My Blog Made $200!!

in steem •  8 years ago 

So yesterday I wrote a "Blog" about how I wasn't a blogger and how I didn't think Steemit was a fit for me because I wasn't. And guess what...


How is this possible? All the rambling. All the punctuation errors. Like this one I just made. That was probably the best worst writing I have ever done. My faith in Steemit is currently being slowly restored. Still using periods for commas. But it's how I talk and I don't want to be fake. I talk in periods so that's how I type. My next problem is how on Earth can I keep this up? I mean, that had to be a fluke. It was horrible writing yet everyone seemed to enjoy it enough to upvote it. So what now? What on this space dust ship called "Earth" could I talk about everyday and hold ones attention for a long enough span of time to capture an upvote? This paragraph is getting kind of run-ony so you know what that means.

Line break. So, lets see. What to talk about? ummmm .........I KNOW!

BITCOIN PRICE! Everyone hear loves some....nevermind. I don't have enough to say about Bitcoin right now. The price took a dip down to around $615 bucks which is pretty scary but besides that, everything has already been said. We know the tech. We know the halving is less than 72 hours away. We know its going to the moon. So there isn't much to say on that. Maybe I can write diaries daily. That's kind of girly but I mean, (mumbling) If its gonna make me $200 a day...........................

You know what's weird? Reality. Like. think about it. You have never looked out of any other set of eyes besides yours. So how do you know anyone is even real? What if me and everyone you encounter is just a robot you created in a past life to keep you company in this one. I remember I asked my ex girlfriend if she was a robot. She knew I was a deep thinker so she knew how to get me. She said, "Yes Trevon". And continued with the dishes. Had me tripping balls for a week.

Line break. Aren't these things beautiful.

My phone just vibrated. It was my email notification. I've unsubscribed from all emails except for ones that tell me I've just got a payment to my Bitcoin wallet. But every now and then a company sneaks through to send me some spam. Lets check it shall we...........You guys aren't going to believe's from myspace...No seriously...The title reads:

"From: Myspace Top 8
Subject: Summertime Madness"

I swear this is no joke! How can I make this up?!? The email has a bunch of stories (8 of them) about celebs and such. The email has a Twittery feel to it. I must say, I'm pretty disappointed in this email. I thought it was my 85 cent daily payment from genesis-mining.... Oh well....

I wonder how long I can keep this blogging at Steemit gig up? I mean $200 for rambling on and on about nothing sounds great. I don't want to jinx myself though. Not every post will do that well I'm sure but I mean 2 or 3 of those a week and I'm considering walking away from my daily slavery job. That would be great. I'd bring my laptop to work and blog live in front of my boss about how I'm quitting. That would be hilarious!......That just gave me the greatest idea. Live blogging! Is that a thing? Cause I'm doing it. I just talk inside my head and let my fingers put it on the screen. Ha. "Hi, I'm Trevon James and I'm a Live Blogger....Yea....I blog my live thoughts." I'm gonna call it "Lblogging" (leb-logging). GENIUS!

Anyway, I think that's all I have for today. Gonna turn on the PS4 and watch my steem power. It goes up a little bit every minute. Still don't know why but its like watching ice melt. Slow..... But cool.

  • Trevon James

July 7th, 2016

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I have just been entertained, well done :)

Im NOT your court jester lol

Baby you SMART!


Vape Nation y'all

nice man congrats

Hi Trevor, it's interesting to read your openness and your thoughts...Welcome to the family:) And yes it's real and live...We the people deserved this freedom! Looking forward to our contributionism.

Trevon with an N. Lol but thanks for the love! I'll keep my thoughts coming!

Sorry for the R:)

Hi Trevon, its seems that just recently we connected on twitter...what a coincidence...

What if me and everyone you encounter is just a robot you created in a past life to keep you company in this one.

I had that thought when I was 5 years old. Still don't have the answer and I'm still tripping balls.

My strategy to keep on posting? It's a muscle, the more you work on it, the better you get at coming up with stuff. You are on a good track...unless you're a robot.

No you're the robot. And yes, bot. I'm seeing practice makes perfect.

Well hope have luck

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