I for one would love to see our global economy crumble. And btc to take over.
If you've been following my blog, you might have realized I don't often go with the social agenda of the world around us. I'd like to see our government's power and agenda crumble. That centralized powerhouse we allow to guide us topple over in its tracks.
Whether this spells complete ruin, or simple restructuring of our society in a manner that may prove beneficial and much more liberating is another thing.
I'm of the mind that if we were given the opportunity to live in these utopian societies so many of us have dreamt of, we could find ways to work together. That with the proper maintenance and upkeep of a strong social society these tyrants would not stand against us. But seek to be guided like the cattle we have proved to be through our adherence to standard codes and programming we recieved in public school.
I say down with the government. And up with steemit!