10 tips to conquer one woman.

in steem •  8 years ago 

If we observe the behavior of men with women it is easy to see that winning a girl is challenging and sometimes even intimidating. Often we run out of subject or we do not know what to do to attract the attention of a woman.

Leaving aside long complicated explanations or processes to create attraction, selected 10 quick tips that will help you stand out from regular guys during the conquest.

1. Learn to dress

The conquest begins well before the first "Hi". By dressing well, even before pulling it, the woman will have a favorable first impression about you. Like most men dress very badly, any detail that you invest now will help you stand out from others. Put aside prejudices beasts that understand fashion or style is just something women and learn how to choose and match clothes, colors and accessories.

2. Be sociable

Talk to people naturally is one of the skills that will boost your attractiveness to the girls. You do not need to be the most popular subject or extroverted place. All you need is to pull this with people. By doing this, when you find an attractive woman will not be without it. After all, talk with strangers is something natural and spontaneous for you.

3. Make friends

The girls look at you with different eyes when you are accompanied by other women. You'd be surprised to find out how women are competitive among them. As much as the relationship with her friends is in fact only friendship, the girls will look at you together and imagine that they are giving you soft. When this happens, your quote in the conquest of the market will to the heights!

4. When in doubt, approach

Unless you are really beautiful, with the physical type of a model, you need to take the initiative to approach. normal guys like me - and probably you too - if they can not afford to stand still waiting for the woman to show some sign of interest. Guys who do this probably return home alone more often than they would like. That's why, even though she has not noticed, always make the approach. You have nothing to lose.

5. Observe body language

Body language plays a central role in human communication, especially in the conquest. During an approach women are sending us several signs of interest or disinterest. Careful perception of these signs will indicate the right time to move forward or backward. Article Body language seduction you will understand a little better how everything works and will have a more accurate perception to differentiate when a girl is really interested in you or if she just wants to find some silly to pay for some drinks for her.

6. Get outside

Spend the weekend at home watching football will not make any girl fall in your lap. Enjoy your leisure time to turn off the TV, leave Facebook and leave home. Look for cultural programs and outdoor activities that you enjoy and that will allow you meet nice women. Of course, from time to time there is always the option of a bar or club with friends.

7. Make her laugh

All we are already bald to know, but it's never too late to remember: women like funny men. If a man is able to make a girl have fun, it gets bonus on the attractiveness scale. Be careful not to overcook. If you behave like the clown all the time, no woman will take you seriously. Find the balance and understand that there are times to be fun and moments to have footprint.

8. Do not be overstrained

We value what we must strive to achieve. If we are too stressed to the woman, she quickly loses interest. Imagine the following situation: you meet a woman and is fully involved. The next day you send flowers, league several times, writes romantic messages. It will not be long before women get bored and give you a foot in the ass. Even if a woman tells you that want the very romantic guy, fluffy and does everything for her, that's not entirely true. The woman quickly tired of the guy who behaves that way all the time.

9. Learn to talk

Do not let the conversation with the woman look like a job interview. Escape the questions beats everyone does all the time: name, age, occupation, residence. You can even ask these things during the conversation, but lightly in the middle of the conversation. Take a look at Article 5 tips to start conversation with a woman and see some ideas to bring a nice chat.

10. Learn how to handle rejection

I wanted to be infallible formula so you never be rejected. Unfortunately I do not have. If you are single, occasionally you have to deal with one out. What you can not leave out is that shake your self-esteem. Being rejected is not the end of the world and does not mean you did something wrong. In fact, most of the reasons that can lead to rejection are beyond our control. She may have been emotionally involved with someone else or was not a good time when you approached. Anyway, let it go and ball forward!

Stand out from ordinary guys

Most of the guys we see there can not even keep an interesting conversation with women. Every day I hear friends complaining about it. The most common complaints are that men do not talk right, drink too much or try to use expensive cars and gifts to impress them. If you just follow some of the tips presented here, already highlight of regular guys.

Have you noticed how challenging the time to approach and strikes up with a woman? The beginning of everything is to know what to say to make a good impression. I selected the 31 best ways to pull this with a girl in different environments and put everything in a digital book that you can download now free.

You will see phrases to talk to the girl in various contexts, from work, college, academy up phrases for WhatsApp or Facebook. Using the right shortcuts you will feel more confident and prepared to not only meet new girls, but also to socialize, make friends and of course, find a girlfriend.

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