!

Want help in spotting those ?

Much appreciated, I won't actively be seeking them out.

i am Fucking @transisto sis and mother

I agree, but it's all back to each of them

Hello @transisto, i noticed these four accounts here, here, here and here up voting bad content regularly with almost 600k+ steempower collectively, please do something about them they are drying up the steemit reward pool regularly to fullfill their greedy nature, here are some proofs of there greedy upvoting with links,

Shit comment link


Another Shit Comment link


Another Shit Comment link


and not only that they are also upvoting their own posts every time with 600k sp collectively and they also get 5sbd and sell their full vote and i think two big account who is supporting all those greedy peoples is here and here as far as i do my research they are sending 50sbd per 100k steempower daily towards main steem delegator.

Please sir stop them to upvote the shit contents they are destroying our beloved steemit.

Thanks for reporting.

Totally agree with you, but it turns out with one hand we take, the other we give.

Excellent move. Co-mingling of funds - personal with charitable - is a no no. And yes, I would have to think long and hard before I ventured an up-vote to any Humanitarian play where the distribution of funds was not clearly stated. And this would include Steem Power allocation as well. Some of this may be resolved once the SMT is released. There will be a white paper soon on Oracles and Oracle QA's as part of SMTs where there can be "real world event confirmation" designed into the reward pools built around incentivizing real world action".


@transisto, this an important issue to consider... one of the things we run into here is monitoring.

First of all, what constitutes legitimate fundraising? Obviously, formal non-profits might be a shoo-in, as is something like @surfermarly's project. But what about the band raising funds for its next production or travel expenses to a promising gig? What about someone's emergency medical expenses?

Before you even start fundraising, should people be pre-qualified? With "communities" getting closer and closer on Steemit... if there is a "Charity" community, would there be requirements for membership? Should there be a separate charity monitoring account you have to send 5 SBD (or some amount) to, in order to have your proposal approved?

Percentages are tough to work with. There are lots of businesses that run "20% of sales will be donated to XYZ Charity" programs... here the percentage is clearly stated up front. I can go on eBay, list an item for sale, and designate that anywhere from 5% to 100% is designated for the charity of my choice.

Which brings me to the question of how hard it would be to hard code "charity posts" as part of the Steemit interface. If I choose to make something a "charity post," I HAVE to designate a recipient account other than my own account for the payout... like a mandatory "transfer before the fact." Both the SBD AND the SP would be credited automatically to the beneficiary.

Just throwing some ideas out there.

AFAIK, kr-market project takes 25% of rewards. I was curious how it is possible. The secret is that the operator is buying Steem at the amount of 37.5% of total reward and distribute them and liquid SBD to the participants.

In sum,
Operator: 25% curation reward + 37.5% author (SP) + 37.5% author (SBD) - 37.5% STEEM (buying at exchanges) - 37.5% SBD (buying coupons to distribute)

Funny you ended up here.

On one side people are feeding and educating poor kids on the other they are buying each other vouchers for donuts and smoothies.

I don't support either as neither of those is content based.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am not 100% sure but the voucher giveaway is not skate-proportional. I think it is first come first serve

And I am watching the issue now. I did not support nor opposite the project. Korean community is rigorously dicussing about that kind of issue in recent days.

Absolutely valid points, which I fully agree with.

It would also be helpful if the Steemit interface had an option to add beneficiary before submitting a post.

(PS: I took the liberty to DM you on, with a question about tis exact topic).

very nice post..............
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  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment